161 research outputs found

    A revision of African Psammoecus (Coleoptera, Silvanidae) and descriptions of two new species from the collection of the MusĂ©e royal de l’Afrique centrale

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    A revision of the known African species of Psammoecus is given, including redescriptions and illustrations of diagnostic characters. Extensive material from the MusĂ©e royal de l’Afrique centrale (Tervuren) is studied. Two new species are described: Psammoecus leleupi sp. nov., and Ps. luchti sp. nov. Four specific names are synonymized: Psammoecus excellens Grouvelle, 1908 = Ps. trimaculatus Motschulsky, 1858; Ps. alluaudi Grouvelle, 1912 = Ps. trimaculatus Motschulsky, 1858; Ps. longulus Grouvelle, 1878 = Ps. longicornis Schaufuss, 1872; Ps. nitescens Grouvelle, 1914 = Ps. laetulus Grouvelle, 1914. A key to the African species is provided

    The Power of Stakeholder Input: How Bringing Diverse Voices to the Table Helps Your Equity Journey

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    The General Assembly finds that this State has an urgent and collective responsibility to achieve educational equity by ensuring that all policies, programs, and practices affirm the strengths that each and every child brings with diverse background and life experiences and by delivering the comprehensive support, programs, and educational opportunities children need to succeed

    In the Shadow of World Polity: Spatial Narratives of Civil Society Organizations

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    World Polity Theory has found broad acceptance as an explanation for the worldwide spread of rationalist ideas and modern models of actorhood in and through civil society. This theory states that modern actorhood is about the representation of legitimated principals, which in many cases are abstract principles such as global notions of human rights or environmental sustainability. In our study, we add on to this by analyzing spatial narratives of CSOs located in Austria's largest metropolitan region. We identify six narratives: lococentric, home/alien, world polity, world society, glocalization and earthly/metaphysical world. We find that these narratives form a spectrum whose focus ranges from the local to the global to the metaphysical level. World polity theory is able to explain the middle of this spectrum, but has been insensitive to its outer sections, which in the case of the lococentric narrative make up a major part of what is going on in civil society. We thus show that there are remarkably large spaces for the development of CSO identities that are hardly affected by global isomorphism

    Volumenverschiebungen beim Sprung der Jagdspinne Cupiennius salei (Keyserling, 1877)

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    Durch LĂ€ngenmessungen an Exuvien wurden die GrĂ¶ĂŸenverhĂ€ltnisse von BeinlĂ€ngen, DrehachsenlĂ€ngen der Beingelenke und der FlĂ€che des Carapax bei C. salei ermittelt. FĂŒr die hydraulisch gestreckten Femoro- Patellar- und Tibio-Metatarsalgelenke wurden die Volumen-Winkel-Kennlinien bestimmt. Das Sprungverhalten wurde durch Hochgeschwindigkeits-Videoaufnahmen (Bildfrequenz 500 Hz) mit drei Kameras dokumentiert. Aus den volumetrischen, kinematischen und morphometrischen Daten wurden die Volumenverschiebungen berechnet, die bei Sprungbewegungen auftreten. Aus der prosomalen Volumenverschiebung konnte der korrespondierende Carapaxhub berechnet werden. Mit einer Miniatur- Kraftmeßplattform und einem mit Schrittmotoren getriebenen "x-y-z-Tisch" wurden Steifigkeiten des Prosomas von Perania nasuta Schwendinger, 1989 und ausgewĂ€hlten anderen Taxa bestimmt. Bei Cupiennius salei gibt es zwei unterschiedliche Sprungtypen: Unvorbereitete SprĂŒnge als Reaktion auf sehr plötzliche Störungen zeichnen sich durch eine große Vielfalt der Bewegungsmuster aus. Vorbereitete SprĂŒnge zeigen charakteristische Beinstellungen und Kontaktphasenmuster: ZunĂ€chst erfolgt eine etwa 20 ms dauernde Ausholbewegung, anschließend beginnt die 22 - 42 ms dauernde Beschleunigungsphase. Die KörperlĂ€ngsachse vollzieht wĂ€hrend der Beschleunigungsphase eine VorwĂ€rtsrotation um etwa 50°, die nach dem Verlust des Bodenkontaktes der Beine gestoppt und umgekehrt wird. Dies erfolgt wohl durch ein kontrolliertes Bremsen des Ausstoßes des Sicherheitsfadens. Bei vorbereiteten SprĂŒngen konnten Sprungweiten bis zu 0.43 m beobachtet werden, die maximalen vertikalen Geschwindigkeiten betrugen 0.07 - 0.82 ms-1, maximale horizontale Geschwindigkeiten lagen bei 0.65 - 1.25 ms-1. Bei vorbereiteten SprĂŒngen wurden vertikale Beschleunigungen von 0.74 – 33.70 ms-2 und horizontale Beschleunigungen von 20.5 – 68.4 ms-2 erreicht. Die Kontaktphasen der Beine enden in einer charakteristischen Reihenfolge: Die Vorderbeine haben meist keinen Bodenkontakt, die dritten Beine heben nach durchschnittlich 37 % und die vierten Beine nach durchschnittlich 69 % der Dauer der Beschleunigungsphase ab. Zuletzt verlieren die zweiten Beine den Bodenkontakt. Zu Beginn der Beschleunigungsphasen richten sich innerhalb von durchschnittlich 4.6 ms Stacheln auf der OberflĂ€che der Beine auf. Die Stachelaufrichtung erfolgt bei Drucken von etwa 35 bis etwa 65 kPa. Dies zeigt einen Druckanstieg in den Beinen auf Werte von Âł 65 kPa wĂ€hrend der Beschleunigungsphase an. Der Hauptanteil der Volumenverschiebungen in den Beinen wird durch Bewegungen der Femoro-Patellargelenke verursacht. Die Bewegungen der Tibio-Metatarsalgelenke bewirken nur geringe Volumenverschiebungen. Aufgrund der anatomischen Struktur der Trochantero- Femoralgelenke sind die bei Bewegung dieser Gelenke verschobenen Volumina vernachlĂ€ssigbar klein. Die AbschĂ€tzung der zur Beinstreckung bei SprĂŒngen erforderlichen Carapaxverschiebungen ergab sehr geringe Werte, es sind nur Verschiebungen um wenige 1/100 bis 1/10 mm erforderlich. FĂŒr die vollstĂ€ndige Streckung aller Beine muß der Carapax nur um 10% der aufgrund der anatomischen Gegebenheiten maximal möglichen Strecke verschoben werden. Bei den Untersuchungen an Perania nasuta wurden prosomale Steifigkeiten von mehr als 3500 Nm-1 fĂŒr Weibchen und mehr als 6500 Nm-1 fĂŒr MĂ€nnchen ermittelt. Das Prosoma von Perania nasuta ist sehr viel rigider als bei anderen Spinnen (Pholcus: 131 Nm-1, Zelotes: 79 Nm-1, Pardosa: 72 Nm-1, Dysdera: 1900 Nm-1). Die Carapaxverschiebung, die den zur vollstĂ€ndigen Beinstreckung erforderlichen Volumentransport bewirkte, wĂŒrde bei Perania eine Verformungsarbeit von bis zu 27.56 myJ erfordern, bei den anderen Spinnen nur maximal 1.67 myJ (Dysdera). Das Sprungverhalten von Cupiennius salei lĂ€ĂŸt sich keinem der bislang beschriebenen Sprungtypen zuordnen. Hinsichtlich der Sprungweite und Geschwindigkeiten sind die Sprungleistungen von Cupiennius mit denjenigen von Salticiden vergleichbar. Die geringen Carapaxverschiebungen beim Sprung lassen sich im Sinne einer Optimierung der Arbeit extrinsischer coxaler Muskeln interpretieren. Eine Minimierung von Carapaxverschiebungen sollte die Koordinierbarkeit der Bewegungen der Coxae erhöhen, weil ein stĂ€rker formkonstanter Bezugsrahmen gegeben ist. Dementsprechend lassen sich Bein- und Carapaxdimensionen bei verschiedenen Spinnentaxa im Hinblick auf die jeweiligen Lokomotionsstrategien interpretieren. Die Untersuchungen an Perania nasuta bestĂ€tigen die von Kropf (in Vorb.) aufgestellte Hypothese einer starken Versteifung des Prosoma. Die Druckpumpe scheint hier im Opisthosoma lokalisiert zu sein. Hinsichtlich der möglichen Vorteile einer solchen Entwicklung lassen sich einerseits die besseren Bedingungen der Arbeit extrinsischer coxaler Muskeln im vollstĂ€ndig steifen "Gestell" des Prosoma nennen, andererseits könnte aufgrund entsprechender Lokomotionsmodi bei Perania keine Notwendigkeit zur schnellen Verschiebung großer Haemolymphvolumina aus dem Prosoma bestehen, so daß eine leistungsfĂ€hige prosomale Druckpumpe wegfallen konnte

    Facial expressions and personality: A kinematical investigation during an emotion induction experiment

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    Background/Aims: In order to elucidate the relationship between personality traits and expression of positive emotions in healthy volunteers, standardized personality inventories and kinematical analysis of facial expressions can be helpful and were applied in the present study. Methods: Markers fixed at distinct points of the face emitting ultrasonic signals at high frequency gave a direct measure of facial movements with high spatial-temporal resolution. Forty-six healthy participants (mean age: 40.7 years; 20 males, 26 females) watching a witty movie ('Mr. Bean') were investigated. Results: Speed of `laughing' was associated with higher scores on Zuckerman's Sensation Seeking Scale and NEO-FFI (Openness to Experience). Conclusion: Kinematical analysis of facial expressions seems to reflect sensation seeking and related personality styles. Higher speed of facial movements in sensation seekers suggests lowered serotonergic function. Copyright (c) 2006 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Nonprofits for cohesive cities : neighborhood characteristics, organizational practices, and their effects on social and systemic integration

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    Nonprofit organizations (NPOs) contribute to vital neighborhoods by building communities of citizens and acting as intermediaries between citizens and organi- zations. We investigate how NPOs’ engagement in social and systemic integration is shaped by neighborhood char- acteristics, and how it relates to the organizational practices of managerialism and organizational democracy. We combine survey data with administrative data from a rep- resentative sample of NPOs in a major European city. To measure the effect of neighborhood on organizational integration, we separated the city into 7,840 grid cells characterized by population, per capita income, share of immigrant population, and density of organizations. Find- ings indicate that managerialism positively relates with systemic integration, as organizational democracy relates with social integration. Neighborhood characteristics, however, are not related with NPOs’ engagement inintegration. Our findings contribute to research on urban social cohesion by illuminating the interplay between NPOs’ organizing practices, local neighborhoods, and contributions to both forms of integration.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Normalized STEAM-based diffusion tensor imaging provides a robust assessment of muscle tears in football players: preliminary results of a new approach to evaluate muscle injuries

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    Objectives: To assess acute muscle tears in professional football players by diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and evaluate the impact of normalization of data. Methods: Eight football players with acute lower limb muscle tears were examined. DTI metrics of the injured muscle and corresponding healthy contralateral muscle and of ROIs drawn in muscle tears (ROItear) in the corresponding healthy contralateral muscle (ROIhc_t) in a healthy area ipsilateral to the injury (ROIhi) and in a corresponding contralateral area (ROIhc_i) were compared. The same comparison was performed for ratios of the injured (ROItear/ROIhi) and contralateral sides (ROIhc_t/ROIhc_i). ANOVA, Bonferroni corrected post-hoc and Students t-tests were used. Results: Analyses of the entire muscle did not show any differences (p>0.05 each) except for axial diffusivity (AD; p=0.048). ROItear showed higher mean diffusivity (MD) and AD than ROIhc_t (p<0.05). Fractional anisotropy (FA) was lower in ROItear than in ROIhi and ROIhc_t (p<0.05). Radial diffusivity (RD) was higher in ROItear than in any other ROI (p<0.05). Ratios revealed higher MD and RD and lower FA and reduced number and length of fibre tracts on the injured side (p<0.05 each). Conclusions: DTI allowed a robust assessment of muscle tears in athletes especially after normalization to healthy muscle tissue. Key Points STEAM-based DTI allows the investigation of muscle tears affecting professional football players. Fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity differ between injured and healthy muscle areas. Only normalized data show differences of fibre tracking metrics in muscle tears. The normalization of DTI-metrics enables a more robust characterization of muscle tears.(VLID)475075

    Bayesian and frequentist analysis of an Austrian genome-wide association study of colorectal cancer and advanced adenomas

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    Most genome-wide association studies (GWAS) were analyzed using single marker tests in combination with stringent correction procedures for multiple testing. Thus, a substantial proportion of associated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) remained undetected and may account for missing heritability in complex traits. Model selection procedures present a powerful alternative to identify associated SNPs in high-dimensional settings. In this GWAS including 1060 colorectal cancer cases, 689 cases of advanced colorectal adenomas and 4367 controls we pursued a dual approach to investigate genome-wide associations with disease risk applying both, single marker analysis and model selection based on the modified Bayesian information criterion, mBIC2, implemented in the software package MOSGWA. For different case-control comparisons, we report models including between 1-14 candidate SNPs. A genome-wide significant association of rs17659990 (P=5.43x10(-9), DOCK3, chromosome 3p21.2) with colorectal cancer risk was observed. Furthermore, 56 SNPs known to influence susceptibility to colorectal cancer and advanced adenoma were tested in a hypothesis-driven approach and several of them were found to be relevant in our Austrian cohort. After correction for multiple testing (alpha=8.9x10(-4)), the most significant associations were observed for SNPs rs10505477 (P=6.08x10(-4)) and rs6983267 (P=7.35x10(-4)) of CASC8, rs3802842 (P=8.98x10(-5), COLCA1,2), and rs12953717 (P=4.64x10(-4), SMAD7). All previously unreported SNPs demand replication in additional samples. Reanalysis of existing GWAS datasets using model selection as tool to detect SNPs associated with a complex trait may present a promising resource to identify further genetic risk variants not only for colorectal cancer

    Migrant African women: tales of agency and belonging

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    This paper explores issues of belonging and agency among asylum seekers and refugee women of African origin in the UK. It discusses the ways these women engendered resistance in their everyday life to destitution, lack of cultural recognition, and gender inequality through the foundation of their own non-governmental organization, African Women’s Empowerment Forum, AWEF, a collective ‘home’ space. The focus of this account is on migrant women’s agency and self-determination for the exercise of choice to be active actors in society. It points to what might be an important phenomenon on how local grassroots movements are challenging the invisibility of asylum seekers’ and refugees’ lives and expanding the notion of politics to embrace a wider notion of community politics with solidarity. AWEF is the embodiment of a social space that resonates the ‘in-between’ experience of migrant life providing stability to the women members regarding political and community identification
