39 research outputs found

    Automatic detection of welding defects using the convolutional neural network

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    Quality control of welded joints is an important step before commissioning of various types of metal structures. The main obstacles to the commissioning of such facilities are the areas where the welded joint deviates from acceptable defective standards. The defects of welded joints include non-welded, foreign inclusions, cracks, pores, etc. The article describes an approach to the detection of the main types of defects of welded joints using a combination of convolutional neural networks and support vector machine methods. Convolutional neural networks are used for primary classification. The support vector machine is used to accurately define defect boundaries. As a preprocessing in our work, we use the methods of morphological filtration. A series of experiments confirms the high efficiency of the proposed method in comparison with pure CNN method for detecting defects

    Infrared and terahertz in biomedicine

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    Abstrak: Dalam Islam hadis merupakan salah satu sumber hukum yang paling penting dalam melakukan istibat al-hukm. Hukum Islam senantiasa digali dari teks-teks hadis yang sahih, baik bagi sanad maupun matan.  Ini dilakukan dalam rangka menghasilkan hukum-hukum yang rajih. Ke-rajih-an sebuah hukum sangat ditentukan oleh kualitas hadis atau teks-teks suci lainnya. Salah satu ulama yang mempunyai andil besar dalam ilmu hadis adalah Syaikh Muhammad Al-Gazali, beliau berani untuk menyelisihi pendapat jumhur ulama dalam kritik matan, oleh karena itu banyak pemahaman beliau yang tidak sesuai dengan jumhur ulama. Hal ini bisa dilihat dalam karya beliau al-Sunnah al-Nabawiyah bayn Ahl al-Fiqh wa Ahl al-Hadits Misalnya masalah mayit yang disiksa karena tangisan keluarganya. Oleh karena itu maka penulis tertarik untuk menelusuri metode kritik matan Syaikh Muhammad al-Gazali. Kata Kunci: hadis, kritik matan, sanad, Muhammad al-Gazal


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    Abstract Reasoning as a characteristic of philosophy is seen in us}u>l al-fiqh, among Satria Effendi's monumental works are “Ushul Fiqh” and “Problems of Contemporary Islamic Family Law; Jurisprudence Analysis with the Ushuliyah Approach”. The first book shows his position as a drafter, and the second book as a mujtahid with his analysis in a case study. The urgency of knowing the philosophical values ​​of Islamic law is the essence of the purpose of the law itself (maqāsid ash-syari>'`ah).. The results showed that Satria Effendi's method of thinking is a method that uses Baya>ni logic and Burha>ni logic, both methods are applied in: Tajdi>d, Ijtiha>d Maqa>sidi>, Ta`abbudi>-Ta`aqquli>, Ijtiha>d Tat}bi>qi>, Moderation and Preference. While the urgency is: a) Restoring ijtihad textually and contextually; b) Enriching types of Islamic legal thought studies, such as case studies, fiqh manhaji>, muqa>ran fiqh and maqāsid asy-syari>'`ah; c) Forming moderation thinking patterns between liberal and literal; d) Expanding the scope of ijtihad for both istinba>t}i> and tat}bi>qi>; e) Case studies of "jurisprudence analysis" as consideration for subsequent judges, true legal studies, legal synchronization studies of various laws and regulations, and training a sense of justice that must be upheld in society. Keywords: Method of Ijtihad, Contemporary Fiqh, Satria Effendi.ABSTRAK Nalar sebagai ciri khas filsafat terlihat dalam usul fikih, diantara karya monumental Satria Effendi adalah “Ushul Fiqh” dan “Problematika Hukum Keluarga Islam Kontemporer; Analisis Yurisprudensi dengan Pendekatan Ushuliyah”. Buku pertama menunjukkan posisi Satria Effendi sebagai konseptor usul fikih, dan buku kedua sebagai mujtahid dengan analisisnya dalam studi kasus. Urgensi mengetahui nilai-nilai filosofi hukum Islam merupakan hakikat tujuan hukum itu sendiri (maqāsid asy-syari>’`ah). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode pemikiran Satria Effendi adalah metode yang menggunakan nalar Baya>ni dan Burha>ni, keduanya teraplikasikan dalam: Tajdi>d, Ijtiha>d Maqa>sidi>, Ta`abbudi>-Ta`aqquli>, Ijtiha>d Tat}bi>qi>, Moderasidan Preferensi. Sedangkan urgensinya ialah: a) mengembalikan ijtihad secara tekstual-kontekstual, b) memperkaya jenis-jenis studi pemikiran hukum Islam, seperti studi kasus, fikih manhaji>, fikih muqa>ran dan maqāsid asy-syari>’`ah,  c) membentuk pola berpikir moderasi antara liberal dan literal, d) memperluas cakupan ijtihad baik istinba>t}i> maupun tat}bi>qi>, e) studi kasus “analisis yurisprudensi” sebagai pertimbangan hakim-hakim berikutnya, kajian hukum riil, sinkronisasi hukum dari berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan, dan melatih rasa keadilan yang harus ditegakkan dalam masyarakat.   Kata kunci: Metode Ijtihad, Fikih Kontemporer, Satria Effendi


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    Abstract Reasoning as a characteristic of philosophy is seen in us}u>l al-fiqh, among Satria Effendi's monumental works are “Ushul Fiqh” and “Problems of Contemporary Islamic Family Law; Jurisprudence Analysis with the Ushuliyah Approach”. The first book shows his position as a drafter, and the second book as a mujtahid with his analysis in a case study. The urgency of knowing the philosophical values ​​of Islamic law is the essence of the purpose of the law itself (maqāsid ash-syari>'`ah).. The results showed that Satria Effendi's method of thinking is a method that uses Baya>ni logic and Burha>ni logic, both methods are applied in: Tajdi>d, Ijtiha>d Maqa>sidi>, Ta`abbudi>-Ta`aqquli>, Ijtiha>d Tat}bi>qi>, Moderation and Preference. While the urgency is: a) Restoring ijtihad textually and contextually; b) Enriching types of Islamic legal thought studies, such as case studies, fiqh manhaji>, muqa>ran fiqh and maqāsid asy-syari>'`ah; c) Forming moderation thinking patterns between liberal and literal; d) Expanding the scope of ijtihad for both istinba>t}i> and tat}bi>qi>; e) Case studies of "jurisprudence analysis" as consideration for subsequent judges, true legal studies, legal synchronization studies of various laws and regulations, and training a sense of justice that must be upheld in society. Keywords: Method of Ijtihad, Contemporary Fiqh, Satria Effendi.ABSTRAK Nalar sebagai ciri khas filsafat terlihat dalam usul fikih, diantara karya monumental Satria Effendi adalah “Ushul Fiqh” dan “Problematika Hukum Keluarga Islam Kontemporer; Analisis Yurisprudensi dengan Pendekatan Ushuliyah”. Buku pertama menunjukkan posisi Satria Effendi sebagai konseptor usul fikih, dan buku kedua sebagai mujtahid dengan analisisnya dalam studi kasus. Urgensi mengetahui nilai-nilai filosofi hukum Islam merupakan hakikat tujuan hukum itu sendiri (maqāsid asy-syari>’`ah). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode pemikiran Satria Effendi adalah metode yang menggunakan nalar Baya>ni dan Burha>ni, keduanya teraplikasikan dalam: Tajdi>d, Ijtiha>d Maqa>sidi>, Ta`abbudi>-Ta`aqquli>, Ijtiha>d Tat}bi>qi>, Moderasidan Preferensi. Sedangkan urgensinya ialah: a) mengembalikan ijtihad secara tekstual-kontekstual, b) memperkaya jenis-jenis studi pemikiran hukum Islam, seperti studi kasus, fikih manhaji>, fikih muqa>ran dan maqāsid asy-syari>’`ah,  c) membentuk pola berpikir moderasi antara liberal dan literal, d) memperluas cakupan ijtihad baik istinba>t}i> maupun tat}bi>qi>, e) studi kasus “analisis yurisprudensi” sebagai pertimbangan hakim-hakim berikutnya, kajian hukum riil, sinkronisasi hukum dari berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan, dan melatih rasa keadilan yang harus ditegakkan dalam masyarakat.   Kata kunci: Metode Ijtihad, Fikih Kontemporer, Satria Effendi

    Diagnosing Plant Pipeline System Performance Using Radiotracer Techniques

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    This study presents an experimental work in a petrochemical company for scanning a buried pipeline using Tc99m radiotracer based on the measured velocity changes, in order to determine the flow reduction along a pipeline. In this work, Tc99m radiotracer was injected into the pipeline and monitored by sodium iodide scintillation detectors located at several positions along the pipeline. The flow velocity has been calculated between every two consecutive detectors along the pipeline. Practically, six experiments have been carried out using two different data acquisition systems, each of them being connected to four detectors. During the fifth experiment, a bypass was discovered between the scanned pipeline and another buried parallel pipeline connected after the injection point. The results indicate that the bypass had a bad effect on the volumetric flow rate in the scanned pipeline