60 research outputs found

    The Effects of Anesthetic Induced Loss of Consciousness on Quantitative Electroen Cephalogram, and Bispectral and Spectral Entropy Indices. Studies on Healthy Male

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    Changes in the electroencephalography (EEG) signal have been used to study the effects of anesthetic agents on the brain function. Several commercial EEG based anesthesia depth monitors have been developed to measure the level of the hypnotic component of anesthesia. Specific anesthetic related changes can be seen in the EEG, but still it remains difficult to determine whether the subject is consciousness or not during anesthesia. EEG reactivity to external stimuli may be seen in unconsciousness subjects, in anesthesia or even in coma. Changes in regional cerebral blood flow, which can be measured with positron emission tomography (PET), can be used as a surrogate for changes in neuronal activity. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of dexmedetomidine, propofol, sevoflurane and xenon on the EEG and the behavior of two commercial anesthesia depth monitors, Bispectral Index (BIS) and Entropy. Slowly escalating drug concentrations were used with dexmedetomidine, propofol and sevoflurane. EEG reactivity at clinically determined similar level of consciousness was studied and the performance of BIS and Entropy in differentiating consciousness form unconsciousness was evaluated. Changes in brain activity during emergence from dexmedetomidine and propofol induced unconsciousness were studied using PET imaging. Additionally, the effects of normobaric hyperoxia, induced during denitrogenation prior to xenon anesthesia induction, on the EEG were studied. Dexmedetomidine and propofol caused increases in the low frequency, high amplitude (delta 0.5-4 Hz and theta 4.1-8 Hz) EEG activity during stepwise increased drug concentrations from the awake state to unconsciousness. With sevoflurane, an increase in delta activity was also seen, and an increase in alpha- slow beta (8.1-15 Hz) band power was seen in both propofol and sevoflurane. EEG reactivity to a verbal command in the unconsciousness state was best retained with propofol, and almost disappeared with sevoflurane. The ability of BIS and Entropy to differentiate consciousness from unconsciousness was poor. At the emergence from dexmedetomidine and propofol induced unconsciousness, activation was detected in deep brain structures, but not within the cortex. In xenon anesthesia, EEG band powers increased in delta, theta and alpha (8-12Hz) frequencies. In steady state xenon anesthesia, BIS and Entropy indices were low and these monitors seemed to work well in xenon anesthesia. Normobaric hyperoxia alone did not cause changes in the EEG. All of these results are based on studies in healthy volunteers and their application to clinical practice should be considered carefully.Siirretty Doriast

    GABA(B) receptor positive allosteric modulators with different efficacies affect neuroadaptation to and self-administration of alcohol and cocaine

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    Drugs of abuse induce widespread synaptic adaptations in the mesolimbic dopamine (DA) neurons. Such drug-induced neuroadaptations may constitute an initial cellular mechanism eventually leading to compulsive drug-seeking behavior. To evaluate the impact of GABA(B) receptors on addiction-related persistent neuroplasticity, we tested the ability of orthosteric agonist baclofen and two positive allosteric modulators (PAMs) of GABA(B) receptors to suppress neuroadaptations in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and reward-related behaviors induced by ethanol and cocaine. A novel compound (S)-1-(5-fluoro-2,3-dihydro-1H-inden-2-yl)-4-methyl-6,7,8,9-tetrahydro-[1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-a]quinazolin-5(4H)-one (ORM-27669) was found to be a GABA(B) PAM of low efficacy as agonist, whereas the reference compound (R,S)-5,7-di-tert-butyl-3-hydroxy-3-trifluoromethyl-3H-benzofuran-2-one (rac-BHFF) had a different allosteric profile being a more potent PAM in the calcium-based assay and an agonist, coupled with potent PAM activity, in the [S-35] GTP gamma S binding assay in rat and human recombinant receptors. Using autoradiography, the high-efficacy rac-BHFF and the low-efficacy ORM-27669 potentiated the effects of baclofen on [S-35] GTP gamma S binding with identical brain regional distribution. Treatment of mice with baclofen, rac-BHFF, or ORM-27669 failed to induce glutamate receptor neuroplasticity in the VTA DA neurons. Pretreatment with rac-BHFF at non-sedative doses effectively reversed both ethanol- and cocaine-induced plasticity and attenuated cocaine i.v. self-administration and ethanol drinking. Pretreatment with ORM-27669 only reversed ethanol-induced neuroplasticity and attenuated ethanol drinking but had no effects on cocaine-induced neuroplasticity or self-administration. These findings encourage further investigation of GABA(B) receptor PAMs with different efficacies in addiction models to develop novel treatment strategies for drug addiction.Peer reviewe

    Bispectral index and their relation with consciousness of the patients who receive desflurane or sevoflurane anesthesia during wake-up test for spinal surgery for correction

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    Background: Wake-up tests may be necessary during surgery for kypho-scoliosis to ensure that spinal function remains intact. It is difficult to predict the time when patients can respond to a verbal command. We evaluated the effectiveness of the bispectral index (BIS) and its relation to patients' levels of consciousness in wake-up tests during desflurane and sevoflurane anesthesia. Methods: Eighteen patients each were enrolled in the desflurane and sevoflurane groups for spinal correction surgery. We measured BIS values, blood pressure, heart rate, and consciousness state and time, at the points when patients responded during the wake-up test. Results: The BIS values when patients made fists upon a verbal command (T3) were 86.7 ± 7.5 for desflurane and 90.3 ± 5.4 for sevoflurane. Patients in the desflurane group had significantly shorter wake up delays than those in the sevoflurane group (6.9 ± 1.8 min vs. 11.8 ± 3.6 min). However, there was no difference between the groups in the time between the response to a verbal command and the time when a patient moved their toes in response to verbal commands. No recall of the wake-up tests occurred in either group. Conclusions: The values obtained using the BIS index could to some extent predict the time of a patient's and would be informative during desflurane and sevoflurane anesthesia. Moreover, desflurane permitted faster responses to verbal commands than sevoflurane, and allowed the wake-up test to be performed sooner

    Complexity of multi-dimensional spontaneous EEG decreases during propofol induced general anaesthesia

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    Emerging neural theories of consciousness suggest a correlation between a specific type of neural dynamical complexity and the level of consciousness: When awake and aware, causal interactions between brain regions are both integrated (all regions are to a certain extent connected) and differentiated (there is inhomogeneity and variety in the interactions). In support of this, recent work by Casali et al (2013) has shown that Lempel-Ziv complexity correlates strongly with conscious level, when computed on the EEG response to transcranial magnetic stimulation. Here we investigated complexity of spontaneous high-density EEG data during propofol-induced general anaesthesia. We consider three distinct measures: (i) Lempel-Ziv complexity, which is derived from how compressible the data are; (ii) amplitude coalition entropy, which measures the variability in the constitution of the set of active channels; and (iii) the novel synchrony coalition entropy (SCE), which measures the variability in the constitution of the set of synchronous channels. After some simulations on Kuramoto oscillator models which demonstrate that these measures capture distinct ‘flavours’ of complexity, we show that there is a robustly measurable decrease in the complexity of spontaneous EEG during general anaesthesia

    Spoken words are processed during dexmedetomidine-induced unresponsiveness

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    Background: Studying the effects of anaesthetic drugs on the processing of semantic stimuli could yield insights into how brain functions change in the transition from wakefulness to unresponsiveness. Here, we explored the N400 event-related potential during dexmedetomidine- and propofol-induced unresponsiveness. Methods: Forty-seven healthy subjects were randomised to receive either dexmedetomidine (n = 23) or propofol (n = 24) in this open-label parallel-group study. Loss of responsiveness was achieved by stepwise increments of pseudo-steady-state plasma concentrations, and presumed loss of consciousness was induced using 1.5 times the concentration required for loss of responsiveness. Pre-recorded spoken sentences ending either with an expected (congruous) or an unexpected (incongruous) word were presented during unresponsiveness. The resulting electroencephalogram data were analysed for the presence of the N400 component, and for the N400 effect defined as the difference between the N400 components elicited by congruous and incongruous stimuli, in the time window 300-600 ms post-stimulus. Recognition of the presented stimuli was tested after recovery of responsiveness. Results: The N400 effect was not observed during dexmedetomidine- or propofol-induced unresponsiveness. The N400 component, however, persisted during dexmedetomidine administration. The N400 component elicited by congruous stimuli during unresponsiveness in the dexmedetomidine group resembled the large component evoked by incongruous stimuli at the awake baseline. After recovery, no recognition of the stimuli heard during unresponsiveness occurred. Conclusions: Dexmedetomidine and propofol disrupt the discrimination of congruous and incongruous spoken sentences, and recognition memory at loss of responsiveness. However, the processing of words is partially preserved during dexmedetomidine-induced unresponsiveness.</p

    Turku ja Tampere kilpasilla : väestönmuutokset, muutot, työpaikat

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    Varsinais-Suomen ja Turun seutukunnan väestö- ja työpaikkakehitys on jäänyt jälkeen Pirkanmaan ja Tampereen seutukunnan väestö- ja työpaikkakehityksestä. Suurimmat kehityserot ovat tapahtuneet vasta 2000-luvun aikana. Raportin tarkoituksena on selvittää näiden kehityserojen taustalla olevat tekijät sekä saada huomio kiinnittymään väestön ja työpaikkojen määrän kehityksen nykyiseen kulkuun. Varsinais-Suomen ja Turun seudun kehitystä verrataan Pirkanmaan sekä Tampereen seudun kehitykseen, ja näin löydetään tekijöitä, joiden avulla Turku ympäristöineen pääsisi mukaan positiivisen kehityksen kehään. Tulokset antavat ajankohtaista tietoa siitä, mitkä asiat Varsinais-Suomessa ja Turun seudulla vaativat erityistä kehittämistä sekä minkälaisissa asioissa on onnistuttu ja epäonnistuttu. Aineistona käytetään valmiita tilastoaineistoja, seuduille muuttaneille lähetettyä kyselyä sekä asiantuntijoiden ja yritysten edustajien haastatteluja. Hanke Turku ja Tampere kilpasilla toteutettiin pääosin Varsinais-Suomen liiton myöntämän maakunnan kehittämisrahan turvin. Sen lisäksi hanketta rahoittivat Turun kaupunki, Turun Seudun Kehittämiskeskus ja Varsinais-Suomen liitto. Selvitys toteutettiin Siirtolaisuusinstituutissa. Selvityksen tulokset osoittavat Turun ja Tampereen seutujen kehityksen olevan kulkemassa eri suuntiin. Alueiden vahvuuksien ja heikkouksien määrittämisen sekä vertailun lisäksi selvityksessä tuodaan esille toimenpide-ehdotuksia, joiden avulla Turun seutu pääsisi kehityksessään samaan vauhtiin kuin Tampereen seudulla on päästy.Esipuhe Tiivistelmä Sisällysluettelo 1. Johdanto 2. Yhteenveto Keskeiset tulokset Toimenpide-ehdotukset 3. Aineisto ja menetelmät Tutkimusalueet Aineisto Menetelmät 4. Alueiden kehitys Aluekehityksen suuntaukset Muuttoliike on monimutkainen ilmiö Alueen kilpailukyky ja vetovoima aluekehityksen peruspilareita Yritysten sijoittuminen ei ole arpapeliä Elinkeinoelämä: elinkeinopolitiikan ja -ilmaston mittareja Tulevaisuuden ennakointi on vaikeata Imago ja maine vetovoimatekijöinä 5. Seutukuntiin muuttaneiden kokemukset Keitä kyselyyn vastanneet ovat? Ystävien kokemukset ennakkotietojen yleisin lähde Muuttosyyt: mielikuvista todellisiin mahdollisuuksiin Poismuuttoakin harkitaan Tampereen seudun arvosanat paremmat Asuinmaakunnassa työpaikkoja saatavilla Paluumuuttajat potentiaalisia tulomuuttajia Tampereen seudulla tyytyväisempiä muuttajia Parannettavaa samoissa asioissa Seutukunnan vahvuudet: lupsakkaat ihmiset ja kehitys vai historiallinen perintö? Seutukunnan heikkoudet: seudun kasvusta vai maineesta johtuvat ongelmat? Maakunnan vahvuudet ja heikkoudet: sijainnin ja yhteyksien eri puolet Satakunnasta ja Kanta-Hämeestä muuttaneiden mielipiteet 6. Väestönmuutosten ja työpaikkakehityksen erot Asukasluku: Pirkanmaa menestyy, Varsinais-Suomi jää jalkoihin Väestön ikä- ja sukupuolirakenne – onko aihetta huoleen? Maan sisäinen muutto vaikuttaa eniten väestönmuutokseen Maan sisäisen muuton suuntauksia Työllisyys ja työttömyys Varsinais-Suomen vahvuus Työpaikkakehityksen erot Pirkanmaan vahvuus Yritykset ja toimialat Löytyykö korkeakoulutetuille työpaikkoja opiskelupaikkakunnalta? 7. Asiantuntijoiden ja yritysten edustajien mielipiteitä Vahvuuksien ja heikkouksien tunnistaminen Kilpailukykytekijät muistuttavat toisiaan Yhteistyöstä menestystä Ei kasvua ilman korkeakouluja Onko maineella merkitystä? Työpaikkojen luominen potentiaalisille asukkaille Toimenpide-ehdotuksia ja kehitysvihjeitä Turun seudulle Lähteet Kirjallisuus Muut lähteet

    Kotona asuvien ikääntyneiden kokemuksia hoitotyössä tapahtuvasta kohtaamisesta päivystyksen toimintaympäristössä

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    Päivystyshoito on keskeinen osa terveydenhuoltoa. Yhä useampi terveydenhuollon ammattilaisen kohtaava potilas päivystyksen toimintaympäristössä on kotona asuva ikääntynyt erityistarpeineen. Monimuotoisen ilmiön syvemmäksi ymmärtämiseksi tarvitaan laadullista tutkimusta päivystyksessä tapahtuvasta hoitotyöstä ja sen peruselementistä, kohtaamisesta. Tämän kuvailevan laadullisen yksilöhaastattelu tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata kotona asuvien ikääntyneiden hoitotyössä tapahtuvaa kohtaamista päivystyksen toimintaympäristössä. Tarkoituksena oli myös tunnistaa ja kuvata hyvän kohtaamiskokemuksen syntyä edistäviä ja heikentäviä tekijöitä ikääntyneiden kokemana. Tutkittavat valittiin tarkoituksenmukaisella otannalla yhdestä julkisen terveydenhuollon organisaation päivystyksen käyntitiedoista keväällä 2017. Aineisto kerättiin teemahaastatteluilla. Otoskoko määräytyi aineiston saturaation perusteella (n=10). Nauhoitetut yksilöhaastattelut litteroitiin ja aineisto analysoitiin induktiivisesti temaattisella sisällönanalyysillä. Ikääntyneiden kokemuksista hoitotyössä tapahtuvasta kohtaamisesta muodostettiin kolme pääteemaa kuvaamaan koetun kohtaamisen ominaispiirteitä; toimintaohjeisiin ja protokolliin perustuvaa, erillisistä osista muodostuvaa sekä ohessa ja ohimennen tapahtuvaa. Kohtaamisen kokemus oli joko mielihyvää lisäävää tai mieliharmia tuottavaa. Ensikohtaamista pidettiin erityisen tärkeänä ja se koettiin tulevien kohtaamiskokemusten perustaksi. Hyvän kohtaamiskokemuksen syntyä edistivät ikääntyneiden kokemana hoitajan soveltuvuus, potilaan kyky sopeutua sekä eettinen työilmapiiri. Heikentäviksi tekijöiksi ikääntyneet kokivat puutteet hoitajien palveluasenteessa, potilaiden aiemmat kielteiset kokemukset sekä puutteet resursseissa. Tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää päivystys- ja gerontologisen hoitotyön opetuksessa ja kotona asuvien ikääntyneiden hyvinvointia ja toimintakykyä tukevan hoitotyön kehittämisessä päivystyksen toimintaympäristössä. Lisää tutkimusta tarvitaan siitä, miten päivystyksen toimintaympäristössä työskentelevät hoitajat kuvaavat päivystyshoitotyössä tapahtuvan kohtaamisen ominaispiirteitä ja koettua kohtaamista ikääntyneiden potilaiden osalta, sekä miten he kokevat voivansa edistää ikääntyneiden hyvän kohtaamisenkokemuksen syntyä

    Directional connectivity between frontal and posterior brain regions is altered with increasing concentrations of propofol.

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    Recent studies using electroencephalography (EEG) suggest that alteration of coherent activity between the anterior and posterior brain regions might be used as a neurophysiologic correlate of anesthetic-induced unconsciousness. One way to assess causal relationships between brain regions is given by renormalized partial directed coherence (rPDC). Importantly, directional connectivity is evaluated in the frequency domain by taking into account the whole multichannel EEG, as opposed to time domain or two channel approaches. rPDC was applied here in order to investigate propofol induced changes in causal connectivity between four states of consciousness: awake (AWA), deep sedation (SED), loss (LOC) and return of consciousness (ROC) by gathering full 10/20 system human EEG data in ten healthy male subjects. The target-controlled drug infusion was started at low rate with subsequent gradual stepwise increases at 10 min intervals in order to carefully approach LOC (defined as loss of motor responsiveness to a verbal stimulus). The direction of the causal EEG-network connections clearly changed from AWA to SED and LOC. Propofol induced a decrease (p = 0.002-0.004) in occipital-to-frontal rPDC of 8-16 Hz EEG activity and an increase (p = 0.001-0.040) in frontal-to-occipital rPDC of 10-20 Hz activity on both sides of the brain during SED and LOC. In addition, frontal-to-parietal rPDC within 1-12 Hz increased in the left hemisphere at LOC compared to AWA (p = 0.003). However, no significant changes were detected between the SED and the LOC states. The observed decrease in back-to-front EEG connectivity appears compatible with impaired information flow from the posterior sensory and association cortices to the executive prefrontal areas, possibly related to decreased ability to perceive the surrounding world during sedation. The observed increase in the opposite (front-to-back) connectivity suggests a propofol concentration dependent association and is not directly related to the level of consciousness per se

    Squeezing the Muscle : Compression Clothing and Muscle Metabolism during Recovery from High Intensity Exercise

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    The purpose of this experiment was to investigate skeletal muscle blood flow and glucose uptake in m. biceps (BF) and m. quadriceps femoris (QF) 1) during recovery from high intensity cycle exercise, and 2) while wearing a compression short applying ~37 mmHg to the thigh muscles. Blood flow and glucose uptake were measured in the compressed and non-compressed leg of 6 healthy men by using positron emission tomography. At baseline blood flow in QF (P = 0.79) and BF (P = 0.90) did not differ between the compressed and the non-compressed leg. During recovery muscle blood flow was higher compared to baseline in both compressed (P&lt;0.01) and non-compressed QF (P&lt;0.001) but not in compressed (P = 0.41) and non-compressed BF (P = 0.05; effect size = 2.74). During recovery blood flow was lower in compressed QF (P&lt;0.01) but not in BF (P = 0.26) compared to the non-compressed muscles. During baseline and recovery no differences in blood flow were detected between the superficial and deep parts of QF in both, compressed (baseline P = 0.79; recovery P = 0.68) and non-compressed leg (baseline P = 0.64; recovery P = 0.06). During recovery glucose uptake was higher in QF compared to BF in both conditions (P&lt;0.01) with no difference between the compressed and non-compressed thigh. Glucose uptake was higher in the deep compared to the superficial parts of QF (compression leg P = 0.02). These results demonstrate that wearing compression shorts with ~37 mmHg of external pressure reduces blood flow both in the deep and superficial regions of muscle tissue during recovery from high intensity exercise but does not affect glucose uptake in BF and QF. © 2013 Sperlich et al.:doi 10.1371/journal.pone.0060923</p