9 research outputs found


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    Latarbelakang penelitian didasarkan karena pembelajaran masih terpusat pada metode ceramah dan guru juga tidak menggunakan alat peraga dalam menyampaikan materi yang dipelajari. Peneliti ingin mencoba mengkaji metode Problem Based Learning. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu: (1) mendeskripsikan perbedaan hasil belajar siswa dengan metode Problem Based Learning dan metode konvensional. (2) menganalisis aktivitas siswa pada pembelajaran IPA dengan metode Problem Based Learning. Alasan penelitian dikarenakan pada mata pelajaran IPA guru hanya menyampaikan definisi konsep yang dipelajari tidak menghubungkan dengan kejadian yang dialami siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen semu dengan desain Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Temuan dari penelitianini ialah pengujian t-tes pretest diperolehthitung sebesar 0,282 yang dibandingkan dengan ttabel 2,000 artinyathitung lebih kecil dari ttabel sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan sebelum diberikan perlakuan. Setelah menghitung data uji t-tes postest diperoleh thitung sebesar 2,243 dengan membandingkan ttabel 2,000 (2,243>2,000) dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar siswa setelah diberikan perlakuan, sehingga hipotesis dapat diterima. Peningkatan hasil belajar juga dapat dilihat dari peroleh N-gain kelas kontrol sebesar 0,44 dan kelas eksperimen sebesar 0,59 dan observasi yang diamati semua aspek dapat tercapai

    Analisis Segmenting, Targeting dan Positioning (STP) Terhadap Tingkat Penjualan Properti ( Studi Pada Penjualan Tanah Kavling di Jabung, Kabupaten Malang )

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    AbstractThis study aims to determine and analyze the effect of segmenting, targeting and positioning on the level of sale of land plots either simultaneously or partially. The method used in this research is multiple linear regression method. The research sample was 70 companies which were taken with saturated sample method. In this study using quantitative research. This type of research is explanatory research (explanatory research).The results of this study indicate that segmenting, targeting and positioning simultaneously have a significant effect on sales levels. And partially segmenting and targeting have no significant effect on the level of sales, partially positioning has a significant effect on the level of sales. Keywords: Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning, Sales Leve


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    This study aims to determine the effect of Work Stress and Work Environment on Employee Performance Ministry of Labor and Transmigration The City of South Jakarta. Population in this research is the employees Ministry of Labor and Transmigration The City of South Jakarta. Sampling was done by totaling 77 sampling techniques populations. This research is a form of verification. Collecting data through questionnaires and interviews. Test instrument is done with validity and reliability. Analysis of study data include multiple regression analysis, correlation and significance tests simultaneously and partially. Based on the results of multiple regression analysis of job stress and work environment has a positive influence on the performance and results of the F test simultaneously stating that Work Stress and Work Environment influence on employee performance Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration Office of South Jakarta. While the results of the t test stating that the Work Stress and Work Environment partially significant effect on employee performance Labor and Transmigration The City of South Jakarta.Keywords: Job Stress, Work Environment and Employee Performanc


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    Kedudukan perusahaan sebagai mitra nazhir merupakan salah satu upaya agar asset wakaf menjadi produktif, yaitu memiliki dimensi atau aspek sosial, dan juga komersil. Diikat dengan akad-akad yang sesuai dengan prinsif syariah sesuai Pasal 43 UU Wakaf. Adapun kemitraan tersebut dilakukan dengan konsep syirkah dan harus sesuai dengan peruntukkan harta benda wakaf di akta ikrar wakaf serta tujuan yayasan. Menjadi menarik untuk dikaji dalam artikel ini, karena wakaf tidak hanya dimaknai sebagai dimensi ibadah yang monoton peruntukkannya untuk rumah ibadah, melainkan dapat diproduktifkan menjadi satu kawasan terintegrasi seperti yang dikelola oleh yayasan Daarut Tauhid yang mencakup aspek wisata, religi dan edukasi. Ditelaah dengan menggunakan metode yuridis normatif dan menggunakan data pendukung dari hasil diskusi dengan pengurus harian yayasan tersebut. Nazhir yayasan dapat bermitra dengan perusahaan baik itu mendirikan usaha dengan maksimal menyertakan modal yayasan maksimal 25% total kekayaan yayasan sesuai pasal 3 ayat (1) UU Yayasan No.28 tahun 2004 ataupun membuat unit usaha yang mana laba maksimalnya adalah 10% dari total bersih laba asset wakaf yang diproduktifkan. Adapun perusahaan mitra dapat berupa PT, CV, Firma ataupun Persekutuan Perdata

    Investigation simulation based on bio-energy local area photosensitizer in increasing dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) performance

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    The photosensitizer is an important part of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSC). Photosensitizers function like photosynthesis by absorbing sunlight and turning it into energy. Photosensitizers also contribute to the efficiency of improving DSSC performance. This research is a continuation of previous research to find a candidate for natural and environmentally friendly photosensitizer (bio-energy) based local area in Indonesia. The photosensitizer used in this simulation is Tagetes erecta, Nyctanthes arbor-tritis, Brassica rapa Sub. Sp pekinensis, Delonix regia, Lawsonia inermis, Callistemon citrinus, and Daucus Carota. The purpose of this simulation is finding several candidates for bio-energy local area photosensitizer that produce high efficiency by displaying J-V curves and P-V curves. The highest efficiency was produced by photosensitizer Tagetes erecta at 1.5% [Voc 0.6385 Volt, 0.00383 A / cm2 Jsc, FF 0.605 and Pmax 0.00148 Watt], while the lowest efficiency was produced by photosensitizer Callistemon citrinus at 1.1% [Voc 0.6162 Volt, Jsc 0.0032 A / cm2, FF 0.557 and Pmax 0,0011 Watts]. These simulation results perform that one of reason give influence at DSSC performance is the absorption coefficient value in each bio-energy local area photosensitizer. The absorption coefficient also determines how much efficiency is produced and how much the photosensitizer's ability to absorb sunlight

    Bioaktivitas ekstrak batang Xylocarpus granatum sebagai anti black spot alternatif pada Litopenaeus vannamei pasca panen

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    This research was done to explore bioactivity of Xylocarpus granatum’s stem extract as tyrosinase inhibitor for alternative preventing black spot in Litopenaeus vannamei postharvest. In this research, extraction of bioactive compound from X. granatum stem was done by soaking the stem in 96% methanol for 24h at temperature 29°C. The methanol was evaporated by using rotary evaporator at temperature 50°C. The extract was dilute with distillate water at series of dilutions (10%, 30%, 50%, 70%, 90%, and distillate water as the control), and then immersing L. vannamei into X. granatum’s stem extract as much as 10ml for 6h, and finally the data analyzing use the Kruskal Wallis test and the Least Significant Difference (LSD) test with the degree of confident 95%. The result showed that X. granatum’s stem extract is able to prevent a black spot of L. vannamei after harvesting process. Furthermore, concentration of 10 % of extract is an effective concentration for preventing a black spot and the control has black spot 0.0360 – 0.0373 mm2

    Optimizing Radiation Dose Using Ctdi Value Analysis and Image Quality in the Thorax Low Dose CT Scan (LDCT) Technique with Reduced Dose Variations Using Idose Software

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    Radiation exposure to patients with higher cumulative effective doses on thorax CT scanning is very detrimental for cancer patients undergoing follow-up and raises the level of concern about the harmful effects of radiation doses received by patients. Reducing the tube voltage will reduce the radiation dose and image quality. To maintain good image quality, the iDose strength level is set. iDose is able to reduce radiation dose and improve image quality by maintaining low noise. Analyze the optimization of radiation dose and image quality in the thorax Low Dose CT Scan (LDCT) examination protocol with tube voltage settings and variations in the use of iDose software. This type of research is True-Experimental research with a Posttest-Only Control Design. The object used is a water phantom with tube voltage settings of 80 kVp, 100 kVp and 120 kVp and the use of iDoe 3 -5. Assessment includes radiation dose, noise, SNR and NPS. After getting optimal results from setting the tube voltage and iDose strength level, these results were applied to a Thorax CT Scan examination in patients, and a subjective assessment of image quality was carried out. Reducing the tube voltage (kVp) from 120 kV to 80 kV was able to reduce the radiation dose by 69.8%, and reducing the tube voltage from 120 kV to 100 kV in the Thorax CT Scan protocol was able to reduce the radiation dose by 34.2 %. There is an influence of setting the tube voltage and setting the iDose strength level on the radiation dose and image quality of the Low Dose CT Scan of the Thorax. Setting tube voltage and high iDose strength levels can improve image quality in CT scans, characterized by decreasing noise and NPS values and increasing SNR values. Tube voltage settings and iDose level settings affect the radiation dose and image quality. The use of a tube voltage of 80 kVp and strength level iDose 5 is able to provide optimal radiation dose and image quality on Thorax Low Dose CT Scan

    Estimate dye sensitized solar cells performance using dyes based on green-future and local wisdom with simulation method

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    One of the considerations for renewable energy that can be accepted by society is energy based on nature (green future) and environmentally friendly (local wisdom). Dye-sensitized solar cells give to the world, easily and simple implemented technology for future renewable energy. This research was conducted by simulating the performance of DSSC using dye based on green future and local wisdom. Dye is one of the most important components influencing solar cell performance because dye determines the photoresponse of the DSSC. Several dyes that used in this research included Vasica nees, W. fruticose L, U. dioical L, R. arborium, Myrica nagi, Curcuma angustifiola dan Berberies aristate. The reason for this choice of dye included it is easily found in Indonesia, does not cause environmental pollution, and is thought to have good prospects to be applied to DSSC. The best performance results produced by DSSC are using dye W.fruticose L with an efficiency of 1.6%, and the lowest performance are using dye R. arborium with an efficiency of 1 %

    Identification of Biomarker for Stunting Through Prioritization of Gene-Assosiated Variants

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    Stunting is a condition of impaired growth and development in children due to chronic nutritional disorders or infections. The risk factor for stunting is dominated by disease during 1000 days of life. The incidence of stunting in Indonesia is 21.6%, according to the Indonesian Nutrition Status Survey (SSGI) results. This study aimed to identify stunting biomarkers based on the priority scoring of gene variants. Identification of stunting risk genes used the Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) approach and Haploreg v4.1. We found 33 genes that identifies as stunting risk gene. And then, we prioritize based on two functional annotation categories: missense-nonsense and cis-expression quantitative trait loci (cis-eQTL). Our analysis found 4 genes as biological stunting risk genes: MTRR, TTF1, CASP1, and CARD17. This research demonstrates the integration of genomic variants and bioinformatics approaches to reveal biological insights for stunting