44 research outputs found

    Efikasi Diri sebagai Mediator antara Kecemasan dan Prestasi Atlet Elit Remaja Bulutangkis Indonesia.

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: (1) pengaruh kecemasan terhadap efikasi diri, (2) pengaruh efikasi diri terhadap prestasi atlet, (3) pengaruh kecemasan terhadap prestasi atlet, dan (3) pengaruh kecemasan terhadap prestasi atlet melalui efikasi diri. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian ex-post facto. Subjek penelitian ini adalah atlet elit remaja bulutangkis Indonesia yang bertanding di Cirebon Open 2019. Subjek berjumlah 41 orang yang terdiri dari 24 laki- laki dan 17 perempuan. Data diperoleh melalui skala efikasi diri yang di konstruk oleh peneliti, Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2), dan dokumen prestasi yang diperoleh dari panitia Cirebon Open 2019. Analisis data penelitian menggunakan regresi dari Hayes atau Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) yang di instal ke SPSS versi 23. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa efikasi diri tidak secara langsung memediasi efek antara kecemasan dan prestasi atlet. Namun, ada pengaruh yang signifikan kecemasan terhadap prestasi atlet. Oleh karena itu, disarankan untuk meningkatkan arousal

    Structure of the Dead Sea Pull-Apart Basin From Gravity Analyses

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    Analyses and modeling of gravity data in the Dead Sea pull-apart basin reveal the geometry of the basin and constrain models for its evolution. The basin is located within a valley which defines the Dead Sea transform plate boundary between Africa and Arabia. Three hundred kilometers of continuous marine gravity data, collected in a lake occupying the northern part of the basin, were integrated with land gravity data from Israel and Jordan to provide coverage to 30 km either side of the basin. Free-air and variable-density Bouguer anomaly maps, a horizontal first derivative map of the Bouguer anomaly, and gravity models of profiles across and along the basin were used with existing geological and geophysical information to infer the structure of the basin. The basin is a long (132 km), narrow (7-10 km), and deep (≤10 km) full graben which is bounded by subvertical faults along its long sides. The Bouguer anomaly along the axis of the basin decreases gradually from both the northern and southern ends, suggesting that the basin sags toward the center and is not bounded by faults at its narrow ends. The surface expression of the basin is wider at its center (≤16 km) and covers the entire width of the transform valley due to the presence of shallower blocks that dip toward the basin. These blocks are interpreted to represent the widening of the basin by a passive collapse of the valley floor as the full graben deepened. The collapse was probably facilitated by movement along the normal faults that bound the transform valley. We present a model in which the geometry of the Dead Sea basin (i.e., full graben with relative along-axis symmetry) may be controlled by stretching of the entire (brittle and ductile) crust along its long axis. There is no evidence for the participation of the upper mantle in the deformation of the basin, and the Moho is not significantly elevated. The basin is probably close to being isostatically uncompensated, and thermal effects related to stretching are expected to be minimal. The amount of crustal stretching calculated from this model is 21 km and the stretching factor is 1.19. If the rate of crustal stretching is similar to the rate of relative plate motion (6 mm/yr), the basin should be ~3.5 m.y. old, in accord with geological evidence

    Neotectonics of the Owen Fracture Zone (NW Indian Ocean): structural evolution of an oceanic strike-slip plate boundary

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    International audienceThe Owen Fracture Zone is a 800 km-long fault system that accommodates the dextral strike-slip motion between India and Arabia plates. Because of slow pelagic sedimentation rates that preserve the seafloor expression of the fault since the Early Pliocene, the fault is clearly observed on bathymetric data. It is made up of a series of fault segments separated by releasing and restraining bends, including a major pull-apart basin at latitude 20°N. Some distal turbiditic channels from the Indus deep-sea fan overlap the fault system and are disturbed by its activity, thus providing landmarks to date successive stages of fault activity and structural evolution of the Owen Fracture Zone from Pliocene to Present. We determine the durability of relay structures and the timing of their evolution along the principal displacement zone, from their inception to their extinction. We observe subsidence migration in the 20°N basin, and alternate activation of fault splays in the vicinity of the Qalhat seamount. The present-day Owen Fracture Zone is the latest stage of structural evolution of the 20-Myr-old strike-slip fault system buried under Indus turbiditic deposits whose activity started at the eastern foot of the Owen Ridge when the Gulf of Aden opened. The evolution of the Owen Fracture Zone since 3-6 Myr reflects a steady state plate motion between Arabia and India, such as inferred by kinematics for the last 20 Myr period. The structural evolution of the Owen Fracture Zone since 20 Myr- including fault segments propagation and migration, pull-apart basin opening and extinction - seems to be characterized by a progressive reorganisation of the fault system, and does not require any major kinematics change

    Geometry and subsidence history of the Dead Sea basin : a case for fluid-induced mid-crustal shear zone?

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    This paper is not subject to U.S. copyright. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 117 (2012): B01406, doi:10.1029/2011JB008711.Pull-apart basins are narrow zones of crustal extension bounded by strike-slip faults that can serve as analogs to the early stages of crustal rifting. We use seismic tomography, 2-D ray tracing, gravity modeling, and subsidence analysis to study crustal extension of the Dead Sea basin (DSB), a large and long-lived pull-apart basin along the Dead Sea transform (DST). The basin gradually shallows southward for 50 km from the only significant transverse normal fault. Stratigraphic relationships there indicate basin elongation with time. The basin is deepest (8–8.5 km) and widest (~15 km) under the Lisan about 40 km north of the transverse fault. Farther north, basin depth is ambiguous, but is 3 km deep immediately north of the lake. The underlying pre-basin sedimentary layer thickens gradually from 2 to 3 km under the southern edge of the DSB to 3–4 km under the northern end of the lake and 5–6 km farther north. Crystalline basement is ~11 km deep under the deepest part of the basin. The upper crust under the basin has lower P wave velocity than in the surrounding regions, which is interpreted to reflect elevated pore fluids there. Within data resolution, the lower crust below ~18 km and the Moho are not affected by basin development. The subsidence rate was several hundreds of m/m.y. since the development of the DST ~17 Ma, similar to other basins along the DST, but subsidence rate has accelerated by an order of magnitude during the Pleistocene, which allowed the accumulation of 4 km of sediment. We propose that the rapid subsidence and perhaps elongation of the DSB are due to the development of inter-connected mid-crustal ductile shear zones caused by alteration of feldspar to muscovite in the presence of pore fluids. This alteration resulted in a significant strength decrease and viscous creep. We propose a similar cause to the enigmatic rapid subsidence of the North Sea at the onset the North Atlantic mantle plume. Thus, we propose that aqueous fluid flux into a slowly extending continental crust can cause rapid basin subsidence that may be erroneously interpreted as an increased rate of tectonic activity.Fieldwork was funded by U.S. AID Middle Eastern Regional Cooperation Program grant M21–012, with in-kind contributions by Al-Balqa’ Applied University (Jordan), the Geophysical Institute of Israel, and the U.S. Geological Survey

    The Nusantara Characters in Overcoming Negative Behaviors: Karakteristik Kepribadian Nusantara dan Relevansinya Mengatasi Perilaku Negatif

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    Understanding Nusantara character is important to overcome negative behaviors that often occur in the hearts of community. This study attempts to explore how Nusantara character is able to overcome negative behaviors. This study is literature in nature using several Indonesian journals of psychology. The results of this study indicate that the characters are developed from subjective happiness, motivation of achievement, and tolerance. These three characters have potentials to overcome negative behaviors.  The author suggests that Indonesian researchers in psychology need to meticulously investigate cultural values in certain communities and the construction of Nusantara characters.  Keywords: personality archipelago, negative behavior   Menelurusi karakteristik kepribadian nusantara ini penting dilakukan untuk mengatasi perilaku negatif yang kerap muncul di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini berusaha menunjukkan karakteristik kepribadian nusantara, sekaligus menjadi solusi alternatif mengatasi perilaku negatif. Penelusuran ini menggunakan studi literatur, diambil dari jurnal-jurnal psikologi Indonesia. Hasil penelusuran menunjukkan bahwa salah-satu karakteristik kepribadian nusantara ialah kebahagiaan subjektif, motivasi berprestasi, dan toleransi. Karakteristik ini dapat menjadi solusi alternatif mengatasi perilaku negatif. Jadi, kesimpulannya ialah karakteristik kepribadian nusantara meliputi kebahagiaan, motivasi, dan toleransi, yang hal ini dapat berkontribusi mengatasi perilaku negatif. Meskipun demikian, penelusuran ini memiliki keterbatasan yakni masih minimnya sumber-sumber penelitian psikologi nusantara, ke depan para peneliti psikologi Indonesia perlu menggali nilai-nilai budaya dalam masyarakat tertentu dan mengkonstruknya menjadi kepribadian nusantara.  Kata Kunci: kepribadian nusantara, perilaku negati

    Skema Religius Sebagai Prediktor Terhadap Perilaku Toleransi Orang Ambon

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    Toleransi merupakan isu yang akan terus hangat dibicarakan para ahli. Studi terbaru menunjukkan bahwa skema religius sangat kuat mempengaruhi perilaku toleransi individu yang secara positif berdampak pada situasi harmoni ditengah keberagaman. Meskipun demikian, sejauh ini studi tersebut masih minim direplikasi pada orang Ambon, Maluku. Olehnya itu, penelitian kuantitatif ini berusaha membuktikan sekaligus menjelaskan skema religius sebagai prediktor terhadap perilaku toleransi orang Ambon. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 66 orang, rata-rata usia (29 tahun) dan (Kristen = 25,8%; Islam = 74,2%). Berdasarkan hasil analisis regresi linier sederhana menunjukkan bahwa skema religius sangat kuat memprediksi perilaku toleransi orang Ambon adalah p = 0,000 (p<0,05). Selain itu, kontribusi skema religius terhadap perilaku toleransi sebesar 21,4%. Artinya, ada sekitar 78,6% lainnya bahwa perilaku toleransi dipengaruhi variabel psikologis lain seperti empati, kerendahan hati intelektual, dan dukungan pemberian hak kepada orang lain. Skema religius bisa mempengaruhi perilaku toleransi pada responden orang Ambon karena distimulasi oleh pengaruh budaya lokal seperti pela dan masohi. Studi ini diharapkan menjadi rekomendasi bagi para pengambil kebijakan untuk lebih memperhatikan urgensi pembentukan skema religius melalui upaya melestarikan budaya lokal sehingga berdampak pada perilaku toleransi masyarakat. Studi ini masih memiliki keterbatasan yakni melibatkan sampel dalam jumlah terbatas sehingga studi selanjutnya perlu mempertimbangkan menggunakan sampel dalam jumlah lebih besar sehingga prediksi skema religius terhadap perilaku toleransi dapat digeneralisir ke sejumlah populasi. Olehnya itu, keterbatasan ini bisa menjadi rekomendasi bagi peneliti selanjutnya

    Pudarnya Batas Kepemilikan Pribadi: Tinjauan Antropologis Terhadap Pengelolaan Kelapa Di Namalomin

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    This study seeks to understand and explain, why is the understanding and practice of the Namalomin community on the island of Seram Laut towards the limits of private ownership-on coconut management so faded? and why is ownership of the tree so strict while the fruit is so loose? The research method that the author uses is the ethnographic method. To explain the loose form of private ownership, the author uses David Graeber's argument about the principle of care and sharing of private property. Meanwhile, to explain why private ownership of the tree is strict, while the fruit from the tree is loose, the author uses the concept of an arboreal-based subsistence economy, while for the fruit from the tree it is loose, the author uses the concept of arboreal-based subsistence economy from David Kyle Latinis. The findings and analysis of this research show that the faded understanding and practice of private ownership is an attempt by coconut tree owners to distribute their ownership to other people – which in the context of the Namalomin community is intended primarily for women. Meanwhile, loose ownership of coconuts is an implication of using the arboreal-based subsistence economy model. Keywords: coconut management; private ownership; the principle of sharing ownership; arboreal-based subsistence economy.This study seeks to understand and explain, why is the understanding and practice of the Namalomin community on the island of Seram Laut towards the limits of private ownership-on coconut management so faded? and why is ownership of the tree so strict while the fruit is so loose? The research method that the author uses is the ethnographic method. To explain the loose form of private ownership, the author uses David Graeber's argument about the principle of care and sharing of private property. Meanwhile, to explain why private ownership of the tree is strict, while the fruit from the tree is loose, the author uses the concept of an arboreal-based subsistence economy, while for the fruit from the tree it is loose, the author uses the concept of arboreal-based subsistence economy from David Kyle Latinis. The findings and analysis of this research show that the faded understanding and practice of private ownership is an attempt by coconut tree owners to distribute their ownership to other people – which in the context of the Namalomin community is intended primarily for women. Meanwhile, loose ownership of coconuts is an implication of using the arboreal-based subsistence economy model


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    Improving math skills is considered important today. Because mathematical abilities can encourage individuals to be able to solve problems in the midst of society. A number of studies have proven that self-concept is very influential on mathematical ability. Therefore, this study wants to prove again whether self-concept and interest have an effect on mathematical ability. In order to prove this question, this study uses a quantitative type of research with an ex-post facto research approach. The sample in this study amounted to 24 students (male = 3 and female = 21). The instrument used in this study is the self-concept and interest scale adapted from Sproesser et al (2016) and individual mathematical abilities were taken from the Grade Point Average. This study uses linear regression analysis techniques. The results showed that self-concept is very influential on the mathematical ability by 0.04 (p<0.05). That is, to improve the individual's mathematical ability must have self-concept maturity and interest in mathematics.Keywords: self-concept, mathematical ability, ex-post facto researc

    “Ipika Mese-mese”: Ungkapan yang Menggerakkan Orang Siri-Sori Islam Berperilaku Sosial

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    Psycholinguistic studies in the perspective of indigenous psychology on the Moluccans are still rarely carried out by psychologists. Maluku is a paradise for researchers, meaning that there are still many phenomena in Maluku that have not been revealed to the surface. Therefore, this psycholinguistic research in the perspective of individual psychology will highlight the expression "ipika mese-mese" of the Islamic Siri-Sori people. The questions that will be answered in this research are: (1) How do the symbols of ipika mese-mese shape the psychological dynamics of the Islamic Siri-Sori people? and (2) How can the expression of ipika mese-mese move Islamic Siri-Sori people to behave socially? To answer this question, this study uses two approaches, namely phenomenology and content analysis with a total of 9 informants. The process of taking informants refers to the opinion of Boddy (2016) that there is no limit on the number of informants but the most important thing is data saturation. The data collected and saturated is then analyzed using the Nacherleben technique from Dilthey and psychological interpretation from Schleiermacher. The results of the analysis show that the meanings of "ipika mese-mese" shape the psychological dynamics of the Islamic Siri-Sori people in the form of solidarity and loyalty. In addition, the expression "ipika mese-mese" can move Siri-Sori Islam people to behave socially such as ilowue basudarao, help in the procession of mosque renovations, and help replace the roof of the Baileo traditional house. Although the results of this study are very useful for psycholinguistic studies in the perspective of individual psychology, in the future it is necessary to examine the transformation of "ipika mese-mese" as a force for mass mobilization in democratic parties such as legislative and executive elections

    The Influence of Religious Intellectual Humility (IH) in the Learning Process Shapes Student Tolerance Behavior

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    Purpose –Understanding of religious extremism has begun to enter the world of campuses in Indonesia today. Of course, this has an impact on intolerance behavior. Recent studies show that religious intellectual humility (IH) can shape a person's tolerant behavior. But so far, this topic has been minimally replicated in the learning process in Indonesia. Therefore, this research seeks to prove and explain the influence of religious IH in the learning process in shaping students' tolerant behavior. Design/methods/approach–This study is an ex-post facto research. The subjects were lecturers (29 people) and students (41 people) at Islamic Education Department (IED) from one of the Islamic universities in Maluku. Data collection techniques use the IHS scale, RHS, and tolerance behavior scale. Data analysis used a simple linear regression technique. Findings –The results of the study show that there is an influence of religious IH in the learning process to shape student tolerance behavior by p = 0,000 (p&lt;0,05). The contribution of religious IH forms tolerance behavior of 76.2%. This means that apart from religious IH, around 23.8% of other variables also shape tolerant behavior such as empathy, self-disclosure, and giving support for the rights of others. Research implications/limitations –The limitation of this research is that the subject comes from a limited number of lecturers and students in Maluku. In addition, this study also did not use an experimental design. It is suggested that the next study needs to involve a large number of samples (educators and students), it is also expected that it needs to be replicated in the form of an experimental design. Originality/value –This study recommends educators (lecturers) continue to practice religious IH in the learning process, especially for their students (prospective IED teachers) so that later they can practice it in the IED learning process in the future