63 research outputs found

    Livelihood dependency on woodland resources in southern Zagros, Iran

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    This study aims to investigate the relationships between people?s livelihoods and the woodland resources of the Ganaveh watershed in southern Zagros, Iran, as a basis for suggestions of strategies for sustainable management of the woodland resources and improvement of the livelihoods of people in the community. Household data were collected through interviews with heads of households and members of the village council with a focus on uses of the woodland products. Canonical correlation analysis and pairwise correlation analysis were used to detect significant relationships between the socioeconomic variables of the households and the variables of the collected or used woodland products by the households. Results show that animal husbandry is the most important activity for providing villagers? income. Fuel wood, seeds and ground fodder are collected woodland products in the area. Among the key socioeconomic characteristics of the households, increased educational status and cash incomes from sources other than the woodland are associated with less dependency on the woodland resources, and consumption of energy has a positive correlation with the collection of fuel wood

    Using institutional theory to analyse hospital responses to external demands for finance and quality in five european countries

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    OBJECTIVES: Given the impact of the global economic crisis, delivering better health care with limited finance grows more challenging. Through the lens of institutional theory, this paper explores pressures experienced by hospital leaders to improve quality and constrain spending, focusing on how they respond to these often competing demands. METHODS: An in-depth, multilevel analysis of health care quality policies and practices in five European countries including longitudinal case studies in a purposive sample of ten hospitals. RESULTS: How hospitals responded to the financial and quality challenges was dependent upon three factors: the coherence of demands from external institutions; managerial competence to align external demands with an overall quality improvement strategy, and managerial stability. Hospital leaders used diverse strategies and practices to manage conflicting external pressures. CONCLUSIONS: The development of hospital leaders' skills in translating external requirements into implementation plans with internal support is a complex, but crucial, task, if quality is to remain a priority during times of austerity. Increasing quality improvement skills within a hospital, developing a culture where quality improvement becomes embedded and linking cost reduction measures to improving care are all required

    Handbook for front line managers

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    From the introduction: This handbook is aimed primarily at front line managers (FLMs) in manufacturing industries. Frontline manager is defined here as the first management level with personnel responsibility. It is the most common managerial position and is found in all companies that have at least one management level. It is an extremely important role. Research also highlights the FLM as a key position in the creation of well-functioning and sustainable production. You may be new to the role of being a manager, if so this book will help you to understand your tasks. If you are an experienced manager but new to the company, you will find some suggestions on how to succeed in your new job. Finally, we hope that we can offer some pearls of wisdom for those of you who are experienced managers in a company you have known for a long time. The handbook is also for you who collaborate with FLMs. You may be working in the line or as a team leader, which is a leader without personnel responsibility. You may be a second line manager or have a production support role with responsibility for protection and safety, planning and scheduling, quality development, technical maintenance, technological development, product development, logistics, HR functions or something else. We hope that the handbook will provide you all with useful advice and information. This handbook is intended to clarify the content of FLM’s work and how it can be developed. We do this by describing the role and work of the FLM but also the ever-present dynamics and problem-solving foundin the role. We also want to underscore opportunities for systematically developing the potential for and ability to work as a FLM. To enable you to work and thrive in the role in the long term or support someone else in this role. FLMs have a major impact on both work environment and efficiency within their area. As such, the manager’s work environment is also of great importance for success.This handbook has grown out of a project collaboration between the School of Engineering at Jönköping University, Fagerhults Belysning AB and Scania CV AB.</p

    Handbok för första linjens chefer

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    FrĂ„n inledningen: Den hĂ€r handboken vĂ€nder sig framför allt till dig som Ă€r första linjens chef i tillverkande industri. Första linjens chef definieras hĂ€r som den första chefsnivĂ„n som har personalansvar. Det Ă€r den vanligaste chefspositionen och finns i alla företag med minst en chefsnivĂ„. Det Ă€r en oerhört viktig funktion! Även forskningen lyfter fram första linjens chef som en nyckelposition för att skapa en vĂ€l fungerande och hĂ„llbar produktion. Du kanske Ă€r helt ny i rollen som chef och dĂ„ Ă€r det hĂ€r en hjĂ€lp till att förstĂ„ uppgiften. Eller sĂ„ Ă€r du erfaren chef men ny i företaget, och kan behöva lite tips för att förstĂ„ och lyckas i ditt nya jobb. Slutligen hoppas vi erbjuda nĂ„gra guldkorn Ă€ven för dig som Ă€r erfaren chef i ett företag som du kĂ€nner sedan lĂ€nge. Handboken vĂ€nder sig ocksĂ„ till dig som har en roll i samarbete med första linjens chefer. Du kanske jobbar i linjen eller Ă€r teamledare, dvs ledare utan personalansvar. Du kanske Ă€r andra linjens chef eller har en stödfunktion till produktionen med ansvar för skydd och sĂ€kerhet, planering, kvalitetsutveckling, tekniskt underhĂ„ll, teknikutveckling, produktutveckling, logistik eller HR-funktioner. Vi hoppas att ni alla kan hitta anvĂ€ndbara rĂ„d och lĂ€rdomar i handboken. I handboken vill vi tydliggöra arbetsinnehĂ„llet för första linjens chefer och hur det kan utvecklas. Vi gör det genom att beskriva rollen och arbetet som första linjens chef. Vi lĂ€gger ocksĂ„ stor vikt vid att beskriva dynamiken och problemlösningen som hela tiden Ă€r nĂ€rvarande. Dessutom vill vi peka pĂ„ möjligheterna att systematiskt utveckla förutsĂ€ttningarna för och förmĂ„gan att arbeta som chef i första linjen – sĂ„ att du kan fungera och mĂ„ bra i uppgiften pĂ„ ett hĂ„llbart sĂ€tt eller stötta den personsom har denna roll. En första linjens chef har stor inverkan pĂ„ bĂ„de arbetsmiljön och effektiviteten inom sitt omrĂ„de. Även chefens arbetsmiljö Ă€r dĂ€rför av stor vikt för att nĂ„ bra resultat inom dessa omrĂ„den.Arbetet med denna handbok har genomförts i ett projektsamarbete mellan Tekniska högskolan i Jönköping, Fagerhults Belysning AB samt Scania CV AB.</p
