96 research outputs found

    The inhibition of Fusarium wilt in Chili by Endophytic Fungi isolated from Green Betel (Piper betle L.) Leaf

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    Green Betel (Piper betle L.) leaves are often used as medicine by local people because they contain antibacterial and antifungal substances. These substances can be produced by plant metabolites and are also the results of metabolites produced by endophytic fungi. Endophytic fungus is an organism that is associated with healthy host tissues without causing disease symptoms. Endophytic fungi from betel leaf are used as biocontrol agents against Fusarium oxysporum causes wilt disease that attacks Chili (Capsicum annuum L.), which is one of the main agricultural commodities in Indonesia. Fusarium wilt disease is a disease that significantly reduces crop yields based on crop yields. This research was conducted in a chili farm in Cangkringan, Sleman, Yogyakarta. This study aimed to test the antagonism of endophytic fungi with the dual culture technique. Three types of green betel leaf endophytic fungi were used for dual culture test against Fusarium oxysporum. The observation result showed the highest inhibition ability of 73.37% dual culture method. The inhibitory mechanisms of green betel leaf endophytic fungal isolates include parasitism, antibiosis, and competition. Endophytic fungi of green betel leaf are effective as biocontrol agents of wilt Fusarium chili disease. ©2022 JNSMR UIN Walisongo. All rights reserved

    Isolasi, Seleksi, Dan Identifikasi Kapang Kitinolitik Yang Diisolasi Dari Tanah Pembuangan Limbah Udang Dan Rizosfer Solanaceae

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    Kapang kitinolitik mampu mendegradasi kitin dengan mensekresikan enzim kitinase. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan kapang kitinolitik indigenous yang unggul dalam menghasilkan enzim kitinase. Isolasi kapang dilakukan dengan metode spread plate pada colloidal chitin agar. Seleksi kualitatif isolat berdasarkan indeks kitinolitik yang diperoleh dengan membagi diameter zona jernih di sekeliling koloni dengan diameter koloni. Seleksi kuantitatif berdasarkan aktivitas spesifik kitinase yang diukur berdasarkan pengurangan substrat koloidal kitin menggunakan metode spektrofotometer. Hasil isolasi memperoleh 70 (tujuh puluh) isolat kapang kitinolitik. Delapan belas isolat dari 70 isolat kapang kitinolitik mempunyai indeks kitinolitik ≥ 2,00. Berdasarkan seleksi kuantitatif diperoleh 10 (sepuluh) isolat yang mempunyai aktivitas enzim kitinase lebih tinggi daripada aktivitas enzim kitinase Trichoderma viride FNCC 6128 (210,14 U/mg) yang digunakan sebagai isolat acuan. Isolat KUP2 mempunyai aktivitas spesifik kitinase tertinggi 744,20 U/mg. Isolat KUP2 teridentifikasi sebagai Trichoderma sp

    The inhibition of Fusarium wilt in Chili by Endophytic Fungi isolated from Green Betel (Piper betle L.) Leaf

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    Green Betel (Piper betle L.) leaves are often used as medicine by local people because they contain antibacterial and antifungal substances. These substances can be produced by plant metabolites and are also the results of metabolites produced by endophytic fungi. Endophytic fungus is an organism that is associated with healthy host tissues without causing disease symptoms. Endophytic fungi from betel leaf are used as biocontrol agents against Fusarium oxysporum causes wilt disease that attacks Chili (Capsicum annuum L.), which is one of the main agricultural commodities in Indonesia. Fusarium wilt disease is a disease that significantly reduces crop yields based on crop yields. This research was conducted in a chili farm in Cangkringan, Sleman, Yogyakarta. This study aimed to test the antagonism of endophytic fungi with the dual culture technique. Three types of green betel leaf endophytic fungi were used for dual culture test against Fusarium oxysporum. The observation result showed the highest inhibition ability of 73.37% dual culture method. The inhibitory mechanisms of green betel leaf endophytic fungal isolates include parasitism, antibiosis, and competition. Endophytic fungi of green betel leaf are effective as biocontrol agents of wilt Fusarium chili disease. ©2022 JNSMR UIN Walisongo. All rights reserved

    Morphological Characteristics and Kinship Relationship of Mushroom Schizophyllum commune Fr.

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    Schizophyllum commune is a mushroom from the division of Basidiomycota which abundance at rainy season on wood that have been moldered for its habitat. S. commune has been distributed widely at various types of wood habitat (jack fruit, bamboo, rubber, mango etc). Existence of this mushroom has not been known as well as any mushroom are able to be consumed/edible yet. In Java, the societies who have known it as consumption mushroom called it with local name jamur gigit. Jamur gigit is potential to become food material and based on organoleptic test indicates that jamur gigit is more delicious from oyster mushroom. The purpose of research is to investigate the morphology character of S. commune at various growth phases and to study the S. commune relationship in Java. The result of this research is expected can give information about morphology character of S. commune in each its growth phase and to understand S. commune relationship in Java. Sample for research has been collected in 3 areas in Java. The macroscopic morphology character and microscopic character of S. commune were observed. The character that had been obtained is used to compile description and be analyzed by cluster using SPSS 13.0 to study the kinship relationship. The result of research indicates that morphology character of S. commune in Java of fruit body when old and young phase was different, while the microscopic character almost same to the obtained sample. The result of analysis cluster indicated that at similar level of 38,1 % there were two clusters, first cluster was Sidoarjo a S. commune and S. commune Yogyakarta. The second cluster has member the Sidoarjo b S. commune, Malang S. commune, Tangerang S. commune, Semarang S. commune and Kuningan S. commune. © 2015 JNSMR UIN Walisongo. All rights reserved

    Morphological Characteristics and Kinship Relationship of Mushroom Schizophyllum commune Fr.

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    Schizophyllum commune is a mushroom from the division of Basidiomycota which abundance at rainy season on wood that have been moldered for its habitat. S. commune has been distributed widely at various types of wood habitat (jack fruit, bamboo, rubber, mango etc). Existence of this mushroom has not been known as well as any mushroom are able to be consumed/edible yet. In Java, the societies who have known it as consumption mushroom called it with local name jamur gigit. Jamur gigit is potential to become food material and based on organoleptic test indicates that jamur gigit is more delicious from oyster mushroom. The purpose of research is to investigate the morphology character of S. commune at various growth phases and to study the S. commune relationship in Java. The result of this research is expected can give information about morphology character of S. commune in each its growth phase and to understand S. commune relationship in Java. Sample for research has been collected in 3 areas in Java. The macroscopic morphology character and microscopic character of S. commune were observed. The character that had been obtained is used to compile description and be analyzed by cluster using SPSS 13.0 to study the kinship relationship. The result of research indicates that morphology character of S. commune in Java of fruit body when old and young phase was different, while the microscopic character almost same to the obtained sample. The result of analysis cluster indicated that at similar level of 38,1 % there were two clusters, first cluster was Sidoarjo a S. commune and S. commune Yogyakarta. The second cluster has member the Sidoarjo b S. commune, Malang S. commune, Tangerang S. commune, Semarang S. commune and Kuningan S. commune. © 2015 JNSMR UIN Walisongo. All rights reserved


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    In Indonesia, strawberry is one of fruits which has high economic values. The growth of strawberry has increased significantly, but its productivity is still low because of disease attack. Disease that attacks strawberry started from nursery to post harvest is anthracnose that can be caused by Colletotrichum spp. Control efforts of anthracnose disease up to now has been done with application of synthetic chemicals which are known to be hazardous to the environment and human health. Betel leaf (Piper betle L.) is natural plant that potentially used as phytofungicide. Essential oils on betel leaf extract is reported can decrease the growth of pathogenic fungi. The objectives of the research were to identify Colletotrichum spp. in strawberry fruit that showed anthracnose symptoms, to test the potency of betel leaf extract as phytofungicide, and to evaluate the effect of betel leaf extract in inhibiting infection and disease severity of Colletotrichum in strawberry. Samples were taken from strawberry nursery in Magelang, Indonesia. The disease symptoms were isolated on Potato Dextrose Agar, followed by identification of fungal colony and morphology by semi permanent slide preparation. Betel leaves were extracted with water to get a concentration of 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100%, respectively. An in vitro experiment was done to evaluate the inhibition rate of betel leaf extract to the growth of Colletotrichum spp. colony. An in vivo experiment was done by submersion of strawberry to betel leaf extract before (preventive method) and after antrachnose attack (curative method), then disease infection and disease severity were measured after 7 days. The result of the research showed that anthracnose disease in strawberry was caused by C. gloeosporioides (Penz.). Twenty percent of betel leaf extract in an in vitro test had potential as phytofungicide and concentration of 100% betel leaf extract was the best concentration to inhibit the growth of C. gloeosporioides (Penz.) colony by 70.26±0,61%. In an in vivo experiment, submersion of strawberry before pathogen infection (preventive) with 100% betel leaf extract decreased disease infection by 40% and disease severity by 16%, respectively. While treatment of submersion of strawberry after pathogen infection (curative) decreased disease infection by 33,4% and disease severity by 17%.Keywords: strawberry, anthrachnose, disease, betel lea

    Identifikasi dan Uji Patogenisitas Colletotrichum spp. dari Cabai Merah (Capsicum annuum): Kasus di Kricaan, Magelang, Jawa Tengah

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    The investigation of the agent causing diseases is the first step to determine and control the spread of diseases. Anthracnose causing fruit rot on the red pepper in Indonesia that reduces the yield up to 90%. Colletotrichum is reported as the causative fungal agent of anthracnosis on the red pepper. This study aims to determine the type of Colletotrichum spp. pathogenic fungi on the red pepper collected from Agricultural Field Kricaan, Magelang, Central Java. Methods of identification included macroscopic and microscopic characterization and followed by determining the pathogenicity of the pathogenic agent. In this study, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and C. acutatum are identified as the causative agents of anthracnose in the red pepper collected from the study location. C. acutatum PC3 strain is identified as the most virulent pathogenic agent. Keywords: anthracnosis, diagnosis, diseases, symptoms, pathoge

    The inhibition of Fusarium wilt in Chili by Endophytic Fungi isolated from Green Betel (Piper betle L.) Leaf

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    Green Betel (Piper betle L.) leaves are often used as medicine by local people because they contain antibacterial and antifungal substances. These substances can be produced by plant metabolites and are also the results of metabolites produced by endophytic fungi. Endophytic fungus is an organism that is associated with healthy host tissues without causing disease symptoms. Endophytic fungi from betel leaf are used as biocontrol agents against Fusarium oxysporum causes wilt disease that attacks Chili (Capsicum annuum L.), which is one of the main agricultural commodities in Indonesia. Fusarium wilt disease is a disease that significantly reduces crop yields based on crop yields. This research was conducted in a chili farm in Cangkringan, Sleman, Yogyakarta. This study aimed to test the antagonism of endophytic fungi with the dual culture technique. Three types of green betel leaf endophytic fungi were used for dual culture test against Fusarium oxysporum. The observation result showed the highest inhibition ability of 73.37% dual culture method. The inhibitory mechanisms of green betel leaf endophytic fungal isolates include parasitism, antibiosis, and competition. Endophytic fungi of green betel leaf are effective as biocontrol agents of wilt Fusarium chili disease. ©2022 JNSMR UIN Walisongo. All rights reserved

    Isolation and Identification of Endophytic Fungi from Leave and Stem of Calopogonium mucunoides

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    Thirty-seven isolates of endophytic fungi were isolated from leaves and stems of Calopogonium mucunoides collected from PTPN PTPN XII (Persero) Rubber Plantation, Klatakan, Kecamatan Tanggul, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur. All isolates were identified based on morphological characteristics using the light microscope. The 37 isolates of endophytic fungi are members of Deuteromycota and Basidiomycota and classified to genera Phoma, Phomopsis, Corynespora, Rhizoctonia, Helicosporium, Curvularia, Torulomyces, Gliocladium, Gloeosporium, Acremonium, Tripospermum, Aureobasidium, Colletotrichum, Humicola, Fusarium, Sclerotium, and sterile hyphae. 

    Diversity, Abundance, and Traditional Uses of Asteraceae Species in Mount Bisma, Dieng Plateau, Kejajar, Wonosobo, Central Java

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    Asteraceae is the largest and most diverse family of flowering plants which contains more than 20,000 species distributed in nearly all types of habitats all over the world. In mountainous regions such as Mount Bisma, it is estimated to have plenty and diverse member of the Asteraceae family, and used in the local community for various uses. This research aimed to understand the diversity, abundance, and uses of Asteraceae members that are found wild in Mount Bisma. Taxonomy and ecological data were gathered using an exploration method and purposive sampling method, from the point, a plot measured 3x3 m2 was created to estimate the vegetation parameters in the mountain top and mountain valley area. Ethnobotanical data were gathered in Sikunang Village, a nearby village of Mount Bisma using a semi-structured interview and open-ended questions. Data were analysed descriptively and quantitatively using several indices such as Importance Value Index (IVI), Index of Cultural Significance (ICS), and index of Use Value (UV). The result showed that there were 18 species from two subfamilies that grew wild in both mountain top and valley of Mount Bisma. The highest importance value belonged to Ageratina riparia, which was scored in the mountain top and valley 71.00 and 91.53, respectively. Uses of Asteraceae in Sikunang were varies, ranging from being a side dish, medicine, firewood, souvenir, and other uses. Galinsoga parviflora and Galinsoga quadriradiata showed the highest ICS value of 41, whereas Austroeupatorium inulifolium scored the highest in UV of 1.8. The study presented high number of Asteraceae diversity and use. Thus, implies that Mount Bisma has vast unexplored biodiversity and locals around Mount Bisma have rich traditional knowledge.