41 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Water Losses: Study Case in Intan Banjar Water Supply Company

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    Water losses from water distribution networks have become a crucial problem. The BNA (Basic Need Approach) zone has high water losses above the standard for maximum tolerance ministry of public work as 20%. The water losses during September - December 2018 has experienced a fluctuation. the highest losses occurred in October at 36.05%, but in November the level of water losses decreased to 34.17%. The water balance can be used to know to understand the quantity, source, and charge of water losses. The water balance calculation in this study uses the WB-Easy Calc program version 4.05. Based on the result, the percentage of water losses 34,81% with the composition of real losses as 30,61% and apparent losses of 4.21%. On the other hand, the financial impact by the water losses was deficit as Rp. 4.593.648.335. Furthermore, gets to the action for each one of the above main components of the water balance in order to reduce water losses

    Pengolahan Air Limbah Domestik Menggunakan Proses Aerasi, Pengendapan, dan Filtrasi Media Zeolit-Arang Aktif

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    Produksi air limbah domestik khususnya greywater yang dihasilkan dari aktivitas manusia setiap harinya semakin meningkat sejalan dengan peningkatan jumlah penduduk. Adapun kualitas air limbah domestik masih jauh melebihi baku mutu yang telah ditetapkan pemerintah. Air limbah domestik atau rumah tangga yang tidak diolah secara benar dapat menyebabkan berbagai macam masalah bagi manusia dan lingkungan sekitarnya. Diperlukan pengolahan yang tepat untuk dapat mengolah air limbah domestik agar dapat memenuhi baku mutu air bersih, dan dapat digunakan sebagai sumber air bersih oleh masyarakat. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menentukan efektivitas pengolahan air limbah dengan menggunakan proses aerasi, sedimentasi dan filtrasi media zeolit-arang aktif menggunakan sistem kontinyu. Proses aerasi dilakukan dengan penambahan larutan EM4 sebagai pengolah zat organik yang ada pada air limbah, dan kemudian air limbah akan melewati bak pengendap untuk mengendapkan zat padat yang terkandung didalamnya. Selanjutnya, air limbah akan diolah menggunakan filter dengan media zeolit dan arang aktif. Setelah melewati serangkaian pengolahan dengan proses aerasi, sedimentasi, dan filtrasi menggunakan zeolit dan arang aktif, hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadinya penurunan kandungan pencemar pada air limbah. Rata-rata penyisihan kandungan zat organik adalah ialah 93,14%, rata-rata penyisihan nilai N adalah 99,81%, rata-rata penyisihan nilai P adalah 99,67%, dan rata-rata penyisihan nilai TDS mencapai 84,76%, serta nilai penyisihan TSS ialah 99,97%

    Study of Remu River Water Quality Using Dynamic Program

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    Remu River has been being a water resource for residents in Sorong City. Development in this city lead to water quality degradation of Remu River. Existing (2016) and prediction condition of Remu River in the next 2 years were defined by the behavior of BOD, COD, Fe, and DO that proceed using a dynamic program, STELLA 9.1.3. Study area involved 6 sampling points. Simulation results showed that BOD, COD, and Fe concentrations tend to increase in the next 2 years, even BOD and COD concentrations at several sampling points was higher than water quality standard, according to Government Regulation No. 82/2001. Meanwhile, DO concentration was below the limit in 4th to 6th sampling points. Pollution control strategy was conducted by setting up three scenarios: (1) procurement of Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP), (2) river sediment dredging, and (3) combination of both scenario. Combination of sediment dredging and procurement of WWTP scenario estimated to reduce BOD concentration to 89.82%, COD concentration to 87.02%, and increase DO concentration to 19.07%. So that, the 3rd scenario was determined as the best strategy to improve Remu River water quality, although Fe concentration cannot be controlled as it comes from nature

    Existing Evaluation and Efforts to Improve the Distribution Network of Banyuwangi District PDAM (Banyuwangi City Study Area)

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    The drinking water sector is the aspect of development that has a pivotal function to support the welfare of society. This is due to health, lifestyle, residential environment conditions and comfort in daily life. The service of the piped water supply system (SPAM-JP) for the service of the capital city of Banyuwangi Regency covers 5 Subdistricts, with 44% clean water service coverage, installed production capacity of 405 liters/second and operating 330 liters/second, to service 34,319 Connection Units with customers domestic (Household) as many as 32,271 units and non-domestic as many as 2,046 units of connection. In addition, the level of continuity has not yet been achieved, this can be seen in some service areas during peak hours not flowing, besides the level of water loss is 25%. In anticipating all problems in the service, research is conducted by analyzing the technical aspects, financial aspects, and institutional aspects. In analyzing each aspect, it was used the appropriate method and updated data. The technical aspects was done by calculating water balance uses easy calk, network analysis using epanet 2.0 and determining improvement efforts. In the institutional aspects was done by the assessment of BPSPAM, while the financial aspects by analyzing the investment costs of network improvements required and alternative funding. The evaluation of existing conditions is that the production and distribution units are not optimal, in the water balance the water loss is 25%, from the HR assessment there is no activity to improve the existing HR and efforts to improve the distribution network include general improvements in the form of pipe replacement and DMA formation in all service areas and managements, namely by increasing HR and developing computer-based information system

    Evaluation of PDAM Performance Using Dynamic Models

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    the Regional Government is the fulfillment of basic needs of daily drinking water. However, the service by PDAM is still not optimal. It can be seen from the PDAM's performance that was “unhealthy from year to year according to BPPSPAM data. Some of the research methods used in analyzing PDAM performance are problem identification, identification of variables and conceptual models, dynamic model simulations, analysis and interpretation as well as drawing conclusions and suggestions. From the simulation result of dynamic models using Vensim PLE plus software, alternative scenarios were obtained, that will increase domestic water consumption and customer connections by 12.5% per year, increasing the repair and replacement of distribution piping systems and customer meters by 20% per year, and increasing rate to 15% per year

    Deoxygenation Rate of Carbon in Upstream Brantas River in the City of Malang

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    Oxygen depletion in water bodies from biochemical processes is determined from the rate of carbon deoxygenation. Rate of deoxygenation carbon becomedeterminant variables in the calibration process of DO model. Several researchers have conducted deoxygenation carbon research for river outside Indonesia but is still limited to river in Indonesia. The study was conducted to determine the rate of deoxygenation of carbon in the Brantas river in Malang by using long-term BOD analysis and Thomas method. The results showed an increase in BOD value during the 30-day. The tendency is polynomial pattern orde 2 with the coefficient of determination, R2 of 0.9085-0.9596. Rate of carbon deoxygenation fluctuates from upstream to downstream with a range of values from 0.019 to 0.046 /day. While the value of BODuranges from 9.614 to 17.291 mg/L. The low rate of deoxygenation of the carbon indicates the low content of BOD of the river. Turbulent condition of river flow are also a factor to be considered oflow value of k. The results of calculations by themethod of Thomas has a coefficient of determination, R 2 is low (0.31 to 0.84). In this regard, the use of other methods such as the Least Square and Non Linear Regression should considAer in determining the value of the rate ofcarbon deoxygenation Brantas river in the city of Malan

    Evaluation of Communal Wastewater Treatment Plant Operating Anaerobic Baffled Reactor and Biofilter

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    Construction of communal Waste Water Treatment Plant, WWTP in city of Malang since 1998 but until recently had never done an evaluation the performance. Communal WWTP performance evaluation is needed to see how far the efficiency of processing result. Until now, Environmental Agency Malang City only measure effluent from WWTP Communal to know the suitability with domestic wastewater quality standards. Effluent quality data in 2014 showed value above the quality standard of domestic wastewater from East Java Governor Regulation No. 72 in 2013 for parameters BOD and COD. WWTP Communal USRI research objects are on a six (6) locations by involving the user community during the planning, construction, operation and maintenance. Technology choice of ABR followed by a biofilter reactor with the stone media proved capable of processing organic matter of BOD and COD with the removal levels respectively by 78% -99% and 71% -99%. As for the parameters of TSS, NO3 and PO4 have the ranges of removal respectively by 56% -100%, (43%) - 72%, (2%) - 13%. Ratio BOD and COD in influent are low and ranged from 0.22 to 0.41. From the evaluation shows that high organic matter concentrations in influent along with the HRT and operation time high will result in a higher removal level. Keyword-Communal WWTP performance, Level of removal, Ratio BOD and COD , HRT