633 research outputs found

    A Cation-π Interaction in the Binding Site of the Glycine Receptor Is Mediated by a Phenylalanine Residue

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    Cys-loop receptor binding sites characteristically contain many aromatic amino acids. In nicotinic ACh and 5-HT3 receptors, a Trp residue forms a cation-{pi} interaction with the agonist, whereas in GABAA receptors, a Tyr performs this role. The glycine receptor binding site, however, contains predominantly Phe residues. Homology models suggest that two of these Phe side chains, Phe159 and Phe207, and possibly a third, Phe63, are positioned such that they could contribute to a cation-{pi} interaction with the primary amine of glycine. Here, we test this hypothesis by incorporation of a series of fluorinated Phe derivatives using unnatural amino acid mutagenesis. The data reveal a clear correlation between the glycine EC50 value and the cation-{pi} binding ability of the fluorinated Phe derivatives at position 159, but not at positions 207 or 63, indicating a single cation-{pi} interaction between glycine and Phe159. The data thus provide an anchor point for locating glycine in its binding site, and demonstrate for the first time a cation-{pi} interaction between Phe and a neurotransmitter

    Improving School Counselor Efficacy Through Principal-Counselor Collaboration: A Comprehensive Literature Review

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    The school counselor and principal have vital roles within a school which have a significant impact upon the way a school functions. One area of pressing conflict within principal-counselor relationships is disagreement over the appropriate role and function of the counselor. In order to investigate perceptions of the counselor role, as well as the elements of healthy relationships between principals and counselors, the authors conducted an extensive literature review. The following themes were found within the literature and are discussed: 1) school counselor roles and responsibilities, 2) principal and school counselor collaboration, and 3) characteristics of effective school counselor/principal relationships

    Distinct subdivisions of the cingulum bundle revealed by diffusion MRI fibre tracking: Implications for neuropsychological investigations

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    The cingulum is a prominent white matter tract that supports prefrontal, parietal, and temporal lobe interactions. Despite being composed of both short and long association fibres, many MRI-based reconstructions ( tractography ) of the cingulum depict an essentially uniform tract that almost encircles the corpus callosum. The present study tested the validity of dividing this tract into subdivisions corresponding to the ‘parahippocampal’, ‘retrosplenial’, and ‘subgenual’ portions of the cingulum. These three cingulum subdivisions occupied different medial–lateral locations, producing a topographic arrangement of cingulum fibres. Other comparisons based on these different reconstructions indicate that only a small proportion of the total white matter in the cingulum traverses the length of the tract. In addition, both the radial diffusivity and fractional anisotropy of the subgenual subdivision differed from that of the retrosplenial subdivision which, in turn, differed from that of the parahippocampal subdivision. The extent to which the radial diffusivity scores and the fractional anisotropy scores correlated between the various cingulum subdivisions proved variable, illustrating how one subdivision may not act as a proxy for other cingulum subdivisions. Attempts to relate the status of the cingulum, as measured by MRI-based fibre tracking, with cognitive or affective measures will, therefore, depend greatly on how and where the cingulum is reconstructed. The present study provides a new framework for subdividing the cingulum, based both on its known connectivity and MRI-based properties

    Peer victimisation in early childhood; observations of participant roles and sex differences

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    During middle childhood and adolescence, victimisation appears to be a group process involving different participant roles. However, peer reports with younger children (four to six years old) have failed to identify the participant roles of assistant (to the bully) reinforcers or defenders with much reliability. This may be because peer victimisation is a more dyadic process among younger children (behavioural reality), or because of limitations in young children’s cognitive capacity to identify these behaviours (cognitive limitations). The findings of an observational study which examined the group nature of peer victimisation among young children are presented. Observations were made of 56 children aged four and five years using time sampling during free play at school (totalling 43.5 h of observation). Records were made of their behaviour when an onlooker witnessed aggression by others, and also of others’ behaviour when they were being aggressive or being victimised. Although children other than the aggressor and target were present in nearly two thirds of the episodes of peer victimisation observed, few exhibited behavioural responses in line with the assistant, reinforcer or defender roles. This supports the behavioural reality rather than the cognitive limitations explanation. Sex differences were observed in types of aggression displayed by children, with boys more likely than girls to be physically aggressive. Children were less likely to be aggressive to other-sex peers and were most likely to be victimised by children of the same sex as them. There were also sex differences in children’s onlooker behaviour. The implications for our understanding of the development of peer victimisation and bullying in children are discussed

    Better Junction Control with Bus Priority

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    The problem was to design a traffic light controller for a set of neigh- bouring junctions, which gives priority to incoming buses while ensuring a degree of fairness to the general traffic. The team has developed three complementary approaches, that present different strengths and weaknesses and might be applicable in different junction configurations or traffic conditions: 1. A continuous-variable, discrete-time optimisation approach for de- termining the fraction of green time to give to each arm of a junc- tion during the next traffic light cycle, in order to minimise total weighted squared vehicle waiting times, with more weight on buses than on cars. 2. A piece-wise linear ordinary differential equation model of queue length dynamics on a junction arm, based on flux of vehicles into and out of that arm. 3. Adiscrete-variable,discrete-timeMarkovDecisionProcessapproach. The state of the system is comprised of vehicle queue lengths and the junction’s current stage. The action is to stay in the current stage or move to the next stage. An optimal policy minimises long run expected discounted weighted delay

    The effect of metallicity on the Cepheid distance scale and its implications for the Hubble constant (H0H_0) determination

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    Recent HST determinations of the expansion's rate of the Universe (the Hubble constant, H_0) assumed that the Cepheid Period-Luminosity relation at V and I are independent of metallicity (Freedman, et al., 1996, Saha et al., 1996, Tanvir et al., 1995). The three groups obtain different vales for H_0. We note that most of this discrepancy stems from the asumption (by both groups) that the Period-Luminosity relation is independent of metallicity. We come to this conclusion as a result of our study of the Period-Luminosity relation of 481 Cepheids with 3 millions two colour measurements in the Large Magellanic Cloud and the Small Magellanic Cloud obtained as a by-product of the EROS microlensing survey. We find that the derived interstellar absorption corrections are particularly sensitive to the metallicity and when our result is applied to recent estimates based on HST Cepheids observations it makes the low-H_0 values higher and the high-H_0 value lower, bringing those discrepant estimates into agrement around H070km/sMpc1H_0 \approx 70 km/s Mpc^{-1}.Comment: 4 pages, Latex, with 2 .ps accepted for publication astronomy and astrophysics Letter

    EROS Variable Stars : Discovery of Beat Cepheids in the Small Magellanic Cloud and the effect of metallicity on pulsation

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    We report the discovery of eleven beat Cepheids in the Small Magellanic Cloud, using data obtained by the EROS microlensing survey. Four stars are beating in the fundamental and first overtone mode (F/1OT), seven are beating in the first and second overtone (1OT/2OT). The SMC F/1OT ratio is systematically higher than the LMC F/1OT, while the 1OT/2OT period ratio in the SMC Cepheids is the same as the LMC one.Comment: 4 pages, Latex file with 4 .ps figures. accepted for publication in A A Letter

    Galactic Bulge Microlensing Optical Depth from EROS-2

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    We present a new EROS-2 measurement of the microlensing optical depth toward the Galactic Bulge. Light curves of 5.6×1065.6\times 10^{6} clump-giant stars distributed over 66deg266 \deg^2 of the Bulge were monitored during seven Bulge seasons. 120 events were found with apparent amplifications greater than 1.6 and Einstein radius crossing times in the range 5 {\rm d}. This is the largest existing sample of clump-giant events and the first to include northern Galactic fields. In the Galactic latitude range 1.4\degr<|b|<7.0\degr, we find τ/106=(1.62±0.23)exp[a(b3deg)]\tau/10^{-6}=(1.62 \pm 0.23)\exp[-a(|b|-3 {\rm deg})] with a=(0.43±0.16)deg1a=(0.43 \pm0.16)\deg^{-1}. These results are in good agreement with our previous measurement, with recent measurements of the MACHO and OGLE-II groups, and with predictions of Bulge models.Comment: accepted A&A, minor revision

    New Magellanic Cloud R Coronae Borealis and DY Per type stars from the EROS-2 database: the connection between RCBs, DYPers and ordinary carbon stars

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    R Coronae Borealis stars (RCB) are a rare type of evolved carbon-rich supergiant stars that are increasingly thought to result from the merger of two white dwarfs, called the Double degenerate scenario. This scenario is also studied as a source, at higher mass, of type Ia Supernovae (SnIa) explosions. Therefore a better understanding of RCBs composition would help to constrain simulations of such events. We searched for and studied RCB stars in the EROS Magellanic Clouds database. We also extended our research to DY Per type stars (DYPers) that are expected to be cooler RCBs (T~3500 K) and much more numerous than their hotter counterparts. The light curves of ~70 millions stars have been analysed to search for the main signature of RCBs and DYPers: a large drop in luminosity. Follow-up optical spectroscopy was used to confirm each photometric candidate found. We have discovered and confirmed 6 new Magellanic Cloud RCB stars and 7 new DYPers, but also listed new candidates: 3 RCBs and 14 DYPers. We estimated a range of Magellanic RCB shell temperatures between 360 and 600 K. We confirm the wide range of absolute luminosity known for RCB stars, M_V~-5.2 to -2.6. Our study further shows that mid-infrared surveys are ideal to search for RCB stars, since they have thinner and cooler circumstellar shells than classical post-AGB stars. In addition, by increasing the number of known DYPers by ~400%, we have been able to shed light on the similarities in the spectral energy distribution between DYPers and ordinary carbon stars. We also observed that DYPer circumstellar shells are fainter and hotter than those of RCBs. This suggests that DYPers may simply be ordinary carbon stars with ejection events, but more abundance analysis is necessary to give a status on a possible evolutionnary connexion between RCBs and DYPers.Comment: 22 pages, 38 figures, Accepted for publication in A&