113 research outputs found

    Condições de trabalho e morbidade referida de policiais militares, Recife-PE, Brasil

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    O objetivo foi analisar as condições de trabalho e a morbidade referida por Policiais Militares (PM) do Recife-PE. Estudo epidemiológico de corte transversal do qual participaram 288 PMs do Comando de Policiamento da Capital, Recife-PE. Os dados foram coletados mediante questionário semiestruturado, sobre aspectos sociodemográficos, morbidades referidas, demandas e controle no trabalho (Job Content Questionnaire). O perfil sociodemográfico revelou que a maioria dos PMs tinha 39 anos ou mais de idade, era cor parda ou negra (71,3%), era casada (77,3%), possuía dois ou mais filhos (63,7%), tinha cursado até o ensino médio (64,9%) e estava no nível econômico C1 e C2 (61,8%). A maior parte identificou seu trabalho como de baixo controle (56,4%), alta demanda física (53,9%) e baixo suporte social (59,8%). Sendo classificado para 27,8% como de alta exigência; para estes os riscos de sofrimento psíquico e de doenças são maiores, necessitando mudanças na organização do trabalho. O maior tempo de serviço (OR=2,99) e a ausência de folgas semanais (OR=0,47) revelaram-se condicionantes mais importantes da morbidade referida. Sugere-se a utilização de estratégias que promovam maior integração social e cooperação entre os níveis hierárquicos superiores e os comandados, e redução da carga excessiva de trabalho.The aim was to analyse the working conditions and referred morbidity of military police officers in the city of Recife (Northeastern Brazil). This was a cross-sectional epidemiological study in which 288 officers in the Policing Command of the state capital (Recife) participated. Sociodemographic, working conditions and referred morbidity data were collected using a semi-structured questionnaire (Job Content Questionnaire). The sociodemographic profile showed that most were 39 years of age or older, were of mixed ethnicity or had black skin color (71.3%), were married (77.3%), had two or more children (63.7%), had attended school up to high school level (64.9%), and were in the C1 or C2 economic level (61.8%). Most identified their work as presenting low control (56.4%), high physical demand (53.9%) and low social support (59.8%). According to 27.8% of the officers, the work was highly demanding. For these officers, the risks of psychological stress and diseases were greater, and they believe that changes are required in the work organization. The higher number of years of service (OR = 2.99) and the absence of weekly days off (OR = 0.47) proved to be the most important determinants of the referred morbidity. It is suggested that strategies promoting greater social integration and cooperation between hierarchically superior and subordinate levels should be used, and the excessive workload should be reduced


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    Desencadeado a partir da carência de conteúdo acerca da temática, o vigente estudo objetivou investigar o conceito de Abordagem Teórica, suas representações sociais e implicações destas no fazer psicológico através da perspectiva de discentes do curso de Psicologia de uma instituição privada da capital da Bahia. A amostra da pesquisa teve sua composição contemplada por 21 estudantes no total, com idades entre 16 e 50 anos, sendo quinze sujeitos do 9° semestre e seis do 10° semestre. Pôde-se notar por meio deste estudo que a noção de abordagem teórica ainda está muito vinculada à concepção de visão de mundo e de homem do estudante. Foi corroborado que as linhas teóricas mais conhecidas são as tradicionais como Psicanálise, Gestalt-Terapia, Terapia Cognitiva, porém, no cenário contemporâneo, os estudantes revelaram interesse por abordagens mais atuais como: Análise Bioenergética e Logoterapia. Além disso, foi possível inferir que os sistemas teóricos servem como importante instrumento para auxiliar o psicólogo na condução de seu trabalho.

    Efeito agudo de exercício aeróbio intervalado de moderada intensidade nas funções cognitivas em idosas depressivas

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    O objetivo do estudo foi verificar o efeito agudo de exercício aeróbio intervalado de moderada intensidade nas funções cognitivas em idosas depressivas. Trata-se de um estudo pré-experimental conduzido com nove idosas depressivas. O treino foi constituído por 20 min. de atividades de coordenação motora, 30 min. de treinamento aeróbio intervalado e 10 min. de alongamentos. As funções cognitivas avaliadas foram: controle inibitório (Stroop Test); linguagem (fluência verbal) e capacidade de realizar ao mesmo tempo estímulos motor e cognitivo (dupla tarefa). Foram empregados teste t e tamanho de efeito (TE). Verificou-se uma redução estatisticamente significativa no tempo médio despendido nos testes de Stroop 1 (18,93±4,14 x 14,82±2,17; 0,016; TE=1,30), Stroop 2 (22,38±5,23 x 17,94±3,03; 0,016; TE=1,08), Stroop 3 (33,05±6,82 x 27,05±5,38; 0,011; TE=0,98) e tarefa cognitiva (15,05±4,17 x 11,71±3,71; 0,029; TE=0,85). O exercício físico teve um efeito agudo no controle inibitório e no desempenho na dupla tarefa cognitiva em idosas depressivas

    Difficulties Found By Persons Living With Diabetes Mellitus: A Quantitative Analysis

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    Goal: to know the main difficulties faced by DM patients, characterizing the socioeconomic situation of the interviewees, identifying the type of care received by DM patients. Method: It was a research of the descriptive exploratory type with quantitative approach that was carried out in the Basic Health Care of the city of Camutanga/PE. The population was formed by one hundred (100) diabetic patients enrolled at the FHS of said municipality, the sample will be formed by one hundred (100) of diabetics from UBS Mini Posto. The instrument for data collection was a form. The data collection took place in September and October 2016 after approval by the Research Ethics Committee of the Faculdade de Enfermagem Nova Esperança (FACENE). CAAE: 59111616.1.0000.517 Results and Discussion: the data obtained in the research show that 65% of the study participants are between the age group over 65 years; 67% have primary education; 53% are retired; 62% reported receiving a minimum wage. About the data related to the issue 31% report that they have diabetes between 05 to 10 years; 79% prevail with type 2; 100% make use of medication; 43% use glibenclamide and metformin. Conclusion: in view of the foregoing, it is concluded that this municipality presents several positive points in caring for the patients, but there are still gaps to provide adequate care to the carriers.              Descriptors: Diabetes Mellitus. Primary Health Care. Nursing

    Occurrence Of Osteomuscular Symptoms In Teachers Of A Higher Education Institution

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the occurrence of musculoskeletal symptoms in teachers of a Higher Education Institution (HEI) located in João Pessoa – PB. This is a descriptive research with a quantitative approach, held at the Faculties of Nursing and Medicine (FACENE/FAMENE), in the city of João Pessoa-PB. The instrument for data collection consisted of a form with objective questions and divided into two parts, the first with data characterizing the sample and the second with the Nordic Musculoskeletal Symptoms Questionnaire. The data were analyzed quantitatively in percentage numbers and distributed in graphs. The results indicated that 30 teachers accepted to participate in the study with female predominance (67%). The regions most affected in the last 12 months were: dorsal (60%), lumbar (53%), neck, shoulders, wrists and hands (47%). Of the teachers interviewed, 20% reported having had difficulties in routine activities due to discomfort in the cervical region and 27% reported having sought medical or physiotherapeutic care due to neck pain, while 20% due to pain in the shoulders, dorsal, wrist/hands and hip/thighs. As for the occurrence of symptoms in the last week, the regions with the highest frequency of pain were shoulders (40%), neck and dorsal (27%). The significant percentage in the regions cited certifies that they are the regions most burdened in the professors and, therefore, deserve special attention in possible projects of occupational preventive action. This research evidences the necessity of new approaches and deepening on the subject, including the formulation of intervention strategies in the process of sickness of teachers. Descriptors: Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders. University Teachers. Worker's Health

    The Family Health Support Core (NASF) And Health Practices: Are There Many Challenges To Be Overcome?

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    Objective: Describe and characterize NASF health practices. Method: It is a review of current literature carried out by consulting the database Lilacs and Virtual Library of SciELO in the period from December 2016 to January 2017. Conclusion: It is concluded that, although the NASF is recognized as a support to the Family Health Strategy (FHS), still does not act in an articulated way, being fundamental that changes take place in the organization of the services and in the conduct of the health professionals who contemplate it. Descriptors: Primary Health Care. Family Health; Public Health Policies. Nursing

    Access Of Women In Jail To Cytological Exam: A Quantitative Analysis

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    Goal: to know the access of women prisoners to cytological examination. Method: exploratory-descriptive quantitative study, carried out at the Maria Júlia Maranhão Female Rehabilitation Center, in the city of João Pessoa/PB. The study population was of all closed regimens, and the minimum sample was 168 (one hundred and sixty-eight). Data collection was formalized through approval by the Research Ethics Committee of the Faculdade de Enfermagem Nova Esperança (FACENE), CAAE: 18363713.8.0000.5179, besides the official referral of the Coordination of the Course to said prison. The present study respected the ethical aspects recommended by Resolution CNS 466/12, in art. III, of the ethical aspects, which deals with the involvement with human beings in research, as well as Resolution COFEN 311/2007, which deals with the code of ethics of nursing professionals.   Results and Discussion: data from the survey show that 33% of study participants were between the ages of 18 and 25; 58% reported being single; 48% have Incomplete Elementary Education; 39% with the profession of domestic; 48% have a family income of one minimum wage; 58% have one to two years imprisonment; 74% inflicted the drug trafficking article; 67% mentioned working in general prison services.   Conclusion: it is concluded that the participants of the research report having knowledge about the exam, but their answers do not correspond to the true meaning of the exam, showing the lack of knowledge, information, assistance and abandonment in which they live.   Descriptors: Women. Papanicolaou Test. Prisoners. Nursing

    Artistas sobre outras obras

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    Refletindo sobre a arte enfenta-se coisa difícil, e não raro temos de encarar o regresso à partida: é coisa antiga, ligação funda ao que diferencia o humano, assentando na arbitrariedade da sua cultura e na sua transmissão sígnica. A pergunta, na busca dos grandes signos, é quase simples: o que há de novo? Poderia dizer-se que a esta pergunta respondem, cada um a seu modo, os 16 artistas, agora autores, desafiados pela convocatória desta revista: no Estúdio se faz a Estúdio.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio