147 research outputs found

    Characteristics of aggressive behaviour in females suffering from psychogenic binge eating disorder : (analysis of the author’s own research)

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    Aim. The purpose of the current research is to measure the level of aggression among females diagnosed with BED and individuals displaying no eating or mental disorders, and to make a comparative study of the aforementioned variable. Methods. The main research variables were measured using a psychometric method - the Revised Psychological Inventory of Aggression Syndrome by Gaś (Polish: IPSA-II).The author of the measuring instrument developed a set of norms which met the requirements of the research conducted in a population of Polish females and males. Results. Statistical analysis of the research data revealed significant differences between the females suffering from BED and the subjects displaying no mental or eating disorders, in terms of the level of aggressive and self-aggressive tendencies. It was discovered that the study participants who constituted the control group exhibited an appropriate level of aggressive behaviour, as opposed to the subjects displaying the symptoms of BED, who reported an increased (inappropriate) degree of aggression and self-aggression, which might predispose the females to psychosomatic responses, as well as push them towards subconscious emotional eating that is aimed at coping with emotional stimuli and stress. Conclusions. Analysis of the research data revealed a high level of aggressive and self-aggressive behaviour in the sample of females suffering from psychogenic binge eating disorder. The data gathered in this study point to the fact that assessment of the level of emotional personality disturbance, which includes measuring the level of aggressive and self-aggressive tendencies, should be a crucial element of a reliable psychological diagnostic evaluation and effective therapeutic interactions in a group of patients diagnosed with BED. Insight therapy aimed at investigating psychological mechanisms underlying the subconscious process of relieving aggression by individuals suffering from BED might intensify and accelerate the treatment of the aforementioned eating disorde

    Characteristics of aggressive behaviour in females suffering from psychogenic binge eating disorder (analysis of the author’s own research)

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    Aim. The purpose of the current research is to measure the level of aggression among females diagnosed with BED and individuals displaying no eating or mental disorders, and to make a comparative study of the aforementioned variable. Methods. The main research variables were measured using a psychometric method - the Revised Psychological Inventory of Aggression Syndrome by Gaś (Polish: IPSA-II).The author of the measuring instrument developed a set of norms which met the requirements of the research conducted in a population of Polish females and males. Results. Statistical analysis of the research data revealed significant differences between the females suffering from BED and the subjects displaying no mental or eating disorders, in terms of the level of aggressive and self-aggressive tendencies. It was discovered that the study participants who constituted the control group exhibited an appropriate level of aggressive behaviour, as opposed to the subjects displaying the symptoms of BED, who reported an increased (inappropriate) degree of aggression and self-aggression, which might predispose the females to psychosomatic responses, as well as push them towards subconscious emotional eating that is aimed at coping with emotional stimuli and stress. Conclusions. Analysis of the research data revealed a high level of aggressive and self-aggressive behaviour in the sample of females suffering from psychogenic binge eating disorder. The data gathered in this study point to the fact that assessment of the level of emotional personality disturbance, which includes measuring the level of aggressive and self-aggressive tendencies, should be a crucial element of a reliable psychological diagnostic evaluation and effective therapeutic interactions in a group of patients diagnosed with BED. Insight therapy aimed at investigating psychological mechanisms underlying the subconscious process of relieving aggression by individuals suffering from BED might intensify and accelerate the treatment of the aforementioned eating disorder

    New City District Praha - Holešovice - Community center

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    Diplomová práce je zpracovaná na základě urbanistické studie Praha - Holešovice City Park +, vypracované v předmětu ateliér architektury III, kde je navržená nová struktura budov v návaznosti na stávající zástavbu. Součástí této studie je návrh městského parku. Diplomová práce pak zpracovává architektonickou studii konkrétní stavby, a to společenského centra. Cílem je navrhnout nové místo pro setkávání obyvatel bydlících v nově navržené zástavbě . Navrhovaný dům bude navazovat na městský park.The diploma thesis is elaborated on the basis of urban studies Prague - Holešovice City Park +, elaborated in the subject architectural design III, where a new structure of buildings is proposed in connection with the existing structure of the city. Part of this study is the design of a city park. The diploma thesis then prepares an architectural study of a specific building of a community center. The aim is to design a new meeting place for residents of housing in the newly designed development. The proposed house will be connected to the city park.226 - Katedra architekturyvýborn

    Struktura doznań stresowych pacjentów w zespole bólowym odcinka lędźwiowego kręgosłupa podczas epidemii COVID-19 w Polsce

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    Introduction. The rapid transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has prompted government officials from many countries around the world to introduce severe epidemic restrictions to reduce the risk of developing coronavirus disease (COVID-19). However, apart from the necessity to protect somatic health, it turned out in a relatively short time that the pandemic also posed a serious threat to the mental functioning of many people.Aim. The aim of the study is assessing the structure of stressful experiences of women and men in the pain syndrome of the lumbar spine during the COVID-19 epidemic in Poland.Material and Methods. The study sample consists of 102 patients hospitalized in the Department of Neurosurgery and Pediatric Neurosurgery of the Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 4 in Lublin. The first group is women, the second is men. The research used the KPS Questionnaire and a proprietary questionnaire. Statistical analyses were carried out using the IBM SPSS 25 program using the two-factor analysis of variance in the mixed schema included in the multivariate OML model.Results. In the group of women, 49.0% of patients feel high stress, 31.4% — moderate, and 19.6% — low. In the male population, 37.3% of the respondents exhibited high stress, 51.0% — average and 11.7% — low. Women exhibit lower emotional tension but higher external stress than men. In addition, the patients have the highest emotional tension and external stress, and the lowest — intrapsychic stress. In men, emotional tension dominates, next is external stress, and intrapsychic stress is significantly lower than them.Conclusions. The obtained data suggest that when designing interventions supporting the mental functioning of this group of patients, consideration should be given to taking into account individual differences identified in the studies. (JNNN 2021;10(3):96–104)Wstęp. Szybka transmisja koronawirusa SARS-CoV-2 skłoniła przedstawicieli rządów wielu państw na całym świecie do wprowadzenia surowych ograniczeń epidemicznych, mających na celu ograniczenie ryzyka rozwoju choroby koronawirusowej (COVID-19). Jednak poza koniecznością ochrony stanu zdrowia somatycznego, w stosunkowo krótkim czasie okazało się, iż występująca pandemia stanowi również poważne zagrożenie dla funkcjonowania psychicznego wielu osób.Cel. Celem badań jest określenie struktury doświadczeń stresowych kobiet i mężczyzn w zespole bólowym odcinka lędźwiowego kręgosłupa podczas epidemii COVID-19 w Polsce.Materiał i metody. Badaną próbę tworzy 102 pacjentów hospitalizowanych w Klinice Neurochirurgii i Neurochirurgii Dziecięcej Samodzielnego Publicznego Szpitala Klinicznego nr 4 w Lublinie. Pierwszą grupę stanowią kobiety, a drugą mężczyźni. W badaniach zastosowano Kwestionariusz KPS oraz ankietę. Analizy statystyczne przeprowadzono za pomocą programu IBM SPSS 25 z wykorzystaniem dwuczynnikowej analizy wariancji w schemacie mieszanym wchodzącej w skład wielozmiennowego modelu OML.Wyniki. W grupie kobiet 49,0% pacjentek odczuwa wysoki stres, 31,4% — umiarkowany, a 19,6% — niski. W populacji mężczyzn 37,3% badanych ujawnia wysoki stres, 51,0% — przeciętny i 11,7% — niski. Kobiety wykazują niższe napięcie emocjonalne, ale wyższy stres zewnętrzny niż mężczyźni. Ponadto pacjentki w największym stopniu mają nasilone napięcie emocjonalne i stres zewnętrzny, a w najniższym stres intrapsychiczny. U mężczyzn dominuje napięcie emocjonalne, następnie jest to stres zewnętrzny, a stres intrapsychiczny jest istotnie od nich niższy.Wnioski. Uzyskane dane sugerują, iż podczas opracowywania interwencji wspierających funkcjonowanie psychiczne tej grupy pacjentów należy rozważyć uwzględnienie zidentyfikowanych w badaniach różnic indywidualnych. (PNN 2021;10(3):96–104

    Use of horse riding in chronic pain therapy

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    Introduction and purpose: Chronic pain is a struggle itself and also a symptom in many common conditions. Its complexity requires diverse treatment methods including some that might seem unconventional, for example, horse riding. This study gathers information about the use of equine assisted therapy in pain relief. Brief description of the state of knowledge: Hippotherapy is known as an important part of care for patients with cerebral palsy, attention deficit and autism. The rhythmical, multidimensional movements of the horse are transmitted to the rider’s pelvis and help in strengthening and stretching the muscles which result in better posture stabilization and balance. The positive effects of equine assisted therapy are not limited to only physical ones but positive social, cognitive and psychological effects can be observed as well. In order to lower the cost and time of the therapy, horse riding simulators were invented. So far, horse riding has been tested as a pain relief tool in entities like nonspecific low back pain, multiple sclerosis and arthritis. Summary: Horse riding sessions had beneficial effects on pain levels among patients with nonspecific back pain and arthritis. There is a need to conduct further research in order to properly compare the use of real horses versus horse simulators. Hippotherapy was well perceived by different patient groups so maybe it has the potential to be an important part of pain management in various conditions

    Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome - review of pathophysiology, clinical presentation, differentiation and management

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    Introduction and purpose: The number of invented and produced medications has increased over recent years. Besides their positive impact on health, they invariably provide various kinds of side effects. This review is focused on malignant neuroleptic syndrome, a rare condition with no fully confirmed pathogenesis, which at least partially can be explained as an adverse effect of blocking dopamine receptors. Even though it usually affects psychiatric or neurological patients, doctors of all medical specializations should stay alert, as the condition can often lead to premature death. Brief description of knowledge: The main symptoms associated with NMS are hypertonia, hyperpyrexia, autonomic instability and altered consciousness. They can appear in any configuration, sometimes followed by less characteristic manifestations. It should be primarily differentiated from serotonin syndrome, malignant hyperpyrexia and catatonia, mostly through the interview of those who have taken medications and undergone surgeries, as there are not any specific lab tests available. Fundamental treatment methods consist of neuroleptic withdrawal, intensive supportive care, drug administration and eventually ECT.  Summary: NMS is an uncommon, severe disease that should be carefully considered in patients treated with neuroleptics. Due to its rarity and sudden onset, it appears to be problematic to conduct widespread research and studies, so there are still no concrete, consistent and unquestioned guidelines on recognizing and treating the condition.&nbsp

    Deficiency of thiamine and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome – review of pathophysiology, clinical presentation , diagnostics and treatment

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    Introduction and aim of the study: Thiamine is a water-soluble vitamine, which bioactive form is necessary for energy metabolism in all cells. Deficiency of thiamine may be caused by malnutrition, alcoholism and certain diseases and it leads to an acute neuropsychiatric disorder called Wernicke encephalopathy. Untreated patients can develop a residual syndrome called Korsakoff syndrome. The aim of our study is to present current knowledge of history, pathophysiology, causes, symptoms and treatment of vitamine B1 depletion and Wernicke-Korsakoff’s syndrome. Material and methods: Our review is based on the analysis of materials collected in „Pubmed”, „Google Scholar” and other scientific articles using keywords: „thiamine”, „thiamine deficiency”, „Wernicke encephalopathy”, „Korsakoff syndrome”. Conclusions: Despite numerous studies, Wernicke encephalopathy is still difficult to diagnose. Attention should be paid to the possibility of vitamin B1 deficiency in people who are at risk of it like alcoholics, malnourished or psychiatric patients. Wernicke encephalopathy is an acute neuropsychiatric disorder so the treatment should be started as soon as possible to reduce the risk of developing Korsakoff syndrome.

    Biometric tools in conservation: the caseof Juniperus phoenicea L. (Cupressaceae) from Andorra

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    Resumen del contenido del póster presentado en el 10e Colloque de botanique Pyrénéo-Cantabrique celebrado del 8 al 10 de julio de 2013 en el Casino de Bagnères-de-Luchon[EN]The isolated populations of Juniperus phoenicea found in mountain areas of the Pyrenees have traditionally been assigned to subsp. phoenicea. In order to verify the taxonomic status of the Andorran populations, and to better understand the distribution of subsp. turbinata, a biometric study basedon morphological characteristics has been carried out. The resulting conclusions indicate that the Andorran populations should be included within subsp. phoenicea along with the other inland Iberian populations. The high degree of morphological variation of the Andorran populations suggest the relict character of those isolated Pyrenean valley stands. The biogeographical interest of those fragmentary populations is commented on. They are plants that grow in the Iimits of the taxon's area, and should be included in the priority strategies for conservation of mountain biodiversity.[ES]Las poblaciones aisladas de Juniperus phoenicea que se encuentran en las zonas de montaña de los Pirineos han sido tradicionalmente asignadas a la subsp. phoenicea. Con el fin de verificar el estatus taxonómico de las poblaciones andorranas, y para comprender mejor la distribución de la subsp. turbinata, se ha realizado un estudio biométrico basado en las características morfológicas de diferentes poblaciones del Mediterráneo Occidental. Los resultados y conclusiones indican que las poblaciones andorranas deben incluirse dentro de la subsp. phoenicea junto con las otras poblaciones del interior ibérico. El alto grado de variación morfológica de las poblaciones andorranas sugiere el carácter relicto de las mismas en los valles del Pirenaicos, donde se encuentran aisladas. Se comenta el interés biogeográfico de estas poblaciones fragmentadas. Son plantas que crecen en los límites de área del taxon, y deberían ser incluidos en las estrategias prioritarias para la conservación de la biodiversidad de las montañas.[FR]Les populations isolées de Juniperus phoenicea des zones de montagne des Pyrénées ont traditionnellement été attribuées ala subsp. phoenicea. Afin de vérifier le statut taxonomique des populations andorranes, et de mieux comprendre la distribution de subsp. turbinata, on a effectué une biométrie basée sur les caractéristiques morphologiques des différentes populations de la Méditerranée occidentale. Les résultats obtenus indiquent que les populations andorrannes devraient étre inclues dans la subsp. phoenicea avec les autres populations continentales ibériques. Le haut degré de variation morphologique des populations de l'Andorre suggere leur caractere relictique. Elles se trouvent isolées dans differentes vallées pyrénéennes. Ces populations fragmentées ont un grand lntérét biogéographique. Les plantes, qui poussent dans les limites de distribution, devraient etre incluses dans les stratégies prioritaires pour la conservation de la biodiversité des montagnes.Peer reviewe