249 research outputs found

    Effects of self-esteem on supply chain decisions

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    We study the effects of self-esteem on supply chain decisions and profits. To this end, the data obtained in computerized decision-making experiments in which human subjects participated as manufacturers (who offer a contract) and retailers (who either reject the contract, or accept and set the order quantity from the manufacturer) that engage in a long run relationship is used. Rosenberg scale survey data is used to categorize the manufacturers and retailers into high and low self-esteem classes. We find low selfesteem manufacturers to offer more attractive contracts to retailers, obtain lower profits themselves and cause higher supply chain total profit. Contrary to our expectations, we find high self-esteem retailers to end up accepting less favorable contracts compared to low self-esteem retailers, though the difference is not statistically significant. We explain this phenomena with the overordering tendency of the high self-esteem retailers: They overorder more frequently, and make larger overorders. We observe manufacturers to increase the attractiveness of their contract offer in the next period following a rejection. Finally, we develop a regression model to explain retailer order quantity decisions based on the retailer self-esteem score, lost demand in the previous period, number of contract rejections in the relationship, and the optimal order quantity. Our results indicate the importance of self-esteem as a significant factor in supply chain decisions and firms’ profit performance

    Türkiye’de döviz kuru hedef aşımı

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    Dornbusch 1976 yılındaki “Yapışkan Fiyat Modeli Parasal Yaklaşım” olarak da adlandırılan çalışmasında; döviz kurunun parasal bir şoka karşı verdiği tepkinin kısa dönemde uzun dönem denge değerinin üstünde kalabildiğini belirtmiştir. Literatürde “Hedefi Aşma” (overshooting) olarak da adlandırılan bu durum, ülke içindeki fiyat düzeyindeki denge değerinin finansal piyasalar kadar hızlı değişmemesinden kaynaklanmaktadır. Bu çalışmadaki amaç Türkiye’deki parasal şokların, kısa dönemde oluşan döviz kuru dengesinin uzun dönem denge hedefini aşıp aşmadığını test etmektir. Bu amaca yönelik olarak ARDL (5, 6, 1, 10, 5) Hata Düzeltme Modeli (ECM) kullanılmış ve 2000: 01 ve 2014: 08 tarih aralığı tahmin edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olmasa da kısa dönem döviz kuru denge değerinin “hedefi aşma teoremi” ile uyumlu şekilde uzun dönem denge değerinin üstüne çıktığını göstermiştir

    A panel stationarity test with gradual structural shifts: Re-investigate the international commodity price shocks

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    We recognize an error in the publication process that needs a correction. The second sentence of the paragraph 2 in page 183 “The hypotheses are given by for all i” is corrected as The hypotheses are given by [Formula presented] for all i and [Formula presented]. © 201

    Diet uniformity at an early farming community in northwest Anatolia (Turkey) : carbon and nitrogen isotope studies of bone collagen at Aktopraklik

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    Aktopraklık is a settlement site composed of three areas (A–C) in the Marmara region of northwest Anatolia, with phases of occupation that date to the Late Neolithic and Early Chalcolithic periods, mid-seventh to mid-sixth millennium bc (ca. 6400–5600 cal. bc). Here, we present 54 human and fauna bone collagen stable isotope results from the site, alongside five modern fish bone collagen isotope results, to examine the nature of human diet. The stable isotope analysis shows that human diet comprised the consumption of select C3 terrestrial resources, with a preference for domestic animal proteins over plant proteins. The evidence to date suggests that animal husbandry was at the forefront of Late Neolithic and Early Chalcolithic subsistence practices. No isotopic difference in humans is observed between biological sex or between areas B and C at the settlement

    Türk döviz kurlarında yapısal değişiklikler ve satın alma gücü paritesi

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    We re-examine the purchasing power parity (PPP) hypothesis for Turkey by concentrating on modelling structural changes as sharp (with dummy variables) and smooth (with a Fourier approximation) process. The results show (i) more evidence in favor of PPP hypothesis when structural changes are taken into account and (ii) modelling the shifts with different approaches plays a crucial role for policy implications.Bu çalışmada, Türkiye için satın alma gücü paritesi (PPP) hipotezi, ani (kukla değişkenlerle) ve kademeli süreç (Fourier yaklaşımı ile) modelleme üzerine yoğunlaşarak, yapısal değişiklikler yeniden incelenmektedir. Sonuçlar (i) yapısal değişiklikler göz önüne alındığında PPP hipotezi lehine daha fazla kanıt göstermektedir ve (ii) farklı yaklaşımlarla değişimlerin modellenmesi politika sonuçları için çok önemli bir rol oynamaktadır

    Effects of salinity on growth and metabolism in blue tilapia (Oreochromis aureus)

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    Tilapia were acclimated to the water source which had 8 precipitation (ppt) of salinity in the experimental unit before the experiment started and then, they were transfered to five different saltwater (SW) treatments: SW (8 ppt), 50% SW (12 ppt), 100% SW (16 ppt), 150% SW (20 ppt), and 200% SW (24 ppt). The objectives of this study were; to investigate the effects of five different salinities on specific growth rate (SGR), weight gain (WG), food intake (FI) and survival of tilapia in the long term trial (30 days) and find out how salinity affects muscle water content, hematosomatic index (HSI), and blood chemistry (sodium, chloride, potassium, glucose, total protein and triglycerides) in the short term trial (6 to 12 h). In the long-term trial, six fish were stocked in each aquarium. They were fed with commercial feed (Bagcı trout) to satiation twice a day and individually weighed at ten-days interval. Growth rate was highest in the 50% SW (SGR 0.95 ± 0.18% per day); there was no significant difference among the first three treatments. Growth rate was lowest in 200% SW (SGR 0.23 ± 0.08% per day). Weight gain and food intake showed identical results as SGR. Survival was high in the first three groups (72.2 ±1 9.2 to 100.0 ± 0.0) but it was lowest in the 200% SW treatment (22.2±19.2%). In the short-term trial, six tilapia were placed per aquarium. They were exposed to SW, 50, 100, 150 and 200% SW treatments and the fish were gradually acclimated to salt water. Blood samples were taken to analyse plasma sodium, chloride, potassium, total protein and triglycerides. Liver and muscle samples were collected for HSI and moisture values. Plasma sodium chloride increased in parallel with salinity rise. Total protein and triglycerides significantly reduced as salinity increased. Glucose and potassium were not altered significantly. HSI and muscle water content decreased when salinity concentration was elevated. Blood chemistry demonstrated that isosmotic water concentration was between 8 and 12 ppt. Salinity did not affect HSI and moisture until it reached as much as 16 ppt (100% SW). The results show that the optimum condition for farming blue tilapia, Oreochromis aureus, both with respect to growth rate and metabolic parameters is at salinities lower than 12 ppt. This is an important finding for the tilapia industry.Keywords: Tilapia, salinity, growth, survival, metabolismAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(19), pp. 2715-272

    Pathways to plant domestication in Southeast Anatolia based on new data from aceramic Neolithic Gusir Hoyuk

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    Southeast Anatolia is home to some of the earliest and most spectacular Neolithic sites associated with the beginning of cultivation and herding in the Old World. In this article we present new archaeobotanical and zooarchaeological data from Gusir Hoyuk, an aceramic Neolithic habitation dating to the 12th-late 11th millennia cal BP. Our results show selective use of legume crop progenitors and nuts during the earlier part of this period, followed by the management of cereal and legume crop progenitors from the mid-11th millennium cal BP. This contrasts with data available from other Anatolian habitations indicating broad spectrum plant use with low crop progenitor inputs. Early aceramic Neolithic Anatolian plant and animal exploitation strategies were site-specific, reflecting distinctive identities and culinary choices rather than environmental constraints. A multivariate evaluation of wheat grain metrics alongside botanical and radiometric data indicate that early wheat domestication in southeast Anatolia occurred at a faster pace than predicted by current hypotheses for a protracted transition to farming in Southwest Asia. We argue that this phenomenon is best explained as a corollary of the increasing importance of cereals in feasting at southeast Anatolian sites characterised by increasing architectural complexity and elaboration during the 11th millennium cal BP

    Early Chalcolithic plant economy at Aktopraklık Höyük in northwest Anatolia: preliminary findings

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    This chapter presents preliminary archaeobotanical evidence from the Early Chalcolithic occupation at the site of Aktopraklık Höyük in northwest Anatolia, near the south Marmara coast. Samples collected in 2016‑17 and processed during the 2017‑2019 field seasons, using a rigorous recovery strategy, have yielded a rich and diverse archaeobotanical assemblage, containing ubiquitous and abundant crop remains as well as charred fruit, seeds and nutshell from indoor floor deposits and outdoor courtyard and communal areas. Our preliminary results also indicate spatial variation between indoor and outdoor areas with regard to crop processing and food preparation and consumption activities

    Craniofacial measurements of newborns born in term in aydın and relations with leptin and ıgf-1

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    OBJECTIVE: We aimed to provide a database for the craniofacial measurements of newborn infants in Aydın, Turkey as well as to investigate the relation between craniofacial measurements and leptin/IGF-1 levels. MATERIALS and METHODS: A total of 152 healthy full-term infants (78 males, 74 females) were taken into study, which 23 male ve 16 female infants were weighting less than 3000 gr. The anthropometric measurements applied included head circumference, head length (g-op), head width (eu-eu), forehead width (ft-ft), head height (v-n), outer canthal distance (ex-ex), intercanthal distance (en-en), palpebral fissure length (en-ex), nasal width (al-al), intercommissural distance (ch-ch), facial height (n-gn), forehead height (n-tr), facial width (zy-zy), ear length (sa-sba). Also, leptin and IGF-1 levels were determined in umblical cord blood. RESULTS: Significant differences between the sexes, were found only in the length of ear and leptin results (p<0.05). In comparison of higher and lower than 3000 gr newborn infants, significant differences were observed in height, weight, head circumference, head length (g-op), head height (vn), head width (eu-eu), face width (ft -ft), face height (n-gn), face width (zy-zy) measurements. In higher than 3000 gr newborn infants, while there were significant differences between the sexes in terms of head width, forehead width, facial width and leptin levels, but there was no difference for IGF-1 levels. Leptin levels were higher in girls in the same group. No parameters were significant between the sexes in lower than 3000 gr newborn infants. A correlation was observed between leptin/IGF-1 levels and craniofacial measurements in higher and lower than 3000 gr groups. CONCLUSION: This study may establish the full-term newborn infants' standard of craniofacial parameters for newborn babies in Aydın, potentially enabling early syndromal diagnosis. We believe that these results could be a valuable data in the future because it shows that leptin and IGF-1 may have an effect on the craniofacial measurements

    Effects of Topical Thymoquinone in an Experimental Dry Eye Model

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    Objectives:To comparatively evaluate the effects of thymoquinone (TQ), the biologically active main component of volatile oil derived from Nigella sativa seeds, in an experimental dry eye model.Materials and Methods:A total of 36 BALB/c mice 10 weeks of age were used in the study. The mice were divided into 6 groups of 6 mice. Two groups were negative and positive controls, and the other 4 groups were treated with balanced salt solution, fluorometholone (FML), TQ, or vehicle (Tween80). After 1 week of treatment, the mice were killed and the eyes removed for histopathologic examination and cytokine analysis. Interleukin (IL)-1α tumor necrosis factor-α, interferon-γ, IL-2, IL-6, IL-10, and lactoferrin levels in the conjunctival tissue were measured by multiplex immunobead assay. The presence of inflammatory cells in ocular tissue samples were investigated by hematoxylin-eosin and periodic acid-Schiff staining. Inflammatory T cells containing CXT receptor in the conjunctiva were determined by flow cytometry.Results:FLML and TQ groups had less inflammatory cell density and more goblet cells compared to the other groups. High levels of IL-1α and IL-2 were found in the TQ group.Conclusion:TQ treatment was associated with reduced inflammation in pathological examination, but did not significant lower cytokine levels