104 research outputs found

    Verifying the quantumness of bipartite correlations

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    Entanglement is at the heart of most quantum information tasks, and therefore considerable effort has been made to find methods of deciding the entanglement content of a given bipartite quantum state. Here, we prove a fundamental limitation to deciding if an unknown state is entangled or not: we show that any quantum measurement which can answer this question necessarily gives enough information to identify the state completely. Therefore, only prior information regarding the state can make entanglement detection less expensive than full state tomography in terms of the demanded quantum resources. We also extend our treatment to other classes of correlated states by considering the problem of deciding if a state is NPT, discordant, or fully classically correlated. Remarkably, only the question related to quantum discord can be answered without resorting to full state tomography

    Counting absolute number of molecules using unique molecular identifiers

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    Advances in molecular biology have made it easy to identify different DNA or RNA species and to copy them. Identification of nucleic acid species can be accomplished by reading the DNA sequence; currently millions of molecules can be sequenced in a single day using massively parallel sequencing. Efficient copying of DNA-molecules of arbitrary sequence was made possible by molecular cloning, and the polymerase chain reaction. Differences in the relative abundance of a large number of different sequences between two or more samples can in turn be measured using microarray hybridization and/or tag sequencing. However, determining the relative abundance of two different species and/or the absolute number of molecules present in a single sample has proven much more challenging. This is because it is hard to detect individual molecules without copying them, and even harder to make defined number of copies of molecules. We show here that this limitation can be overcome by using unique molecular identifiers (umis), which make each molecule in the sample distinct

    Tekoäly radiologiassa

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    Erilaiset tekoälymenetelmät kehittyvät nopeasti, ja niiden käyttö myös lääketieteessä lisääntyy. Syväoppimisessa (deep learning) voidaan käyttää yhä laajempia (syvempiä) hermoverkkoja, jotka mahdollistavat aikaisempaa monimutkaisempien tehtävien ratkaisemisen. Teknisen kehityksen ansiosta tekoälytutkimus onkin nykyisin mahdollista myös yksittäisissä akateemisissa keskuksissa ilman mittavia kustannuksia. Radiologian alalla tekoälymenetelmien tutkimus on lisääntynyt viime vuosina eksponentiaalisesti. Suurin osa menetelmistä liittyy kuvien automaattiseen analysointiin, kuten poikkeavien löydösten tunnistukseen ja luokitteluun sekä rakenteiden segmentointiin. Tekoälymenetelmät tuskin korvaavat radiologin tekemää työtä lähitulevaisuudessa, mutta ne voivat tehostaa toimintaa ja vähentää inhimillisiä virheitä.</p

    Ehkäisevä päihdetyö Suomessa 2025 -ennakointitutkimus

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    Ehkäisevä päihdetyö Suomessa 2025 -ennakointitutkimus kartoittaa asiantuntijoiden käsityksiä ehkäisevän päihdetyön tulevaisuudesta. Ennakointitutkimusta tarvitaan, sillä ehkäisevä päihdetyö ja hyvinvointiyhteiskunta ovat kohtaamassa lukuisia muutoksia. Suuri kysymys on, miten päihde-ehkäisyn jatkuvuus ja toimintaedellytykset voitaisiin taata Suomessa myös tulevaisuudessa. Tutkimus selvittää avaintoimijoiden näkemyksiä alkoholin, tupakan, laittomien päihteiden ja rahapelien käyttö- ja haittatrendeistä sekä työn painopisteistä. Asiantuntijat esittävät myös arvionsa ehkäisevän päihdetyön menetelmien ja politiikkatoimien tehokkuudesta sekä työn organisoinnista ja arvopohjasta tulevaisuuden Suomessa. Tutkimus on toteutettu Delfoi-menetelmän verkkosovelluksena, jossa viidenkymmenen asiantuntijan paneeli arvioi ehkäisevän päihdetyön tulevaisuuden mahdollisuuksia ja uhkakuvia. Tutkimuksen tulokset on kiteytetty ydinviesteiksi, jotka tuovat virikkeitä ehkäisevästä päihdetyöstä käytävään keskusteluun ja tarjoavat välineitä kehittämistyöhön

    Helsingborg Arena - En Brandteknisk Riskvärdering

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    In this report the fire-safety of Helsingborg Arena is analysed and evaluated. This has been done considering the safety of the people evacuating the building in case of a fire. The evaluation has been based on notes and experiences taken on a visit to the site, simulations of suggested scenarios and reasoning around possible risks and fire sources. During the progress of the work 13 different scenarios was found. Three of them were chosen to be analysed more carefully. The results from this work shows that the only major risk to the lives of the evacuees is a fire in one of the wardrobes in the entrance hall in the western part of the arena. The following measures are proposed to improve the fire safety in the arena: - Always keep the wardrobes manned with fire safety-educated personal - Install additional fireproof curtains in the entrance hall - Install new smoke ventilation in the entrance hallI denna rapport undersöks och utvärderas brandskyddet och möjligheten till utrymning vid nödsituation i Helsingborgs Arena. Undersökningen har baserats på noteringar från platsbesök, simuleringar av tänkta scenarion och kvalitativa resonemang. Utifrån dessa undersökningar har det framkommit att den största risken för människors liv vid brand i Helsingborgs Arena är vid brand i en av garderoberna i huvudentrén som ligger i arenans västra del. Utredningen utgår från en mängd tänkbara brandscenarion vilka senare har minskats ner till tre troliga scenarion genom en grovriskanalys. Grovriskanalys har skett genom en sammanvägning mellan sannolikhet och konsekvens för scenarierna med hjälp av befintlig statistik och kvalitativa resonemang. De tre scenarierna som anses vara mest påfrestande för brandskyddet i byggnaden har undersökts närmare i rapporten. Dessa tre dimensionerande scenarion är: - Brand i stor scen vid evenemang av konserttyp - Brand i garderob i entré vid evenemang av konserttyp med parkett - Brand i kiosk på plan 2 vid evenemang av mäss- eller utställningstyp Efter utförda FDS och Simulex-simuleringar konstateras att enbart garderobsbranden utgör egentlig fara för de utrymmande från arenan. I detta scenario uppnås kritiska förhållanden enligt BBRAD 3 gällande siktförhållanden efter ungefär fem minuter och brandgaser sprider sig då även upp till plan 2. Vid denna tidpunkt befinner sig människor fortfarande i huvudsak i foajén på plan 2 och på arenagolvet. Besökande som initialt uppehåller sig i brandutrymmet, entrén anses hinna ut innan kritiska förhållanden inträffar i detta utrymme. Med utgång i genomförda simuleringar och slutsatser dragna från resonemang och upplevelser från platsbesöket rekommenderas följande åtgärder för att minimera risken för de utrymmandes liv: - Ständig bemanning av garderober med brandutbildad personal - Installation av nya brandgasjalusier i huvudentrén - Installation av nya brandgasfläktar i huvudentré

    Prenatal Maternal Psychological Distress and Offspring Risk for Recurrent Respiratory Infections

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    ObjectiveTo assess the relation between maternal prenatal psychological distress, comprising depression and anxiety symptoms and relationship quality, and the risk of recurrent respiratory infections (RRIs) in children up to 2 years of age. Children with RRIs frequently use health care services and antibiotics. Prenatal maternal psychological distress can be one, previously unidentified risk factor for RRIs.Study designThe study population was drawn from a population-based pregnancy cohort in Finland (www.finnbrain.fi). Children with RRIs (n = 204) and a comparison group (n = 1014) were identified by maternal reports at the child age of 12 or 24 months. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, Symptom Checklist-90 anxiety subscale, the Pregnancy-Related Anxiety Questionnaire–Revised 2, and the Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale were used to assess maternal symptoms and parental relationship quality at 34 weeks of gestation. Adjustment for maternal postnatal depressive and anxiety symptoms was performed.ResultsMaternal prenatal Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (OR, 1.24; 95% CI, 1.08-1.44), Symptom Checklist-90/Anxiety (OR, 1.40; 95% CI, 1.01-1.76), Pregnancy-Related Anxiety Questionnaire–Revised 2 (OR, 1.28; 95% CI, 1.11-1.47), and Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale (OR, 1.32; 95% CI, 1.01-1.58) total sum scores were associated with child RRIs by the age of 24 months. Greater number of siblings, shorter duration of breastfeeding, and the level of maternal education were also identified as risk factors for child RRIs.ConclusionsMaternal prenatal psychological distress is linked with a higher risk for child RRIs.</p

    Automated detection of pulmonary embolism from CT-angiograms using deep learning

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    BackgroundThe aim of this study was to develop and evaluate a deep neural network model in the automated detection of pulmonary embolism (PE) from computed tomography pulmonary angiograms (CTPAs) using only weakly labelled training data. Methods We developed a deep neural network model consisting of two parts: a convolutional neural network architecture called InceptionResNet V2 and a long-short term memory network to process whole CTPA stacks as sequences of slices. Two versions of the model were created using either chest X-rays (Model A) or natural images (Model B) as pre-training data. We retrospectively collected 600 CTPAs to use in training and validation and 200 CTPAs to use in testing. CTPAs were annotated only with binary labels on both stack- and slice-based levels. Performance of the models was evaluated with ROC and precision-recall curves, specificity, sensitivity, accuracy, as well as positive and negative predictive values. Results Both models performed well on both stack- and slice-based levels. On the stack-based level, Model A reached specificity and sensitivity of 93.5% and 86.6%, respectively, outperforming Model B slightly (specificity 90.7% and sensitivity 83.5%). However, the difference between their ROC AUC scores was not statistically significant (0.94 vs 0.91, p = 0.07). Conclusions We show that a deep learning model trained with a relatively small, weakly annotated dataset can achieve excellent performance results in detecting PE from CTPAs.</p

    A prospective dual-centre intra-individual controlled study for the treatment of burns comparing dermis graft with split-thickness skin auto-graft

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022, The Author(s).To investigate if donor and recipient site morbidity (healing time and cosmesis) could be reduced by a novel, modified split-thickness skin grafting (STSG) technique using a dermal component in the STSG procedure (DG). The STSG technique has been used for 150 years in surgery with limited improvements. Its drawbacks are well known and relate to donor site morbidity and recipient site cosmetic shortcomings (especially mesh patterns, wound contracture, and scarring). The Dermal graft technique (DG) has emerged as an interesting alternative, which reduces donor site morbidity, increases graft yield, and has the potential to avoid the mesh procedure in the STSG procedure due to its elastic properties. A prospective, dual-centre, intra-individual controlled comparison study. Twenty-one patients received both an unmeshed dermis graft and a regular 1:1.5 meshed STSG. Aesthetic and scar assessments were done using The Patient and Observer Scar Assessment Scale (POSAS) and a Cutometer Dual MPA 580 on both donor and recipient sites. These were also examined histologically for remodelling and scar formation. Dermal graft donor sites and the STSG donor sites healed in 8 and 14 days, respectively (p < 0.005). Patient-reported POSAS showed better values for colour for all three measurements, i.e., 3, 6, and 12 months, and the observers rated both vascularity and pigmentation better on these occasions (p < 0.01). At the recipient site, (n = 21) the mesh patterns were avoided as the DG covered the donor site due to its elastic properties and rendered the meshing procedure unnecessary. Scar formation was seen at the dermal donor and recipient sites after 6 months as in the standard scar healing process. The dermis graft technique, besides potentially rendering a larger graft yield, reduced donor site morbidity, as it healed faster than the standard STSG. Due to its elastic properties, the DG procedure eliminated the meshing requirement (when compared to a 1:1.5 meshed STSG). This promising outcome presented for the DG technique needs to be further explored, especially regarding the elasticity of the dermal graft and its ability to reduce mesh patterns. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier (NCT05189743) 12/01/2022.Peer reviewe

    Identification of NCAN as a candidate gene for developmental dyslexia

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    A whole-genome linkage analysis in a Finnish pedigree of eight cases with developmental dyslexia (DD) revealed several regions shared by the affected individuals. Analysis of coding variants from two affected individuals identified rs146011974G >A (Ala1039Thr), a rare variant within the NCAN gene co-segregating with DD in the pedigree. This variant prompted us to consider this gene as a putative candidate for DD. The RNA expression pattern of the NCAN gene in human tissues was highly correlated (R > 0.8) with that of the previously suggested DD susceptibility genes KIAA0319, CTNND2, CNTNAP2 and GRIN2B. We investigated the association of common variation in NCAN to brain structures in two data sets: young adults (Brainchild study, Sweden) and infants (FinnBrain study, Finland). In young adults, we found associations between a common genetic variant in NCAN, rs1064395, and white matter volume in the left and right temporoparietal as well as the left inferior frontal brain regions. In infants, this same variant was found to be associated with cingulate and prefrontal grey matter volumes. Our results suggest NCAN as a new candidate gene for DD and indicate that NCAN variants affect brain structure.Peer reviewe