76 research outputs found

    The Use of Geographic Information Systems in Morvomitric Mount Sinjar Study

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    In this research has been to rely on the use of digital elevations model (DEM) and programs of geographic information systems (Arc Map v 10) as well as the use Mapper global program v11 in Morphou metric study of Sinjar mountain, located in the north of Iraq for the purpose of clarifying the slopes and trends or the nature of the longitudinal and cross sections and draw contour maps and written Add to that the Model stereo and compare this process to provide the field data surveying the usual ways that require a stay on the job for a few months or days in addition to the devices, equipment and technical staff with high material cost and required by this type of studies and field surveys show off Fold through research that Mount Sinjar characterized by severe terrain and consistent in terms of the direction of orientation as a class slopes (˚5 - ˚15) and (15˚ - 35˚) and (˚35 - ˚55) are prevalent on other areas of the slopes shade values They are sandwiched between (˚69 - ˚180) is a medium shade area of ​​the flat areas and formed 20% and 50% areas convex and concave regions 30% on cross sections that have been studied along. Keywords: GIS, Morvomitric study, the digital elevation model (DEM), Slop

    Studying the Behavior of Asphalt Stabilized Gepseous Soil for Earth Embankment Model

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    The study presents the test results of stabilizing gypseous soil embankment obtained from Al- Faluja university Campus at Al-Ramady province. The laboratory investigation was divided into three phases, The physical and chemical properties, the optimum liquid asphalt (emulsion) requirements (which are manufactured in Iraq) were determined by using one dimensional unconfined compression strength test.in the first phase , The optimum fluid content was 11% (6% of emulsion with 5% water content).. At phase two, the effect of Aeration technique was investigated using both direct shear and permeability test. At phase three for the case of static load , the pure soil embankment model under dry test condition was investigated, The testing program included the determination of the unconfined compressive strength, direct shear strength, constant head permeability test, and one dimensional consolidation test for pure and asphalt stabilized gypseous soil. Testing was carried out in dry and absorbed conditions, the maximum pressure that can be supported before failure (ultimate sustained pressure) is 0.76 MPa with vertical settlement (0.21 mm) . However, For the pure soil embankment model under absorbed condition it was found that the maximum pressure before failure (ultimate sustained pressure) is 0.3 MPa with vertical settlement (12 mm), Which reflects the reduction in bearing capacity by (61%). Compression was made for absorbed stabilized soil and un-absorbed soil tested under hydraulic conductivity test for seven days, the results showed that a very low margin deffeneces in maximum pressure resistance and settlement were obtained (4.38 MPa , 0.11mm ) and (4.11MPa , 0.12mm)

    Agro- Industrial Integration from an Accounting Perspective Study in General Company for Leather Industries/Baghdad

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    تعد الشركة العامة للصناعات الجلدية وحدة انتاجية اقتصادية تساهم في دعم الاقتصاد الوطني في مجال تصنيع الجلود الطبيعية واستغلالها بإنتاج الملابس والاحذية والحقائب اعتمادا على مبدا الحساب الاقتصادي وكفاءة استثمار الاموال العامة وفاعليتها في تحقيق اهداف الدولة ورفع مستويات الاداء للاقتصاد الوطني بما يحقق اهداف خطط التنمية  لذا هدف البحث الى تحديد المعوقات التي تواجه الشركة العامة للصناعات الجلدية /بغداد (عينة البحث) والتي تحول دون التكامل الزراعي الصناعي بفرعه الحيواني والتوجه نحو الجلود المستوردة لتحقيق اهدافها على الرغم من  وجود معامل دباغة في الشركة ذاتها وذلك من خلال اجراء مقارنة كلفوية للمنتج في حالة اعتمادها على الجلود المحلية وتطبيق التكامل الزراعي الصناعي  من جانب وفي حالة اذا كانت جلود مستوردة من جانب اخر ولأربعة موديلات من الاحذية الرجالية (7566,7639, ٦٧٣٠,7545) الواردة في سجلات الشركة في شهر تشرين الاول للعام 2014  ، ومن اهم ما توصل اليه البحث ان هنالك كثيرا من المعوقات التي تحول دون التكامل الزراعي الصناعي والتي تحتاج الى حلول حقيقية من الدولة وان تطبيقه لا يحقق اهداف الشركة من الارباح المخطط لها حتى وان كان على حساب الجودة .  The General Company for Leather Industries is an economic production unit that contributes to supporting the national economy in the field of manufacturing natural leather and exploiting it by producing clothes, shoes and bags based on the principle of economic account and efficiency of investing public funds and its effectiveness in achieving the objectives of the state and raising the performance levels of the national economy in order to achieve the goals of development plans, so the goal of the research is to identify the obstacles facing the General Company for Leather Industries / Baghdad (research sample) which transforms Without agricultural industrial integration with its animal branch and orientation towards imported leather to achieve its objectives despite the existence of tanning factories in the same company through a cost comparison of the product in case of dependence on local leather and application of agricultural industrial integration on the one hand and in case if the skins imported by another and four models of men's shoes (7566,7639, 6730,7545) contained in the company's records in October 2014, and one of the most important findings of the research is that there are many obstacles to agricultural industrial integration that need real solutions from the state and that its application does not achieve The company's objectives o

    Radiation beam scanning for leaky wave antenna by using slots

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    This paper provides an insight of a new, microstrip leaky wave antenna. It holds the ability to continue steer its beam at a swapping frequency. This is done with acceptable impedance matching while scanning and very little gain variation. Investigation is carried out on LWAs’ control radiation pattern in steps at a band frequency via vertical and horizontal slots. The enhancement is realized by etching horizontal and vertical slots on the radiation element. This study also presents a novel half-width microstrip leaky wave antenna (LWA). The antenna is made up of the following basic structures group’s vertical and horizontal slots. The reactance profile at the microstrip’s free edge and thus the main beam direction is changed once the control-cell states are changed. The radiation pattern direction changes by sweeping the operating frequency between 4 GHz to 6 GHz.The main beam may be directed by the antenna between 15o and 55o. C band achieved the measured peak gain of the antenna of 10 dBi at 4.3 GHz beam scanning range

    Review on fixed-frequency beam steering for leaky wave antenna

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    This paper aims to survey the efforts of researchers in response to the novel and effective technology of control radiation pattern at a fixed frequency for leaky wave antenna (LWA), map the research landscape from the literature onto coherent taxonomy and determine the basic properties of this potential field. In addition, this paper investigates the motivation behind using beam steering in LWA and the open challenges that impede the utility of this antenna design. This paper offers valuable recommendations to improve beam steering in LWA. The review revealed the development and improvement of several techniques of beam scanning LWA. However, several areas or aspects require further attention. All the articles, regardless of their research focus, attempt to address the challenges that impede the full utility of beam scanning and offer recommendations to mitigate their drawbacks. This paper contributes to this area of research by providing a detailed review of the available options and problems to allow other researchers and participants to further develop beam scanning. The new directions for this research are also described

    A new model for iris data set classification based on linear support vector machine parameter's optimization

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    Data mining is known as the process of detection concerning patterns from essential amounts of data. As a process of knowledge discovery. Classification is a data analysis that extracts a model which describes an important data classes. One of the outstanding classifications methods in data mining is support vector machine classification (SVM). It is capable of envisaging results and mostly effective than other classification methods. The SVM is a one technique of machine learning techniques that is well known technique, learning with supervised and have been applied perfectly to a vary problems of: regression, classification, and clustering in diverse domains such as gene expression, web text mining. In this study, we proposed a newly mode for classifying iris data set using SVM classifier and genetic algorithm to optimize c and gamma parameters of linear SVM, in addition principle components analysis (PCA) algorithm was use for features reduction

    Histophysiology study of interleukin-4 in thyroid cancer patients

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    Introduction.Interleukins have promising prospects in the clinical treatment of cancer. Interleukin-4 (IL-4) is an an­ti-inflammatory cytokine with an immunosuppressive effect on antitumor activity by immune cells, but the mechanical action of IL-4 in thyroid cancer is unknown. Aim: to investigate the effect of IL-4 expression in thyroid cancer patients. Furthermore, to clarify the association between obesity and thyroid cancer. Material and methods.The present study was conducted on 115 subjects with thyroid nodules (36 with thyroid cancer and 79 with benign lesions) in Basrah, Iraq, from November 2019 to April 2022. To conduct a histophysiology study of IL-4. Results.There was a significant difference in serum IL-4 between the thyroid cancer and control subjects. A higher level of serum IL-4 was observed in the Hashimoto thyroiditis group. There was no significant difference in body mass index (BMI) between thyroid cancer and control subjects. The expression of tissue IL-4 in thyroid cancer patients was strong in 8 (22.22%) slides, moderate in 7 slides (19.44%), weak in 8 slides (22.22%), and negative in 13 slides (36.11%), while in the control group, it was strong in 7 (30.44%) slides, moderate in 8 slides (34.79%), weak in 5 slides (21.74%) and neg­ative in 3 slides (13.03%). Conclusions.These findings indicate that serum levels of IL-4 may help diagnose thyroid cancer and identify patients with active disease who deserve closer medical attention. Furthermore, the secretion of IL-4 was systematic and not localized in thyroid cancer tissues. Obesity was not associated with a prevalence of thyroid cancer

    Histophysiology study of interleukin-4 in thyroid cancer patients

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    Introduction.Interleukins have promising prospects in the clinical treatment of cancer. Interleukin-4 (IL-4) is an an­ti-inflammatory cytokine with an immunosuppressive effect on antitumor activity by immune cells, but the mechanical action of IL-4 in thyroid cancer is unknown. Aim: to investigate the effect of IL-4 expression in thyroid cancer patients. Furthermore, to clarify the association between obesity and thyroid cancer. Material and methods.The present study was conducted on 115 subjects with thyroid nodules (36 with thyroid cancer and 79 with benign lesions) in Basrah, Iraq, from November 2019 to April 2022. To conduct a histophysiology study of IL-4. Results.There was a significant difference in serum IL-4 between the thyroid cancer and control subjects. A higher level of serum IL-4 was observed in the Hashimoto thyroiditis group. There was no significant difference in body mass index (BMI) between thyroid cancer and control subjects. The expression of tissue IL-4 in thyroid cancer patients was strong in 8 (22.22%) slides, moderate in 7 slides (19.44%), weak in 8 slides (22.22%), and negative in 13 slides (36.11%), while in the control group, it was strong in 7 (30.44%) slides, moderate in 8 slides (34.79%), weak in 5 slides (21.74%) and neg­ative in 3 slides (13.03%). Conclusions.These findings indicate that serum levels of IL-4 may help diagnose thyroid cancer and identify patients with active disease who deserve closer medical attention. Furthermore, the secretion of IL-4 was systematic and not localized in thyroid cancer tissues. Obesity was not associated with a prevalence of thyroid cancer

    Blood parameters, symptoms at presentation and adverse in-hospital outcomes of COVID-19 pneumonia in patients with hypertension

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    Background: We aimed to explore the association of clinical symptoms of COVID-19 pneumonia, blood parameters on admission, and anti-hypertensive drugs with in-hospital outcomes, including length of hospital and intensive care unit (ICU) stay, receiving mechanical ventilation, degree of lung injury, and in-hospital death among patients with hypertension. Material and methods: This retrospective study conducted in patients with newly diagnosed COVID-19 pneumonia from August 20, 2020 to September 25, 2020. Results: A total of 182 patients with COVID-19 pneumonia were included in the present study. The patients were categorized into those with hypertension (n = 82) or without hypertension (n = 100). Patients on angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) showed no significant increase in the risk for all in-hospital outcomes. Old age [0.6 (0.5–2) p < 0.00], fever [0.3 (0.2–1.8), p < 0.00] and low lymphocytes percentage [0.3 (0.2–1.2), p < 0.00] were associated with increased risk for extensive lung injury. Old age [0.4 (0.1 = 0.7) p < 0.01], high neutrophil count [0.3 (0.2–2), p = 0.02] and low lymphocyte percentage [0.3 (0.1–0.7), p = 0.01] were associated with prolonged hospital stay while low lymphocytes percentage [0.7 (0.6–0.9), p < 0.00], old age [1.2 (1–1.4), p = 0.01] and fatigue [2 (1–4), p = 0.04] showed significant association with prolonged length of ICU stay. Low lymphocytes percentage [0.7 (0.6–1), p < 0.00], old age [1.1 (1–1.2), p = 0.01] and fatigue [2 (1.7–4), p = 0.02] were associated with increased risk for receiving mechanical ventilation. Risk for in-hospital death was associated with increased neutrophil percentage [1.2 (1–1.5), p = 0.01] and old age [1.1 (1–1.2), p = 0.03]. Conclusions: ARBs and ACEIs showed no significant association with adverse in-hospital outcomes. Old age, low lymphocytes percentage and high neutrophils percentage on admission were independent predictors for increased risk of in-hospital mortality and morbidity among COVID-19 pneumonia patients with hypertension