66 research outputs found

    On modality effects in bilingual emotional language processing: Evidence from galvanic skin response

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    Though previous research has shown a decreased sensitivity to emotionally-laden linguistic stimuli presented in the non-native (L2) compared to the native language (L1), studies conducted thus far have not examined how different modalities influence bilingual emotional language processing. The present experiment was therefore aimed at investigating how late proficient Polish (L1)–English (L2) bilinguals process emotionally-laden narratives presented in L1 and L2, in the visual and auditory modality. To this aim, we employed the galvanic skin response (GSR) method and a self-report measure (Polish adaptation of the PANAS questionnaire). The GSR findings showed a reduced galvanic skin response to L2 relative to L1, thus suggesting a decreased reactivity to emotional stimuli in L2. Additionally, we observed a more pronounced skin conductance level to visual than auditory stimuli, yet only in L1, which might be accounted for by a self-reference effect that may have been modulated by both language and modality

    Physiological and self-report measures in emotion studies: Methodological considerations

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    Investigating human emotions empirically is still considered to be challenging, mostly due to the questionable validity of the results obtained when employing individual types of measures. Among the most frequently used methods to study emotional reactions are self-report, autonomic, neurophysiological, and behavioral measures. Importantly, previous studies on emotional responding have rarely triangulated the aforementioned research methods. In this paper we discuss main methodological considerations related to the use of physiological and self-report measures in emotion studies, based on our previous research on the processing of emotionally-laden narratives in the native and non-native language, where we employed the SUPIN S30 questionnaire as a self-report tool, and galvanic skin response (GSR) as a physiological measure (Jankowiak & Korpal, 2018). The findings revealed a more pronounced reaction to stimuli presented in the native relative to the non-native language, which was however reflected only in GSR patterns. The lack of correlation between GSR and SUPIN scores might have resulted from a number of methodological considerations, such as social desirability bias, sensitive questions, lack of emotional self-awareness, compromised ecological validity, and laboratory anxiety, all of which are thoroughly discussed in the article

    Problem przekładu onomatopei na przykładzie "Lokomotywy" Juliana Tuwima oraz tłumaczeń wiersza na język czeski i niemiecki

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    Artykuł jest poświęcony problemowi tłumaczenia onomatopei w literaturze. Kwestia ta została zanalizowana na podstawie wiersza Juliana Tuwima pt. Lokomotywa – użyto oryginału oraz tłumaczenia utworu na język czeski przez Jacka Balucha oraz na język niemiecki przez Jamesa Krüssa. Wiersz został podzielony na fragmenty ze względu na ilość zawartych w nich wyrazów dźwiękonaśladowczych. Najwięcej podobieństw znaleziono w porównaniu między językiem polskim a tłumaczeniem na język czeski

    In a Bilingual Mood: Mood Affects Lexico-Semantic Processing Differently in Native and Non-Native Languages

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    Positive and negative moods tend to have differential effects on lexico-semantic processing in the native language (L1). Though accumulating evidence points to dampened sensitivity to affective stimuli in the non-native language (L2), little is known about the effects of positive and negative moods on L2 processing. Here, we show that lexico-semantic processing is differently affected by positive and negative moods only in L1. Unbalanced Polish–English bilinguals made meaningfulness judgments on L1 and L2 sentences during two EEG recording sessions featuring either positive- or negative-mood-inducing films. We observed a reduced N1 (lexical processing) for negative compared to positive mood in L2 only, a reduced N2 (lexico-semantic processing) in negative compared to positive mood in L1 only, a reduced N400 (lexico-semantic processing) for meaningless compared to meaningful L1 sentences in positive mood only, and an enhanced late positive complex (semantic integration and re-analysis) for L2 compared to L1 meaningful sentence in negative mood only. Altogether, these results suggest that positive and negative moods affect lexical, lexico-semantic, and semantic processing differently in L1 and L2. Our observations are consistent with previous accounts of mood-dependent processing and emotion down-regulation observed in bilinguals

    Postawy wobec związków intymnych mężczyzn hetero-, homo- i biseksualnych

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    Introduction: The aim of this paper is to analyse the findings of the study on attitudes towards intimate relationshipsof heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual men.Material and methods: In the study participated 90 men aged 18–58 (61 heterosexual, 20 homosexual and 9 bisexual).Results: Sexual orientation is connected with selected aspects of attitudes towards relationships in affective, cognitiveand behavioural component. It does not differentiate for statistical significance the parameters like: the length of therelationship, undertaking sexual intercourse in the relationship or cheating on a partner.Conclusions: Sexual orientation is related to some facets of attitudes towards intimate relationships but it does notdifferentiate groups as much and in as many aspects to be regarded as the only or the basic one to shape the attitudestowards love relationship.WSTĘP: Celem niniejszej pracy jest analiza wyników badań dotyczących postaw wobec związków intymnych mężczyzn hetero-, homo- i biseksualnych. MATERIAŁ I METODY: W badaniu udział wzięło 90 mężczyzn w wieku 18–58 lat (61 osób heteroseksualnych, 20 homoseksualnych, 9 osób biseksualnych). WYNIKI: Orientacja seksualna wiąże się z wybranymi aspektami postaw wobec związków w komponentach emocjonalnym, poznawczym i behawioralnym. Nie różnicuje w sposób istotny statystycznie badanych mężczyzn w zakresie takich wymiarów, jak: długość związku, podejmowanie stosunków seksualnych w związku oraz występowanie zdrady. WNIOSKI: Orientacja seksualna mężczyzn wiąże się z niektórymi aspektami postaw wobec związków intymnych, lecz nie różnicuje grup na tyle mocno i w tylu aspektach, żeby uznać ją za jedyną lub podstawową dla kształtowania postaw wobec związku miłosnego

    Jakość i trwałość związków intymnych mężczyzn hetero-, homo- i biseksualnych

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    WSTĘP: Celem niniejszej pracy jest analiza wyników badań jakości i trwałości związków mężczyzn hetero-, homo- i biseksualnych. MATERIAŁ I METODY: W badaniu udział wzięło 90 mężczyzn w wieku 18–58 lat (61 osób heteroseksualnych, 20 homoseksualnych, 9 osób biseksualnych). Jakość relacji partnerskiej badano w trzech uzupełniających się aspektach: miłości wobec partnerki/partnera, satysfakcji z relacji z partnerką/partnerem, satysfakcji z kontaktów seksualnych z partnerką/partnerem. Trwałość relacji partnerskiej badana w dwóch aspektach: postrzeganych przeszkód utrudniających zerwanie relacji, oceny możliwości nawiązania satysfakcjonującej relacji intymnej z kimś innym niż obecna partnerka/partner. WYNIKI: Orientacja seksualna nie wiązała się z poziomem miłości w aspekcie intymności i namiętności, satysfakcji z relacji z partnerem zarówno w aspekcie globalnym, jak i seksualnym, większością antycypowanych trudności stojących na drodze do zerwania relacji oraz oceną możliwości nawiązania kontaktów z kimś innym niż obecny partner/obecna partnerka. WNIOSKI: Orientacja seksualna mężczyzn nie warunkuje jakości i trwałości ich związków intymnych

    Mental Relationship Patterns as Predicators of the Relationship Status of Studying Women

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    The article analyses relationship patterns as predictors of relationship status (having vs not having a partner) among female university students. Inner relationship patterns were identified on the basis of written statements on significant relations. The statements were obtained through the Relationship Anecdotes Paradigm (RAP), which allows the acquisition of autobiographic records of narrative nature on personally significant interpersonal relations. The results of the analysis based on the concept of Core Conflictual Relationship Theme (CCRT) helped predict whether a respondent has a partner thanks to only one category of relationship patterns – the desire of the self to feel well and comfortably, to have a sense of stability, to feel happy and self-satisfied, triggered in the context of referring to a significant interpersonal relation in the narratives. The other aspects of the patterns – responses of the other to the self’s desire and the response of the self to the reactions of the other – do not markedly affect the prediction of the relationship status

    Will You Make Me Happy? The Role of Dating and Dating Violence Victimisation in Happiness Among Adolescents in Europe

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    Purpose: the aim of the article is to show the role of dating and dating violence victimisation, different socioeconomic characteristics, personal experiences of abuse, perceived social support, and the ability to resolve social problems in happiness among adolescents in Europe. Methods: the study had a cross-sectional design. The study participants were 1.528 students from secondary schools (age 13–16) in Spain, Italy, Romania, Portugal, Poland, and the UK. In order to understand which variables were associated with happiness, we fit multiple regression models. Results: the mean value of happiness is lower when teens are in a romantic or dating relationship and have suffered physical and/or sexual violence [β (CI 95%): -1.32(-2.41; -0.22)]. Both not being a victim of bullying and cyberbullying [β(CI 95%):0.90 (0.38; 1.41)] and not witnessing domestic violence against the mother β(CI 95%):1.97(1.06; 2.87)] is associated with relatively higher mean happiness value compared to having such experiences of violence. Also, problem-solving skills [β (CI 95%):0.13 (0.11; 0.14)] and perception of social support [β (CI 95%): 0.03 (0.02, 0.03)] is positively associated with mean value of happiness. Conclusions: there is an association between dating violence victimisation, and happiness among adolescents in Europe. The results suggest the importance of creating healthy, non-violent romantic relationships to build happiness during adolescence, the importance of seeking social support and to provide educational interventions focused on the development of problem-solving skills.The project ‘Lights, Camera and Action against Dating Violence’ (Ligts4Violence) was funded by the European Commission Directorate-General Justice and Consumers Rights, Equality and Citizen Violence Against Women Program 2016 for the period 2017–2019 to promote healthy dating relationship assets among secondary school students from different European countries, under grant agreement No. 776905. It was also co-supported by the CIBER of Epidemiology and Public Health of Spain for its aid to the Gender-based Violence and Youth Research Program