519 research outputs found

    Improvement of fuzzy neural network using mine blast algorithm for classification of Malaysian Small Medium Enterprises based on strength

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    Fuzzy Neural Networks (FNNs) with the integration of fuzzy logic, neural networks and optimization techniques have not only solved the issue of “black box” in Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) but also have been effective in a wide variety of real-world applications. Despite of attracting researchers in recent years and outperforming other fuzzy inference systems, Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) still needs effective parameter training and rule-base optimization methods to perform efficiently when the number of inputs increase. Many researchers have trained ANFIS parameters using metaheuristic algorithms but very few have considered optimizing the ANFIS rule-base. Mine Blast Algorithm (MBA) which has been improved by Improved MBA (IMBA) can be further improved by modifying its exploitation phase. This research proposes Accelerated MBA (AMBA) to accelerate convergence of IMBA. The AMBA is then employed in proposed effective technique for optimizing ANFIS rule-base. The ANFIS optimized by AMBA is used employed to model classification of Malaysian small medium enterprises (SMEs) based on strength using non-financial factors. The performance of the proposed classification model is validated on SME dataset obtained from SME Corporation Malaysia, and also on real-world benchmark classification problems like Breast Cancer, Iris, and Glass. The performance of the ANFIS optimization by AMBA is compared with Genetic Algorithm (GA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), MBA and Improved MBA (IMBA), respectively. The results show that the proposed method achieved better accuracy with optimized rule-set in less number of iterations

    A review of training methods of ANFIS for applications in business and economic

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    Fuzzy Neural Networks (FNNs) techniques have been effectively used in applications that range from medical to mechanical engineering, to business and economics. Despite of attracting researchers in recent years and outperforming other fuzzy systems, Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) still needs effective parameter training and rule-base optimization methods to perform efficiently when the number of inputs increase. Moreover, the standard gradient based learning via two pass learning algorithm is prone slow and prone to get stuck in local minima. Therefore many researchers have trained ANFIS parameters using metaheuristic algorithms however very few have considered optimizing the ANFIS rule-base. Mostly Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and its variants have been applied for training approaches used. Other than that, Genetic Algorithm (GA), Firefly Algorithm (FA), Ant Bee Colony (ABC) optimization methods have been employed for effective training of ANFIS networks when solving various problems in the field of business and finance

    Reasons for betel quid chewing amongst dependent and non-dependent betel quid chewing adolescents: a school-based cross-sectional survey

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    Background: Betel quid (BQ) chewing in children is initiated in their adolescence. It is pivotal to understand adolescents’ reasons behind chewing BQ. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the reasons for BQ chewing amongst adolescents using reasons for betel quid chewing scale (RBCS) and their associated dependency on it. Methods: This is a cross-sectional school based survey. Out of 2200 adolescents from 26 schools of Karachi, 874 BQ chewers were assessed for their reasons of BQ chewing and dependency on it. Regression analyses were employed to report crude and adjusted (after adjusting for all reasons of BQ chewing) effect sizes with 95% confidence interval and P-value was set significant at < 0.05. Results: Students who believed that BQ chewing relaxes them (stimulation construct) were twice as likely to be dependent on BQ (OR = 2.36, 95% CI (1.20–4.65) as compared with others. Participants who thought it eases their decision making (stimulation construct), were sizably more likely to be dependent on BQ (OR = 9.65, 95% CI (4.15–22.43) than those who did not consider ease in decision making important. Adolescents who considered not chewing as rude (social/cultural construct), were thrice more likely to be dependent on BQ (OR = 2.50, 95% CI (1.11–5.63) than others. Conclusions: Stimulation remained fundamental chewing reason followed by social/cultural trigger amongst adolescents. Any future intervention may get favorable results if it addresses ways to overcome stimulation and social/cultural barriers that are strongly associated with BQ chewing and dependency

    Accelerated mine blast algorithm for ANFIS training for solving classification problems

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    Mine Blast Algorithm (MBA) is newly developed metaheuristic technique. It has outperformed Genetic Algorithm (GA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and their variants when solving various engineering optimization problems. MBA has been improved by IMBA, which is modified in this paper to accelerate its convergence speed furthermore. The proposed variant, so called Accelerated MBA (AMBA), replaces the previous best solution with the available candidate solution in IMBA. ANFIS accuracy depends on the parameters it is trained with. Keeping in view the drawbacks of gradients based learning of ANFIS using gradient descent and least square methods in two-pass learning algorithm, many have trained ANFIS using metaheuristic algorithms. In this paper, for getting high performance, the parameters of ANFIS are trained by the proposed AMBA. The experimental results of real-world benchmark problems reveal that AMBA can be used as an efficient optimization technique. Moreover, the results also indicate that AMBA converges earlier than its other counterparts MBA and IMBA

    Frequencies Dominations for Different Rating of Distribution Transformer under Transients

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    Power transients faults on high voltage lines are prominently due to high frequency transients. These transients affect the predicted life and efficiency of equipment. The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is helpful in analysing the effect of high frequencies and Frequency Response Analysis (FRA) provide support in diagnosis and detection of deformation in a transformers. The major aim of this study is to analyse the incorporation of frequencies based on resonating core of a particular transformer. Using transfer function method an impedance change in transformer has been observed when equipment is subjected to high voltage transients. The effect of change in impedance is that it degrade the life of a core with respect to time. In this paper, research that has been done already on Transformers of different ratings i.e. 100, 50 and 30 kVA are studied and then an experiment is performed on 50-kVA transformer. It was concluded that the core of a transformer having rating equal or less than 50 kVA practically shows single resonance behavior while above 50 kVA for instance 100-kVA transformer core resonates twice. In actual, result defines the core deviating frequency with respect to the rating of a transformer

    Help to helpers: A Quantitative Study on Child Labor in Pakistan and Dynamic Solutions

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    Pakistan has a long standing problem of child labor. Its motives and fundamental reasons are multifold and complex. Although, Pakistani child labor yields large number of profits to their families and economy of country but this phenomenon is a vulnerable part of Pakistani society where millions of children are suffering from paid, unpaid or underpaid labor. There are many factors involved and rooted in Pakistan’s diverse socio-economic, political, linguistic, and demographic destitution. This is a quantitative research in which 439 Pakistani samples, through likert-scale based questionnaire, provided groundwork for having an updated substantial solution to control this problem. This study also explains indispensable individual, social, government level solutions for elimination of child labor from Pakistan

    Instantaneous Flood Events Data Analyses in Northern Pakistan

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    In large watersheds of Pakistan, a proper flood intensity assessment is a most important concern for many water management applications. The present study investigates the possible best-fit probability distributions technique of uttermost flood events using more than 30 years data (except Mastuj Bridge station) from 15 stream flow stations in northern Pakistan, operated and maintained by Surface Water Hydrology Project (SWHP), WAPDA. Different statistical distribution model, were used to estimate design floods for risk planning and the design of important civil infrastructure. Method of moments was used for estimation of parameters of selective distributions. Four goodness-of-fit statistics test K, A2, χ2 and Root mean square error (RMSE) were applied to evaluate the most appropriate probability distribution. P3, LP3, GEV, and LN were determined best fit distribution model. Among the eight-probability distribution’s P3 fitted 33.3% of the stations, LP3 also fitted 33.3% of the stations, GEV fitted 26.7% of the stations and LN fitted 6.7% of the stations. The more practical result for peak flood were calculated for recurrence intervals of 5-year, 25-year, 50-year, 100-year, 500-year and 1000-years respectively. In future before planning and designing any project such as Hydropower, irrigation systems, Dike, flood disaster assessment and management at Indus and adjacent rivers, P3, LP3, GEV and LN distributions results should be considered more reliable on these locations


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    This study investigated the social anxiety and social competence as determinants of bullying student’s behavior of among college students in Pakistan. To define the level of social anxiety and bullying behavior of students which self, peers, regard fatalities as having poorer social skills through 20 behavior’s/competences. A convenience sample of 230 pupils aged between 12 to 14 years (130 girls and 100 boys) provided self-report and peer-report data. They were taken from four colleges of Hyderabad city Sindh Pakistan, like as I mentioned zubaida government degree Girls College Hyderabad, Hayat Girls College Hyderabad, Government Boys degree College Qasimabad, Government degree College kohsar Hyderabad. Furthermore the researcher has used quantitative method survey questionnaire distribute to the respondents for data collection. Analysis through SPSS version 26 Post hoc multiple comparisons of social anxiety and social competence of bullying behavior of students experiences with social anxiety in college students. Study situations using Mann–Whitney U tests demographic information of respondent’s, analysis reliability analysis. In results researcher has found some of the main cause behind this study social anxiety and bullying behavior of students playing negative role in the society. This research will be fruitful for the scholars and policy makers. Article visualizations

    Yükseköğretim Hizmetlerinde Tolerans Kuşağı: Öğrenci Hizmetleri ile İlgili Tanımlayıcı Hizmet Kalitesi Modeli

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    The present study describes the zone of tolerance for students’ service expectations and determines the student satisfaction level for higher education institutes. It attempts to diagnose the service quality level of administrative units, such as services provided by the registrar, library, faculty/school offices, rector’s office, dormitories, sports and health centre in a university setting. Aconceptual model HEDZOT is presented in this study, and the results demonstrate that evaluation of services can be scaled according to different types of expectations—‘desired’ and ‘adequate’—and that students use these two types of expectations as a comparison standard in evaluating higher education services. The findings reveal that students have a narrow zone of tolerance with regards to the services provided by higher education.Bu çalışma, yükseköğretim kurumlarında öğrencilerin hizmet beklentileri ile ilgili tolerans kuşağını tespit etmekte ve öğrenci memnuniyetini ortaya koymaktadır. Araştırmada, yükseköğretim kurumlarında öğrenci işleri, kütüphane, fakülte/yüksekokul idareleri, rektörlük, yurtlar, spor ve sağlık merkezleri gibi idari birimler tarafından sağlanan hizmetlerin kalitesi tespit edilmeye çalışılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada HEDZOT başlıklı kavramsal bir model de önerilmiş olup, araştırma sonuçları öğrencilerin hizmet değerlendirilmesi aşamasında iki farklı çeşit beklentiyi – ‘arzu edilen’ ve ‘en düşük kabul edilebilir’ – dikkate aldıkları ve öğrencilerin yükseköğretim hizmetlerini değerlendirmede bu iki çeşit beklentiyi karşılaştırma yaparlarken standart olarak kullandıkları belirlenmiştir. Bulgulardan, öğrencilerin yükseköğretim hizmetleri ile ilgili dar tolerans kuşaklarına sahip oldukları da tespit edilmiştir

    Association of long-term consumption of repeatedly heated mix vegetable oils in different doses and hepatic toxicity through fat accumulation

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    Background: Hepatic diseases are one of the chief reasons for worldwide morbidity and mortality. The increased incidence in Asian countries is driving researchers to explore preventive ways from nature. It is more practical to go with healthy routine edibles like vegetable oils to avoid environmental and chemical hepatic injuries. With the use of thermally oxidized oils overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) with overwhelmed cellular antioxidants defense system results in oxidative stress, the known cause of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), cancers and neurodegenerative disorders. Little is investigated about the effect of daily used oxidized cooking oils on hepatic function changes with oxidative stress especially in the animal model that mimics the human situation.Methods: In this study, healthy adult male rabbits of local strain were divided into 4 groups (n = 12). First, two sets of rabbits were treated with 1 and 2 ml/kg/day of repeatedly heated mix vegetable oils (RHMVO) respectively. The third set of rabbits was given 1 ml/kg/day of single time heated mix vegetable oils (STHMVO) and the fourth set of rabbits served as controls and fed with normal rabbit diet to for 16 weeks. Serum liver function markers including total-protein, albumin, serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT), serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (SGPT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) along with the activity of hepatic antioxidant-enzymes including superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and malondialdehyde (MDA) for lipid peroxidation were compared among different groups of rabbits. Histopathological examination was performed for all four groups.Results: Significantly (p \u3c 0.05) elevated hepatic enzymes and MDA levels, with lower total protein, serum albumin, GPx, SOD and CAT levels were found in high and low doses RHMVO treated groups, in comparison to control. In the STHMVO group, all mentioned markers were insignificantly changed. Accumulation of liver fat in low and high dose oil-treated groups was further confirmed under the microscopic examination of liver tissues, presented significant fat accumulation in liver tissues, in addition, 40-60% increased oxidative stress compared to control, in a dose-dependent manner.Conclusions: These results conclude that consumption of thermally oxidized mix vegetable oils for longer duration can impair the liver function and destroy its histological structure significantly through fat accumulation and oxidative stress both in high as well as low doses