420 research outputs found


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    In this article, all stages on the life cycle of automobile tires and technical ISO standards are used to assess. One of the life cycle of the use of tires, this time allocated to chemical and mechanical connections. Developing countries account the amount of tires in the press and processing methods, as well as used tires on the environment and human health impact of information


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    Central Asia experienced major socio-economic shocks during the 1990s, which has increased food insecurity, malnutrition, and poverty. In response, Central Asia has adopted food self-sufficiency policies. This paper argues that regional and international trade can improve food security if implemented properly. However, a new constraint on food trade has arisen — food safety. Using food commodity data and analysis from Trade Map, this paper analyzes Central Asia’s intra-region food security policies. Evidence shows that food safety practices will affect internal food trade in Central Asia. Finally, a framework for creating a single food market is proposed.Central Asia experienced major socio-economic shocks during the 1990s, which has increased food insecurity, malnutrition, and poverty. In response, Central Asia has adopted food self-sufficiency policies. This paper argues that regional and international trade can improve food security if implemented properly. However, a new constraint on food trade has arisen — food safety. Using food commodity data and analysis from Trade Map, this paper analyzes Central Asia’s intra-region food security policies. Evidence shows that food safety practices will affect internal food trade in Central Asia. Finally, a framework for creating a single food market is proposed

    Theileria Annulate Mildly Virulent Strain Isolation For Creation of an Anti-Theileria Vaccine

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    It is established thitithet takes place the wide circulation of horned cattle teileriosis in the areas of Samarkand, Navoi, Djisak regions. Which differ with its environmental conditions? At the same taim there is distingulcheda a lowvirulentbstrain from the jf Samarkand region, which is sultable for manufacturing vacsinis against theileriosis

    Evolution of communicative competence in adolescents growing up in orphanages

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    © 2015 by iSER, International Society of Educational Research. The article describes features of the communicative competence evolution in adolescents growing up in orphanages. The specificity is revealed and definition is given to key concept of the research, namely "communicative competence". Authors emphasize and demonstrate the evaluation peculiarities of the adolescents, growing up in orphanages. The paper deals with the evolution forms and methods of communicative competence in adolescents, growing up in orphanages. Additionally, the article presents the results of experimental work on the evolution of communicative competence in such adolescents. The study proved the effectiveness of the "Effective Communication" program on the evolution of communicative competence in adolescents growing up in orphanages

    Teenage students’ Tolerance formation

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    © 2016 Parfilova and Karimova.The relevance of the chosen topic is determined by the fact that unfortunately tolerance does not appear as the goal set of upbringing of teenagers in secondary school environment. Despite the fact that teachers are aware of the importance of tolerance, they do not perform focused actions on formation and development of tolerance in teenage school children. The purpose of the research was to study and diagnose tolerance in children of secondary school age, as well as to develop and implement programs aimed at the formation of tolerance in adolescents. In compliance with the goal, the following methods have been selected: theoretical (study and analysis of psycho-pedagogical and methodological literature on the study, comparison, generalization), empirical (ascertaining, forming, and control experiment), diagnostic techniques “Properties of a tolerant person”, “Tolerant personality traits”, “Methods of tolerant behavior diagnosis”. These methods allowed diagnosing increasing knowledge about tolerance and awareness of tolerant behavior in adolescents. The experiment involved 50 teenagers of Kazan Aviation Physics and Mathematics Lyceum №145. There was used the complex of diagnostic techniques for tolerance determination: “Properties of a tolerant person”. “Tolerant personality traits”, “Methods of tolerant behavior diagnosis”. On the basis of the results of ascertaining experiment there was developed the program containing forms and methods of personal tolerance formation in teenage students. Statistical analysis of empirical research was carried out by means of standard techniques of mathematical statistics (Student’s t-test, Wilcoxon matched pairs test, G signed rank test, Pearson correlation coefficient). The research paper provides practical value for psychologists, supervisors and deputy directors for educational work in schools. It should be noted that collected and evaluated data can be applied to adolescents in education process in general education institutions

    Study of university students’ social competence development

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    © 2015 by the authors. The aim of the study was to investigate and diagnose university students’ social competence, as well as to develop and implement the program, containing a variety of forms and methods of formation of university students’ social competence. For this purpose, there was carried out the experiment, which involved 150 students of Kazan Federal University. The experiment applied complex diagnostic techniques to identify the level of social intelligence, empathic abilities, conflict-resolution strategies. On the basis of the results of stating experiment there was developed a program containing forms and methods of university students’ social competence formation. Statistical analysis of empirical research was done by means of standardized testing assessment in mathematical statistics (Student’s t-test)

    Adolescents` demonstrative behavior research

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    © Author(s).The problem of demonstrative behavior is very topical among teenagers and this issue has become the subject of systematic scientific research. Demonstrative manifestations in adolescents disrupt the favorable socialization; therefore, understanding, prevention and correction of demonstrative behavior at this age is relevant and requires special attention. The purpose of the research is to examine and diagnose demonstrative behavior in adolescents (college students), as well as to develop and implement the program aimed at preventing demonstrative manifestations in adolescents. The experiment involved 90 first-year students of the Kazan College of Humanities and Social Sciences. The leading method in the study of this problem was the diagnostic testing that helped to reveal the level of demonstrativeness and personal accentuation of teenagers. The following diagnostic tools were applied: H. Schmieschek’s personality accentuation test (Schmieschek Fragebogen) designed to diagnose the type of personality accentuation; test on demonstrativeness. On the basis of the results of the ascertaining experiment, the program containing a variety of forms and methods of preventing demonstrative manifestations in adolescents was developed. Statistical analysis of empirical research was carried out by means of standard techniques of mathematical statistics (Student’s t-test). The given program has practical value to educators, psychologists and classroom teachers of secondary schools in the organization of the educational process

    Мүгедектігі бар адамдардың әлеуметтік-педагогикалық қолдау

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    This article deals with the problem of socio-pedagogical support for children with disabilities and to assist them in adaptation and rehabilitation in society. The study revealed different approaches of social and pedagogical support for children with intellectual disabilities, raised the problem of developing an individual program of remedial work with children with disabilities, actual problems of inclusive education and gave a detailed description of children with disabilities in health. The article focuses on the need to prepare future teachers to work with children of the above categories. Based on the training of teachers for inclusive education is being promoted Pedagogical University, directed on the development of a ready capacity to correctional and pedagogical activity in the conditions of schoolsБұл мақала мүмкіндігі шектеулі балаларға арналған әлеуметтік-педагогикалық қолдау мәселесімен айналысады және қоғамда бейімдеу және оңалту, оларға кӛмектесу үшін. Зерттеу, интеллектуалды дамуларында бұзылулары бар балаларға арналған әлеуметтік-педагогикалық қолдау түрлі кӛзқарастар анықталды, инклюзивті білім берудің ӛзекті мәселелерін мүмкіндігі шектеулі балалармен түзету жұмыстарын жеке бағдарламасын әзірлеу мәселесін кӛтерді және денсаулық мүмкіндігі шектеулі балаларға егжей-тегжейлі сипаттама берді. Мақала аталған санаттағы балалармен жұмыс болашақ мұғалімдерді дайындау қажеттілігі баса назар аударады. инклюзивті білім беру үшін мұғалімдерді даярлау негізінде педагогикалық университеті, мектеп жағдайында түзеу дайын сыйымдылығы және педагогикалық қызметін дамыту жӛніндегі na¬pravlennaya ықпал жатырВ данной статье рассматривается проблема социально-педагогического сопровождения детей с ограниченными возможностями и оказание им помощи в адаптации и реабилитации в социуме. В исследовании раскрываются различные подходы социально-педагогического сопровождения детей с нарушениями интеллекта, поднимается проблема разработки индивидуальной программы коррекционной работы с детьми с ограниченными возможностями, актуальные проблемы инклюзивного образования, а также дана подробная характеристика детей с отклонениями в здоровье. В статье акцентируется внимание на необходимости подготовки будущих педагогов к работе с вышеназванной категорией детей. На базе Педагогического университета активно внедряется профессиональная подготовка педагогов для инклюзивного образования, направленная на развитие готовности осуществлять коррекционно-педагогическую деятельность в условиях общеобразовательных шко

    The development of children with disabilities by means of folk plays

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    © 2015, Review of European Studies. All right reserved. Every child with disabilities is unique both according to the state and the rate of development, therefore early correctional help is a means aimed to form those skills and abilities which the child is ready to perceive at the time; the help should be individualized as much as possible. Thus it is necessary to provide maximum opportunities for the child’s development. Purposeful, laborious and patient work is required. Teachers should have a clear idea of how and what to teach the child, how to treat the child’s behavior and difficulties during lessons, how to consider the child’s abilities, to smooth the peculiarities of the child’s state caused by disease. The article deals with the relevance of the problem, using play therapy with children with disabilities in psychological, educational, social and philosophical literature, the study of the problem in Russia, research methodology and experimental study on the issue. The results of pedagogical experiment allow to come to the conclusion about the effectiveness of the developed program which consist of different folk plays

    Scaling up business plans in Tajikistan: a qualitative study of the history, barriers, facilitators and lessons learnt

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    BACKGROUND: To improve health planning at primary health care (PHC) level, Business Plans were introduced in Tajikistan by the Enhancing Primary Health Care (EPHC) Services Project. OBJECTIVE: To describe the history and process of implementation of Business Plans and to identify barriers, facilitators and lessons learnt from scaling up Business Plans. METHODS: Set in a qualitative research design, we conducted a desk review of project and official documents and seventeen semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders at national and sub-national levels between May and July 2020. We used an interview guide informed by the ExpandNet/WHO framework and analyzed the data following a content analysis approach facilitated by MAXQDA. RESULTS: With the participation of various user organizations and resource teams and through a variety of strategic scale-up choices, Business Plans have been scaled up from a vertical pilot project to institutionalized health management tools covering 45% of Tajikistan's PHC facilities. The most prominent facilitators for scaling up Business Plans were the institutionalization and integration of the tool into the Tajik health system, the close collaboration with Community Health Teams (CHTs), the high acceptance of the tool among the users, the advocacy through champions and policy-makers and the large dissemination network. The most outstanding barriers to scaling up Business Plans were insufficient financial or human resources, general weaknesses in health governance, the lack of a strategic scale-up plan and strategic decisions, the lack of motivation or overall vision to implement Business Plans at a large scale and difficulties in donor coordination. CONCLUSION: To ensure the continuity of scaling up Business Plans, developing a scale-up strategy, strengthening cross-sectoral collaboration and participation during scaling up, and capacitating the user organizations of Business Plans are important next steps to ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of Business Plans in the future