12 research outputs found

    Pričanja o djetinjstvu: od usmenonarativnog diskurza do književnosti

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    U ovom se diplomskom radu nastojalo proučiti mjesto djetinjstva i s djetinjstvom povezani fenomeni kao Å”to su sjećanje, pamćenje, zaborav i nostalgija te percepcija djeteta i djetinjstva i diskurzivna granica djetinjstva. Proces proizvodnje značenja povezanih s djetinjstvom kao diskurzivnom kategorijom prikazan je preko naknadno zabilježenih usmenih narativa i odabranih književnih tekstova. Usmeni narativi djetinjstva opisani su kroz prikaz vlastitog istraživanja iz 2011. godine pod naslovom Narativi djetinjstva: pričanja o djetinjstvu (s dodatnim osvrtom i komentarima na istraživanje) u kojem je riječ o autobiografskom sjećanju odraslih na djetinjstvo te, dijelom, o vlastitim sjećanjima iz djetinjstva. Intimniji autobiografski narativi djetinjstva predočeni su i primjerima iz autoetnografije iz 2015. godine. U književnim je tekstovima diskurz djetinjstva predočen prema odabranim proznim djelima Miljenka Jergovića i Ante Tomića. Sve spomenute i u radu opisane ā€žpričeā€œ odnose se na djetinjstvo kao životno razdoblje, a riječ je uglavnom o ā€žmalimā€œ i osobnim pričama usmjerenima na individualne reinterpretacije sjećanja na djetinjstvo iz kojih se, ipak, dade iŔčitati Å”iri književni, druÅ”tveni i kulturoloÅ”ki kontekst

    Non-tuberculous mycobacteria

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    Danas je poznato oko 150 vrsta netuberkuloznih mikobakterija. Ovi okoliÅ”ni patogeni, premda niskog patogenog potencijala, mogu u čovjeka uzrokovati niz bolesti. Općenito uzrokuju četiri klinička entiteta: plućnu bolest, limfadenitis, kožne promjene te diseminiranu bolest, najčeŔće kod imunokompromitiranih osoba. Postavljanje dijagnoze mikobakterioze nije nimalo jednostavno te su u tu svrhu razrađeni kriteriji koji uključuju kliničku prezentaciju, mikrobioloÅ”ke nalaze te radioloÅ”ke promjene. Samo liječenje ovih bolesti dugotrajno je i komplicirano. Preporučuje se primjena kombinacije lijekova, ovisno o vrsti mikobakterije, te trajanje liječenja najmanje 12 mjeseci od negativizacije kulture. U Hrvatskoj se danas godiÅ”nje otkriva između 150ā€“450 izolata te oko dvadesetak bolesnika s mikobakteriozom. Od ukupnog broja izolata prevladava M. gordonae, saprofitna mikobakterija koja samo iznimno dovodi do razvoja bolesti. Od patogenih mikobakterija, uzročnika mikobakterioze, u Hrvatskoj su najznačajnije M. avium, M. intracellulare, M. xenopi, M. kansasii, M. chelonae i M. abscessus.Currently, there are approximately 150 Mycobacterium species identified. Despite their low pathogenic potential, these organisms are able to cause a variety of diseases in humans including lung disease, lymphadenitis, cutaneous infections and disseminated disease, most commonly in immunocompromised persons. The diagnosis of mycobacteriosis is challenging and includes criteria that combine clinical presentation of disease, microbiological findings and radiographic appearance. The treatment of non-tuberculous mycobacteria infections is also troublesome and long lasting. Current guidelines propose the specific drug regimens depending on the species isolated and duration of therapy for at least 12 months after culture conversion. In Croatia, about 150ā€“450 isolates of non-tuberculous mycobacteria are detected per year, but the number of patients is significantly lower, around 20 per year. The most frequently isolated species is M. gordonae, a saprophytic organism that rarely causes disease. In Croatia, the most significant non-tuberculous mycobacteria causing disease are M. avium, M. intracellulare, M. xenopi, M. kansasii, M. chelonae and M. abscessus

    Molekularna epidemiologija infekcije vrstom Mycobacterium tuberculosis u goveda i ljudi - prikaz slučaja.

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    We describe a case of transmission of Mycobacterium (M.) tuberculosis infection from a man to cattle. M. tuberculosis was isolated from the bronchial lymph nodes of a heifer that reacted positively to bovine tuberculin but showed no gross pathological changes at slaughter. The cattle owner died of tuberculosis the same year the heifer was diagnosed with M. tuberculosis infection. M. tuberculosis strains isolated from the heifer and its owner were genotyped by mycobacterial interspersed repetitive units - variable number tandem repeat (MIRUVNTR) typing, which revealed identical MIRU profiles for both isolates. This is the first described case of M. tuberculosis infection in cattle and the first case of human-to-animal transmission of M. tuberculosis in Croatia.Opisan je slučaj prijenosa zaraze vrstom Mycobacterium (M.) tuberculosis s čovjeka na govedo. M. tuberculosis je izdvojen iz bronhalnih limfnih čvorova junice koja je pozitivno reagirala na tuberkulin, a prilikom klanja nisu utvrđene patomorfoloÅ”ke promjene karakteristične za tuberkulozu. Iste godine vlasnik goveda je preminuo od posljedica tuberkuloze. Izolati M. tuberculosis iz goveda i čovjeka bili su genotipizirani pomoću metode određivanja promjenjivog broja opetovanih sljedova nukleotida (engl. mycobacterial interspersed repetitive units - variable-number tandem repeat [MIRU-VNTR]) i u oba je slučaja bio utvrđen identičan rezultat genotipizacije. Ovo je prvi opisani slučaj zaraze vrstom M. tuberculosis u goveda i prvi slučaj prijenosa ove bolesti s čovjeka na govedo u Hrvatskoj

    Atypical values in measuring seismic impacts of blasting : master's thesis

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    Brzina oscilacija tla osnovni je kriterij za ocjenu ugroženosti objekata od Å”tetnih seizmičkih utjecaja miniranja. Postavljanjem instrumenata za praćenje seizmičkih utjecaja mogu se izmjeriti brzine oscilacija tla, na temelju kojih se određuju dozvoljene mase eksplozivnog punjenja po stupnju iniciranja. Međutim, izmjereni podaci najčeŔće se ne provjeravaju prije nego se upotrijebe u proračunu pa se često koriste i pogreÅ”no izmjerene vrijednosti, Å”to može znatno utjecati na rezultat. U ovom radu provjeriti će se izmjereni podaci primjenom zakona statistike te dati preporuka kako najbolje potvrditi izmjerene vrijednosti.Peak particle velocity is the basic criterion for assessing the vulnerability of buildings to the harmful seismic effects of blasting. By setting instruments for monitoring seismic impacts, ground vibrations can be determined on the basis of which the permitted amounts of explosive charge are determined. However, the measured data are usually not verified before they are used in the calculation, so erroneous measured values are often used, which can significantly affect the result. In this paper, the measured data will be verified by applying the law of statistics and a recommendation will be given on how to best confirm the measured values

    Atypical values in measuring seismic impacts of blasting : master's thesis

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    Brzina oscilacija tla osnovni je kriterij za ocjenu ugroženosti objekata od Å”tetnih seizmičkih utjecaja miniranja. Postavljanjem instrumenata za praćenje seizmičkih utjecaja mogu se izmjeriti brzine oscilacija tla, na temelju kojih se određuju dozvoljene mase eksplozivnog punjenja po stupnju iniciranja. Međutim, izmjereni podaci najčeŔće se ne provjeravaju prije nego se upotrijebe u proračunu pa se često koriste i pogreÅ”no izmjerene vrijednosti, Å”to može znatno utjecati na rezultat. U ovom radu provjeriti će se izmjereni podaci primjenom zakona statistike te dati preporuka kako najbolje potvrditi izmjerene vrijednosti.Peak particle velocity is the basic criterion for assessing the vulnerability of buildings to the harmful seismic effects of blasting. By setting instruments for monitoring seismic impacts, ground vibrations can be determined on the basis of which the permitted amounts of explosive charge are determined. However, the measured data are usually not verified before they are used in the calculation, so erroneous measured values are often used, which can significantly affect the result. In this paper, the measured data will be verified by applying the law of statistics and a recommendation will be given on how to best confirm the measured values

    Detecting atypical values and their influence on blast-induced seismic measurement results

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    Blasting is an essential part of any mining or civil engineering project along with all the benefits that it brings, such as cost and time effectiveness, and safety. Still, there are a few downsides to blasting. Ground oscillation velocity as the most significant impact of blasting has been studied broadly. However, not all measured values should be used for PPV (peak particle velocity) predictor or model development. If a false measured value is included in the model or predictor development, it will provide erroneous results that can lead to the damage of the surrounding structures or an increase in the cost of blasting works. There is no clearly defined procedure for separating atypical values (outliers) within blast-induced seismic-effects measurement data. This paper recommends how to properly validate vibration velocity data by detecting and excluding atypical values and how it influences blast-induced seismic measurement results

    Detecting atypical values and their influence on blast-induced seismic measurement results

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    Blasting is an essential part of any mining or civil engineering project along with all the benefits that it brings, such as cost and time effectiveness, and safety. Still, there are a few downsides to blasting. Ground oscillation velocity as the most significant impact of blasting has been studied broadly. However, not all measured values should be used for PPV (peak particle velocity) predictor or model development. If a false measured value is included in the model or predictor development, it will provide erroneous results that can lead to the damage of the surrounding structures or an increase in the cost of blasting works. There is no clearly defined procedure for separating atypical values (outliers) within blast-induced seismic-effects measurement data. This paper recommends how to properly validate vibration velocity data by detecting and excluding atypical values and how it influences blast-induced seismic measurement results

    Mycobacterial infection of pigs in Croatia

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    During a five-year period (2000 to 2004) 74,342 pigs were tested by the intradermal tuberculin test in Croatia. Of them, 248 (0.33%) pigs were positive and 91 (0.12%) were found to be suspicious in 7 out of the 13 farms included in the study. Gross pathological changes characteristic of tuberculosis were observed in tuberculin-positive and/or suspicious swine. Mycobacterium was isolated from the lymph nodes of 183 out of 234 swine (78.2%). For better epidemiological understanding, isolates were typed by conventional methods, PCR and hybridisation. The results show that most of the isolates belonged to the Mycobacterium avium complex (175 isolates, 95.7%). Other isolates belonged to M. fortuitum (6 isolates, 3.3%), M. chelonae (1 isolate, 0.5%), and M. peregrinum (1 isolate, 0.5%). Isolated strains of the M. avium complex were identified as M. a. avium (37 isolates, 21.1%) and M. a. hominissuis (138 isolates, 78.9%)