295 research outputs found

    Simulating a single qubit channel using a mixed state environment

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    We analyze the class of single qubit channels with the environment modeled by a one-qubit mixed state. The set of affine transformations for this class of channels is computed analytically, employing the canonical form for the two-qubit unitary operator. We demonstrate that, 3/8 of the generalized depolarizing channels can be simulated by the one-qubit mixed state environment by explicitly obtaining the shape of the volume occupied by this class of channels within the tetrahedron representing the generalized depolarizing channels. Further, as a special case, we show that the two-Pauli Channel cannot be simulated by a one-qubit mixed state environment.Comment: Published version with minor change

    Using Embeddings to Improve Text Segmentation

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    TekstipĂ”hised andmestikud on tihti struktuuritud lausete kogumid ning seega raskesti kasutatavad paljude eesmĂ€rkide tĂ€itmiseks. Tekstis struktuuri loomine teemade vĂ”i mĂ”tete kaupa aitab teksti kokkuvĂ”tmisel, tehisnĂ€rvivĂ”rkudega masintĂ”lkel ning teistel rakendustel, kus ĂŒksik lause vĂ”ib pakkuda liiga vĂ€he konteksti. Teksti segmenteerimiseks loodud meetodid on olnud kas juhendamata ning pĂ”hinevad sĂ”nade koosesinemise vaatlemisel vĂ”i juhendatud ning pĂ”hinevad sĂ”nade ja lausete vektoresitustel. Selle magistritöö eesmĂ€rgiks on ĂŒldise teksti segmenteerimise meetodi arendamine, mis kasutab sĂ”na-vektoreid ning koosinuskaugust. Loodud meetodi implementatsioone vĂ”rreldakse naiivse tĂ”enĂ€osusliku lahendusega, et hinnata loodud lahenduse efektiivsust. Ühte mudelit kasutati ka osana teksti kokkuvĂ”tmise algoritmi osana, et hinnata lĂ€henemise praktilist kasu. Tulemuste pĂ”hjal vĂ”ib öelda, et kuigi loodud lahendus töötab paremini kui vĂ”rdlusalus, edasise uurimistööga on vĂ”imalik lĂ€henemise vĂ”imekust mĂ€rkimisvÀÀrselt tĂ”sta.Textual data is often an unstructured collection of sentences and thus difficult to use for many purposes. Creating structure in the text according to topics or concepts can aid in text summarization, neural machine translation and other fields where a single sentence can provide too little context. There have been methods of text segmentation that are either unsupervised and based on word occurrences or supervised and based on vector representations of words and sentences. The purpose of this Master’s Thesis is to develop a general unsupervised method of text segmentation using word vector. The created ap-proach is implemented and compared to a naĂŻve baseline to assess the viability of this method. An implemented model is used as part of extractive text summarization to as-sess the benefit of the proposed approach. The results show that while the approach out-performs the baseline, further research can greatly improve its efficacy

    Development of simple multiplex real-time pcr assays for foodborne pathogens detection and identification on lightcycler

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    Most acute intestinal diseases are caused by food-borne pathogens. A fast and simple real-time PCR-based procedure for simultaneous detection of food contamination by any of the five food-borne pathogens: Campylobacter jejuni, Mycobacterium bovis, Enterobacter sakazaki, Shigella boydii, Clostridium perfrigens using multiplex EvaGreen real-time PCR for LightCycler was developed and evaluated. Real-time qPCR showed excellent sensitivity. Tm calling and Melting Curve Genotyping (MCG) were used for analysis of PCR product melting curves. The Melting Curve Genotyping option showed good performance for discrimination of positive samples containing DNA of single pathogen or pathogen mixtures from negative samples

    Artificial Video Generation from Storytelling

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    Selle bakalaureusetöö eesmĂ€rgiks on arendada programm, mis looks seostatud lausete pĂ”hjal lausete konteksti vĂ€ljendava visuaalse kujutuse videona. Pythonis arendatud programm kasutab lausete eeltöötluse tulemit, et genereerida piltide seeria, mis kirjeldab lausetes toimuvat. Loodud pilte saab seejĂ€rel omavahel kokku panna, et saada tervet teksti kirjeldav video.In this Bachelor’s Thesis, the main purpose is to develop a solution for automatically creating a visual representation of contextually linked series of sentences. For this purpose, an application was developed using Python that uses pre-processed text to generate a series of images pertaining to the text. This series can then be combined into a video that illustrates the content and context of the sentences

    Definition of Relevant Product Market in Reference to R&D Poles in Pharmaceutical Sector Mergers

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    All competition analysis, including in relation to mergers, begins by defining the relevant market. In sectors where innovation plays a major role, the definition of the relevant market must also take into account the R&D efforts of the merging firms. One field in which R&D poles can be identified early on is the pharmaceutical sector. In March 2015, the European Commission released the public version of the Novartis/GlaxoSmithKline Oncology Business merger decision, which clarified the market definition process of the Commission regarding R&D poles. The aim of this thesis is to answer the question of how to define relevant product markets concerning R&D poles in pharmaceutical sector mergers. The analysis takes into account the aims of European Union Competition Law and the possible dangers which may result from different relevant product market definitions

    Veetaimestiku, kalade ja metazooplanktoni mÔju mikroobsele toiduahelale

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    In general, it was thought that all primary production is channelled through a classical grazing food web from phytoplankton to zooplankton and finally to fish. However, last decades of studies have shown that this simple idea was inadequate and misleading because approximately half of algal production can bypass the traditional food web and directly channel through a microbial loop. This loop describes a trophic pathway in a food web, where phytoplankton-derived dissolved organic matter is absorbed by heterotrophic bacteria, their production is grazed by protozooplankton, and this “dissolved organic matter-bacteria-protozoa” loop is then coupled with a classical grazing food web by metazoan grazing on protozoans. Therefore, it follows that protozoans form a trophic nexus in microbial food webs. Despite that the importance of microbial loop in food webs in water bodies is still underestimated. Most food web studies have focused on classical grazing food webs, studying interactions from fish and macrophytes to zooplankton and phytoplankton. The cascading effects of fish on whole microbial communities have been studied only rarely, and studies considering the structuring role of macrophytes in whole microbial loop organisms seem to be missing. Therefore, the present thesis focuses mainly on some of the gaps in lake food web studies mentioned above – the structuring role of macrophytes, the top-down regulation of planktivorous fish and small-sized metazooplankton on microbial communities in shallow, eutrophic water bodies. The materials of the present thesis have been collected during the years 1997-2009 from three eutrophic, shallow and large water bodies, Lake VĂ”rtsjĂ€rv and two HĂ€rjanurme fishfarm ponds, but the bulk of the data originates from Lake VĂ”rtsjĂ€rv. The core of the thesis emphasizes planktonic ciliates, which have been considered the central link of a microbial loop. Furthermore, with increasing primary productivity, ciliates can become the most important members of the microbial loop in eutrophic lakes. This was also the case in our study because one of the main study lakes in the present thesis (Lake VĂ”rtsjĂ€rv) is characterized by a rich and abundant community and a high ciliate contribution to the total zooplankton biomass. As dominating species play a significant role in the functioning of aquatic ecosystems we were interested in how these highly abundant ciliated protozoans are influenced by aquatic macrophytes, which are known for their key role in structuring aquatic communities. Earlier studies in Lake VĂ”rtsjĂ€rv have shown the strong spatial polarization of macrovegetation in relation to lake abiotics in both the west-east and north-south directions. Our study demonstrated that the strong polarization of the lake’s vegetation was also reflected in the distribution patterns of planktonic ciliate community – diverse macrophyte stands increased the diversity of ciliates but decreased their total numbers. More specifically, diverse macrophyte stands supported a rich and abundant epiplanktonic ciliate community but decreased the diversity and abundance of euplanktonic ciliate taxa. The distribution pattern of benthic ciliates was similar to that of euplanktonic taxa, being most abundant in sites where the diversity of macrophytes was low. Despite the growing number of publications on the planktonic food web structure there is still a lack of studies that consider the direct and indirect consequences of planktivorous fish feeding on whole microbial loop communities. Our studies revealed that planktivorous fish had remarkable effects on the zooplankton community. In the presence of fish, small-sized metazooplankton dominated, while in the absence of fish large forms prevailed. The shift from a small to a large metazooplankton community cascaded to the protozoan level, which in turn was a crucial link in structuring the microbial food web. However, the influence of fish feeding on metazooplankters did not cascade down as we expected. Our study demonstrated that we must also know the species composition of meta- and protozooplankton: are predaceous species present or have some species developed defensive responses against predation? Only by knowing the species composition of both meta- and protozooplankton can we predict changes in food web dynamics. Moreover, we tried to identify the main food sources of planktivorous fish in the shallow eutrophic Lake VĂ”rtsjĂ€rv, where the zooplankton community is dominated by ciliates. Although protozoa can form an important part of the planktonic communities in eutrophic lakes, very few studies have considered direct protist consumption by fish larvae. Most of the studies have considered metazooplankters as the main food source for planktivorous fish. However, our study revealed that ciliates contributed more than half of the total carbon biomass consumed by fish larvae, whereas the metazooplankton made only a minor contribution to the total carbon biomass consumed by fish in Lake VĂ”rtsjĂ€rv. Therefore, ciliates are a crucial food source for fish larvae, and without them the daily food requirement for larval fish would not be met in Lake VĂ”rtsjĂ€rv. Attention was also paid to the regulating role of the small-sized metazooplankton community on microbial loop organisms, e.g. how changes in metazooplankton community structure influence the community structure and abundance of planktonic ciliates in the large shallow Lake VĂ”rtsjĂ€rv and whether the changes cascade down to the abundance of bacteria and phytoplankton. Our study showed that in the eutrophic Lake VĂ”rtsjĂ€rv, which is characterized by relatively small metazooplankton, the metazoans did not control ciliate abundances directly. Ciliate abundances were predominantly regulated by their own community but metazoans can influence their community structure. However, the compositional shift in the ciliate community caused by metazoans did not cascade down to the level of bacteria and edible phytoplankton.Üldiselt arvatakse, et kogu primaarproduktsioon liigub mööda klassikalist toitumisahelat fĂŒtoplanktonist zooplanktonini ja lĂ”puks kaladeni. Viimaste aastakĂŒmnete jooksul teostatud uuringud on aga nĂ€idanud, et taoline arusaam osutus vÀÀraks ning eksitavaks, kuna umbkaudu pool vetikate produktsioonist vĂ”ib klassikalisest toitumisahelast mööduda ning liikuda kĂ”rgematele troofilistele tasemetele hoopiski mikroobse lingu vahendusel. Taoline ling kirjeldab seega ĂŒht vĂ”imalikku troofilist teekonda toitumisahelate vĂ”rgustikus, kus fĂŒtoplanktonilt pĂ€rit lahustunud orgaaniline aine omastatakse heterotroofsete veebakterite poolt, nemad on omakorda toiduks protozooplanktonile ja see „lahustunud orgaanilise aine – bakterid – protozooplankton“ ling seotakse seejĂ€rel uuesti klassikalise toitumisahelaga metazooplankterite toitumisel protozooplankteritest. Siit jĂ€reldub, et protozooplankterid moodustavad mikroobsetes toiduahelates troofilise keskme. Hoolimata sellest on mikroobse lingu tĂ€htsust veekogude toitumisahelate uuringuis alahinnatud. Enamik toitumisahelate uuringuid keskenduvad klassikalisele toitumisahelale, uurides vastastikmĂ”jusid kaladest ning suurtaimestikust kuni zoo- ja fĂŒtoplanktonini. Kalade mĂ”ju on kĂ”igile mikroobsetele kooslustele vaid harva uuritud ning uuringuid, mis kĂ€sitlevad suurtaimestiku mĂ”ju kĂ”igile mikroobse lingu lĂŒlidele, pole meie teada teostatud. Seega keskendub kĂ€esolev doktoritöö mĂ”ningatele ĂŒlalmainitud lĂŒnkadele toitumisahelauuringuis – veetaimestiku tĂ€htsust elupaikade kujundajatena teistele organismirĂŒhmadele ning kalade ja vĂ€ikesemÔÔtmeliste zooplankterite otsest ja kaudset survet mikroobsetele kooslustele madalates, eutroofsetes veekogudes. KĂ€esoleva doktoritöö materjal on kogutud aastatel 1997-2009 kolmest eutroofsest, madalast ja suurest veekogust, VĂ”rtsjĂ€rvest ja kahest HĂ€rjanurme kalakasvatuse tiigist, kuid peamine andmestik pĂ€rineb siiski VĂ”rtsjĂ€rvest. Antud töös mĂ€ngivad keskset rolli planktilised ripsloomad, kuna neid peetakse ĂŒhenduslĂŒliks mikroobikoosluste ja klassikalise toiduahela erinevate tasemete vahel. Pealegi vĂ”ib primaarproduktsiooni kasvades ripsloomade tĂ€htsus veelgi kasvada ning nad vĂ”ivad saada ĂŒhtedeks olulisemateks liikmeteks eutroofsete veekogude toiduahelais. Ka ĂŒht meie peamist uuringu jĂ€rve (VĂ”rtsjĂ€rv), mida on antud töös kĂ€sitletud, on iseloomustatud ÀÀrmiselt liigirikka ja arvuka ripslooma koosluse poolest ning kĂ”rge ripsloomade panusega kogu zooplanktoni biomassi. Kuna domineerivad liigid mĂ€ngivad veeökosĂŒsteemide funktsioneerimises olulist rolli, siis huvitusime, kuidas veetaimestik koosluste kujundajana mĂ”jutab ÀÀrmiselt arvukat ja liigirikast ripslooma kooslust. Varasemad uuringud on nĂ€idanud, et veetaimestik on oma levikult VĂ”rtsjĂ€rves tugevalt polariseerunud nii ida-lÀÀne kui pĂ”hja-lĂ”una suunas kulgevate abiootiliste nĂ€itajate gradientidest. Meie uuringutest selgus, et jĂ€rve veetaimestiku polariseeritud levik peegeldus ka planktiliste ripslooma koosluste levikumustreis – taimestiku liigirohkus suurendas ripsloomade liigirikkust, kuid mĂ”jus negatiivselt nende ĂŒldarvukusele. Liigirohke veetaimestikuga piirkonnad soodustasid liigirikka ning arvuka epiplanktilise ripsloomakoosluse arengut, kuid mĂ”jusid pĂ€rssivalt euplanktiliste ripsloomade liigirikkusele ja arvukusele. Bentilised ripsloomad jĂ€rgisid euplanktiliste ripsloomade levikumustreid olles arvukaimad piirkondades, kus veetaimestiku liigirikkus oli vĂ€ike. Hoolimata sellest, et klassikalise toiduahela puhul on uuritud kalade mĂ”ju kogu planktilise toiduahela struktuurile ning taoliste publikatsioonide arv ĂŒha kasvab, pole mikroobse lingu puhul kalade otsest ja kaudset mĂ”ju kĂ”igile mikroobikooslustele ĂŒldse hinnatud. Meie uuringud nĂ€itasid, et planktontoiduliste kalade toitumine avaldas tugevat mĂ”ju zooplanktoni koosluse struktuurile – kalade olemasolul domineerisid vĂ€ikesemÔÔtmelised zooplankterid ning nende puudumisel suuremÔÔtmelised vormid. Zooplanktoni strukturaalses koosseisus aset leidnud nihe, suuremÔÔtmeliste zooplankterite koosluse asendumine vĂ€ikesemÔÔtmeliste zooplankteritega, kutsus esile muutusi ka protozooplanktonis, kusjuures viimast peetakse omakorda oluliseks lĂŒliks mikroobikoosluste kujundamisel. Hoolimata sellest, et kalade toitumissurve oli metazooplanktonile suur, ei avaldanud see protozooplanktoni kooslusele sellist mĂ”ju nagu me algselt eeldasime. Meie tulemused nĂ€itasid, et taoliste toiduahela uuringute lĂ€biviimisel on vĂ€ga oluline uurida mitte ainult meta- ja protozooplanktoni arvukust ja biomassi, vaid ka nende liigilist koosseisu – kas koosluses leidub röövtoidulisi liike vĂ”i kas mĂ”nedel liikidel on vĂ€lja arenenud Ă€rasöömist takistavad kaitsemehhanismid? Liigilisele koosseisule pilku heitmata on raske ette ennustada toiduahela dĂŒnaamikas asetleidvaid muutusi. Lisaks uuriti, mis on planktontoiduliste kalade peamiseks toiduallikaks madalas ja eutroofses VĂ”rtsjĂ€rves, kus zooplanktonis domineerivad planktilised ripsloomad. Olgugi, et protozooplanktoni tĂ€htsus eutroofsete jĂ€rvede planktonikooslustes vĂ”ib kasvada, puudub info suuresti selle kohta kas planktontoidulised kalad toituvad lisaks metazooplanktonile ka protozooplanktonist. Enamik toitumisuuringuid nĂ€itavad, et just metazooplankterid ja mitte protozooplankterid on kaladele peamiseks toiduallikaks. Siiski nĂ€itasid meie uuringud, et ripsloomad moodustasid VĂ”rtsjĂ€rves rohkem kui poole kalavastsete toidus leiduvast sĂŒsiniku biomassist, kusjuures metazooplanktoni panus toiduks tarbitavasse sĂŒsiniku biomassi oli vĂ€ike. Seega on ripsloomad oluliseks toiduallikaks planktontoidulistele kalavastsetele ja ilma neist toitumata jÀÀvad nad VĂ”rtsjĂ€rves nĂ€lga. Uuriti eraldi ka vĂ€ikesemÔÔtmelise metazooplanktoni koosluse mĂ”ju mikroobsele lingule, tĂ€psemalt seda, kuidas muutused metazooplanktoni koosluse struktuuris mĂ”jutavad ripsloomade koosluse struktuuri ja arvukust suures ja madalas eutroofses VĂ”rtsjĂ€rves ning kas muutused metazooplanktoni koosluses mĂ”jutavad ka fĂŒto- ja bakterplanktoni arvukust? Meie tulemused nĂ€itasid, et hoolimata sellest, et eutroofsele VĂ”rtsjĂ€rvele on iseloomulikud vĂ€ikesemÔÔtmelised metazooplankterid, mis vĂ”iksid pĂ€rssida ripsloomade arengut, ei leitud, et metazooplankterid kontrolliksid VĂ”rtsjĂ€rves nende arvukust. Ripsloomade arvukus sĂ”ltus eelkĂ”ige nende endi koosluse koosseisust, ning olenemata sellest, et metazooplankterid ei kontrollinud otseselt nende arvukust, suutsid nad oluliselt mĂ”jutada nende koosluse struktuuri. Hoolimata sellest, et ripsloomade koosluse struktuuris leidsid aset suured muutused ei avaldanud see olulist mĂ”ju madalamatele tasemetele – bakteritele ja söödavatele fĂŒtoplankteritele

    Development of a Calibration Stand for Photosensors for Extremely High-Energy Cosmic Ray Research

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    Astrocytes as a Source for Extracellular Matrix Molecules and Cytokines

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    Research of the past 25 years has shown that astrocytes do more than participating and building up the blood-brain barrier and detoxify the active synapse by reuptake of neurotransmitters and ions. Indeed, astrocytes express neurotransmitter receptors and, as a consequence, respond to stimuli. Within the tripartite synapse, the astrocytes owe more and more importance. Besides the functional aspects the differentiation of astrocytes has gained a more intensive focus. Deeper knowledge of the differentiation processes during development of the central nervous system might help explaining and even help treating neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s disease, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinsons disease, and psychiatric disorders in which astrocytes have been shown to play a role. Specific differentiation of neural stem cells toward the astroglial lineage is performed as a multi-step process. Astrocytes and oligodendrocytes develop from a multipotent stem cell that prior to this has produced primarily neuronal precursor cells. This switch toward the more astroglial differentiation is regulated by a change in receptor composition on the cell surface and responsiveness to Fibroblast growth factor and Epidermal growth factor (EGF). The glial precursor cell is driven into the astroglial direction by signaling molecules like Ciliary neurotrophic factor, Bone Morphogenetic Proteins, and EGF. However, the early astrocytes influence their environment not only by releasing and responding to diverse soluble factors but also express a wide range of extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules, in particular proteoglycans of the lectican family and tenascins. Lately these ECM molecules have been shown to participate in glial development. In this regard, especially the matrix protein Tenascin C (Tnc) proved to be an important regulator of astrocyte precursor cell proliferation and migration during spinal cord development. Nevertheless, ECM molecules expressed by reactive astrocytes are also known to act mostly in an inhibitory fashion under pathophysiological conditions. Thus, we further summarize resent data concerning the role of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans and Tnc under pathological conditions
