28 research outputs found

    Stability of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Scores in Time

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    Uuriti ELIKTU populatsioonipõhise longituuduuringu valimi varal aktiivsus-tähelepanuhäire kahe komponendi - tähelepanematuse-keskendumisraskuste ja hüperaktiivsus-impulsiivsuse - muutumist ajas. Selleks võrreldi nooremas eas kõrgemalt skoorinud isikute ning kontrollgrupi tulemuste muutust kahes kohordis läbi nelja uuringulaine. Leiti, et kõrged skoorid kummalgi komponendil ei ennusta kõrgemaid skoore täiskasvanuna. Kuigi kõrgema ATH-skoori saanud isikud osalesid hilisemates uuringulainetes vähemal määral võrreldes kontrollgurpiga, on selle uurimuse tulemuste põhjal põhjust optimismiks kõrge ATH-skooriga noorte sümptomaatika paranemise osas

    Gastroesophageal reflux and snoring are related to asthma and respiratory symptoms : Results from a Nordic longitudinal population survey

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The AuthorsAim: To study if individuals with nocturnal gastroesophageal reflux (nGER) and habitual snoring are more likely to develop asthma and respiratory symptoms (i.e. wheeze, cough, chest tightness, breathlessness) than those without these conditions, and if these associations are additive. Methods: We used data from the population-based prospective questionnaire study Respiratory Health in Northern Europe (RHINE) (11,024 participants), with data from 1999 and 2011. Participants with heartburn or belching after going to bed, at least 1 night/week, were considered to have nGER. Participants reporting loud snoring at least 3 nights/week were considered to have habitual snoring. Participants were grouped into four groups by their nGER and snoring status: “never”; “former”; “incident”; “persistent”. Incident respiratory symptoms were analyzed among participants without respective symptom at baseline. Results: Snoring and nGER were independently associated with incident asthma and respiratory symptoms. The risk of incident wheeze was increased in subjects with incident or persistent snoring (adjusted odds ratio (95 % CI): 1.44 (1.21–1.72)), nGER (2.18 (1.60–2.98)) and in those with both snoring and nGER (2.59 (1.83–3.65)). The risk of developing asthma was increased in subjects with incident or persistent snoring (1.44 (1.15–1.82)), nGER (1.99 (1.35–2.93)) and in those with both snoring and nGER (1.72 (1.06–2.77)). No significant interaction was found between snoring and nGER. A similar pattern was found for the incidence of all other respiratory symptoms studied, with the highest risk among those with both incident or persistent nGER and snoring. Conclusion: The risk of developing asthma and respiratory symptoms is increased among subjects with nGER and habitual snoring. These associations are independent of each other and confounding factors. Snoring and nGER together are additive on respiratory symptoms.Peer reviewe

    The effect of farming environment on asthma; time dependent or universal?

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    Funding Information: MJA holds investigator-initiated grants from Pfizer and Boehringer-Ingelheim for unrelated research. He has undertaken an unrelated consultancy for and received assistance with conference attendance from Sanofi. He has also received a speaker’s fee from GSK. The other authors have no conflicts of interest to declare that are relevant for the content of this article. Funding Information: The ECRHS/RHINE/RHINESSA study was supported by grants from The Faculty of Health, Aarhus University, Denmark (Project No. 240008), The Wood Dust Foundation (Project No. 444508795), The Danish Lung Association, the Swedish Heart and Lung Foundation, the Swedish Association Against Asthma and Allergy, the Swedish Association against Heart and Lung Disease, the Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research, The Bror Hjerpstedt Foundation, The Vårdal Foundation for Health Care and Allergic Research, The Norwegian Research Council (Grant Nos. 214123, 230827/F20, 228174 and 135773/330), The Norwegian Asthma and Allergy Association, HelseVest Norway (Grant No. 911 631), The Icelandic Research Council, The University of Iceland Research Fund, The Icelandic GP’s Research Fund, The Estonian Science Foundation (Grant No. 4350), The Estonian Research Council (Grant No. PUT562), Melbourne University, National Health & Medical Research Council of Australia, SEPAR Spain, Sociedad Española de Neumologia y Cirugía Toracica Spain and Horizon2020 PHC1 (Grant No. 633212). For further information about funding sources, please consult www.rhinessa.net . Vivi Schlünssen and Cecilie Svanes are members of the COST BM1201 network. Publisher Copyright: © 2022, Springer Nature B.V.The increasing prevalence of asthma is linked to westernization and urbanization. Farm environments have been associated with a lower risk of asthma development. However, this may not be universal, as the association differs across birth cohorts and farming methods. The aim of this study was to investigate the associations of farm upbringing with asthma in different generations and at different times in history. The study population consisted of three generations: 13,868 subjects participating in the ECRHS in 2010, their 9,638 parents, and their 8,885 offspring participating in RHINESSA in 2013. Information on place of upbringing and self-reported ever asthma was provided via questionnaires. Logistic regression was performed including subgroup analysis stratified by generation and birthyear into ten-year-intervals. The prevalence of asthma increased from 8% among grandparents to 13% among parents and to 18% among offspring. An overall analysis showed an inverse association of farm upbringing on the risk of asthma (OR = 0.64; 95%CI 0.55–0.74). Subgroup analysis stratified into ten-year-intervals showed a tendency towards a more pronounced inverse association between growing up on a farm and asthma among subjects born in the 1940s (0.74; 0.48–1.12), 1950s (0.70; 0.54–0.90) and 1960s (0.70; 0.52–0.93). For subjects born in 1970 and thereafter this association appeared less consistent. While growing up on a farm was associated with a reduced risk of developing asthma in participants born between 1945–1999, this was mainly driven by generations born from 1945 to 1973.Peer reviewe

    Cohort Profile: Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease (BOLD) study

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    The Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease (BOLD) study was established to assess the prevalence of chronic airflow obstruction, a key characteristic of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and its risk factors in adults (≥40 years) from general populations across the world. The baseline study was conducted between 2003 and 2016, in 41 sites across Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, the Caribbean and Oceania, and collected high-quality pre- and post-bronchodilator spirometry from 28 828 participants. The follow-up study was conducted between 2019 and 2021, in 18 sites across Africa, Asia, Europe and the Caribbean. At baseline, there were in these sites 12 502 participants with high-quality spirometry. A total of 6452 were followed up, with 5936 completing the study core questionnaire. Of these, 4044 also provided high-quality pre- and post-bronchodilator spirometry. On both occasions, the core questionnaire covered information on respiratory symptoms, doctor diagnoses, health care use, medication use and ealth status, as well as potential risk factors. Information on occupation, environmental exposures and diet was also collected

    New Onset Generalized Myasthenia Gravis Evolving Following SARS-CoV-2 Infection

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    During the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic, the immunogenicity of the virus for various autoimmune complications has been observed. To date, a few reports have been published that raise the possibility of new onset myasthenia gravis (MG) associated with COVID-19 infection. We report a case of a 65-year-old male who developed his initial myasthenic presentation with mild dysarthria 14 days after COVID-19 infection symptomatic onset. His bulbar symptoms, diplopia, and ptosis progressed considerably over the next 1.5 months before he was diagnosed with non-thymomatous MG. Serological tests showed a high concentration of anti-acetylcholine receptor and anti-titin antibodies. He responded well to treatment with pyridostigmine and intravenous immunoglobulin. Reasonable latency from COVID-19 infection and gradual evolvement of myasthenic symptoms makes the causative association probable in this case. To our knowledge, this is the first report of anti-titin antibodies in new-onset MG associated with COVID-19 infection. In the article, we analyze the previously reported cases and summarize the information published to date. We discuss the possible immunological mechanisms behind new onset autoimmune disease following a viral infection and the associated features that raise the suspicion for such a possibility. We also hint at structural homologies between SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein and titin epitopes

    Dampness and mold at home and at work and onset of insomnia symptoms, snoring and excessive daytime sleepiness

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    Aim To investigate whether exposure to dampness and mold at home and at work induce sleep disturbances and daytime sleepiness among adults. Materials and methods Associations between onset of sleep disturbances and dampness, mold and mold odor at home and at work were investigated in a cohort of 11,318 adults from the population in Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Estonia. The participants answered a questionnaire at baseline and 10 years later, with questions on sleep disturbances, including difficulty initiating sleep (DIS), difficulty maintaining sleep (DMS), early morning awakening (EMA), insomnia symptoms, snoring and excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS). Multiple logistic regression models were applied to estimate associations adjusting for potential confounders including gender, age, smoking habit at baseline, change of smoking habit from baseline to follow up, BMI at baseline, change of BMI from baseline to follow up, education level at follow up, allergic rhinitis at baseline, doctor diagnosed asthma at baseline and chronic bronchitis at baseline. Results Baseline floor dampness, visible mold and mold odor at home increased onset of DIS, DMS, EMA, insomnia symptoms and snoring during follow up (OR 1.29–1.87). Any sign of dampness at baseline increased onset of DIS (OR 1.28, 95%CI 1.06–1.55), DMS (OR 1.17, 95%CI 1.02–1.34) and insomnia symptoms (OR 1.18, 95%CI 1.03–1.36). Dampness at home during follow up increased onset of DIS, DMS, EMA, insomnia symptoms and EDS (OR 1.17–1.36). Dampness at work during follow up increased onset of DIS, EMA, insomnia symptoms and EDS (OR 1.16–1.34). Combined dampness at home and at work during follow up increased the risk of onset of DIS, DMS, EMA, insomnia symptoms and EDS (OR 1.29–1.74). Conclusions Dampness and mold at home and at work can increase the development of insomnia symptoms, snoring and EDS among adults

    Nasal symptoms increase the risk of snoring and snoring increases the risk of nasal symptoms. A longitudinal population study

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    Purpose Humans have a preference for nasal breathing during sleep. This 10-year prospective study aimed to determine if nasal symptoms can predict snoring and also if snoring can predict development of nasal symptoms. The hypothesis proposed is that nasal symptoms affect the risk of snoring 10 years later, whereas snoring does not increase the risk of developing nasal symptoms. Methods In the cohort study, Respiratory Health in Northern Europe (RHINE), a random population from Denmark, Estonia, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden, born between 1945 and 1973, was investigated by postal questionnaires in 1999–2001 (RHINE II, baseline) and in 2010–2012 (RHINE III, follow-up). The study population consisted of the participants who had answered questions on nasal symptoms such as nasal obstruction, discharge, and sneezing, and also snoring both at baseline and at follow-up (n = 10,112). Results Nasal symptoms were frequent, reported by 48% of the entire population at baseline, with snoring reported by 24%. Nasal symptoms at baseline increased the risk of snoring at follow-up (adj. OR 1.38; 95% CI 1.22–1.58) after adjusting for age, sex, BMI change between baseline and follow-up, and smoking status. Snoring at baseline was associated with an increased risk of developing nasal symptoms at follow-up (adj. OR 1.22; 95% CI 1.02–1.47). Conclusion Nasal symptoms are independent risk factors for development of snoring 10 years later, and surprisingly, snoring is a risk factor for the development of nasal symptoms

    Smokers with insomnia symptoms are less likely to stop smoking.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article click on the hyperlink belowObjectives: Smoking is associated with sleep disturbances. The aim of this study was to analyze whether sleep disturbances are predictors of smoking cessation and whether continued smoking is associated with the development of sleep disturbances. Methods: A questionnaire was sent to randomly selected men and women in Northern Europe in 1999-2001 (RHINE II) and was followed up by a questionnaire in 2010-2012 (RHINE III). The study population consisted of 2568 participants who were smokers at baseline and provided data on smoking at follow-up. Insomnia symptoms were defined as having difficulty initiating and/or maintaining sleep and/or early morning awakening ≥3 nights/week. Multiple logistic regression analyses were performed to calculate odds ratios (OR). Results: Subjects with difficulty initiating sleep (adjusted odds ratio; 95% confidence interval: 0.6; 0.4-0.8), difficulty maintaining sleep (0.7; 0.5-0.9), early morning awakening (0.6; 0.4-0.8), any insomnia symptom (0.6; 0.5-0.8) or excessive daytime sleepiness (0.7; 0.5-0.8) were less likely to achieve long-term smoking cessation after adjustment for age, BMI, pack-years, hypertension, diabetes, chronic bronchitis, rhinitis, asthma, gender and BMI difference. There was no significant association between snoring and smoking cessation. In subjects without sleep disturbance at baseline, continued smoking increased the risk of developing difficulty initiating sleep during the follow-up period compared with those that had quit smoking (adj. OR 1.7, 95% CI 1.2-2.3). Conclusions: Insomnia symptoms and excessive daytime sleepiness negatively predict smoking cessation. Smoking is a risk factor for the development of difficulty initiating sleep. Treatment for sleep disturbances should be included in smoking-cessation programs. Keywords: Daytime sleepiness; Difficulties inducing sleep; Insomnia; Moking cessation.Research Council of Norway Icelandic Research Council Aarhus University Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation Estonian Science Foundation Bror Hjerpstedt's Foundation Uppsala Lans Forening mot Hjart-och lungsjukdoma

    The influence of active and passive smoking on habitual snoring

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    To access publisher full text version of this article. Please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links fieldThe impact of active smoking, passive smoking, and obesity on habitual snoring in the population is mainly unknown. We aimed to study the relationship of habitual snoring with active and passive tobacco smoking in a population-based sample. A total of 15,555 of 21,802 (71%) randomly selected men and women aged 25-54 years from Iceland, Estonia, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden answered a postal questionnaire. Habitual snoring, defined as loud and disturbing snoring at least 3 nights a week, was more prevalent among current smokers (24.0%, p < 0.0001) and ex-smokers (20.3%, p < 0.0001) than in never-smokers (13.7%). Snoring was also more prevalent in never-smokers exposed to passive smoking at home on a daily basis than in never-smokers without this exposure (19.8% vs. 13.3%, p < 0.0001). The frequency of habitual snoring increased with the amount of tobacco smoked. Active smoking and passive smoking were related to snoring, independent of obesity, sex, center, and age. Ever smoking accounted for 17.1% of the attributable risk of habitual snoring, obesity (body mass index > or = 30 kg/m(2)) for 4.3%, and passive smoking for 2.2%. Smoking, both current and ex-smoking, is a major contributor to habitual snoring in the general population. Passive smoking is a previously unrecognized risk factor for snoring among adults

    Asthma and COPD overlap (ACO) is related to a high burden of sleep disturbance and respiratory symptoms : results from the RHINE and Swedish GA2LEN surveys

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    Background: The term Asthma and COPD Overlap (ACO) describes a condition where asthma and COPD overlap. We aimed to investigate associations between ACO and insomnia and respiratory symptoms, and to investigate the prevalence of ACO and the characteristics of subjects with ACO in two Northern European population studies. Methods: The study comprised 25 429 subjects aged ≥ 40 years who participated in one of two Northern European general population surveys. Both surveys included questions on asthma, COPD, respiratory and sleep-related symptoms, including difficulty initiating sleep, difficulty maintaining sleep, early-morning awakening, and excessive daytime sleepiness. ACO was defined as having both self-reported asthma and COPD. Results: The prevalence of ACO was 1.0%. The group with ACO had a higher prevalence of both insomnia and respiratory symptoms than subjects with only asthma or COPD. Having ACO was independently associated with a 2-3 times higher probability of having sleep-related symptoms as compared with the group without asthma or COPD, after adjustment for age, sex, BMI, smoking history and educational level (adjusted odds ratio 2.14-3.36, 95% CI). Conclusion: Subjects with ACO have a high prevalence of insomnia and respiratory symptoms. To our knowledge, this is the first study to assess the association between sleep-related symptoms and ACO