152 research outputs found

    Application Of Fuzzy Mathematics Methods To Processing Geometric Parameters Of Degradation Of Building Structures

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    The aim of research is formalization of the expert experience, which is used in processing geometric parameters of building structure degradation, using fuzzy mathematics. Materials that are used to specify fuzzy models are contained in expert assessments and scientific and technical reports on the technical condition of buildings. The information contained in the reports and assessments is presented in text form and is accompanied by a large number of photographs and diagrams. Model specification methods, based on the analysis of such information on the technical state of structures with damages and defects of various types, primarily lead to difficulties associated with the presentation of knowledge and require the formalization of expert knowledge and experience in the form of fuzzy rules. Approbation and adaptation of the rules is carried out in the process of further research taking into account the influence of random loads and fields. The scientific novelty of the work is expanding of the knowledge base due to the geometric parameters of structural degradation, on the basis of which a fuzzy conclusion about their technical state in the systems of fuzzy product rules at different stages of the object's life cycle is realized. The results of the work are presented in the form of a formalized description of the geometric parameters of degradation. The knowledge presented in the work is intended for the development of technical documentation that is used at the pre-project stage of building reconstruction, but the gained experience is the source of information on the basis of which a constructive solution is selected in the design process of analogical objects. In addition, the knowledge gained from the analysis of expert assessments of the state of various designs is necessary for development of automated expert evaluation processing systems. The use of such evaluation systems will significantly reduce the risks of the human factor associated with the errors in the specification of models for predicting the processes of structural failure at various stages of ensuring the reliability and safety of buildings

    Semiclassical trajectory-coherent states of the nonlocal Gross-Pitaesvkii equation with radial symmetry

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    In this paper the semiclassical formalism is applied to the nonlocal Gross-Pitaevskii equation with radial symmetry. Some aspects of constructing of semiclassically concentrated solutions in polar coordinates are shown. The semiclassical trajectory-coherent states, concentrated on the ring, are obtained. The example of specific physically motivated equation is considered and some properties of its semiclassical trajectorycoherent states are noted

    Mechanisms and projects for reducing greenhouse gases emissions in Russia

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    The article considers the problem of reduction of greenhouse gases emissions, one of the main anthropogenic causes of increasing carbon concentration in the atmosphere, and consequently the global climate change. In the second half of the XX century many schemes for involving market mechanism in solving these problems were proposed. These efforts increased in the last decade of XX century and finally the Kyoto Protocol supported many flexible mechanisms, as a solution for these problems. In spite of all these efforts, during the first period of its implementation (2008–2012) the emissions of carbon increased. This issue has been especially pronounced in Russia, one of the main global emitters. The paper explores the mechanisms and projects in Russia, and its importance for reducing the GHG emissions and fulfilling the commitments of Kyoto Protocol and other international documents

    Mechanisms and projects for reducing greenhouse gases emissions in Russia

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    The article considers the problem of reduction of greenhouse gases emissions, one of the main anthropogenic causes of increasing carbon concentration in the atmosphere, and consequently the global climate change. In the second half of the XX century many schemes for involving market mechanism in solving these problems were proposed. These efforts increased in the last decade of XX century and finally the Kyoto Protocol supported many flexible mechanisms, as a solution for these problems. In spite of all these efforts, during the first period of its implementation (2008–2012) the emissions of carbon increased. This issue has been especially pronounced in Russia, one of the main global emitters. The paper explores the mechanisms and projects in Russia, and its importance for reducing the GHG emissions and fulfilling the commitments of Kyoto Protocol and other international documents

    Механизмы регулирования выбросов парниковых газов и Киотский протокол

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    Russian Abstract. В статье раскрыты эколого-экономические механизмы регулирования выбросов парниковых газов. Раскрыты в историческом аспекте усилия мирового сообщества в отношения проблемы глобального потепления климата. В заключении приведены сценарии развития событий относительно эмиссии парниковых газов для России. English Abstract. In article ekologo-economic mechanisms of regulation of emissions of greenhouse gases are opened. Are opened in historical aspect of effort of the world community in the relations of a problem of global warming of climate. Scenarios of succession of events concerning emission of greenhouse gases for Russia are provided in the conclusion

    Characteristics of thunderstorm centers during the development of mesoscale convective systems over the south of Western Siberia

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    In this work, estimates of thunderstorm activity during the passage of mesoscale convective complexes (MCC) in the south of Western Siberia for 2016–2019 were obtained. When analyzing the trajectories of the MCC movement, it was revealed that it passes from the southwest to the northeast. The duration of the thunderstorm activity generated by the MCC is on average about 9 hours. At the same time, the duration of thunderstorm activity less than 4 hours was not noted. average area of a thunderstorm center ~ 5700 km2. The average distance covered by a thunderstorm is ~ 470 km. According to WWLLN, the number of lightning strikes is ~ 530

    Periodicity of professional pedagogical education within bachelor’s and master’s programmes in natural sciences

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    The article provides grounding and a methodological macro-development basis for a system periodic model of professional pedagogical education within bachelor's and master’s programmes in natural sciences. In the abovementioned context, periodicity is regarded as a universally applicable procedural basis for multilevel continuous professional pedagogical education in the sphere of natural sciences. A key category of system periodic model of professional pedagogical education within bachelor's and master’s programmes in natural sciences is a didactic cycle characterised by purposefulness, internal system integrity, dynamism, iterativity, controllability and hierarchy of levels based on phase logic. Didactic cycle is represented as a dual procedure of development of subject-subject relations oriented to correlation changes of self-balancing systems depending on quantitative augmentation in a form of grasping of content of professional pedagogical education within bachelor's and master’s programmes in natural sciences to qualitative personal transformations. Realisation of the hierarchy position is realised as macro-didactic, mesodidactic and micro-didactic cycles within the structure of a system model. Their attributive signs are goals, peculiarities of learning activity within the process of subject-subject dialogic interaction, types of solved tasks and performance. We have defined and characterised specificity of phases of didactic cycle: initiatives and perspectives, designing, implementation, assessment of results.peer-reviewe

    Механизмы регулирования выбросов парниковых газов и Киотский протокол

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    Russian Abstract. В статье раскрыты эколого-экономические механизмы регулирования выбросов парниковых газов. Раскрыты в историческом аспекте усилия мирового сообщества в отношения проблемы глобального потепления климата. В заключении приведены сценарии развития событий относительно эмиссии парниковых газов для России. English Abstract. In article ekologo-economic mechanisms of regulation of emissions of greenhouse gases are opened. Are opened in historical aspect of effort of the world community in the relations of a problem of global warming of climate. Scenarios of succession of events concerning emission of greenhouse gases for Russia are provided in the conclusion