733 research outputs found

    Áhrif hljóðgildis á skynjun sérhljóðalengdar í íslensku : er hægt að breyta stuttu [ə] í langt [ə] og öfugt?

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenSamkvæmt tveggja þrepa líkani um skynjun sérhljóðalengdar er aðeins gert ráð fyrir að lengdarhlutfall sérhljóðs og samhljóðs og talhraði hafi áhrif á skynjun sérhljóðalengdar. Þessir þættir eru ekki þeir einu sem hafa áhrif á skynjun sérhljóðalengdar, heldur hefur hljóðgildi sumra sérhljóða meiri áhrif en lengdarhlutfall. Við skynjun hljóðlengdar í sérhljóðinu e=[ε] er til að mynda ekki hægt að búa til langt [ε] úr stuttu [ε] og öfugt, þó að það sé hægt fyrir sérhljóðið [a] (Jörgen Pind, 1996). Ástæðan fyrir þessu virðist vera að hljóðgildi stutts og langs afbrigðis [ε] eru ólík. Þar sem hljóðgildi stutts og langs o=[o] og ö=[oe] eru einnig ólík, ættu sömu niðurstöður að koma fram. Í þessari rannsókn voru orðin /ko:na/, /kon:a/, /ka:na/ og /kan:a/ lesin og sérhljóð stytt og samhljóð lengd í orðum með löngum sérhljóðum en sérhljóð lengd og samhljóð stytt í orðum með löngum samhljóðum. Þetta var gert 10 sinnum fyrir hvert grunnorð og úr varð 10 áreiti sem mynduðu áreitaröð fyrir hvert orð. Þátttakendur voru 10 og áttu þeir að dæma um hvort orð sem þeir heyrðu væri /ka:na/ eða /kan:a/ og /ko:nva/ eða /kon:a/. Niðurstöður voru þær að mögulegt var að breyta löngu [a] í stutt [a] og öfugt. Hins vegar reyndist ekki hægt að breyta löngu [o] í stutt [o] og öfugt. Niðurstöðurnar renna styrkari stoðum undir þörf þess að endurskoða tveggja þrepa líkanið um skynjun sérhljóðalengdar þannig að tekið sé tillit til áhrifa hljóðgildis.The model of quantity perception on the perception of vowel quantity takes only in account vowel to rhyme (vowel + consonant) duration and speech rate as a cue for vowel quantity. However previous findings suggest that other cues should be taken into account as well. Pind (1996) discovered that spectral factor was a major cue in the perception of vowel quantity of [ε]. He found it was impossible to produce a phonemically long [ε] from a phonemically short [ε] and vice versa. On the contrary, vowel to rhyme duration was a major cue in the perception of [a]. Pind theorized that the spectral factors in long and short [ε] were heterogenous and therefore a stronger cue in perception of vowel quantity than vowel to rhyme duration. The spectral factors of long and short [o] and [oe] are heterogenous as in [ε] and thus analogous results should be expected. In this study four Icelandic word were modified; /ko:na/ (noun: woman), /kon:a/ (noun: male´s name; accusative), /ka:na/ (noun: american) and /kan:a/ (verb: examine or noun (feminine): a jug). The vowels were gradually shortened and the consonants lengthened in words with a long vowel but the vowels were gradullay lengthened and the consonants shortened in words with a short vowel or 10 times for each base stimulus creating four stimulus continua. Participants were ten and were supposed to judge if a word was /ka:na/ or /kan:a/ and /ko:na/ or /kon:a/. The results revealed that it did change perception for [a] but it did not change perception from one to the other for [o]. Spectral factor was a stronger cue than vowel to rhyme duration. In accordance with these results models of quantity perception should be revised in order to take spectral factors in account

    Android Anti-forensics: Modifying CyanogenMod

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    Mobile devices implementing Android operating systems inherently create opportunities to present environments that are conducive to anti-forensic activities. Previous mobile forensics research focused on applications and data hiding anti-forensics solutions. In this work, a set of modifications were developed and implemented on a CyanogenMod community distribution of the Android operating system. The execution of these solutions successfully prevented data extractions, blocked the installation of forensic tools, created extraction delays and presented false data to industry accepted forensic analysis tools without impacting normal use of the device. The research contribution is an initial empirical analysis of the viability of operating system modifications in an anti-forensics context along with providing the foundation for future research.Comment: Karlsson, K.-J. and W.B. Glisson, Android Anti-forensics: Modifying CyanogenMod in Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-47). 2014, IEEE Computer Society Press: Hawai

    Dynamics of Sleep–Wake Cyclicity at Night Across the Human Lifespan

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    Studies in adult mammals (rats, cats, mice, and humans) have revealed a surprising regularity in the duration of sleep and wake bouts. In particular, wake bout durations exhibit a power-law distribution whereas sleep bout durations exhibit an exponential distribution. Moreover, in rodents, sleep bouts exhibit an exponential distribution at all ages examined, whereas wake bout durations exhibit exponential distributions early in ontogeny with a clear power-law emerging only at the older ages. Thus, the data examined thus far suggests a similar developmental trajectory for a wide range of mammals which in turn may offer a novel metric to directly compare human and animal sleep–wake data. Therefore, we tested the generalizability of these findings by examining the distributions of sleep and wake bouts during the night in a healthy human sample – from premature infants to 70-year-olds. We find that sleep bouts elongate over the first years. At the same time wake bouts shorten but elongate again with increasing age. Moreover, sleep bout durations exhibit exponential distributions at all ages tested, except for the youngest (premature infants). Wake bouts exhibit a power-law distribution – but only during a restricted time window during adulthood. We conclude that the developmental trajectory of human sleep–wake cycles does not map well onto those of rodents; however, the method of characterizing sleep–wake cycles, using bout distribution, holds great promise for classifying sleep, its disorders, and tracking its developmental milestones across the lifespan in humans

    Journal Staff

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    Cells move along surfaces both as single cells and multi-cellular units. Recent research points toward pivotal roles for water flux through aquaporins (AQPs) in single cell migration. Their expression is known to facilitate this process by promoting rapid shape changes. However, little is known about the impact on migrating epithelial sheets during wound healing and epithelial renewal. Here, we investigate and compare the effects of AQP9 on single cell and epithelial sheet migration. To achieve this, MDCK-1 cells stably expressing AQP9 were subjected to migration assessment. We found that AQP9 facilitated cell locomotion at both the single and multi-cellular level. Furthermore, we identified major differences in the monolayer integrity and cell size upon expression of AQP9 during epithelial sheet migration, indicating a rapid volume-regulatory mechanism. We suggest a novel mechanism for epithelial wound healing based on AQP-induced swelling and expansion of the monolayer.Funding Agencies|Swedish Research Council for Medicine and Health|2007-34832009-66492010-3045|</p

    Drag och motdrag - Strategisk interaktion i Afghanistan 2001-2007

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    Det amerikanska anfallet mot Afghanistan 2001 lyckades på relativt kort tid tvinga den rådande talibanregimen från makten. Sju år senare vållar en revitaliserad och svårdefinierad upprorsrörelse den afghanska regeringen betydande problem. Denna uppsats syftar till att belysa denna problematik ur ett strategiskt perspektiv. I uppsatsen analyseras den strategiska interaktion som präglat konflikten åren 2001-2007 utifrån Ivan Arreguin-Tofts teori om asymmetriska krig. Den tillhandahåller även en introduktion till den pågående diskussionen om upprorsrörelsens ursprung och attribut. En diskussion som präglas av betydande oenighet. Undersökningen finner att teorin om strategisk interaktion lämpar sig väl som förklaring till utgången av det inledande kriget 2001-2002, som präglades av en likartad strategisk interaktion, men att bilden därefter blir mer oklar och att teorins roll behöver ifrågasättas när den skall appliceras på pågående insatser

    ”Jokainen salama lyö aina johonkin” : Ukkosvahinkojen ennaltaehkäisy modernisaatioprosessissa

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    Tutkielmani tarkoituksena on löytää kehittyvässä yhteiskunnassa ilmeneviä muutoksen merkkejä. Hedelmällisen näkökulman tuo modernisoituvan yhteiskunnan tutkiminen suhteessa muuttumattomiin sääilmiöihin. Haluan löytää muutoksia niissä reaktioissa, joita ukkonen kehittyvässä ympäristössä herättää. Tutkimukseni pääasiallinen aineisto on Kansalliskirjaston digitoima sanomalehtikokoelma, jonka artikkelihaulla olen kerännyt ukkoseen liittyvää aineistoa. Aineisto koostuu 305 artikkelista, joiden tietoja olen täsmentänyt tarvittaessa pöytäkirjaottein. Aineiston artikkelit alkavat vuodesta 1834 ja päättyvät vuoteen 1910. Oletuksenani on, että suhtautuminen modernisaatioon on luettavissa sopivassa aineistossa. Tutkimuksessa sovellan grounded theory-menetelmää, joka jättää lopullisen teorian muotoutumisen aineiston varaan. Aineiston analysointiin olen käyttänyt diskurssianalyysin menetelmiä. Olen lukenut ja jaotellut ensin tekstin ulkoisiin ominaisuuksiin, kuten julkaisuajankohtaan tai genreen liittyvin havainnoin, jonka jälkeen olen nostanut esiin artikkelien muutamia tärkeimpiä teemoja. Ukkonen ja ukkoselta suojautuminen ovat olleet toisaalta vitsien ja neutraalin uutisoinnin, mutta myös lukijain kirjeiden ja paikalliskirjeenvaihdon dialogin aiheina. Aineistosta käy ilmi ukkoseen liittyvien uskomuksien vähittäinen häviäminen sekä uskonelämän maallistuminen. Artikkeleissa käydään keskustelua ukkoselta suojautumisen eri keinoista sekä näiden keinojen oikeutuksesta ilmentäen lähinnä modernien näkökulmien suosimista, mutta nimeten myös innovaatioiden vastustuksen prosesseja. Havaittavissa on modernisaatioon liittyvää muutosvastarintaa, joka keskittyy nimenomaan kirkkorakennusten suojeluun ukkostuhoilta ja kietoutuu näin maallistumiseen mutta joka on toisaalta selitettävissä varojen taloudellisen käytön perusteella

    Red-emitting organic fluorophores

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    PhD ThesisOur understanding of molecular photophysics has developed over the course of the twentieth and early twenty-first century. Mastering the underlying mechanisms of fluorescence from organic dyes necessitates development of many spectroscopic techniques. For a time the field was driven by studying increasingly elaborate molecular structures, but now attention has returned to smaller systems, even single chromophore entities. This has in part been influenced by cost, and many small chromophores for commercial use are being designed with very specific properties based on classic photophysics concepts. Even relatively small organic fluorophores display subtleties which can be influenced by minor changes in structure or local environment. As is observed in this work, there are cases where manipulation of a single atom can afford a major change in optical properties. Having understood the nature of absorption and emission, our attention turns to how this knowledge could be applied to understand intricate processes such as energy and electron transfer. Consequently it becomes possible to rationally design dyes with desirable properties, and new technologies emerge as a result. A prime example lies in recent efforts to enhance the efficiency of organic solar cells, where investigators have turned to exploiting E-type delayed fluorescence (a concept introduced decades earlier). Now the field is awash with applications where old principles have been utilized to the advantage of new technologies. This thesis is concerned with the particular problems of analyzing organic dyes which absorb and emit in the red region. The introductory chapter outlines how the molecular photophysics has evolved over decades and defines key concepts in optical spectroscopy. We also examine two state-of-the-art techniques which rely on an understanding of fluorescence and electron transfer: namely super-resolution fluorescence microscopy and singlet-exciton fission. Finally, some consideration is given to how the field will likely manifest itself in the near future. An investigation into the origin of the red absorption/fluorescence characteristic to aza-BODIPY dyes, a variant on the popular boron dipyrromethene (BODIPY) dye family, is the ii basis of Chapter 3. Aza-BODPIY dyes have a carbon atom replaced by nitrogen at the meso site, causing a 100 nm red-shift relative to regular BODIPY. Careful analysis of the photophysics of aza-BODIPY, alongside a non-aza analogue, builds a picture of how this relatively large change in the excited state energy landscape is achieved with such a minor modification to the core structure. Chapter 4 explores the triplet-exited state properties of a popular red-emitting organic semiconductor chromophore, TIPS-pentacene. We discuss various mechanisms leading to quenching of fluorescence at the expense of enhancing intersystem crossing into the triplet manifold for TIPS-pentacene, which sees high triplet or fluorescence yields depending on the environment. TIPS-pentacene is widely used as the basis for singlet-exciton splitting dyes, where two triplets are formed from the singlet-excited state. This is therefore a pertinent example for explaining just how one can access the triplet state. In Chapters 5 and 6, we examine a new bridged pentacene bichromophore, which undergoes exciton multiplication by intramolecular singlet fission. Transient absorption spectroscopy suggests there is strong communication between pentacene moieties in the bichromophore, showing an unusually delocalized triplet state. This is contrary to many other singlet fission chromophores based on pentacene. The problem of how to accurately measure fluorescence quantum yields in the red spectral region is tackled in Chapter 7. The difficulties with measuring fluorescence in this region are highlighted and an alternative method for recording fluorescence yields, thermal blooming spectroscopy, reintroduced. A series of red-emitting cyanine dyes is proposed as new ratiometric fluorescence yield standards. This work has involved construction of a bespoke instrument for the task. In the final chapter, the mechanism of fluorescence “blinking” in the context of super-resolution fluorescence microscopy is studied. Using a combination of steady-state and time-resolved spectroscopic measurements in conjunction with advanced analysis of super-resolution microscope data allows for an interpretation of how such regular and reliable on/off fluorescence blinking is achieved with a popular commercial cyanine dye. Previously proposed mechanisms are tested extensively by optical characterization of the system. It is inferred that isomerization plays a role in switching between states

    I avsaknad av vägledning? En undersökning av den reglerade våldsanvändningen i moderna fredsfrämjande insatser

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    Sedan 1999 har antalet fredsfrämjande interventioner som fått tydliga mandat att aktivt skydda civilbefolkningen kraftigt ökat. Att använda militärt våld för humanitära syften är dock inte oproblematiskt. Denna uppsats undersöker den reglerade våldsanvändningen, i form av Rules of engagement, i moderna fredsfrämjande insatser med utgångspunkt ur frågan om beskydd för civila. Den undersöker, med hjälp av bl.a. offentliga dokument och en fallstudie om insatsen i Tchad 2008, hur dessa regler sätts och försöker dessutom utmynna om utformningen av ROE påverkats av frågan om beskydd. Konceptet med skydd av civila har ställt nya krav på fredsstyrkor idag, men denna undersökning visar bland annat att det inte är helt självklart hur denna uppgift skall förstås, då intervenerande nationer och organisationer ofta saknar tydliga verktyg för operationaliserandet av beskydd för civilbefolkningen. Vidare finner uppsatsen att själva utformandet av Rules of engagement spelar mindre roll än dess faktiska tolkning och fredsstyrkans kapacitet

    The power of light: Impact on the performance of biocontrol agents under minimal nutrient conditions

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    BackgroundThe spectral distribution of light (different wavelength) has recently been identified as an important factor in the dynamics and function of leaf-associated microbes. This study investigated the impact of different wavelength on three commercial biocontrol agents (BCA): Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (BA), Pseudomonas chlororaphis (PC), and Streptomyces griseoviridis (SG). MethodsThe impact of light exposure on sole carbon source utilization, biofilm formation, and biosurfactant production by the selected BCA was studied using phenotypic microarray (PM) including 190 sole carbon sources (OmniLog (R), PM panels 1 and 2). The BCA were exposed to five monochromatic light conditions (420, 460, 530, 630, and 660 nm) and darkness during incubation, at an intensity of 50 mu mol m(-2) s(-1). ResultsLight exposure together with specific carbon source increased respiration in all three BCA. Different wavelengths of light influenced sole carbon utilization for the different BCA, with BA and PC showing increased respiration when exposed to wavelengths within the blue spectrum (420 and 460 nm) while respiration of selected carbon sources by SG increased in the presence of red light (630 and 660 nm). Only one carbon source (capric acid) generated biosurfactant production in all three BCA. A combination of specific wavelength of light and sole carbon source increased biofilm formation in all three BCA. BA showed significantly higher biofilm formation when exposed to blue (460 nm) and green (530 nm) light and propagated in D-sucrose, D-fructose, and dulcitol. PC showed higher biofilm formation when exposed to blue light. Biofilm formation by SG increased when exposed to red light (630 nm) and propagated in citraconic acid. ConclusionTo increase attachment and success in BCA introduced into the phyllosphere, a suitable combination of light quality and nutrient conditions could be used