4,880 research outputs found

    Immunomodulator Activity Of An Isolate From Artocarpus Champeden Spreng. On Cytotoxicity Function Of Cd8+ Of Mice

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    Research of traditional medicine is important to maximize the utilization of natural resources. Artocarpus champeden Spreng. is one of medicinal plants that must be studied because a lot of diseases have been treated traditionally with this plant, such as cancer. Phenolic compounds such as flavonoid, tannin, phenilpropane derivative and simple phenol contained in medicinal plant have been proved for their immunomodulator activity. This study was conducted to explore whether flavonoid of Artocarpus champeden could also increase the activity of immunocompetent cell that play an important role in immunity against cancer especially to Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte (CD8+). Assay of cytotoxicity of CD8+ by MLR (Mixed Lymphocyte Response) showed that DE. 6.4 fraction (contain flavonoids) could not stimulate the activation of CD8+ significantly (p<0.05) at all concentrations compared to the control

    Chromatographic Fingerprinting And Clustering Of Plantago Major L. From Different Areas In Indonesia

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    Plantago major L. is a ubiquitous herbaceous plant with many medicinal activities which has been extensively used in Indonesian traditional medicine. This plant grows at wide range of environment, has several subspecies and varieties, but could not be distinguished morphologically. It is important to develop an effective method for identification and quality assurance of P. major, thus the final product has reproducible quality. In this research, a chromatographic fingerprint method was developed for exploring and establishing the variation of chemical substances among different samples of P. major collected from 15 areas in Indonesia. The LC (liquid chromatography) data showed considerable variation of chemicals among P. major samples. Three chemo-types were visually developed from the LC profiles. The hierarchical clustering analysis also concluded that the samples were divided into three major clusters. Furthermore, the bio-active marker aucubin in this herb was quantitatively determined by a validated LC analysis. Chemo-type II and III were identified as “compound 1”-rich and aucubin-relatively rich chemo-types. These conclusions provide an important basis to establish good agriculture practice and select geo-authentic crude drug for P. major in Indonesia. The validated method was concluded to be suitable for fingerprint analysis for the quality control of P. majo


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    Five concentration OF ethanol extract of Piperis nigri Fructus (Black pepper), i.e. 1.3.5, 7 and 9 ppm were investigated their activity against Aedes aegypti Linn. larva. Temephos 2 ppm and tap water were used as the positive and negative control respectively. All treatments were done in five times replication. The number of dead larvas after 24 hours exposure was then calculated. The data were analysed using Probir analysis. It can be concluded that there was significant difference on the ability between the negative control and all five concentration of ethanol extract tested against the larva. However there was no any significant difference of ethanol extract 9 ppm compared to that of positive control. LC90 (Lethal Concentration 90% ) is 8.374 PP

    Immunomodulatory activity of Plantago major L. on IgM titer of mice

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    Immunomodulatory activity of four fractions from Plantago major L. (n-hexane, ethyl acetate, n-butanoland water) on titer of IgM has been carried out on mice, ex vivo. Each test sample was taken orally during 7 days, single close, at 3 different level close . Titer of IgM has been determined using agglutination method, 5 days after immunization with sheep red blood cell (SRBC). All of the fractions has capability in increasing the titer of IgM, but the highest activity resulted from n-hexane fraction

    Metal Chelating Activity Of Rice Bran And Rice Husk

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    Free radical-induced oxidative stress is the root cause for many human diseases. Naturally occurring antioxidant supplements from plants are vital to counter the oxidative damage in cells. The main objective of the present study was to explore and compare the antioxidant activity of rice bran and rice husk extracted from rice milling waste. N-hexane extracts of rice bran and rice husk were used to study their in vitro antioxidant activities using metal chelating activity (iron (II)-phenanthroline complex). Vitamin E was used as standard material. The ability of the sample to chelate metal ion (ferrous ion) was calculated relative to the control and expressed as % inhibition. % inhibition of two samples were analyzed with student test (P=0.05). The results have shown that at the same concentration (10 ppm), rice husk extract, rice bran extract and vitamin E have the different activity, i.e.: 0.51%, 2.27% and 5.55% in inhibition of chelat formation, respectively. In conclusion, metal chelating activity of rice husk extract is smaller than rice bran extract. Activity of rice bran extract is almost a half from vitamin E, so thi

    Algoritma golden section bootstrap dalam regersi non parametrik

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    ABSTRAK Bentuk taksiran kurva regresi nonparametrik ditentukan oleh parameter penghalus h yang lebih dikenal dengan nama bandwidth. Untuk mengetahui taksiran kurva regresi, dengan hubungan regresinya adalah Yi = m(X ) -1- - i = 1, 2, n digunakan metode bootstrap yaitu suatu resampling dari sekumpulan data pengamatan dengan pengembalian dengan massa peluangnya adalah lin untuk setiap titik data. Salah sate metode ini adalah Golden Section Bootstrap. Di sini digunakan penaksir Nadaraya-Watson yang diharapkan akan menghasilkan taksiran kurva regresi nonparametrik yang lebih halus dibanding taksiran kurva regresi dari data aslinya

    Development of Standardized Ethanol Extract of Fraxinus Griffithii as CNS Depressant

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    Background: Fraxinus griffithii has been widely used as CNS depressant. Its activity based on both empirical and preclinical data. However, standardization on raw material and process of extraction have not been conducted. Methods: Extraction of Fraxinus griffithii was conducted on different part of plants, as well as different solvents and extraction methods. Each extract was standardized both on specific and nonspecific parameters. Additionally, phenobarbital induced sleeping time test was performed on each extract. Results: Leaves of F. griffithii extracted with 70% ethanol by kinetic maceration yielded the highest extract. CNS depressant activity of 70% ethanol extract obtained from F. griffithii leaves by kinetic maceration was the highest compared to the others. Conclusion: All of the extracts have CNS depressant activity, but extract from the leaves, produced by 70% ethanol and kinetic maceration had the optimal activity and quality

    Analisis Kualitas Soal Ujian Sekolah Berstandar Nasional Mata Pelajaran Matematika Di SMK Negeri Kabupaten Bantaeng Berdasarkan Teori Respon Butir

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    Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kualitas soal USBN ditinjau dari validitas isi sesuai dengan teori respon butir dan kualitas soal USBN di SMKNegeri Kabupaten Bantaeng menurut teori respon butir. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif.Subjek penelitan ini adalah Peserta didik yang ada di SMK Negeri kabupaten Bantaeng.Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu dokumen hasil ujian USBN i. Teknik pengumpulan data diperoleh dalam bentuk dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dalam mengungkap kualitas soal ; secara kuantitatif dilakukan Analisi soal oleh pakar secara kuantitatif berdasarkan teori respon butir. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (i) validitas isi ditinjau dari kesepakatan kedua pakar layak digunakan (ii) reliabilitas soal tinggi dengan koefisien reliabilitas sebesar 0,912; (iii) tingkat kesukaran butir soal dalam analisis respon butir 1PL berkisar antara soal termudah -0,85 s/d soal tersulit 1,13, tingkat kesukaran dapat diamati dari estimasi kurva karakteristik masing-masing butir soal; (iv) daya beda butir soal pada analisis model logistik 2PL, dari 40 butir soal yang telah dianalisis, 40 butir soal masuk kategori daya beda yang baik dengan indeks daya beda antara 0 s/d 2, dan tidak ada soal yang memiliki kategori jelek,daya beda dari setiap butir soal dapat diamati pada kurva karakteristik masing-masing butir soal. Kata Kunci: Analisis Kualitas Soal USB

    Tinjauan hukum Islam terhadap pengembalian gadai yang belum jatuh tempo disertai dengan ganti rugi (studi kasus di Desa Timbul Sloko Kec. Sayung Kab. Demak)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk: 1). Untuk mengetahui mekanisme terhadap pelaksanaan pengembalian gadai yang belum jatuh tempo disertai dengan ganti rugi yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Desa Timbul Sloko Kec. Sayung Kab. Demak. 2) Untuk mengetahui pandangan Hukum Islam terhadap pengembalian gadai yang belum jatuh disertai dengan ganti rugi yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Desa Timbul Sloko Kec. Sayung Kab. Demak. Dalam menjawab permasalahan tersebut menggunakan penelitian Kualitatif, yaitu suatu prosedur penelitian yang menghasilkan data-data dari pengamatan atau sumber-sumber tertulis. Maka data yang diperoleh baik data primer (secara langsung) adalah hasil dari fiel research (penelitian lapangan) yaitu wawancara dengan rahin dan murtahin sebagai pelaku gadai Desa Timbul Sloko Kec. Sayung Kab. Demak dan data sekunder (secara tidak langsung) yaitu literature lainnya yang relevan dengan permasalahan yang dikaji. Adapun metode pengumpulan data yaitu dengan interview, observasi dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan analisis data menggunakan metode deskriptif, yaitu menerangkan serta menjelaskan secara mendalam terhadap semua aspek yang berkaitan dengan masalah penelitian dan bertujuan untuk menggambarkan fenomena atau keadaan senyatanya dari praktek pengembalian gadai yang belum jatuh tempo disertai dengan ganti rugi di Desa Timbul Sloko Kec.Sayung Kab. Demak. Adapun hasil penelitian adalah bahwa mekanisme pelaksanaan pengembalian gadai yang belum jatuh tempo disertai dengan ganti rugi di Desa Timbul Sloko Kec. Sayung Kab. Demak. Menurut hukum Islam adalah tidak sah. Sebab dalam penyelesaian masalah tersebut rahin harus memberi ganti rugi kepada murtahin pada saat mengembalikan utang dalam waktu lebih awal dari waktu yang disepakati, jika rahin tidak mau memberi ganti rugi kepada murtahin maka barang yang dijadika jaminan tidak akan dibeikan kepada rahin, meskipun rahin sudah membayar utang kepada murtahin. Padahal dalam hukum Islam tidak ada batasan waktu untuk membayar utang, maka dianjurkan untuk membayar utang secepatnya jika sudah bisa membayar utang tersebut