250 research outputs found

    Родовище високомінералізованої борної гідрокарбонатної натрієвої мінеральної води Пасіка на Закарпатті та особливості її біологічної дії

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    Дана характеристика месторождений и биологических свойств борных гидрокарбонатных натриевых вод Закарпатья.It is done the characteristics of layers and biological properties of high mineralized boric hydrocarbonate sodium mineral waters on Zakarpattya


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    Purpose: the study presented in this article is aimed at improving the methodological tools for assessing intellectual capital, taking into account changes caused by the emerging of the information and network economy and deepening of digitalization.Methods: the article is prepared using a system thinking, a set of general theoretical and economic methods, structural-logical modeling and graphical methods for presention of information.Results: a structural and logical model of the navigator of intellectual capital is developed to take into account the complete set of resources of the enterprise operating in the information and network economy, including resources related to network interaction and the application of new production and management technologies. The shortcomings of the limitation of the existing model of the intellectual capital navigator have been identified and the approaches for their elimination have been substantiated. A new design of the structural and logical model has been developed to match the intellectual capital navigator with the accounting model of the corporate balance sheet. The content, hierarchy and interrelationships of the tangible and intangible resources are refined. The augmented model of the intellectual capital navigator incorporates know-how concept consisting of the production and organizational-management know-how, as well as it includes the concepts of "brand" and "business model" in accordance with the principle of emergence of a system thinking to meet the challenge of complexity.Conclusions and relevance: the intellectual capital navigator is a promising methodological tool for the comprehensive accounting of the corporate tangible and intangible resources and presenting of information for management decision-making in order to overcome the limitations of the traditional accounting model. These limitations became especially significant with the emerging of the information and network economy and the deepening of digitalization. At the same time, the initial structural and logical model of the intellectual capital navigator has some shortcomings that do not allow to apply in full extent to decision-making. The modified intellectual capital navigator eliminates the most significant shortcomings associated with the non-conformity of the model to accounting principles, its internal contradictions that hamper the consistent accounting of the parts of intellectual property, and develops a structural and logical model for better accounting of intangible resources associated with the interaction of entities in the information and network economy. Цель: Исследование, представленное в данной статье, направлено на совершенствование методического инструментария оценки интеллектуального капитала для применения в условиях цифровизации и развития информационно-сетевой экономики.Методология проведения работы: Статья подготовлена с использованием системного подхода, совокупности общетеоретических методов, структурно-логического моделирования, логической и эмпирической проверки концепций, графических методов представления информации.Результаты работы: Развита структурно-логическая модель навигатора интеллектуального капитала для учета всей совокупности ресурсов предприятия в условиях информационно-сетевой экономики, включая ресурсы, связанные с сетевым взаимодействием и применением новых производственных и управленческих технологий. Выявлены недостатки и ограничения существующей модели навигатора интеллектуального капитала и предложены решения по их устранению. В структурно-логическую модель введен новый контур, приводящий ее в соответствие с учетом ресурсов предприятия в бухгалтерском балансе. Уточнены содержание, иерархия и взаимосвязь составляющих материальных и нематериальных ресурсов. В модифицированную модель навигатора введена составляющая ноу-хау, дифференцированная на производственные и организационно-управленческие технологии, а также введены категории «бренд» и «бизнес-модель», реализующие принцип эмерджентности системного подхода.Выводы: Навигатор интеллектуального капитала является перспективным методическим инструментом комплексного учета материальных и нематериальных ресурсов предприятия и презентации информации для обоснования управленческих решений, преодолевающим ограничения традиционной бухгалтерской модели. Эти ограничения стали особенно существенными в условиях становления информационно-сетевой экономики и углубления цифровизации. Вместе с тем, исходная структурно-логическая модель навигатора интеллектуального капитала обладает рядом недостатков, не позволяющих в полной мере использовать ее для обоснования управленческих решений. Модифицированный навигатор приводит оценку интеллектуального капитала в соответствие с принципами бухгалтерского учета, устраняет внутренние противоречия, препятствующие последовательному учету интеллектуальной собственности в исходном навигаторе, а также развивает структурно-логическую модель для более полного учета нематериальных ресурсов, связанных с функционированием информационно-сетевой экономики

    DAAM is required for thin filament formation and Sarcomerogenesis during muscle development in Drosophila.

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    During muscle development, myosin and actin containing filaments assemble into the highly organized sarcomeric structure critical for muscle function. Although sarcomerogenesis clearly involves the de novo formation of actin filaments, this process remained poorly understood. Here we show that mouse and Drosophila members of the DAAM formin family are sarcomere-associated actin assembly factors enriched at the Z-disc and M-band. Analysis of dDAAM mutants revealed a pivotal role in myofibrillogenesis of larval somatic muscles, indirect flight muscles and the heart. We found that loss of dDAAM function results in multiple defects in sarcomere development including thin and thick filament disorganization, Z-disc and M-band formation, and a near complete absence of the myofibrillar lattice. Collectively, our data suggest that dDAAM is required for the initial assembly of thin filaments, and subsequently it promotes filament elongation by assembling short actin polymers that anneal to the pointed end of the growing filaments, and by antagonizing the capping protein Tropomodulin

    Twin roll casting of Al-Mg alloy with high added impurity content

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    The final publication is available at Springer from the link belowThe microstructural evolution during twin roll casting (TRC) and downstream processing of AA5754 Al alloy with high added impurity content have been investigated. Strip casts with a high impurity content resulted in coarse α-Al grains and complex secondary phases. The grain size and centreline segregation reduced significantly on the addition of Al-Ti-B grain refiner (GR). Coarse-dendrite arm spacing (DAS) “floating” grains are observed in the impure alloy (IA) with higher volume in the GR strips. Two dimensional (2D) metallographic analysis of the as-cast strip suggests secondary phases (Fe bearing intermetallics and Mg2Si) are discrete and located at the α-Al cell/grain boundaries, while three dimensional (3D) analysis of extracted particles revealed that they were intact, well interconnected and located in interdendritic regions. Homogenizing heat treatment of the cast strip breaks the interconnective networks and modifies the secondary phases to more equiaxed morphology. During rolling, the eqiaxed secondary phases align along the rolling direction. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis suggests that α-Al(FeMn)Si and Mg2Si are the predominant secondary phases that formed during casting and remain throughout the downstream processing of the GR-IA. The high impurity sheet processed from TRC resulted in superior strength and ductility than the sheet processed from small book mould ingot casting. This study, have shown that the twin roll casting process can tolerate higher impurity levels and produce formable sheets from recycled aluminium for structural applications.UK Engineering Physical and Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Liquid Metal Engineering and the Technology Strategic Board (TSB), U