22 research outputs found
Approach of Companies to Customers as Suitable Source of Incentive to Innovate
AbstractCompanies constantly need to adapt to changing business environment, therefore innovations are becoming an everyday reality in business practice. In an effort to innovate towards ensuring, respectively maintaining a strong competitive position, companies seek incentives to innovate at different places. Customers appear to be the most suitable source in this case, as companies try to adapt and thus satisfy their needs by implementing innovations. This paper clarifies the justness of engaging customers in an innovation process of a company and presents results of a research which dealt with whether companies operating in Slovakia focus on customer satisfaction, the level of their mutual communication and how they develop and regulate the behaviour of their employees oriented to customers. The aim of this paper is describe the present state of orientation companies on their customers and design the simple tool to analyse customer orientation
Application of agile management methods in companies operating in Slovakia and the Czech Republic
The current pandemic situation has forced organisations to adapt
quickly and change processes through digital transformation.
Businesses began to interact with consumers online and generally
had to adjust existing processes and develop or improve the products
and services offered. The agile transformation as part of Industry
4.0 started several years ago and in the current situation can be considered
the best starting point for ongoing changes. The agile
approach is mostly used in the field of IT, where it has penetrated
mainly into software solutions and project management. Later, this
concept began to penetrate deeper into several areas of the organisation,
today we can talk about the company-wide transformation
into an agile platform. While agility was initially perceived as a benefit,
especially for software solutions, today it helps in successful business
mainly by penetrating the organisational culture in which
organisations define the desired values, ideas and procedures of
employee behaviour in the organisation and is able to implement
agile management principles. In the presented article, we present
the results of research focussed on the analysis of the current state
of application of agile management methods in companies operating
in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. The aim of this paper is to
identify the approach to building an agile culture as a basic prerequisite
for their effective implementation. The contribution of this
article to agile management research is to identify specific aspects of
agile culture that support agile management functioning. The size of
the examined sample and the comparison of the results between
the group of companies in the Slovak Republic and the Czech
Republic provide findings with a high degree of reliability
Change in Approach to Employee Development in Organizations on a Regional Scale
Human capital is frequently viewed as the only resource that can be constantly developed, and it can be denoted as key in the long term in efforts to increase the level of organisations. This paper aims at analysing the present state of focus of Slovak organisations on systematic education, on comprehensive targeting of education on all employees, as well as on the assessment of effectiveness in education in the context of a relationship to the region in which such organisations operate. Several partial objectives, such as a questionnaire survey conducted in Slovak organisations between 2013 – 2017, were fulfilled in order to accomplish this objective. Statistical hypothesis testing aimed at specifying the relationship between the region of operation of the given organisation and the execution of activities related to systematic education of employees in it, the focus of the organisation on education of all employees, and the assessment of effectiveness in the education provided by them, confirmed a link between the analysed variables. Positive changes in the selected attributes in time were evaluated by the fixed-base index
Working from Home - Who is Happy? A Survey of Lithuania's Employees during the COVID-19 Quarantine Period
The virtual way of working is becoming increasingly popular due to its potential for cost savings; it is also a way for an organization to be more agile and adapt to crises such as global pandemics. This innovative way of working brings new challenges to organizations that suddenly have to switch to telework. In fact, telework raises quite a few issues for employees, related to communication, collaboration, and the application of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies). This study examined the evaluation of telework through a questionnaire by different conditional groups of 436 teleworkers in Lithuania. Through a correlation analysis between the study variables, the findings suggest that there are differences in the evaluation of factors affecting telework efficiency and qualities required from a remote worker, depending on gender, age, education, work experience, and experience of telework. The results are discussed in terms of the characteristics of the most satisfied and the most dissatisfied teleworkers
Management Reflections on Innovations in Digitalization, with an Emphasis on Degree of Work Autonomy
The objective of this research study is to identify the degree of implementation of innovations in the field of job digitalization and to identify whether jobs allow employees to maximum autonomy in the performance of their work. This study uses Computer Assisted Self Interviewing (CASI) to meet this objective and to test the hypotheses. Data distribution and collection were conducted throughout the year 2020; the research sample includes 841 companies from the EU 27 international environment. The holistic finding is that economic sector does not show significant differences in current levels of or expectations for innovations in the field of digitalization. This finding demonstrates that digitalization is a phenomenon that is not only linked to certain specific industries of the economy, but that affects the economy as a whole. The authors’ research demonstrates that EU 27 businesses, regardless of the sector in which they operate, are aware of the need to innovate in digitalization in order to remain competitive
Motivation of Employees for Creativity as a Form of Support to Manage Innovation Processes in Transportation-Logistics Companies
The paper´s objective is to analyse a certain influence of using creative potential of employees on the innovation processes management in the transportation-logistics companies. An important part is the presentation of partial results of a survey (conducted between 2013 and 2016) regarding particular development of orientation towards the level of motivation and support of employee creativity in Slovak companies with over 50 employees. These results revealed significant deficiencies in the employees’ motivation to be creative and in the extent of their involvement in innovations. In the process of creating an appropriate environment, a particular point evaluation is then provided recognizing the actual level of the organizations’ orientation towards the discussed issue. In order to identify certain barriers to improve the innovation processes, a case study was also used to classify the current state of the three selected transportation-logistics companies operating in the Slovak Republic
Use of Digital Technologies for Intensifying Knowledge Sharing
The operation of companies in the current environment, introducing the concept of Industry 4.0 and the establishment and expansion of inter-company networks, as well as open and knowledge-based systems in organizations, is a precondition for success in the efficient acquisition, processing, storage, and sharing of key information. The instruments created for this purpose came to the market gradually during the Third Industrial Revolution; however, with the outbreak of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, their development underwent a leap, whereas this stage is associated with the introduction and use of big data in human resources management. The aim of this paper is to analyze the current state of organizations operating with a focus on Slovakia, as well as the importance and knowledge value of the organizations, their way of internal sharing, and the level of knowledge database use for this purpose in the context of the region in which the organizations operate. On one hand, the results show a lack of businesses orientation with regard to this issue, especially in comparison with neighboring countries; however, on the other hand, they also show relatively significant progress in this area, which may increase competitiveness internationally in the near future
Doprava ako moderný a dynamický segment prechádza neustále prudkým vývojom.Reflektuje tým požiadavky rýchlejšej, efektívnejšej a bezpečnejšej dopravy, na druhejstrane prináša so sebou riziko vzniku mimoriadnych udalostí s negatívnyminásledkami na život, zdravie obyvateľov a životné prostredie. Hodnotenie dôsledkovnehôd z mobilných zdrojov rizika bolo doteraz v Európskej únii riešené iba okrajovo.Problematika posudzovania a hodnotenia mobilných zdrojov rizík nie je upravenázákonom a preto nie je vytváraný dostatočný tlak na riadenie a znižovanie rizík.Cieľom predkladaného príspevku je poukázať na skutočnosť, že prepravanebezpečných látok, z hľadiska charakteru prepravovaného materiálu, predstavujev prípade vzniku mimoriadnej udalosť osobitné nebezpečenstvo predovšetkým preľudí. Uniknuté toxické alebo horľavé látky môžu ohroziť život a zdravie mnohýchobyvateľov. Prínosom článku je aj praktický príklad podrobného hodnotenia rizík
Doprava ako moderný a dynamický segment prechádza neustále prudkým vývojom. Reflektuje tým požiadavky rýchlejšej, efektívnejšej a bezpečnejšej dopravy, na druhej strane prináša so sebou riziko vzniku mimoriadnych udalostí s negatívnymi následkami na život, zdravie obyvateľov a životné prostredie. Hodnotenie dôsledkov nehôd z mobilných zdrojov rizika bolo doteraz v Európskej únii riešené iba okrajovo. Problematika posudzovania a hodnotenia mobilných zdrojov rizík nie je upravená zákonom a preto nie je vytváraný dostatočný tlak na riadenie a znižovanie rizík. Cieľom predkladaného príspevku je poukázať na skutočnosť, že preprava nebezpečných látok, z hľadiska charakteru prepravovaného materiálu, predstavuje v prípade vzniku mimoriadnej udalosť osobitné nebezpečenstvo predovšetkým pre ľudí. Uniknuté toxické alebo horľavé látky môžu ohroziť život a zdravie mnohých obyvateľov. Prínosom článku je aj praktický príklad podrobného hodnotenia rizík prepravy nebezpečných látok cestnou dopravou.
Transport as a modern and dynamic segment is constantly developing rapidly. It reflects the demands of faster, more efficient and safer transport, on the other hand it brings with it the risk of emergency events with negative consequences for the life, health of the population and the environment. The assessment of the consequences of mobile accident hazards has been solved in the European Union marginally. The issue of assessing and evaluating mobile sources of risk is not regulated by law and therefore there is insufficient pressure to manage and reduce risks. The aim of the present contribution is to point out that the transport of dangerous substances, in terms of the nature of transported material, presents a special hazard in the event of an emergency, especially for humans. Leaked toxic or flammable substances may endanger the life and health of many people. The contribution of this article is also a practical example detailed assessment of risks related to the transport of hazardous substances by road
Doprava ako moderný a dynamický segment prechádza neustále prudkým vývojom.Reflektuje tým požiadavky rýchlejšej, efektívnejšej a bezpečnejšej dopravy, na druhejstrane prináša so sebou riziko vzniku mimoriadnych udalostí s negatívnyminásledkami na život, zdravie obyvateľov a životné prostredie. Hodnotenie dôsledkovnehôd z mobilných zdrojov rizika bolo doteraz v Európskej únii riešené iba okrajovo.Problematika posudzovania a hodnotenia mobilných zdrojov rizík nie je upravenázákonom a preto nie je vytváraný dostatočný tlak na riadenie a znižovanie rizík.Cieľom predkladaného príspevku je poukázať na skutočnosť, že prepravanebezpečných látok, z hľadiska charakteru prepravovaného materiálu, predstavujev prípade vzniku mimoriadnej udalosť osobitné nebezpečenstvo predovšetkým preľudí. Uniknuté toxické alebo horľavé látky môžu ohroziť život a zdravie mnohýchobyvateľov. Prínosom článku je aj praktický príklad podrobného hodnotenia rizík
Doprava ako moderný a dynamický segment prechádza neustále prudkým vývojom. Reflektuje tým požiadavky rýchlejšej, efektívnejšej a bezpečnejšej dopravy, na druhej strane prináša so sebou riziko vzniku mimoriadnych udalostí s negatívnymi následkami na život, zdravie obyvateľov a životné prostredie. Hodnotenie dôsledkov nehôd z mobilných zdrojov rizika bolo doteraz v Európskej únii riešené iba okrajovo. Problematika posudzovania a hodnotenia mobilných zdrojov rizík nie je upravená zákonom a preto nie je vytváraný dostatočný tlak na riadenie a znižovanie rizík. Cieľom predkladaného príspevku je poukázať na skutočnosť, že preprava nebezpečných látok, z hľadiska charakteru prepravovaného materiálu, predstavuje v prípade vzniku mimoriadnej udalosť osobitné nebezpečenstvo predovšetkým pre ľudí. Uniknuté toxické alebo horľavé látky môžu ohroziť život a zdravie mnohých obyvateľov. Prínosom článku je aj praktický príklad podrobného hodnotenia rizík prepravy nebezpečných látok cestnou dopravou.
Transport as a modern and dynamic segment is constantly developing rapidly. It reflects the demands of faster, more efficient and safer transport, on the other hand it brings with it the risk of emergency events with negative consequences for the life, health of the population and the environment. The assessment of the consequences of mobile accident hazards has been solved in the European Union marginally. The issue of assessing and evaluating mobile sources of risk is not regulated by law and therefore there is insufficient pressure to manage and reduce risks. The aim of the present contribution is to point out that the transport of dangerous substances, in terms of the nature of transported material, presents a special hazard in the event of an emergency, especially for humans. Leaked toxic or flammable substances may endanger the life and health of many people. The contribution of this article is also a practical example detailed assessment of risks related to the transport of hazardous substances by road
Employee allocation in Slovak companies
Employee allocation is a part of the process of workforce formation (staffing) in organisation. Its aim within hiring new employees and internal mobility is to have an adequate, stable and satisfied employee in the shortest possible time, and its key objective within employment termination is to ensure a fair departure. Employee allocation results in optimal usage of financial means of organisation as well as in development of abilities of employees and teams in accordance with the aims of organisation. The aim of our research conducted in 2012 was to find out whether organisations operating in Slovakia realize the importance of employee allocation. Research results imply that only 14 % of organisations deal with adaptation comprehensively, i.e. at all three levels. And only 8 % of interviewed organisations deal with outplacement