290 research outputs found


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    Painting in bali in the last three decades has veered towards abstraction.this abstraction is based on narrative and icons,including symbolic and non-symbolic elements, with the use of colour as a major component. This development is rooted in Balinese Hindu art and traditional cultur. Philosophical aspects of the Balinese way of live provide a major source for the Balinese artist’s creativity: therefore, even if the painting is very abstract,it is likely to be strongly based in Balinese Hindu culture. Structures of life in Bali are rooted in a hierarchical order. Based on the idea of balance between the marco cosmos and the micro cosmos, Balinese people aim to live life in harmoni. The various dimensions of life according to Balinese philosopyb often inspire the visual artist


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    Masyarakat bali memiliki struktur kehidupan yang cukup unik,kokoh dan fundamental diilhami oleh roh kebudayaan bali.Pengider bhuwana merupakan sebuah mandala,skema yang mewakili kosmos dalam ikonografi agama hindu dan budha,bisanya ada satu pusat yang berwujud bentuk geometris yang masin-masing bentuk memilki image atau attribute dari dewa-dewa. Manusia bukan hanya memiliki wujud fisik yang indah tetapi juga makhluk spiritual.walaupaun hanya melalui lukisan merasakan sangat penting untuk itu seni mestinya harus hidup. Mempelajari warna pengider bhuwana,kosmologi bali adalah salah satu cara untuk belajar warna kehidupan.pernyataan antara printmaking dengan teknik melukis konvensional memperkaya permukaan ciftaan saya.kombinasi antara teknik seni modern barat dan idea-idea yang berakar pada kebudayaan bali merupakan proses universalisasi dari sudut pandang kebudayaan bali.warna warna pengider bhuwana mengantarkan saya kepada atmosphere bali di ameriak serikat.warna memiliki posisi penting sebagai mediator dalam menjembatai antara bentuk fisik dengan spiritual.ciptaan saya pun akhirnya didominasi oleh garis dan warna dengan fisik focus permainan image after image. Ruang dalam karya saya merupakan ruang hasil pengayatan saya tentang hidup.Ruang selalu ada di sekitar kita.dalam penciptaan lukisan,saya berusaha menciptakan ruang dengan kedalaman tanpa batas,agar para pengamat dapat mempenetrasi.saya lakukan ini melalui warna dengan bermain ruang positif dan negative.ruang agar memiliki keseimbagan hidup dan gerak.dalam sebuah pameran,ruang disekitar pengamat merupakan ruang makrokosmos dan diri pengamat itu sebagai sebuah dunia mikro.dalam pandangan saya penataan warna ada kemiripannya dengan keanekaragaman sifat dan kharakter manusia.warna warna dalam pengider bhuwana meruapakn warna kehidupan,kita memiliki dan butuh semua warna itu.seperti sifat manusia kita memilki berbagai sifat dan itu merupakan bagian dari kehidupan. Ada tiga bagian pokok dalam pengolahan bentuk dalam karya pengider bhuwana.pertama, ada adstaksi symbol,seperti bentuk senjata.kedua,berupa images yang datang dari lingkungan sekitar.ketiga,bentuk yang datangnya dari impuls (luar dan dalam)di kala proses penciftaan,yang ini tidak ada ciptakan dengan intuitif.bentuk –bentuk yang berkaitan dengan polaritas dualistis yang memberikan refleksi terhadap keseluruhan warna dalam pengider bhuwana

    In Vitro Fertility of Post-thawed Epididymal Ram Spermatozoa After Storage at 5 °C Before Cryopreservation

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    This study addressed the effects of storage duration of epididymides at 5 °C before sperm collection and their fertility after cryopreservation in vitro. Spermatozoa from one of the testes pairs were immediately collected, evaluated and frozen (control group). The remaining epididymides were cooled to 5 °C and stored for 24, 48, 72, and 96 h (experimental groups), after which spermatozoa were collected and frozen as in the control group. Before and after thawing, sperm motility, sperm viability and plasma membrane integrity were assessed. The fertilizing ability of frozen-thawed spermatozoa of each group was evaluated by in vitro fertilization of matured sheep oocytes. Sperm quality (sperm motility, viability, and plasma membrane integrity) at collection and after cryopreservation decreased as the duration of the epididymal storage interval increase (P < 0.05). The motility decreased steadily along the studied time periods. Although, the fertilizing ability of post-thawed epididymal spermatozoa gradually decreased as the storage period was prolonged, the spermatozoa collected from the cauda epididymides stored at 5 °C for up to 96 h were able to fertilize 16%-65% of oocytes in vitro. Results of the present study showed that ram epididymal spermatozoa survive in storage at 5 °C for up to 96 h. These spermatozoa maintain their fertilizing ability and may be suitable for use in IVF and other assisted reproductive procedures

    Religioon majandusarengu mõjurina

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    The repertory of Estonian theatre 1986–2006

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    Käesolev doktoritöö uurib, millistel alustel formeerus nimetatud aastatel Eesti teatrite repertuaar, millistest lavastustest see koosnes ja milline oli selle dünaamika. Uurimuse aluseks on üldistused ja järeldused, mis on tehtud enam kui kaks ja pool tuhat (2511) lavastust koondava andmebaasi alusel, kuhu on võetud kõik sel perioodil Eesti kutselistes teatrites esietendunud uuslavastused. Doktoritöö keskse meetodina on kasutatud repertuaariuurimust, paigutades lavastuste statistilised näitajad laiemasse teatriloolisse ning ühiskondlikku konteksti. Eesti teatri kahekümne ühe aasta repertuaari on vaadeldud erinevate dominantide kaudu: lavastuse liik, žanr, sihtgrupp, tekstide autorid, päritoluriigid ja kronoloogiline paiknevus. Uurimuse eesmärgiks on otsida ajastut kujundavaid sisemisi jõujooni, mis aitaks kokku panna suuremat pilti selle perioodi Eesti teatri esteetilistest otsingutest ning organisatsioonilistest arengutest. Aastad 1986-2006 olid Eesti ühiskonnas siirdeajaks, mil oluliselt muutusid nii ühiskondlikud kui kultuurilised paradigmad. Riigikorra vahetumine ja astumine ühest ühiskondlikust formatsioonist teise tõi kaasa kohanemisraskusi, millest Eesti teater väljus küllalt kiiresti, säilitades oma senise teatrivõrgu, külastajate arvu ja mitmed traditsioonid, millele uute tegijate kaudu hakkasid liituma kaasaegse avatud maailma otsingud. Kuigi seda perioodi Eesti teatri ajaloos pole põhjust nimetada murranguliseks, on kindlasti tegu üleminekuperioodina nii esteetilisel, organisatsioonilisel kui ühiskondlikul tasandil. Oluliselt muutub ka teatrite repertuaariplaanide koostamise tava: kui varem oli see toimunud erinevate kontrollivate instantside mõjul, siis muutunud oludes on kogu otsustusõigus läinud teatri kätte. Samas on repertuaarikujundust asunud oluliselt mõjutama turumajanduse mehhanismid. Uurimuse teoreetilise tugistruktuurina on kasutatud Hollandi kultuuriteoreetiku Hans van Maaneni teost How to Study Art Worlds. On the Societal Functioning of Aesthetic Values (2009). Doktoritöö on osaks mahukamast kollektiivsest uurimusest „Eesti teater 1986-2006”, mis jätkab akadeemilise eesti teatriloo uurimise traditsiooni kahekümne aastaste tsüklitenaThis doctoral thesis investigates the basis on which the repertoire of Estonian theatres formed in the given period, the productions this comprised and its dynamics. The research was based on generalisations made and conclusions drawn from a database of 2511 productions including all of the new productions that premiered in professional Estonian theatres during the period under study. The central method of the doctoral thesis is a study of the repertoire in which the statistical indicators of the productions are placed within a broader social context and that of theatre history. The repertoire of these 21 years of Estonian theatre is examined through the prism of its key features: production type, genre, target audience, playwright, country of origin and chronological placement. The aim of the study was to identify the influences that shaped the era so as to build a bigger picture of what Estonian theatre was striving for aesthetically and how its organisation evolved during the period in question. The period from 1986-2006 was one of transition in Estonian society, with major shifts in both its social and cultural paradigms. The change in regime and the switch from one social formation to another led to difficulties adapting, which Estonian theatre nevertheless overcame rather quickly, maintaining its existing network of theatres, audience numbers and some of its traditions in the process. At the same time, newcomers began steering the local theatre scene towards the modern, open world. Although it would be unjustified to refer to this period in Estonian theatre history as a breakthrough era, there can be no argument that it represents a transition period at the aesthetic, organisational and social levels. The way in which theatres planned their repertoires also saw significant changes: whereas previously this had been done under the scrutiny of the authorities, theatres were now able to make their own decisions. Choices also began to be keenly influenced by the mechanisms of the market economy. Dutch cultural theorist Hans van Maanen’s How to Study Art Worlds: On the Societal Functioning of Aesthetic Values (2009) served as the theoretical framework of the research. The thesis forms part of a larger collective study, entitled ‘Estonian Theatre 1986-2006’, which continues the tradition of academic research into Estonian theatre history in 20-year cycles.https://www.ester.ee/record=b536156

    Effect of surface treatments on concrete durability in an aggressive environment

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    Magistritöö Maaehituse õppekavalAntud magistritöös uuriti betooni kaitsevõõpasid agressiivses keskkonnas. Katsekehades toimunud muutusi hinnati betooni keskmiste survetugevuste võrdlemisel. Käesolevas töös tehtud katsed viidi läbi, et paremini mõista, kas silohoidlate kaitsevõõpadega kaetud pinnad on vastupidavamad, kui võõpamata pinnad. Töö eesmärk oli leida katsetes kasutatud kolme erineva kaitsevõõbaga kaetud katsekehade betooni survetugevuste muutus agressiivses keskkonnas. Sooritatud katsete tulemused näitasid, et katsetes kasutatud kaitsevõõbad ei suuda tagada katsekehade survetugevuste stabiilsust ning agressiivses keskkonnas olnud kuupide survetugevus langes. Kõige enam langes Borniti bituumenist võõbaga töödeldud katsekehade survetugevus. Kõige vähem langes Spray-Locki kaitsevõõbaga kaetud katsekehade survetugevus, kuid siiski oli see 15,5% väiksem arvutuslikust katsekehade survetugevusest. Uurimustöö tulemusi saab kasutada alusmaterjalina tulevastes töödes, kus uuritakse kaitsevõõpade toimivust agressiivsetes keskkondades.In this thesis concrete surface treatments were studied in an aggressive environment. The changes occurring in the test cubes were evaluated by comparing the average compressive strengths of concrete. The experiments in this study were carried out to better understand whether the surfaces of silage clamps covered by protective coating are more durable than the uncovered surfaces. The aim of this study was to evaluate how three different types of concrete surface treatments affect the compressive strength of the test cubes exposed to an aggressive environment. The results of the tests carried out in this study showed that the surface treatments used in the tests failed to ensure the compressive strength stability of the test cubes and the compressive strength of the cubes exposed to an aggressive environment reduced. The compressive strength of the test cubes reduced the most when Bornit surface treatment that contains bitumen was used. And the compressive strength fell the least when using the Spray-Lock surface treatment although the compressive strength of the test cubes was still 15,5% smaller than the calculated compressive strength. The results obtained in this thesis could be used as the basis of future studies which examine the effects of concrete surface treatments in aggressive environments

    Digitaalne toimik kriminaalmenetluses

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    In Vitro Fertility of Post-thawed Epididymal Ram Spermatozoa after Storage at 5 °C before Cryopreservation

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    This study addressed the effects of storage duration of epididymides at 5 °C before sperm collection and their fertility after cryopreservation in vitro. Spermatozoa from one of the testes pairs were immediately collected, evaluated and frozen (control group). The remaining epididymides were cooled to 5 °C and stored for 24, 48, 72, and 96 h (experimental groups), after which spermatozoa were collected and frozen as in the control group. Before and after thawing, sperm motility, sperm viability and plasma membrane integrity were assessed. The fertilizing ability of frozen-thawed spermatozoa of each group was evaluated by in vitro fertilization of matured sheep oocytes. Sperm quality (sperm motility, viability, and plasma membrane integrity) at collection and after cryopreservation decreased as the duration of the epididymal storage interval increase (P < 0.05). The motility decreased steadily along the studied time periods. Although, the fertilizing ability of post-thawed epididymal spermatozoa gradually decreased as the storage period was prolonged, the spermatozoa collected from the cauda epididymides stored at 5 °C for up to 96 h were able to fertilize 16%-65% of oocytes in vitro. Results of the present study showed that ram epididymal spermatozoa survive in storage at 5 °C for up to 96 h. These spermatozoa maintain their fertilizing ability and may be suitable for use in IVF and other assisted reproductive procedures

    Developmental Competence of Early Stage Porcine Embryos Cultured in Medium with Different Energy Substrate in vitro

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    To elucidate the effect of energy requirement during the early embryonic development on their developmental ability to develop to blastocyst stage, in vitro fertilized (IVF) porcine one-cell embryos were cultured in modified North Carolina State University (NCSU)-37 supplemented with different energy substrate. Result indicated that the cleavage rate of embryos in Pyr-Lac and Gluc-Pyr-Lact groups was significantly higher than in those in Gluc group and Gluc-Rib group (P < 0.05). At Day 6 of culture, the highest proportion of embryos develop to the blastocyst stage was obtained in the presence of pyruvate-lactate only. In the medium with glucose, the addition of pyruvate-lactate or ribose slightly increased the proportion of embryos develop to the blastocyst stage, however the value were not significantly different form those obtained in the presence of glucose only. The mean cell number in blastocysts derived from Pyr-Lac and Gluc-Pyr-Lact groups were significantly higher than those in the Gluc group (P < 0.05). These results indicated that the presence of glucose only, as energy substrate, during the first 2 days of in vitro culture (IVC) caused a decrease in development of in vitro produced (IVP) porcine embryos to the blastocyst stage and mean cell number in blastocysts