205 research outputs found


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    This research entitled “Word Formation and Product Naming Strategy: A Study of Morphology” discusses the word formation theories and applies the theory in product naming. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive. Then, the theory adopted in this research is Morphology, especially word formation which discusses the process of forming the words written by Marchand (1992) and McMannis (1998) as the major theories. While, the theory of Product Naming Strategy is taken from Danesi (2004) as the supporting one. The data used in this research are taken from media, both electronic and printed ones. The results of this research show that product naming can employ word formation theory in order to describe the kinds, characteristics, and the functions of the products. The word formation theories employed in this research are blending, clipping, compounding and coinage. While the meaning analysis is based on lexical meaning. By understanding the word formation process used as the product brand, consumers are able to recognize the products. In addition, the product naming strategy also can help the company in establishing the product brands and use it as the strategy of their product naming


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    Abstract: Kasno .2017. The low competence of class V teachers in SD Negeri 1 Kebonagung UPTD Pendidikan Kecamatan Tegowanu Grobogan District became the main problem faced by the principal as the control holder in the school. Efforts are made to overcome these problems is by teacher assistance activities in teaching activities by applying the CTL method. The aim is to improve teacher competence especially on applying CTL learning model. The technique is done with the implementation of managerial supervision. This research was conducted in two cycles, To measure the improvement of teacher competence in the leveling done by conducting assessment activities at the end of each cycle. Data analysis is done by comparing the results on the initial conditions, the results of cycle I, the results of cycle II. The results showed that the improvement of the competence of class V teachers can be evidenced by the improvement of all aspects of teacher competence assessment. Ridings on the RPP in the initial condition only get the value of 15, in the first cycle only 17, in the second cycle increased to 26. Student observation results in learning activities in 2 cycles of implementation of learning activities showed significant improvement. Where in the initial condition only get the value of 25, in the first cycle only 40, in the second cycle increased to 72, and on the implementation of learning activities with the application of CTL approach, obtained results that in the initial conditions to get the amount of 40, increased to 50, and improved quite well to 82 in the second cycle. From the above description it can be concluded that the assistance activities conducted by the principal proved effective in improving the competence of class V teachers in teaching at SD Negeri 1 Kebonagung UPTD Pendidikan Kecamatan Tegowanu Grobogan District Keywords: competence, mentoring, CTL Abstrak: Kasno.2017.Rendahnya kompetensi guru kelas V di SD Negeri 1 Kebonagung UPTD Pendidikan Kecamatan Tegowanu Kabupaten Grobogan menjadi pokok permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh kepala sekolah sebagai pemegang kendali di sekolah.Upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan kegiatan pendampingan guru dalam kegiatan mengajar dengan menerapkan metode CTL.Tujuannya adalah untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru khususnya pada penerapan model pembelajaran CTL.Adapun teknik yang dilakukan adalah dengan pelaksanaan supervisi manajerial.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus, Untuk mengukur peningkatan kompetensi guru dalam mengajat dilakukan dengan melakukan kegiatan penilaian pada setiap akhir siklus.Analisis data dilakukan dengan membandingkan hasil pada kondisi awal, hasil siklus I, hasil siklus II.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Peningkatan kompetensi guru kelas V dapat dibuktikan dengan peningkatan semua aspek-aspek penilaian kompetensi guru. Penilaan terhadap RPP pada kondisi awal hanya mendapatkan nilai 15, pada siklus pertama hanya 17, pada siklus kedua meningkat menjadi 26. Hasil observasi siswa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran dalam 2 siklus pelaksanaan kegiatan pembelajaran menunjukkan peningkatan yang cukup signifikan. Di mana pada kondisi awal hanya mendapatkan nilai 25, pada siklus pertama hanya 40, pada siklus kedua meningkat menjadi 72, dan pada aspek pelaksanaan kegiatan pembelajaran dengan penerapan pendekatan CTL, diperoleh hasil bahwa pada kondisi awal mendapatkan jumlah sebesar 40, mengalami peningkatan menjadi 50, dan meningkat cukup baik menjadi 82 pada siklus kedua. Dari uraian di atas maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan pendampingan yang dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah terbukti efektif meningkatkan kompetensi guru kelas V dalam mengajar di SD Negeri1 Kebonagung UPTD Pendidikan Kecamatan Tegowanu Kabupaten Grobogan Kata Kunci :kompetensi, pendampingan, CT


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    This article aims to examine the concept of ‘aql based on the neuroscience and the Qur’an perspective, the implications to the scientific approach in the Islamic education as well. This article is a literature review with a descriptive qualitative approach. The technique of data collection was done by analytic descriptive by using the related themes as the data. The results of the study indicate that reasoning function is equivalent to brain function. Brain optimization not only makes students smart rationally but also emotionally and spiritually. The equality of ‘aql and brain functions will produce the students who have a good skill of life. These skills include specific skills and the three pillars of students' success such as knowledge, skills, and motivation. These three pillars form a superior personality, which called as ulil albab in the Qur’an perspective

    Bunga Rampai Dakwah Islamiyah: sebuah kajian filosofis tentang makna agama dalam kehidupan

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    Buku ini merupakan kumpulan tulisan yang dimuat secara rutin mulai sekitar tahun 2013-an sampai dengan awal 2017, dalam kolom OASE. Dengan tujuan agar lebih bermanfaat, maka tulisan tersebut dihimpun kembali dan diterbitkan dalam bentuk buku dengan judul ""Bunga Rampai Dakwah Islamiyah". Disajikan dalam bentuk ceramah yang menggambarkan suasa pesantren dan keadaan santri sebagai peserta kajian rutin sebulan sekali

    Manajemen pembelajaran PAI me google clasroom dan zoom cloud meeting pada masa pandemi covid-19 di SMAN 1 Murung Kabupaten Murung Raya

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    Pembelajaran pada masa pandemi covid-19 dilakukan dengan menggunakan jejaring online (daring). Begitu juga dengan pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI). Banyak aplikasi yang digunakan salah satunya adalah aplikasi google classroom dan zoom cloud meeting. Adapun tujuan pembelajaran PAI menggunakan google classroom dan zoom cloud meeting di SMAN 1 Murung di masa pandemi covid-19 adalah tercapainya kegiatan belajar mengajar mata pelajaran PAI dengan indikator capaian terbentuknya sikap religiusitas, jujur dan karakter tangguh peserta didik di SMAN 1 Murung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pembelajaran PAI menggunakan google classroom dan zoom cloud meeting di masa pandemi covid-19 dengan melihat dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi pembelajaran menggunakan aplikasi daring di atas. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan (field research) menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Metode pengumpulan data terdiri dari observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian adalah guru PAI di SMAN 1 Murung dengan informan pendukung kepala sekolah,wakasek kurikulum, wakasek sarpras, operator sekolah, orang tua siswa, dan siswa-siswi kelas XI SMAN 1 Murung. Pengabsahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan triangulasi sumber. Analisis data meliputi koleksi data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Manajemen Pembelajaran PAI menggunakan google classroom dan zoom cloud meeting pada masa pandemi covid-19 di SMAN 1 Murung dilaksanakan dengan efektif. Perencanaan pembelajaran dimulai dengan memuat materi di Silabus dan RPP. Google classroom dan zoom cloud meeting dikelola tim panitia menggunakan sarana laboraturium komputer sekolah. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran menggunakan 2 (dua) skema yakni penggunaan aplikasi google classroom untuk tugas dan zoom cloud meeting untuk tatap muka langsung. Untuk evaluasi dilakukan dengan menilai secara langsung dan juga pelaksanaan tugas, ujian tengah semester, dan akhir semester. Abstract Learning during the covid-19 pandemic was carried out using an online network. Likewise with learning Islamic Religious Education (PAI). Many applications are used, one of which is the google classroom application and zoom cloud meeting. The purpose of learning PAI using google classroom and zoom cloud meeting at SMAN 1 Murung during the covid-19 pandemic is the achievement of teaching and learning activities in Islamic Studies with indicators of achievement of forming an attitude of religiosity, honesty and strong character of students at SMAN 1 Murung. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze Islamic Education learning using the google classroom and zoom cloud meeting during the covid-19 pandemic by looking at the planning, implementation and evaluation of learning using the online application above. This research is a field research (field research) using a qualitative approach. Data collection methods consisted of observation, interviews and documentation. The research subjects were Islamic Education teachers at SMAN 1 Murung with the supporting informants of the School Principal, Wakasek curriculum, deputy head of sarpras, school operators, parents of students and students of SMAN 1 Murung. Data validation was carried out using source triangulation. Data analysis includes data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results showed that PAI Learning Management using google classroom and zoom cloud meeting during the covid-19 pandemic at SMAN 1 Murung was implemented effectively. Learning planning begins by loading the material in the syllabus and lesson plans. Google classroom and zoom cloud meeting are managed by the Committee Team using the school computer laboratory facilities. Learning implementation uses 2 (two) schemes, namely the use of the google classroom application for assignments and zoom cloud meeting for face-to-face meetings. Evaluation is carried out by directly assessing and also the implementation of assignments, midterm examinations, and end of semester

    Identifikasi Sumber Kepuasan Kerja Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kinerja Petugas Unit Pengelola Kegiatan PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan Di Kabupaten Lumajang

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    This study aims to identify the source of job satisfaction and its effect partially or simultaneously on the performance of Activity Management Unit officer PNPM in Lumajang. Sources of job satisfaction were used in this study refers to the dimensions of job satisfaction include: (1) employment, (2) the conditions of employment, (3) salary, (4) co-workers, (5 ) the safety and security of employment , (6 ) supervision. Sources of job satisfaction will be tested influence either partially or simultaneously on performance. The population in this study is the Project Management Unit officer PNPM in Lumajang , with the number of samples taken as respondents by 37 respondents. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. The  results  showed  that  only  partially  work  variables  that  significantly  influence  the performance ,  while the  variable conditions of employment , salary , co-workers, K3  and supervision no significant effect on performance. Simultaneously source of job satisfaction have a significant effect on performance. The coefficient of determination shows that the performance is influenced by 48.4 % performance can be explained by the variable of work , working conditions  ,  salary  ,  co-workers  ,  occupational  health  and  safety  monitoring,  while  the remaining 51.6 % performance is influenced by other variables. Further research is expected to contribute in the development of management science studies , especially the management of human resources , so it can be a reference for similar research and advanced researc

    Filsafat Agama

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    Memahami istilah filsafat agama memang dituntut untuk bisa mengerti terlebih dahulu apakah pengertian filsafat dan agama sebagai dua kata. Dua kata ini meskipun mengesankan satu kesatuan utuh sebagai nama mata kuliah, tetapi sebenarnya memuat berbagai dimensi makna yang satu dengan lainnya tampak berbeda baik dari sudut sumber pengetahuan maupun cara memperoleh pengetahuannya. Filsafat dan agama malah sering dihadap-hadapkan satundengan lainnya sehingga terkesan keduanya tidak dapat bersatu. Filsafat merupakan pengetahuan yang dihasilkan dari olah piker yang rasional dan bersifat spekulatif kebenarannya, sedangkan agama merupakan pengetahuan yang bersumber dari wahyu Tuhan yang kebenarannya diakui secara mutlak. Bahkan tidak jarang kedua instansi pengetahuan ini sering didudukkan sebagai kebenaran alternati dan opsional. Artinya, kalau sudah menyakini kebenaran wahyu Tuhan, maka kebenaran filsafat yang dihasilkan oleh akal dan nalar manusia yang lemah harus ditinggalkan. Namun, sebaliknya dari kubu yang berpegang pada kebenaran kefilsafatan juga tidak kalah sengitnya mempertahankan argumentasi bahwa kebenaran akal manusia juga merupakan kebenaran yang dikehendaki oleh Tuhan juga. Untuk apa Tuhan menciptakan manusia dengan dilengkapi oleh akal pikirannya kalau tidak dipergunakan untuk memahami dan mencari kebenaran

    Relasi antarumat beragama: studi tentang makna keberadaan Gereja di Perumahan Non-Dinas TNI AL Driyorejo-Gresik Studi Tentang Makna Keberadaan Gereja di Perumahan Non-Dinas TNI AL Driyorejo-Gresik

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    The research attempts to reveal the understanding of interreligious relation and the meaning of churches’ existence in the Residence of Non-Dinas TNI AL in Driyorejo, Gresik in which the phenomena have appeared to be a seriously concerned issues by the Gresik residents, particularly the Muslim community. The government has been, in fact, involved in order to cease differences between the Muslim and the Christian communities, in the area, in responding toward the issue through a series of intensive dialogues. This is a qualitative research, which focuses its settings on a number of prominent and important figures in Gresik along with various elements of the Gresik society. The Residence of Driyorejo Kota Baru where a number of churches rest is a locus of the research. To collect the data, the writer employs three main techniques, namely participatory observation, in-depth interview, and documentary study. The writer has successfully interviewed a number of people who appear as important informants in this research, ranging from common people, such prominent figures of the village, sub-district, and district as Head Driyorejo Village, Head of Driyorejo Sub-District, Vice Major of Gresik District, Head of Military Command of Driyorejo, Head of Police Sector of Driyorejo, as well as people who use the churches. The research shows that: 1. Interreligious relation in Gresik District, particularly in Driyorejo Sub-District, has been, in fact, thoroughly maintained. The Gresik residents put high tolerance and respect toward the implementation of religious doctrines and rituals performed by other religious adherents. It is, however, in terms of institutional level the tolerance seems to shift from relative tolerance to lazy tolerance. 2. The social issue concerning the establishment of the churches at the Residence of Non-Dinas TNI AL in Driyorejo has, once, led to community’s apprehension. 3. Within theoretical framework, the fact tells us that the religious adherents, i.e. Christians and Muslims, have their own perspectives regarding the existence of a number of churches in the Residence of Non-Dinas TNI AL Driyorejo. The Christians and Catholics tend to see the existence of the churches from theological perspective. To them, the church is a symbol of spirituality used to perform religious rituals and processions, especially as a place of prayer service and repentance. The Muslims, on the other hand, perceive the churches’ existence in the area as a symbol of expansionism of Christian missionaries who intend to bring and infiltrate their Christianization mission into the Muslim community. This was the reason behind their rejection by arguing that the establishment of the church violates the rules promulgated by the government