915 research outputs found

    Analisis Efektivitas Organisasi Kantor Unit Pelaksana Teknis Dinas (Uptd) Perwakilan Kabupaten Tolitoli Di Kota Palu

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    This study aims at analyzing the Organizational effectiveness on the Office of Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) of Tolitoli Representative in Palu using qualitative descriptive analysis. Informants of this research are the officers in Technical Implementation Unit Office (UPTD) of Tolitoli Representative, other associated institutions and staying guests, which are determined purposively with data collection methods consisted of observation, interviews and documentation, while the technique of data analysis includes data reduction, data display and drawing conclusions and verification. Results of the research show that the organizational effectiveness of the UPTD office of Tolitoli representative has not been completely worked well yet, due to several factors of organizational effectiveness which are not executed, i.e. the factor of organizational characteristic where in the arrangement of the organizational structure, it is necessary to repair or realignment by adding some level of departemenization for grouping tasks and responsibility into multiple unit/section, environmental characteristics, namely internal environment, especially the provision of office facilities and accommodation needs to be recovered and revamped to improve the quality of service, and to its external environment in terms of the relationship with the institutions in the capital of Central Sulawesi province is already running well. The officers characteristics, considering the human resources, need to be increased in terms of capability and expertise through education, training and courses, as well as the implementation of policies and management practices needs to set up the Operational Procedures Standard (SOP) and the Minimum Service Standards (SPM) to improve the quality of service to the organizational effectiveness

    Hypoxic Culture Conditions as a Solution for Mesenchymal Stem Cell Based Regenerative Therapy

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    Cell-based regenerative therapies, based on in vitro propagation of stem cells, offer tremendous hope to many individuals suffering from degenerative diseases that were previously deemed untreatable. Due to the self-renewal capacity, multilineage potential, and immunosuppressive property, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are considered as an attractive source of stem cells for regenerative therapies. However, poor growth kinetics, early senescence, and genetic instability during in vitro expansion and poor engraftment after transplantation are considered to be among the major disadvantages of MSC-based regenerative therapies. A number of complex inter-and intracellular interactive signaling systems control growth, multiplication, and differentiation of MSCs in their niche. Common laboratory conditions for stem cell culture involve ambient O-2 concentration (20%) in contrast to their niche where they usually reside in 2-9% O-2. Notably, O-2 plays an important role in maintaining stem cell fate in terms of proliferation and differentiation, by regulating hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) mediated expression of different genes. This paper aims to describe and compare the role of normoxia (20% O-2) and hypoxia (2-9% O-2) on the biology of MSCs. Finally it is concluded that a hypoxic environment can greatly improve growth kinetics, genetic stability, and expression of chemokine receptors during in vitro expansion and eventually can increase efficiency of MSC-based regenerative therapies.Article Link: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/tswj/2013/632972

    Spatial and topology feature extraction on batik pattern recognition: a review

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    Abstract. Batik is an Indonesian cultural heritage that has been recognized by UNESCO as an international cultural heritage on October 2, 2009. Patterns of batik produce geometric shapes unique, the number and name of the batik patterns make it difficult to recognize each motif. The objective classification of batik is split image into classes according to the pattern motif motive so easy to recognize in accordance with its feature. Batik can be classified based on the shape of the motive, namely geometric motifs, geometric motifs and motifs non specific. Spatial information is an important aspect of image processing such as computer vision and recognition structure / pattern in the context of modelling and resolution of the uncertainty caused by the ambiguity in the low-level features. Shortcomings inherent in combining two colours and spatial features are not adaptive pattern recognition process of the region across multiple images and histogram matching is not appropriate to capture the colours on the image content. This study discussed a model of spatial features and feature combinations topology with the aim to improve the validation batik image pattern recognition so that the level of the pattern recognition motif batik image could be better. Some of the features that have been used include colour features and spatial features. In addition, this paper discusses the possibility of combining the features in pattern recognition. This paper proposes a combination of features that will be able to improve the validation of image pattern recognition of batik

    Some chemical properties of oil palm decanter meal

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    The aims of this study were to investigate the rancidity and chemical properties of oil palm decanter meal (OPDM) after been kept over an extended period of time. Samples were collected daily and analyzed for some rancidity properties, including peroxide value (PV) and thiobarbituric acid (TBA), and for chemical composition, including proximate analysis, fiber, mineral and fatty acid (FA) content. The correlation coefficient between time of storage and the rancidity (PV and TBA) of OPDM were positive with R2 of 0.9792 and 0.9678, respectively. During ten days of observation, the compositions of longchain FA, including stearic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic except for palmitic were significantly (P<0.05) different. The compositions of short-chain FA, including acetic, propionic, isobutyric, butiryc, isovaleric and valeric, were also significantly (P<0.05) different. Furthermore, PV and TBA were significantly (P<0.05) different during the extended time of 10-days storage. The correlation coefficient between PV and long-chain FA (palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, and linolenic) were 0.61, 0.16, -0.82, -0.3 and -0.84, respectively, and the correlation composition between TBA and the composition of long-chain FA (palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic) were 0.40, 0.34, -0.91, -0.02 and 0.62, respectively. It could be summarized that physically and chemically, the fresh OPDM might be used as an alternative feed, especially for ruminant.Key word: Oil palm decanter meal, fatty acid, oxidation, rancidity, peroxide, thiobarbituric

    Provenance of Sediment Deposits in Lake Tempe, South Sulawesi

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    Sedimentation rate in Lake Tempe is a serious problem faced by the government and local communities due to the high sediment transport from upstream of several rivers that flow into Lake Tempe. This study aims to determine the source of the rock material based on analysis of heavy mineral sediment. The research area is located at the estuary of Bila River in Sidenreng Rappang Regency. The method used is test pit and surface sampling. Laboratory analyzes were performed is the analysis of grain size (granulometry), heavy mineral analysis (heavy mineral separation) and microscopic analysis. There are 14 types of heavy minerals found in the Tempe Lake namely: zircon, tourmaline, rutile (ZTR) as ultra stable mineral. The less stable minerals are epidote; and others are olivine, hipersten, augite, hornblende, biotite, casiterit,, brookit, apatite, magnetite and iron oxide. Source rocks of the minerals are interpreted from igneous and volcanic rocks of acidic to intermediate type

    Properties Evaluation of Natural Weathered Polyester/Nano-Locust Bean Pods Ash (LBPA) Composite

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    Nano-Locust bean Pod Ash (LBPA) reinforced polyester matrix composite was developed via Sol-gel techniques to investigate the mechanical and physical properties of the composite after weathering. The mechanical and physical test samples were prepared according to ASTM standard. The composite were subjected to weathering tests to study the effect of natural weather and its degradation on the properties of the composites. The moisture absorption of the composite after 24 hours as well as the weight loss of the test samples after degradation was evaluated. Percentage water absorption of the composite increased with increase in percentage reinforcement composition. The percentage weight losses also increase as the percent reinforcement in the composite increases. Weight loss of the test samples after 30 days shows the highest weight loss values. Approximately 54%, 11%, 86%, and 43% drop in values after 90days exposure was recorded for impact, tensile, flexural and hardness test values respectively. The reduction in modulus values recorded for tensile and flexural was approximately 51% and 8%. Keywords: Nanosized LBPA; polyester composite; Natural weathering; Properties  

    COP 26: Pavilion Proposals

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    There is considerable interest in having a Peatland Pavilion at the up-coming UNFCCC COP26 to be held in Glasgow in November 2021. The purpose of the pavilion would be to provide a focus for discussions about the increasingly recognised importance of peatlands and their role as major global stores of soil carbon but also, in their damaged state, as large sources of carbon emissions. UEL Architecture Masters students were set the task of developing potential designs for such a pavilion with the requirement that it incorporate an installation designed by the artist and UEL lecturer Michael Pinsky. The architectural concept drawn up by Hussein Ail Kassim and Mohammed Patel offers some thought-provoking ideas for such a Peatland Pavilion and thus opens up the debate about what form, both conceptually and architecturally, such a pavilion might take. It is worth highlighting that the themes of the different environment domes envisaged by Hussein and Mohammed can each be related to particular aspects of importance to peatlands
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