370 research outputs found


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    This paper seeks to describe the dichotomic-paradoxical perspectives surrounding Islamic religious education. On the one hand, the character of Islamic religious education has a normative textual perspective which has implications for the realization of an autistic Islam that gave birth to radicalism. On the other hand, historical contextual perspectives that emphasize religious dialectics with local cultures with the implications of respecting plurality and are highly anti-relying on authenticity. This paper itself suggests the need for maturity, maturity, attitude of responsibility and awareness in determining the choice of each of the two

    Historiografi kisah gharaniq: studi kehujjahan hadis dalam kitab Musnad al-Bazzar nomer indeks 5096

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    Gharaniq adalah sebutan bagi tuhan-tuhan kaum Musrik di Arab, yaitu Al-Lata, Manat dan ‘Uzza. Dan Rasulullah SAW pernah memuji tuhan-tuhan kaum Musyrik Arab di sela-sela pembacaan Surah al-Najm ayat 19-20. Polemik adanya hadis gharaniq sangat kentara di antara ulama, bahkan sebagian ulama berpendapat hadis gharaniq sulit untuk diterima sebagai realita dalam proses penympaian wahyu yang dilakukan oleh Rasulullah SAW. Berbeda dengan ulama yang mendukung dan menerima hadis gharaniq sesuai dengan teori keilmuan hadis dan dengan berbagai macam takwilnya pada aspek pemahaman. Dengan demikian penulis berusaha menggali hadis ghararaq dari sisi kehujjahannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yang bersifat kualitatif, dan sumber datanya berasal dari pustaka (library recsearch) mengenai hadis gharaniq yang fokus pada penelurusan dan penkajian hadis Nabi SAW. Dan fokus penelitiannya tentang bagaimana kualitas, kehujjahan dan historiografi kisah gharaniq menurut hadis Musnad al-Bazzar nomer indeks 5096. Sehingga data yang dikumpulkan menggunakan metode takhrij, i’tibar, kritik sanad dan matan serta teori historigrafi. Penelitian ini memdapatkan kesimpulan akhir bahwa hadis gharaniq termasuk hadis mardud (ditolak), tidak dapat dijadikan hujjah sebab hadisnya termasuk hadis shadh dan merupakan hadis fard al-mut}laq, dari berbandingan hasil takhrij dan hadis yang setema, matannya saling bertentangan satu dengan yang lainnya. Dengan melihat sejarah, hadis gharaniq tidak benar-benar terjadi dalam peristiwa pewahyuan, diperkuat dengan hadis sahih lain yang tidak menyebutkan peristiwa tersebut

    Population, Social Organization And Behaviors Of Macaca Fascicularis In Penang Botanical Gardens Penang, Malaysia

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    The population, social organization, general behaviours and mating behaviours of the species Macaca fascicularis have not been studied extensively previously in Penang, Malaysia. Thus this study was conducted on 1134 animals in 2007 in the Penang Botanical Gardens to consolidate these parameters. The major focus of the work was on the daily activity budgets, in terms of scan and focal sampling during all the months in the study, Of the daily activity budget, moving (15%) was found out to be the most frequent activity


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    Abstract:   Hadîts both of as basic of Islam law, in the implementation be sure as basic in daily life, that it will appear many dialectics between Hadîts with a local tradition and culture what have been present in the society, even it has been strong roof in the society. Because of that, in this discussion, it will discuss about the function of hadîts in acomodation various of tradition in society, in order to appropriate theory of Islam. The problems what becom main study in this working paper, that is: the first, what are the forms of interaction hadîts in context with tradition in society. Second, context pattern what can connected between both of them. In order to, in acomodation process or Hadîts aculturation into locak tradition in society don’t make trouble what more become wide and dangerous. Until development local culture-tradition what in the society we able to build agree with theory of Islam. Some concept what can be solution, when we want to development Islamic studies especially in Indonesia. That aculturation process between Hadîts and tradition culture what have been development in society become harmonie one of unity, with apply four context system, that is islamization, pribumization, negotiation, and tolerance. And the last will formed a construction process and aculturation of local traditions what is not appropriate with theory of Islam become a tradition Islamic.   Key Words: Hadîts, tradisi, Islamisasi, pribumisasi, negosiasi, dan toleransi

    Islam Nusantara: Islam Khas dan Akomodatif terhadap Budaya Lokal

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    This article is mainly to analyse background of the emerging of an Islamic thought, that is, friendly Indonesian model.  This study has been conducted in order to address the spread of Islamic literalist-puritans-literalist-trans-nationalist massively and fiercely against local traditions. In this study, we look at the emerging a new Indonesian model of Islam, that is, the so called “Islam Nusantaraâ€. The Islam Nusantara is believed basically rooted from Indonesians’ tradition and has already grown in the early age of Islam in this country which was introduced by the Walisongo (the nine priests). Hence, Islam Nusantara should not be seen in suspicious perspective since it has been basically familiar with cultures and characters of Indonesian nation, which are moderate and tolerant ones. Moreover, it figures out the role of Pesantren institutions, and organisations such as NU and Muhammadiyah with their various characteristics, strength and weakness, are the pioneer of Islam Nusantara heritage and cultures

    Quaternary thiazolium compounds related to aneurine

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    The major part of this thesis is based on four papers to which the author has contributed, viz. : -1. Uber Aneurin, II. Mitteil.: Uber die Synthese von N- Aryl -thiazoliumsalzen; über Einzelheiten in der Konstitution des Aneurins und Thiochromes. A.R. Todd, F. Bergel und Karimullah. (Ber. 1936, 69, 217)2. 5-Thioformamidopyrimidines. A.R.Todd, F. Bergel and Karimullah. (J. 1936, 1557)3. Thioformylation of Amines. A.R.Todd, F. Bergel, Karimullah and R. Keller. (J. 1937, in press)4. Some substituted phenyl and benzyl thiazolium salts. Karimullah. (Submitted to the British Chemical Society in March 1937)


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    Abstrak: Tulisan ini hendak menjawab dua pertanyaan utama, yaitu: bagaimana perilaku ekonomi masyarakat Desa Bulay Kecamatan Galis Kabupaten Pamekasan pasca panen tembakau dalam menunjang pencapaian kesejahteraan? Faktor apa saja yang memengaruhi perilaku ekonomi masyarakat Desa Bulay Kecamatan Galis Kabupaten Pamekasan pasca panen tembakau dalam menunjang pencapaian kesejahteraan? Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, tulisan ini menegaskan bahwa peri-laku ekonomi masyarakat petani tembakau di Desa Bulay Kecamatan Galis Kabupaten Pamekasan berbeda-beda, sesuai dengan usia, latar pendidikan, pekerjaan sampingan, dan pengalaman bertaninya. Abstract: This article aims to answer two major questions---firstly, how is the economic attitude of Bulay villagers-Galis sub-residence-Pamekasan residence, post tobacco harvest, supporting prosperity achievement? Secondly, what are the factors influencing economic attitude of Bulay villagers-Galis sub-residence-Pamekasan residence, post tobacco harvest, supporting prosperity achievement? The study employs quantitative approach and results a confirmation that the villagers’ economic attitudes are varied. They are categorized on the basis of age, education set, side-jobs, and agricultural experience. Kata kunci: Petani, tembakau, Madura

    Islam Nusantara: Islam Khas dan Akomodatif terhadap Budaya Lokal

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    This article is mainly to analyse background of the emerging of an Islamic thought, that is, friendly Indonesian model.  This study has been conducted in order to address the spread of Islamic literalist-puritans-literalist-trans-nationalist massively and fiercely against local traditions. In this study, we look at the emerging a new Indonesian model of Islam, that is, the so called “Islam Nusantaraâ€. The Islam Nusantara is believed basically rooted from Indonesians’ tradition and has already grown in the early age of Islam in this country which was introduced by the Walisongo (the nine priests). Hence, Islam Nusantara should not be seen in suspicious perspective since it has been basically familiar with cultures and characters of Indonesian nation, which are moderate and tolerant ones. Moreover, it figures out the role of Pesantren institutions, and organisations such as NU and Muhammadiyah with their various characteristics, strength and weakness, are the pioneer of Islam Nusantara heritage and cultures.Tulisan ini mencoba menganalisa latar belakang munculnya paham keagamaan Islam yang ramah khas Indonesia. Hal ini dilakukan ditengah suasana semakin massifnya penyebaran Islam literalis-puritanis skriptural-transnasionalis yang garang terhadap tradisi lokal. Dideskripsikan betapa paham yang kemudian dikenal dengan “Islam Nusantara†adalah sesuatu yang memang berakar kuat dalam tradisi bangsa Indonesia, dan sudah dikembangkan sejak masa paling dini Islam di Nusantara oleh Walisongo, sehingga Islam Nusantara tidak perlu dipandang dengan kacamata curiga karena ia telah familiar dengan budaya dan karakter bangsa Indonesia sendiri yang  cenderung berwatak moderat dan toleran. Dideskripsikan pula peran pesantren, NU dan Muhammadiyah dengan berbagai kelebihan dan kekurangannya sebagai jangkar pewarisan kebudayaan Islam Nusantara


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    Ikan adalah salah satu hasil komoditi yang sangat potensial, karena keberadaannya sebagai bahan pangan dapat diterima oleh berbagai lapisan masyarakat. Dengan semakin berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi maka penerapan teknologi yang terkini telah merambah pada budidaya ikan. Pengembangbiakan ikan secara tradisional akan semakin kurang diminati dan akan beralih kepada sentuhan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi.Kemajuan teknologi sangat berpengaruh dalam dunia perikanan, untuk meningkatkan jumlah produksi produk perikanan khususnya pada budidaya laut sangat mempengaruhi penerapan teknologi berbasis ilmu pengetahuan demi tercapainya suatu tujuan budidaya laut. Manfaat yang di dapat dari penulisan tugas akhir ini, bagaimana pemeliharaan ikan pada budidaya laut yang berbasis ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dapat diterapkan untuk diri sendiri maupun disebarluaskan untuk masyarakat yang belum mengetahui cara budidaya ikan dengan sentuhan teknologi untuk mendapatkan produksi ikan yang lebih menguntungkan.Kata kunci : Teknologi, Budidaya Laut, Ika