620 research outputs found

    Priapism and clozapine use in a patient with hypochondriacal delusional syndrome

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    Priapism is a urological emergency that results in a penile or clitoral engorgement, having several triggers by the use of medications, including psychiatric drugs, such as antipsychotics and antidepressants. The most common priapism presentation is the ischemic type that can result in the fibrosis of corporus cavernosus, with a significant risk of persistent erectile dysfunction. It is believed that, in the case of antipsychotic use, priapism is mediated by an imbalance in alpha-1-adrenergic blocking, with large variation affinity for alpha-1-adrenergic receptors among antipsychotics. This case report contributes to the study of this rare but severe side effect. Priapism can limit both treatment adherence and the reproductive future of our patients. We describe a case report of a patient with a delusional hypochondriac syndrome who had multiple priapism episodes using clozapine 50 mg/daily. In conclusion, we make brief comments on priapism management, a hard clinical dilemma322923

    Práticas corporais de aventura na natureza na educação infantil: um relato de experiência

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    INTRODUÇÃO: As práticas corporais de aventura na natureza são pouco exploradas nas aulas de Educação Física na Educação Infantil, seja pela lacuna na formação inicial dos professores, por carência de literatura sobre o tema ou infraestrutura adequada nas escolas. OBJETIVO: Apresentar desafios, limites e possibilidades de inserção das práticas corporais de aventura na natureza nas aulas de educação física na educação infantil, em um projeto transversal de Educação Ambiental, mediante uma abordagem lúdica, atraente e significativa. MÉTODOS: A experiência deu-se em 2017, em um Centro Municipal de Educação Infantil, da rede pública, do município de Viana, Espírito Santo, nas aulas de educação física na perspectiva do “se-movimentar”, como parte de projeto transversal de Educação Ambiental. O projeto envolveu 95 alunos, entre 3 e 5 anos, de turmas de maternal II, pré I e pré II. Os dados foram obtidos por meio da observação da professora de Educação Física e registrados com fotos e caderno de campo.RESULTADOS: As experiências desenvolvidas foram enriquecedoras para o aprendizado das crianças, que manifestaram autocontrole, coragem, aumento da autoestima, superação de desafios, elementos essenciais para o desenvolvimento na infância.CONCLUSÃO: O projeto foi exitoso e seu modelo foi adotado por toda a rede de ensino do município, por comprovar que é possível desenvolver um trabalho transversal nas escolas com temas que envolvem a educação física e a educação ambiental.ABSTRACT. Adventure body practices in nature in kindergarden: an experience report.BACKGROUND: The body practices of adventure in nature are few explored in Physical Education classes in Kindgarden, either due to the lack in the initial training of teachers, for few literature about the theme due to the lack of adequate infrastructure in schools.OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this report is to present the challenges, limits and possibilities of insertion of adventure body practices in nature in physical education classes in kindgarden, in a transversal project of Environmental Education, through a playful, attractive and significant approach.METHODS: The narrated experience was carried out in 2017, in a Municipal Center for Kindergarden, attending public schools, in the municipality of Viana, Espírito Santo, Brazil, in physical education classes from the perspective of “moving around” as part of a transversal project of Environmental Education. The total number of students served in the project was 95, between the ages of 3 and 5, from the respective classes of maternal II, pré I and pré II. The reported data were obtained through observation of the Physical Education teacher and recorded by photos and a field notes. RESULTS: As a result, it was found an enriching developed in the experiences for children’s learning who demonstrated self-control, courage, increase self-esteem, overcoming challenges in the classes, those are essential elements for childhood development.CONCLUSION: The experience proved to be successful and became na example that was adopted by the entire attending public city schools for demonstrating that it is possible to develop transversal work in schools based on themes involving Physical Education and Environmental Education

    Indicadores de saúde mental e de enfrentamento diante da covid-19

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    COVID-19 presented numerous challenges, requiring greater frequency of adaptive behaviors. Aiming to identify possible differences in these processes, this study was conducted. A total of 255 adults participated, 175 (68.60%) women, with a mean age of 29.90 years. Measures were used to assess stress, resilience, coping, and hope. Analyses were descriptive and mean difference analyses. The results indicated greater distress and presence of adaptive strategies in the group of women and people who had contact with COVID-19 and who experienced grief as a result of the disease. Further future designs are suggested for in-depth understanding of grief and adaptive processes.El COVID-19 presentó numerosos desafíos, exigiendo una mayor frecuencia de comportamientos adaptativos. Con el objetivo de identificar posibles diferencias en estos procesos, se realizó este estudio. Participaron 255 adultos, 175 (68,60%) mujeres, con una edad media de 29,90 años. Se utilizaron medidas para evaluar el estrés, la resiliencia, el afrontamiento y la esperanza. Los análisis fueron descriptivos y de diferencias de medias. Los resultados indicaron una mayor angustia y presencia de estrategias adaptativas en el grupo de mujeres y personas que tuvieron contacto con la COVID-19 y que viven el duelo en función de la enfermedad. Se sugieren otros diseños futuros para una comprensión más profunda de los procesos de sufrimiento y adaptación.A COVID-19 apresentou inúmeros desafios, requerendo maior frequência de comportamentos adaptativos. Visando identificar possíveis diferenças nestes processos, este estudo foi conduzido. Participaram 255 adultos, 175 (68,60%) mulheres, com idade média de 29,90 anos. Empregou-se medidas para avaliação do distresse, resiliência, coping e esperança. As análises foram descritivas e de diferenças de médias. Os resultados indicaram maior sofrimento e presença de estratégias adaptativas no grupo de mulheres e de pessoas que tiveram contato com a COVID-19 e que viveram o luto em função da doença. Sugere-se outros delineamentos futuros para a compreensão aprofundada dos processos de sofrimento e de adaptação

    Perceptions of brachyfacial, mesofacial and dolichofacial individuals with regard to the buccal corridor in different facial types

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    Objective: Evaluate the esthetic perception and attractiveness of the smile with regard to the buccal corridor in different facial types by brachyfacial, mesofacial and dolichofacial individuals. Material and Methods: The image of a smiling individual with a mesofacial type of face was changed to create three different facial types with five different buccal corridors (2%, 10%, 15%, 22% and 28%). To achieve this effect, a photo editing software was used (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Systems Inc, San Francisco, CA, EUA). The images were submitted to evaluators with brachyfacial, mesofacial and dolichofacial types of faces, who evaluated the degree of esthetic perception and attractiveness by means of a visual analog scale measuring 70 mm. The differences between evaluators were verified by the Mann-Whitney test. All statistics were performed with a confidence level of 95%. Results: Brachyfacial individuals perceived mesofacial and dolichofacial types of faces with buccal corridor of 2% as more attractive. Mesofacial individuals perceived mesofacial and dolichofacial types of faces with buccal corridor of 2%, 10% and 15% as more attractive. Dolichofacial individuals perceived the mesofacial type of face with buccal corridor of 2% as more attractive. Evaluators of the female sex generally attributed higher scores than the male evaluators. Conclusion: To achieve an enhanced esthetic smile it is necessary to observe the patient’s facial type. The preference for narrow buccal corridors is an esthetic characteristic preferred by men and women, and wide buccal corridors are less attractive

    An In Silico Study of the Antioxidant Ability for Two Caffeine Analogs Using Molecular Docking and Quantum Chemical Methods

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    The antioxidant activity of molecules constitutes an important factor for the regulation of redox homeostasis and reduction of the oxidative stress. Cells affected by oxidative stress can undergo genetic alteration, causing structural changes and promoting the onset of chronic diseases, such as cancer. We have performed an in silico study to evaluate the antioxidant potential of two molecules of the zinc database: ZINC08706191 (Z91) and ZINC08992920 (Z20). Molecular docking, quantum chemical calculations (HF/6-31G**) and Pearson’s correlation have been performed. Molecular docking results of Z91 and Z20 showed both the lower binding affinity (BA) and inhibition constant (Ki) values for the receptor-ligand interactions in the three tested enzymes (cytochrome P450—CP450, myeloperoxidase—MP and NADPH oxidase—NO) than the control molecules (5-fluorouracil—FLU, melatonin—MEL and dextromethorphan—DEX, for each receptor respectively). Molecular descriptors were correlated with Ki and strong correlations were observed for the CP450, MP and NO receptors. These and other results attest the significant antioxidant ability of Z91 and Z20, that may be indicated for further analyses in relation to the control of oxidative stress and as possible antioxidant agents to be used in the pharmaceutical industry

    Cultura digital e Educação Física: problematizando a inserção de Exergames no currículo

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    Games are known to be used in education, as teaching tools, because they can facilitate cognitive learning. Several areas such as Mathematics, Geography, History, Chemistry and Biology use this technology in reason of its illustrative potential on the content to be worked, something that many games make possible. Moreover, one of the most important aspects to be considered is the communication established between educator and learner, in which pleasure and entertainment are inherent features of the game, thus pleasing the student and enabling learning. Currently, a new class of games is taking the attention of children, young people and adults: the Exergames or Exertion Interfaces, which mix game and physical exercise. Not only as new educational tools that become available but also some attention concerning physiological and educational aspects for the human development begin to be demanded from areas like Health Sciences, especially Physical Education. This research aimed at discussing, in a critical way, issues related to the Exergames and the possibility for them to be included in the curriculum of Physical Education, both at school and in the undergraduate and graduate courses. Keywords: Exergame, Physical Education, Curriculum.Los juegos son conocidos por ser utilizados en la educación como herramientas pedagógicas, porque estos pueden facilitar el aprendizaje cognitivo. Diversas áreas como Matemáticas, Geografía, Historia, Química y Biología utilizan esta tecnología en razón de su potencial ilustrativo sobre el contenido a ser trabajado, algo que muchos juegos poseen. Además, uno de los aspectos más importantes a ser considerado es la comunicación establecida entre educador y educando, en la que el placer y el entretenimiento son características inherentes al juego, agradando así al alumno y permitiendo el aprendizaje. Actualmente, una nueva clase de juegos está llamando la atención de niños, jóvenes y adultos: los Exergames o Interfaces Esfuerzo, que mezcla juego y ejercicio físico. No apenas como nueva herramienta educacional, los Exergames se han vuelto indispensables en la atención a los aspectos fisiológico y educacional para el desarrollo humano, que comienza a exigirse en áreas como las Ciencias de la Salud, Educación y, especialmente, en la Educación Física. Esta investigación tuvo como meta discutir, de forma crítica, cuestiones relacionadas con los Exergames y la posibilidad de que estos sean incluidos en el currículo de Educación Física, en la escuela y en los cursos de graduación y posgrado. Palabras clave: Exergame, Educación Física, currículo.Os jogos são conhecidos por serem utilizados na educação, como ferramentas pedagógicas, porque eles podem facilitar a aprendizagem cognitiva. Diversas áreas, como Matemática, Geografia, História, Química e Biologia usam essa tecnologia em razão do seu potencial ilustrativo sobre o conteúdo a ser trabalhado, algo que muitos jogos possuem. Além disso, um dos aspectos mais importantes a serem considerados é a comunicação estabelecida entre educador e educando, em que o prazer e entretenimento são características inerentes ao jogo, agradando assim o aluno e permitindo o aprendizado. Atualmente, uma nova classe de jogos está tomando a atenção de crianças, jovens e adultos: os Exergames ou Interfaces Esforço, que misturam jogo e exercício físico. Não apenas como novas ferramentas educacionais, torna-se indispensável atenção em relação aos aspectos fisiológicos e educacional para o desenvolvimento humano, começa a ser exigido a partir de áreas como Ciências da Saúde, Educação, especialmente na Educação Física. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo discutir, de forma crítica, questões relacionadas com as Exergames e a possibilidade de que eles sejam incluídos no currículo de Educação Física, na escola e nos cursos de graduação e pós-graduação

    Responsabilidade Socioambiental Corporativa como Fator de Atração e Retenção para Jovens Profissionais

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    This research investigates if company social-environmental responsibility (SER) is an attraction and retention factor for young professionals in two studies. The first study, an experiment, investigates whether such practices influence the attraction exerted by the company as a prospect employer among undergraduate students, considering different wage and professional development conditions. The second study, a survey, investigates the impact of company SER on voluntary turnover among trainees, controlling for individual differences and satisfaction with income, growth and interests. The results suggest that SER is an important element in the attractiveness exercised by companies as they recruit young professionals, and in the retention of trainees, since it is statistically associated with the likelihood of them leaving their companies after disputed selection processes and expensive training programs.Esta pesquisa investiga o impacto da responsabilidade socioambiental (RSA) na atração e retenção de jovens profissionais, através de dois estudos. O primeiro deles, de natureza experimental, investiga se tais práticas são um fator de atração para jovens em formação, considerando diferentes condições salariais e de desenvolvimento profissional. O segundo, uma survey, investiga o impacto da RSA na rotatividade voluntária de trainees, controlando para diferenças individuais e para o nível de satisfação com salário, crescimento e área de interesse. Os resultados sugerem que a RSA é um quesito relevante tanto na atratividade exercida por uma empresa no recrutamento de jovens profissionais, como também está estatisticamente associada com a probabilidade de eles deixarem as empresas após disputados processos seletivos e programas de treinamento

    National Policy on Technical Assistance and Rural Extension and Social Work: the field to challenge

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    Discute a PNATER, tendo como enfoque a atuação do Assistente Social enquanto membro da equipe técnica. Fundamenta-se na perspectiva crítica, com base no materialismo histórico dialético e foi realizada através de pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e empírica. Está organizado em quatro sessões, que tratam sequencialmente sobre: a trajetória histórica das ações de assistência técnica e extensão rural; a PNATER na atualidade e os desafios de sua execução; a atenção à área social como tarefa premente; e a atuação do Serviço Social, enquanto técnico de ATER. Indica-se a necessidade de superação dos limites da política, dentre os quais está o enfoque tecnológico e desenvolvimentista; a necessária visibilidade do âmbito social na execução da mesma; e as possibilidades de atuação do Assistente Social como agente de ATER.Discusses the PNATER, focusing on the role of the social worker as a member of the technical staff. Based on the critical perspective on the basis of dialectical and historical materialism was conducted through bibliographic research, documentary and empirical. It is organized into four sections, which deal sequentially on: the historical trajectory of the actions of technical assistance and rural extension, the PNATER today and the challenges of its implementation; attention to the social job as urgent, and the role of Social Work while ATER technical. Indicates the necessity of overcoming the limits of the policy, among whom are the technological and developmentalist approach, the necessary visibility of the social context in the execution of the same, and the possibilities of acting of the social worker as agent of ATER