83 research outputs found

    Функції зі зв'язним графіком та B1B_1-ретракти

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    Підмножина EE топологічного простору XX називається B1B_1-ретрактом цього простору, якщо існує відображення r:XEr:X\to E, яке є поточковою границею послідовності неперервних відображень rn:XEr_n:X\to E, i таке, що r(x)=xr(x)=x для всіх xEx\in E. Доводиться, що графік функції f:RYf:\mathbb R\to Y, де простір YY - це об'єднання зростаючої послідовності континуумів, є B1B_1-ретрактом добутку R×Y\mathbb R\times Y тоді і тільки тоді, коли функція ff неперервна

    Characteristics of modern methods in milk production at the eco-economic enterprise Iver Tyldum (Norway)

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    In Norway, all the necessary conditions have been created for the work of farm enterprises in the dairy direction of productivity. Proper treatment of animals, the creation of comfortable conditions for them, and financial support from the state are necessary components for the development of the dairy business in the country. The article describes the main components of the technology for producing ecological milk from cows at the farm Iver Tyldum, the city of Høylannet, Norway. This farm is the most potent milk production enterprise in Hoi Lannet. The total number of cows is 147, including 64 dairy cows. This is an “ecological farm”, the only one in the region, which is essential in the modern market conditions of production. The main advantage of such products is the creation of comfortable conditions for cows, proper care for them, and feeding plenty of young animals with natural feed, i.e., whole milk. The system of keeping animals is stall-pasture, and the method of keeping is untethered. An essential indicator of the profitability of ecological production is the milk productivity of cows. In the eco-economic enterprise Iver Tyldum, when evaluating cows' milk productivity, the energy adjustment technique is used. DeLaval VMSTM 310 robotic milking machine is used for milking cows. This is the most modern milking installation of the latest generation. The reproduction process of the herd is controlled by the innovative ReProTM system, which provides a reproduction control system, detects cows in heat, and determines a fixed calving date. In addition, this system excludes the need to check the animal's body with a veterinary medicine doctor. It allows you to see a clear picture of the reproductive status of each animal. Using this technology of milk production, the farmer achieves a correct and precise balance regarding milk quotas and maintains a sufficient level of profitability in his production


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    Digital transformation in governance is possible subject to a change in the corporate culture of the federal authorities. Training and a modern system of professional development of public authorities based on digital solutions and requiring digital skills are becoming the most important tool for changing culture. At the same time, the digitalization of the processes of organizing the professional development of civil servants is impossible without improving this system, including building interconnection with the development strategy of the state body (sphere, department), the system for assessing and motivating civil servants, and their career development. The approaches to planning the professional development of civil servants, quality assessment and examination of educational programs require updating. These processes must be based on modern digital solutions and services. The object of the research is the activities of state bodies and subdivisions regulating the sphere of professional development of civil servants. The purpose of the study is to develop proposals for improving the system of professional development of public authorities in the context of the government digital transformation. The tasks are related to the analysis of the current state of the professional development system in public authorities, the development of proposals for improving the system of professional development in governance in the context of digitalization and client (citizen) centricity. The novelty of the research is determined by the introduction of new state data of the professional development system of civil servants and the proposed model of the system maturity levels under study. The research is based on a systemic approach and a comparative method. The following empirical methods are used: sociological research (in-depth interviews, polls of civil servants); analysis of documents, expert sessions; modeling. The result of the research was the development of proposals for improving the system of professional development in the aspect of creating unified methodological approaches to the professional development of civil servants. The main conclusions relate to the application of the maturity level model of this system and the possibility of its use to update the existing approaches and methodological tools. A special place is occupied by proposals for the improvement of the Unified Information System for Personnel Management of the State Civil Service of Russia (EISU KS) and the Unified Specialized Information Resource (EIR) services for professional development of civil servants. The results of research can be used in the interests of federal authorities and regional governments, the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for Civil 7 Service and Personnel, the Human Resources Department of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation to improve work on the professional development of civil servants. The prospects of the study are associated with the implementation of the proposed model of maturity levels and the development of methodological tools for moving to higher levels in terms of organizing professional developmen

    Main aspects of development processes of strategic planning systems in Ukraine

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    Kravchenko S., Yevmieshkina O., Hornyk V., Karlova V., Velykykh K. Main aspects of development processes of strategic planning systems in Ukraine. PUBLIC POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION. 2022. Vol. 21, №. 5. P. 581-592

    Electron microscopy analysis of ATP-independent nucleosome unfolding by FACT

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    FACT is a histone chaperone that participates in nucleosome removal and reassembly during transcription and replication. We used electron microscopy to study FACT, FACT:Nhp6 and FACT:Nhp6:nucleosome complexes, and found that all complexes adopt broad ranges of configurations, indicating high flexibility. We found unexpectedly that the DNA binding protein Nhp6 also binds to the C-terminal tails of FACT subunits, inducing more open geometries of FACT even in the absence of nucleosomes. Nhp6 therefore supports nucleosome unfolding by altering both the structure of FACT and the properties of nucleosomes. Complexes formed with FACT, Nhp6, and nucleosomes also produced a broad range of structures, revealing a large number of potential intermediates along a proposed unfolding pathway. The data suggest that Nhp6 has multiple roles before and during nucleosome unfolding by FACT, and that the process proceeds through a series of energetically similar intermediate structures, ultimately leading to an extensively unfolded form

    Methodological approaches to assessing the quality of reception of patients at consulting and diagnostic polyclinics

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    The results of developing a methodology for assessing the quality of the reception of patients at a consulting and diagnostic polyclinic are presented. It is established that a subsystem of four medical-statistical factors existing in the medical and preventive treatment institution monitoring system is necessary and sufficient. It is shown that the introduction of this approach has increased the efficiency of quality management of the reception of patients at Ekaterinburg Children’s Hospital No. 9.В статье приведены результаты разработки методики оценки качества работы врачебных приемов в консультативно­диагностический поликлинике. Установлено, что необходимой и достаточной для этого является подсистема из 4 медико­статистических показателей, существующих в системе мониторинга лечебно-профилактических учреждений. Показано, что внедрение методики позволило повысить эффективность управления качеством работы врачебных приемов в детской больнице №9 г. Екатеринбурга

    Роль позитронной эмиссионной и компьютерной томографии с 18F-флуоро-2-дезокси-D-глюкозой в оценке эффективности терапии и прогнозе лимфом

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     Aim. To determine the diagnostic value of positron emission tomography (PET)/computed tomography (CT) with F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) for monitoring the effectiveness and prognosis of lymphoma therapy.Materials and methods. Retrospective data of 18F-FDG PET/CT (before treatment (PET1), after two cycles (PET2), and after completion of chemotherapy (PET3)) in 30 people with lymphomas were analyzed.Results. A complete metabolic response in PET2 (PET2–) was observed in 21 patients (70%). In 9 patients in PET2–, a partial metabolic response (6 people), lack of metabolic response (2 people), or metabolic progression (1person) were detected. These patients comprised the PET2+ group.After chemotherapy, a complete metabolic response (PET3–) was diagnosed in 26 patients (87%). This effect was achieved in 21 patients (100%) with PET2– and in 5 patients (66%) with PET2+. Of the 9 patients in the PET2+ group, in 4 (44%) patients, a partial metabolic response or no metabolic response was diagnosed. Further monitoring of these patients showed that progression was diagnosed in 2 cases, and in 2 patients, further treatment resulted in complete remission. A two-year follow-up of patients revealed that remission was observed in 20 (67%) patients. The analysis of the results of PET2 showed that a relapse of the disease was observed in 6 (67%) PET2+ patients and remission was noted in 3 (33%) patients. In PET2– patients, a relapse was diagnosed in 4 (19%) persons, and remission was established in 17 (81%) patients.Conclusion. Early PET/CT with 18F-FDG allows to predict the effect of  lymphoma treatment. The method can be recommended for monitoring lymphoma therapy.  Цель. Определение диагностической значимости позитронной эмиссионной и компьютерной томографии (ПЭТ/КТ) с меченной 18F-флуоро-2-дезокси-D-глюкозой  (18F-ФДГ) в оценке эффективности и прогнозе лечения  лимфом.Материалы и методы. Проанализированы  ретроспективные данные ПЭТ/КТ с 18F-ФДГ 30 человек со  злокачественными лимфомами: до лечения (ПЭТ1), через  два курса (ПЭТ2) и после завершения полихимиотерапии  (ПЭТ3).Результаты. При анализе результатов ПЭТ2 полный  метаболический ответ на два курса химиотерапии (ПЭТ2–)  наблюдался у 21 (70%) пациента. У 9 пациентов через два  цикла химиотерапии были установлены: частичный метаболический ответ (6 человек), отсутствие метаболического ответа (2 человека) или метаболическое прогрессировании (1 человек). Эти больные составили группу ПЭТ2+. После окончания химиотерапии полный метаболический ответ (ПЭТ3–) был диагностирован у 26 (87%) пациентов. Такой эффект был достигнут у 21 (100%) больного с ПЭТ2– и 5 (66%) человек с ПЭТ2+. Из 9 пациентов группы ПЭТ2+ у 4 (44%) пациентов после  завершения химиотерапии был диагностирован частичный метаболический ответ или его отсутствие. Дальнейшее  наблюдение за этими пациентами показало, что в двух  случаях было диагностировано прогрессирование, а у 2  больных последующее лечение привело к полной ремиссии. При двухлетнем наблюдении за пациентами обнаружено, что ремиссия наблюдалась у 20 (67%)  пациентов. Анализ результатов ПЭТ2 показал, что при ПЭТ2+ рецидив заболевания наблюдался в 6 (67%) случаях, ремиссия – в 3 (33%). В то время как при ПЭТ2– рецидив  диагностирован у 4 (19%) человек, ремиссия установлена у 17 (81%).Заключение. ПЭТ/КТ с 18F-ФДГ, выполненная на ранних этапах химиотерапии, позволяет предсказать эффект лечения у пациентов со злокачественными лимфомами.  Метод показан к широкому использованию в клинической практике на этапах терапии этой патологии.

    Основные аспекты межгоспитальной транспортировки пациентов с политравмой, находящихся в критическом состоянии

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    Polytrauma is one of the main causes of death in modern medicine. It is characterized by the particular severity of clinical manifestations and attended by significant impairments of the body’s vital functions, by diagnostic difficulties, and treatment complexity. In Kuzbass, as many as 8 thousand victims annually die from severe injuries. Death rates amount 21—22% in specialized hospitals and up to 60% or more in unspecialized hospitals. On the basis of multidisciplinary medical centers, an effective network of health care facilities (HCF) is being set up to render a specialized medical aid to patients with polytrauma. The application of expensive medical diagnostic and therapeutic technologies reduces the rates of morbidity and disability among patients with polytrauma. A specialized medical aid cannot be rendered to all victims without solving the problems of their transportation to a specialized center. Of the greatest difficulty is the transportation of critically ill patients with polytrauma and unstable hemodynamics when artificial ventilation is used during transportation. The transportation service set up in the Center of Miners’ Health Care in the specialized polytrauma center is engaged in the development of the problems of safe transport of this category of victims. Organizational problems are to collect information on victims, to form a specialized team and to supply the latter with equipment. Therapeutic-and-diagnostic problems are to additionally evaluate the status of victims at the scene (in an unspecialized HCF, if required, in and around the area of an accident), to prepare a patient before transportation; to provide a complete set of intensive therapy during interhospital transportation of patients with polytrauma in relation to the predominant component of a damage. In the authors’ opinion, solution of this group of problems can enhance the efficiency of intensive care during transportation and reduce mortality rates in this category of patients. Политравма является одной из основных причин смертности в современной медицине. Она отличается особой тяжестью клинических проявлений, сопровождается значительными нарушениями жизненно важных функций организма, трудностью диагностики, сложностью лечения. В Кузбассе ежегодно погибает до 8 тыс пострадавших от тяжелых травм. В условиях специализированных стационаров летальность составляет 21—22%, не специализированных ЛПУ — она достигает 60% и более. На базе многопрофильных медицинских центров создается действенная сеть лечебных учреждений для оказания специализированной медицинской помощи пациентам с политравмой. Использование дорогостоящих медицинских диагностических и лечебных технологий позволяет снизить уровень летальности, инвалидности среди пациентов с политравмой. Оказание специализированной медицинской помощи всем пострадавшим невозможно без решения вопросов транспортировки в специализированный центр. Наибольшую сложность представляет транспортировка пациентов с политравмой, находящихся в критическом состоянии, с нестабильной гемодинамикой, с применением во время транспортировки ИВЛ. Созданная в «Центре охраны здоровья шахтеров» при специализированном центре политравмы служба транспортировки занимается разработкой вопросов безопасного транспорта этой категории пострадавших. Организационными: информация о пострадавших, формирование специализированной бригады и её оснащения. Лечебно-диагностическими: дополнительная оценка состояния пострадавших на месте (в неспециализированном ЛПУ, при необходимости — в зоне чрезвычайных происшествий); подготовка пациента перед транспортировкой; обеспечение полного комплекса интенсивной терапии во время межгоспитальной транспортировки у пациентов с политравмой в зависимости от доминирующего компонента повреждения. Решение этих вопросов позволит повысить эффективность интенсивной терапии при проведении транспортировки и снизить летальность у данной категории пациентов.