351 research outputs found

    Colorado wildlife action plan enhancement: climate change vulnerability assessment

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    December 2014.Includes bibliographical references (pages 128-129).During the revision of Colorado's current SWAP, the Colorado Natural Heritage Program (CNHP), Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW), North Central Climate Science Center and U.S. Geological Service Fort Collins Research Center collaborated to produce climate change vulnerability assessments for high priority wildlife habitats in the state. Our objectives were to: 1. Evaluate exposure and sensitivity of priority habitats by identifying the degree of climate change expected between current and future conditions for climate factors believed to influence the distribution of the habitat. 2. Evaluate adaptive capacity of each habitat by assessing factors that affect the resilience of the habitat to change in landscape condition, invasive or problematic native species presence, dynamic process alteration between past and current conditions, and the characteristic bioclimatic envelope of the habitat. 3. Produce summary vulnerability ratings for priority habitats

    Role of NOX2 and DUOX2 in the antiviral airway responses

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    Les voies respiratoires sont exposĂ©es Ă  une panoplie de pathogĂšnes. Lors d’une infection virale respiratoire les cellules qui recouvrent ces voies participent activement Ă  la dĂ©fense immunitaire contre ces derniers en limitant la propagation du virus et en engendrant une rĂ©ponse proinflammatoire. Un Ă©vĂšnement clef dans ces processus est l’activation des facteurs de transcription, notamment le « Nuclear Factor » (NF)-ÎșB et l’« Interferon Regulatory Factor -3 » (IRF-3), qui rĂ©gulent l’expression des cytokines antivirales et proinflammatoires. Des donnĂ©es rĂ©centes dĂ©montrent que les dĂ©rivĂ©s actifs de l’oxygĂšne (ROS), produits suite Ă  une infection virale, ont la capacitĂ© de rĂ©guler les voies de signalisation enclenchĂ©es par NF-ÎșB et IRF-3. Une source importante de ROS est la famille de NADPH oxydases (NOX), qui contient les membres NOX1-5 et DUOX1 et 2. L’objectif de notre Ă©tude Ă©tait d’identifier la NOX qui rĂ©gule les mĂ©canismes antiviraux et proinflammatoires suite Ă  l’infection avec le virus respiratoire syncytial (RSV), qui cause des complications respiratoires majeures, et le virus Sendai (SeV), un modĂšle viral non-pathogĂšne. Nos travaux ont permis d’identifier que NOX2 est une molĂ©cule clef dans la rĂ©ponse proinflammatoire suite Ă  l’infection virale. Plus spĂ©cifiquement, NOX2 est important pour l’activation de NF-ÎșB et la sĂ©crĂ©tion des cytokines rĂ©gulĂ©es par ce dernier. De plus, nous avons observĂ© une forte augmentation de la prĂ©sence de DUOX2 dans les cellules de voies respiratoires humaines infectĂ©es par SeV. Une Ă©tude plus approfondie nous a permis de caractĂ©riser qu’une synergie entre deux cytokines secrĂ©tĂ©es lors de l’infection, soit l’interfĂ©ron (IFN)ÎČ et le TNFα est responsable de l’induction de DUOX2. Nous avons aussi dĂ©couvert que DUOX2 confĂšre une activitĂ© antivirale et est nĂ©cessaire pour maintenir les taux des cytokines antivirales tardives IFNÎČ et IFNλ. Lors d’une infection avec RSV, l’induction de DUOX2 n’est pas dĂ©tectable. Nous avons mis en Ă©vidence que RSV interfĂšre avec l’expression de DUOX2 ce qui pourrait suggĂ©rer sa pathogĂ©nicitĂ©. En conclusion, nos travaux dĂ©montrent pour la premiĂšre fois une implication spĂ©cifique des NADPH oxydase NOX2 et DUOX suite aux infections virales respiratoires.The mucosal linings of the airways are constantly exposed to an array of microbial pathogens. During the course of respiratory viral infection, Airway epithelial cells (AEC) actively participate in the innate antiviral immune response by limiting the spread of respiratory viruses and by fostering a proinflammatory environment that attracts and activates players of the immune system. A key step in the establishment of the antiviral and proinflammatory state is the activation of Transcription Factors (TFs), such as Nuclear Factor (NF)-ÎșB and Interferon Regulatory Factor 3 (IRF-3), which regulate the expression of antiviral and proinflammatory cytokines. For the efficient functioning of these events, the signaling pathways involved underlie strict regulatory mechanisms. Recent data suggest that Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), which are produced upon viral infection, are able to regulate these intracellular signaling pathways. One important source of ROS is the NADPH oxidase (NOX) family of enzymes, which is composed of NOX1-5 and Dual Oxidase (DUOX) 1 and DUOX2. The aim of our study was to identify the NADPH oxidase(s) that regulate(s) antiviral and proinflammatory mechanisms following infection of AEC with Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), which causes major human lower respiratory tract complications, and Sendai virus (SeV), a non pathogenic virus. During the course of our studies we identified that NOX2 is a key molecule in the early proinflammatory response to RSV and SeV infection. We demonstrate that NOX2 is necessary for the activation of NF-ÎșB. Consequently, NOX2 impacts on the proinflammatory cytokine secretion upon AEC infection. Further, we observed that expression of the ROS-generating NADPH oxidase DUOX2 is strongly increased following infection of AEC with SeV. We identified that DUOX2 induction requires the synergistic stimulation by IFNÎČ and TNFα. Importantly, DUOX2 exhibited ROS-dependent antiviral action. We identified that DUOX2 was necessary for sustaining the levels of late antiviral cytokines IFNÎČ and IFNλ. When AEC were infected with RSV, DUOX2 expression was barely detectable. Our data reveal that RSV has developed an evasion mechanism to counteract DUOX2 induction likely contributing to RSV pathogenicity. In conclusion, our work demonstrates for the first time the specific implication of NOX2 and DUOX2 in the antiviral and proinflammatory response to respiratory virus infection

    Der freundliche Zeus in den Hymnen der Stoiker Kleanthes von Assos und Arathos aus Soloi

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    Von der so genannten 'Areopagrede' in der Apostelgeschichte der Heiligen Schrift ausgehend, in der hellenistische Philosophen auf ihr GottesverstĂ€dnis angesprochen werden, habe ich mich mit den beiden Stoikern befasst, die an dieser Stelle zitiert werden: Kleanthes von Assos und Aratos aus Soloi. Beide sind SchĂŒler des ZENON, GrĂŒnders der Stoa, und haben jeweils einen Zeushymnus verfasst, der – im Unterschied zu den anderen Werken dieser frĂŒhen Zeit der stoischen Schule, zur GĂ€nze erhalten sind. Da die Hymnen in altgriechischer Sprache geschrieben sind, war es mir ein großes Anliegen und besteht ein nicht unbetrĂ€chtlicher Teil dieser Arbeit darin, diese bis in die bewusst gewĂ€hlte Setzung von Satzzeichen, in Bezug auf Stil, Aufbau und Gliederung aufzubereiten und mit den beiden Denkern, indem ich sie beim Wort nehme, dabei in ein GesprĂ€ch zu kommen, ĂŒber das, was sie zum Ausdruck bringen wollen und in welcher Beziehung sie zu ihrer Gottheit stehen. Dabei stellt sich heraus, dass sie zu sehr Ă€hnlichen Aussagen kommen: Zeus erscheint als freundlich, wohlgesonnen, hat die Welt geordnet, in einer Weise die gut fĂŒr die Menschen ist, sofern und inwieweit sie sich in diese Ordnung fĂŒgen, die durch ihre Anteilhabe am Logos erkennen können. Der menschliche Freiraum, dem auch nicht Folge zu leisten, scheint gewahrt, allerdings schaden sich die Menschen so selbst und haben nicht das 'wahre Leben'. Pantheismus, also, dass alles was ist, nur ein Moment an der Gottheit selber wĂ€re und so etwas wie die oft genannte 'freudlose Pflicht' lĂ€sst sich zumindest in diesen Texten nicht finden

    The Adsorption of Small Molecules on the Copper Paddle-Wheel: Influence of the Multi-Reference Ground State

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    We report a theoretical study of the adsorption of a set of small molecules (C2_{2}H2_{2}, CO, CO2_{2}, O2_{2}, H2_{2}O, CH3_{3}OH, C2_{2}H5_{5}OH) on the metal centers of the “copper paddle-wheel”—a key structural motif of many MOFs. A systematic comparison between DFT of different rungs, single-reference post-HF methods (MP2_{2}, SOS–MP2_{2}, MP3_{3}, DLPNO–CCSD(T)), and multi-reference approaches (CASSCF, DCD–CAS(2), NEVPT2) is performed in order to find a methodology that correctly describes the complicated electronic structure of paddle-wheel structure together with a reasonable description of non-covalent interactions. Apart from comparison with literature data (experimental values wherever possible), benchmark calculations with DLPNO–MR–CCSD were also performed. Despite tested methods show qualitative agreement in the majority of cases, we showed and discussed reasons for quantitative differences as well as more fundamental problems of specific case

    Pt nanoparticles under oxidizing conditions – implications of particle size, adsorption sites and oxygen coverage on stability

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    Platinum nanoparticles are efficient catalysts for different reactions, such as oxidation of carbon and nitrogen monoxides. Adsorption and interaction of oxygen with the nanoparticle surface, taking place under reaction conditions, determine not only the catalytic efficiency but also the stability of the nanoparticles against oxidation. In this study, platinum nanoparticles in oxygen environment are investigated by systematic screening of initial nanoparticle–oxygen configurations and employing density functional theory and a thermodynamics-based approach. The structures formed at low oxygen coverages are described by adsorption of atomic oxygen on the nanoparticles whereas at high coverages oxide-like species are formed. The relative stability of adsorption configurations at different oxygen coverages, including the phase of fully oxidized nanoparticles, is investigated by constructing p–T phase diagrams for the studied systems

    A fascinating multifaceted redox-active chelating ligand: introducing the N,Nâ€Č-dimethyl-3,3â€Č-biquinoxalinium “methylbiquinoxen” platform

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    To intimately combine a chelating ligand function with the numerous properties of a viologen-like redox-active centre would offer a rare possibility to design controllable multi-redox states, whose properties arise from strongly correlated phenomena between the organic ligand as well as with any metalloid coordinated centres. Such a concept previously proved to be feasible, however is not widely applicable owing to challenges in terms of synthesis, isolation, and aerial sensitivity of both the ligand and its metal complexes. Here we report the first stable example of such a redox-active molecule, N,Nâ€Č-dimethyl-3,3â€Č-biquinoxalinium2+/˙+/0 “methylbiquinoxen, MBqn2+/˙+/0”, which shows a rich redox chemistry and chelates a metal ion in the case of the metal complex [CdCl2(MBqn0)]. This goes beyond what is possible to achieve using viologens, which are limited by not providing chelation as well as having no accessible biradicaloid state, corresponding to the neutral direduced MBqn0 open-shell behaviour we observe here

    Restoration prioritization of the Cache La Poudre Watershed

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    Prepared for: Laura Jane Musser Fund, Environmental Initiative.December 2014.The largest and most destructive fire in the history of Larimer County, the High Park Fire, burned 87,200 acres within the Cache la Poudre watershed with aftereffects including increased flooding, significant erosion, and increased threats to many natural and cultural resources. The natural resources which have been impacted, and will continue to be threatened, include: water used for municipal, domestic, hydropower, and agricultural supply; soil productivity across the forested region; critical habitat for federally listed threated or endangered species; and native plant communities on lands where invasive and noxious species are absent. Currently, restoration work has been completed ad hoc in areas that may not maximize the benefit for the larger public. A comprehensive planning effort was needed to combine stakeholder interests and scientific knowledge to prioritize and maximize future restoration efforts on these publicly owned lands. Our goal was to bring together expert stakeholders to identify the risks and values at risk within the watershed. While this was originally viewed as an activity that would focus solely on the burn area, initial feedback we received suggested we adapt the research to include not only the recently burned area, but the entire watershed, and beyond that, the entire county. As Larimer County had significant interest in our process and provided input to the final model, and to make the results as widely applicable as possible, we decided to use the Larimer County boundary as our research extent. This would allow for the prioritization of restoration activities within the burned area, but also prioritize areas in the Cache la Poudre Watershed and the adjacent Big Thompson Watershed (which was significantly degraded by intense flooding in September 2013). We also adapted the research to include other risks and factors that were not initially included in the post-fire analysis. To accomplish our goal of prioritizing areas across the landscape for restoration activities to reduce risk and increase ecological health, we invited expert stakeholders from local municipalities, the state and federal government, and academic researchers to a workshop for them to provide feedback on risks and values at risk within the watershed

    Modeling fish habitat response to support climate adaptation strategies

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    Prepared for: Colorado Bureau of Land Management.Authors taken from website.Includes bibliographical references

    Adaptation in the face of environmental change: supporting information for BLM planning in Colorado

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    Prepared for: Colorado Bureau of Land Management.Includes report "Modeling fish habitat response to support climate adaptation strategies."July 2019.Includes bibliographical references

    Development and Application of a Complete Active Space Spin‐Orbit Configuration Interaction Program Designed for Single Molecule Magnets

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    We present a spin-orbit configuration interaction program which has been tailored for the description of the magnetic properties of polynuclear metal complexes with partially filled d- and f-shells. The spin-orbit operators are directly included in the configuration interaction program based on Slater-determinants. The lowest states are obtained by a Block-Davidson-type diagonalisation. The usage of localised active orbitals enables the construction of start vectors from tensor products of single-center wave functions that already include spin-orbit interaction. This allows for an analysis of the role and the interplay of the different metal centres. Furthermore, in case of weak coupling of the metal centres these tensor products are already close to the final wave functions ensuring fast convergence. In combination with a two-layer hybrid parallelisation, this makes the program highly efficient. Based on the spin-orbit coupled wave functions, magnetic D-tensors, g-tensors and temperature-dependent susceptibilities can be calculated. The applicability and performance of the program is shown exemplarily on a trinuclear transition metal (CoII^{II}VII^{II}CoII^{II}) complex
