61 research outputs found

    Studi Tentang Penerapan Administrasi Perencanaan dan Pengendalian Produksi pada PT Sanwa Engineering Batam

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    This study aims to develop operational standards of administrative procedures of production planning and control in PT Sanwa Engineering Batam. Methods of data collection using method of documentation and structured interview to planner and customer service planner. While for data analysis using descriptive qualitative analysis and also SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threats) which discuss about how application of planning and controlling production at PT Sanwa Engineering Batam start from production planning, production scheduling, production supervision, related organizational functions and information and documents required. The results of this research is the formation of a flowchart of the administration process of planning and controlling new production in more detail so as to facilitate new employees to understand their work or the reader understand the principal activities of a staff of administration in the production department

    Mengurangi Durasi Penyelesaian Proyek dengan Menggunakan Metode Crashing pada Pembangunan Gedung Kecamatan Lamongan

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    Cost, quality and time are important aspects planned in the implementation of construction. Achieving optimum quality at a lower cost is the main goal desired in project implementation. This study aims to determine the comparison of project costs with the application of the Crashing method on the Lamongan District building construction project. The normal cost required to carry out the construction is Rp. 1,144,445,838.00 with a project duration of 150 working days. The crashing method is applied by adding additional working hours (overtime). The duration of working hours is increased to 3 hours, so it is expected that with this addition, the volume of work produced is greater. The results of the study obtained that the total cost after being accelerated with the addition of work duration was Rp. 1,162,252,577.00 or more expensive 1.55% of the normal cost and the duration of the project implementation is 143 working days. With this addition, the project duration is faster by 7 days

    Analisis Biodiversitas Serangga Di Hutan Kota Malabar Sebagai Urban Ecosystem Services Kota Malang Pada Musim Pancaroba

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    Serangga merupakan kelompok organisme dominan. Keberadaan serangga pada suatu tempat dapat menjadi indikator biodiversitas, kesehatan ekosistem, dan degradasi landscape. Peranan serangga dalam ekosistem diantaranya adalah sebagai polinator, dekomposer, predator dan parasitoid. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui kemampuan hutan kota Malabar dalam menyediakan habitat untuk biodiversitas serangga kota. Penelitian dilaksanakan di hutan kota Malabar, Malang, pada bulan Mei sampai Juni 2014. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ini adalah metode kuadran yang terdiri dari 4 kuadran. Dalam 1 kuadran terdapat 16 pitfall, 1 light trap dan 4 yellow-pan trap serta dengan penangkapan menggunakan sweepnet. Penentuan pemasangan perangkap dilakukan dengan metode diagonal. Dari hasil pengambilan sampel dan identifikasi serangga yang dilakukan pada Hutan Kota Malabar diperoleh 10 ordo dan 26 famili. Terdapat dominasi pada masing-masing kuadran yang didominasi oleh ordo Hymenoptera dan Collembola. Dengan suhu dalam hutan yang lebih rendah dari pada suhu di luar lokasi yang lebih tinggi, rata-rata 24,75°C dan kelembaban 79,14% membuat serangga cukup nyaman di dalam lingkungan hutan kota, hal ini ditunjukkan dari hasil perhitungan indeks keanekaragaman dari masing-masing kuadran yang mempunyai indeks keanekaragaman yang sedang/kondisi lingkungan sedang

    Risk Analysis of Dual Fuel Tug Ship Design in Maritime Technology Development Innovation Program – BRIN

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    The problem that often occurs in the ship design process is the deviations in time and quality of results. IMO [1] regulations provide a methodology that ship design should be carried out with a risk-based probabilistic approach. This paper aims to become a source of reference information for ship design innovations in supporting efforts to increase performance optimization and efficiency. In the dual fuel tugboat design carried out in the BRIN Maritime Technology Development Innovation Program with funding from the government, the risk analysis begins with identifying and collecting data on control systems and internal controls based on existing risks, data collection on regulations, operational procedures, ship design business processes, and measuring the probability of risk occurrence. Furthermore, the level of risk is ensured by looking at the risk analysis matrix and making a risk map. The results of the analysis show that there are 3 risk events with a high-risk status that can lead to reduced quality and delays in the completion of the tugboat design, which is a skill base, experience, and the ship model test schedule

    Patient Radiation Doses in Interventional Cardiology Procedure

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    Interventional cardiology is a minimally-invasive imaging procedure that allows medical doctor to evaluate and treat structural heart diseases. Due to its main advantages of avoidance of the scars and pain, as well as long post-operative recovery, interventional cardiology procedures have rapidly been growing. However, the increasingly complex and time-consuming procedures in interventional cardiology may increase the radiation exposure received by patients. This paper describes a study to measure patient radiation doses in terms of air kerma and kerma air-product (KAP) for various types of interventional cardiology procedures conducted in Indonesia. The measurements were performed at the interventional cardiology or cardiac catheterization facilities in sixteen hospitals in ten cities in Indonesia during the years of 2015 to 2019. A total of 147 procedures conducted on adult patients were used in this study. The type of procedure, total KAP, and air kerma were recorded after each procedure was completed. The demographic data of the patients were also recorded. The results showed that the mean air kerma and KAP measured for CA (coronary angiography) procedure were 680.73±57.85 mGy and 12.52±5.86 Gy cm2, respectively, while the values for PCI (percutaneous coronary intervention) procedure were 890.66±38.76 mGy and 20.18±9.37 Gy cm2, respectively. These results are well within the ranges reported by other previous studies. The results are somewhat affected by the     body mass index of patients, while the fatal cancer risks among patients of CA and PCI procedures are comparable with those among interventional radiology procedures patients

    Redesain pada Pengemasan untuk Peningkatan Mutu Produk Dendeng UKM Ksatria

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    Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat khususnya di UKM Ksatria ini untuk meningkatkan kualitas dalam membuat kemasan suatu produk agar memiliki nilai jual yang tinggi. Pada kegiatan ini dilakukan pendesainan ulang kemasan dengan mencantumkan kode halal, kode PIRT, juga menambahkan petunjuk pengolahan dendeng. Kegiatan ini bertujuan agar dapat mampu memahami konsep desain kemasan, label kemasan hingga dapat mengembangkan desain kemasan produk yang sudah ada agar dapat menarik minat pembeli, dengan harapan agar dapat menambah keterampilan dan omset. Hal lain yang dilakukan juga memperbaiki cara pengemasan dengan jenis bahan pengemas yang dikhususkan untuk produk daging. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan dari kegiatan ini adalah dengan adanya redesain kemasan dendeng sapi UKM Ksatria maka kemasan yang dihasilkan lebih menarik, dan informatif

    Redesain pada Pengemasan untuk Peningkatan Mutu Produk Dendeng UKM Ksatria

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    Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat khususnya di UKM Ksatria ini untuk meningkatkan kualitas dalam membuat kemasan suatu produk agar memiliki nilai jual yang tinggi. Pada kegiatan ini dilakukan pendesainan ulang kemasan dengan mencantumkan kode halal, kode PIRT, juga menambahkan petunjuk pengolahan dendeng. Kegiatan ini bertujuan agar dapat mampu memahami konsep desain kemasan, label kemasan hingga dapat mengembangkan desain kemasan produk yang sudah ada agar dapat menarik minat pembeli, dengan harapan agar dapat menambah keterampilan dan omset. Hal lain yang dilakukan juga memperbaiki cara pengemasan dengan jenis bahan pengemas yang dikhususkan untuk produk daging. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan dari kegiatan ini adalah dengan adanya redesain kemasan dendeng sapi UKM Ksatria maka kemasan yang dihasilkan lebih menarik, dan informatif


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    Climate change is expected to significantly influence Indonesian rice production as this phenomenon will exacerbate extreme climate events such as El Nino and La Nina which have caused serious loss in rice production. This paper is attempted to propose plausible climate change adaptations for rice production by examining the formal documents on climate change studies in Indonesia and rice development strategies and to investigate their linkage with the Sustainable Development in Indonesia. The result shows that climate change adaptations will support Indonesian rice development strategies through options of “change cropping pattern/modified planting season” which has not been addressed by the development strategies. The proposed adaptations which are directed through two major programs for increasing rice production called as Extensification and Intensification, have also already addressed the four pillars of Indonesian sustainable development, namely: pro-job, pro-poor, pro-growth and pro-environment

    Cox Proportional Hazard Regression Analysis of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

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    Survival analysis is a statistical procedure used to analyze data in the form of time of the incident until an event occurs. The purpose of the survival analysis is to estimate the probability of survival, recurrence, death or other events until a certain period of time. .In this case, one of the regression method that can be used Cox Proportional Hazard (Cox PH) regression. Data used in this research is data of 70 patients Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in Makassar City Hospital. The results of analysis indicated that the factor that most affect the rate of healing DHF patients is platelet factor. The rate of recovery of patients with DHF with platelet counts below normal is 2,625 times the normal platelet count. Therefore, patients with dengue disease who have lower platelet counts tend to have a longer recovery rate than patients who have normal platelet counts