195 research outputs found

    An evaluation of the child contact service at the Togher Family Centre; the voices of the parents and experience of social workers

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    This study is concerned with detailing the experiences of parents and social workers using the child contact service at Togher Family Centre. A child contact service provides a safe, friendly and neutral place where children can spend time with their parent(s). The aim of the service is to provide a child-centred environment where parents and children can develop a positive relationship through play and age appropriate activities. A mixed method of qualitative research tools were employed. Undertaken in collaboration with Togher Family Centre staff, qualitative questionnaires were distributed to all parents attending the service, service users were requested to complete the questionnaires and return to the researcher. Four Child and Family Agency social workers participated in semi structured interviews. Using thematic analysis to interpret the data collated. A number of key findings emerged. All respondents both service users and social workers were satisfied with the service provision, highlighting the staff and elements of the facility as the most significant components of their positive experience. The study also identified the valuable resource the service provides to social workers with regard children in care cases. A number of reasons were outlined to why this was so noteworthy. There were a number of implications regarding the effectiveness of the research. The study was limited due to a number of reasons. There is a dearth of literature regarding child contact provision in Ireland and the international context. Also the lack of response form services users made it challenging to deduce the overall experience of service users. However TFC have received an insight into the experiences of their stakeholders and obtained a number of suggestions as to how they might improve their service provision

    Administrative data has poor accuracy for surveillance of Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia

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    AbstractBackgroundTo determine the accuracy of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) coding for Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia (SAB) compared with laboratory results during a ten-year period (January 2002–December 2011).MethodsA retrospective comparison of ICD-10 code A41.0 for S. aureus sepsis with SAB identified from the laboratory information system (LIS). Patients with LIS identified SAB (LIS+) and/or the ICD-10 A41.0 code (ICD-10) were identified and classified as concordant (LIS+/ICD+) or discordant (LIS+/ICD− or LIS-/ICD+). From July 2010 an additional code for healthcare associated SAB (HA-SAB), U90.0, was introduced and evaluated against prospectively designated episodes of HA-SAB.Results and ConclusionsThere were 740 laboratory confirmed episodes of SAB however, only 408 of these were recorded by ICD-10 A41.0whilst 106 patients with negative blood cultures were miscoded as ICD-10 A41.0. The sensitivity and PPV for ICD-10 A41.0 were 55% [95% CI: 51–59%] and 72% [95% CI: 68–76%]. For the subset of HA-SAB, the sensitivity and PPV for ICD-10 U90.0 were only 12% [95% CI: 5–24%] and 32% [95% CI: 15–54%] respectively.Surveillance based solely on ICD-10 A41.0, code underestimates the true incidence of SAB even while including non-bacteremic episodes. ICD-10 U90.0 for HA-SAB has even poorer sensitivity and PPV. Laboratory culture results should become the major criterion for ICD-10 coding for SAB to improve the accuracy of surveillance data

    Estrutura das comunidades de macroinvertebrados em corredeiras de um riacho cárstico Neotropical nas estações seca e chuvosa

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    AIM: Our study evaluated the effects of physical and chemical variables and seasonality on diversity and structure of the macroinvertebrate fauna in riffles of a Neotropical chalk stream; METHODS: Sampling was performed during the dry (September 2003) and rainy (March 2004) seasons, in five sites. Five samples were taken at each point with a Surber sampler. Physical and chemical variables were also evaluated; RESULTS: Temperature, pH, orthophosphate and total nitrogen were very similar for both seasons, while riffle length, conductivity, alkalinity, ammonia, phosphorus and leaf litter had different values. The total number of organisms collected was 25114 belonging to at least 50 families. Insects dominated in the samples. The highest abundance was found for the dry period. Temporary stretches were sampled in rainy season in order to complement the faunal inventory; CONCLUSIONS: The environmental seasonality was an important factor for structuring the macroinvertebrate fauna, with a significant difference between the invertebrate compositions in the sampling periods. The results of this study demonstrate the influences of seasonality on the temporal variation of communities.OBJETIVOS: Este estudo avaliou os efeitos das variáveis químicas e físicas e da sazonalidade na diversidade e estrutura da fauna de macroinvertebrados em corredeiras de um riacho cárstico Neotropical; MÉTODOS: As coletas foram realizadas durante as estações seca (Setembro 2003) e chuvosa (Março 2004), em cinco pontos de amostragem. Em cada ponto foram coletadas cinco unidades amostrais utilizando um amostrador Surber. Variáveis químicas e físicas também foram avaliadas; RESULTADOS: Temperatura, pH, ortofosfato e nitrogênio total foram muito similares entre as estações, enquanto os valores de comprimento da corredeira, condutividade, alcalinidade, amônia, fósforo total e a quantidade de folhiço variaram. O número total de organismos coletado foi 25114 pertencentes, a pelo menos, 50 famílias. Insetos constituíram o grupo dominante nas amostras. Trechos temporários foram amostrados na estação chuvosa, com o intuito de complementar o inventário faunístico; CONCLUSÕES: A sazonalidade ambiental foi um fator importante na estruturação da fauna de macroinvertebrados, onde uma diferença significativa entre a composição dos macroinvertebrados aquáticos nos períodos amostrados foi observada. Os resultados deste estudo demonstram a influência da sazonalidade na variação temporal da comunidade.Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul - Programa de Pós-Gradução em Tecnologias Ambientai

    Epidemiology of non-typhoid Salmonella infection in the Australian Capital Territory over a 10 year period

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    To describe the epidemiology of non‐typhoid Salmonella (NTS) infection in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), including factors associated with hospitalisation

    Campylobacter-associated hospitalisations in an Australian provincial setting

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    Background: Campylobacter spp. infections are a globally important cause of enterocolitis, causing substantial morbidity. Capturing accurate information on hospitalisations is challenging and limited population-level data exist to describe the clinico-epidemiological characteristics of hospitalised cases. Methods: Hospital administrative and laboratory datasets were linked to identify Campylobacter-associated hospitalisations between 2004 and 2013. Accuracy of morbidity coding was assessed using laboratory diagnosis as a gold standard, with health department surveillance data used to calculate population-based rates. Additional patient-level data were collected via review of medical records. Descriptive statistics were used to assess changes in rates and proportions and to assess relationships between key variables including age, length of stay, comorbidity and complications. Results: In total 685 Campylobacter-associated hospital admissions were identified, with the sensitivity of morbidity coding 52.8% (95% CI 48.9–56.7%). The mean annual rate of hospitalisation was 13.6%. Hospitalisation rates were higher for females across most age-groups, while for both genders marked increases were observed for those aged ≥60 years. Median admission age was 39.5 years, with an average length of stay of 3.5 days. Comorbidities were present in 34.5% (237/685) of admissions, with these patients more likely to develop electrolyte disturbances, hypotension, renal impairment or acute confusion (all p < 0.001). Bacteraemia and acute kidney injury were observed in 4.1% (28/ 685) and 3.6% (23/685) of admissions, respectively. Inpatient mortality was low (0.15%). Conclusion: Under reporting of Campylobacter-associated hospitalisations is substantial but can be improved through data linkage. We observed demographic differences among those hospitalised but further work is needed to determine risk factors and predictors for hospitalisation.The National Health and Medical Research Council provided funding to authors CM [APP107490] and MK [APP1145997]

    Salmonella enterica bacteraemia: a multi-national population-based cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Salmonella enterica </it>is an important emerging cause of invasive infections worldwide. However, population-based data are limited. The objective of this study was to define the occurrence of <it>S. enterica </it>bacteremia in a large international population and to evaluate temporal and regional differences.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted population-based laboratory surveillance for all salmonella bacteremias in six regions (annual population at risk 7.7 million residents) in Finland, Australia, Denmark, and Canada during 2000-2007.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 622 cases were identified for an annual incidence of 1.02 per 100,000 population. The incidence of typhoidal (serotypes Typhi and Paratyphi) and non-typhoidal (other serotypes) disease was 0.21 and 0.81 per 100,000/year. There was major regional and moderate seasonal and year to year variability with an increased incidence observed in the latter years of the study related principally to increasing rates of non-typhoidal salmonella bacteremias. Advancing age and male gender were significant risk factors for acquiring non-typhoidal salmonella bacteremia. In contrast, typhoidal salmonella bacteremia showed a decreasing incidence with advancing age and no gender-related excess risk.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p><it>Salmonella enterica </it>is an important emerging pathogen and regional determinants of risk merits further investigation.</p

    Rationale for and protocol of a multi-national population-based bacteremia surveillance collaborative

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Bloodstream infections are frequent causes of human illness and cause major morbidity and death. In order to best define the epidemiology of these infections and to track changes in occurrence, adverse outcome, and resistance rates over time, population based methodologies are optimal. However, few population-based surveillance systems exist worldwide, and because of differences in methodology inter-regional comparisons are limited. In this report we describe the rationale and propose first practical steps for developing an international collaborative approach to the epidemiologic study and surveillance for bacteremia.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>The founding collaborative participants represent six regions in four countries in three continents with a combined annual surveillance population of more than 8 million residents.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Future studies from this collaborative should lead to a better understanding of the epidemiology of bloodstream infections.</p

    Efectos adversos asociados a las vacunas COVID-19 en funcionarios y estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias Químicas de la UNA, año 2021

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    La enfermedad COVID-19 es una enfermedad infecciosa causada por el virus SARS-COV-2, declarada emergencia de salud pública de importancia mundial y la vacunación fue planteada como la mejor herramienta contra esta enfermedad. Como ocurre con cualquier vacuna, algunas personas experimentan efectos secundarios leves o moderados después de vacunarse, por ello en este estudio se determinó la frecuencia de efectos adversos asociados a las vacunas contra la COVID-19 en funcionarios y estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias Químicas de la UNA durante el año 2021. Para el trabajo se realizó un estudio observacional analítico de corte transversal. La población accesible fueron los funcionarios y estudiantes de la FCQ-UNA, de ambos sexos, vacunados con las dos primeras dosis con cualquier vacuna contra la COVID-19, y que hayan accedido a participar del estudio dando su consentimiento informado. La obtención de datos se realizó aplicando una encuesta por Google Forms a la población accesible mediante muestreo no probabilístico de conveniencia por conglomerados. Las variables estudiadas fueron: sexo, edad, enfermedades de base, la clase de la vacuna recibida, las manifestaciones clínicas que presentaron después de la aplicación de las vacunas, y el tiempo de aparición de síntomas. De las 147 personas que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión, el 85% eran del sexo femenino, el 68,7% tenían entre 20 a 29 años. El 60,5% de los participantes recibió la vacuna Pfizer, el 71,4% tenían antecedentes de COVID-19 y el 78,2% no tenía enfermedad de base. El 60,5% de la población de estudio presentó síntomas posteriores a la primera vacunación de COVID-19, y el 61,2% tras la segunda dosis. El tiempo de inicio de síntomas tras la administración de las vacunas fue mayormente entre 8 a 12 horas después de la vacunación tanto para la primera como para la segunda dosis. Se concluye que la mayoría de la población enfocada presentó efectos secundarios con la administración de ambas dosis, sin embargo, los síntomas fueron leves y en su mayoría aparecieron de 8 a 12 horas posterior a la aplicación

    World distribution, diversity and endemism of aquatic macrophytes

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    To test the hitherto generally-accepted hypothesis that most aquatic macrophytes have broad world distributions, we investigated the global distribution, diversity and endemism patterns of 3457 macrophyte species that occur in permanent, temporary or ephemeral inland freshwater and brackish waterbodies worldwide. At a resolution of 10 × 10° latitude x longitude, most macrophyte species were found to have narrow global distributions: 78% have ranges (measured using an approach broadly following the IUCN-defined concept “extent of occurrence”) that individually occupy &lt;10% of the world area present within the six global ecozones which primarily provide habitat for macrophytes. We found evidence of non-linear relationships between latitude and macrophyte α- and γ-diversity, with diversity highest in sub-tropical to low tropical latitudes, declining slightly towards the Equator, and also declining strongly towards higher latitudes. Landscape aridity and, to a lesser extent, altitude and land area present per gridcell also influence macrophyte diversity and species assemblage worldwide. The Neotropics and Orient have the richest ecozone species-pools for macrophytes, depending on γ-diversity metric used. The region around Brasilia/Goiás (Brazil: gridcell 10–20 °S; 40–50 °W) is the richest global hotspot for macrophyte α-diversity (total species α-diversity, ST: 625 species/gridcell, 350 of them Neotropical endemics). In contrast, the Sahara/Arabian Deserts, and some Arctic areas, have the lowest macrophyte α-diversity (ST &lt;20 species/gridcell). At ecozone scale, macrophyte species endemism is pronounced, though with a&gt;5-fold difference between the most species-rich (Neotropics) and species-poor (Palaearctic) ecozones. Our findings strongly support the assertion that small-ranged species constitute most of Earth’s species diversity