11 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Komposisi Media Tanam dan Pupuk N terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Kailan (Brassica oleraceae L.)

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    Permintaan hasil tanaman kailan yang semakin meningkat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen, baik dalam segi kualitas maupun kuantitas perlu dilakukan peningkatan produksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari interaksi antara komposisi media tanam dan pupuk nitrogen pada pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kailan. Penelitian dilaksanakan di screenhouse Kampus 1 Sekolah Tinggi Penyuluhan Pertanian (STPP), Lawang, Jawa Timur. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) yang terdiri dari 2 faktor. Faktor pertama adalah komposisi media tanam yang terdiri atas 3 taraf, yaitu M1= tanah, M2= tanah+arang sekam (1:1), M3= tanah+cocopeat (1:1). Faktor kedua adalah pupuk N yang terdiri atas 3 taraf, yaitu P1= 50 kg N/Ha, P2= 100 kg N/Ha, P3=150 kg N/Ha.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya interaksi antara perlakuan komposisi media tanam dan pupuk N pada parameter jumlah daun umur 36 hst. Perlakuan komposisi media tanam berpengaruh nyata tehadap parameter tinggi tanaman umur 22 hst dan luas daun 15 hst. Sedangkan pemberian pupuk N berpengaruh nyata pada peningkatan tinggi tanaman pada umur pengamatan 15, 29 dan 36 hst, jumlah daun pada umur 22 dan 29 hst, luas daun pada umur 22 hst, indeks klorofil pada umur 15 dan  42 hst, panjang akar pada saat panen terhadap tanaman kailan

    Pengaruh kepemilikan manajerial, kepemilikan institusional, dan kepemilikan asing terhadap pengungkapan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan

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    This study aimed to examine the effect of managerial ownership, institutional ownership, and foreign ownership toward CSR disclosure in annual reports with the type of industry, profitability, and leverage as a control variable. The population of this study included all public companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange of 2009-2011. The sample was obtained using purposive sampling technique. It comprised 32 public companies. The data analysis was conducted by making use of multiple linear regression method. The results showed that managerial ownership significantly influenced CSR disclosure on publicly traded companies listed in the Stock Exchange of 2009-2011, so H1 is accepted. While, institutional ownership and foreign ownership had no significant effect on the disclosure of CSR in the going public companies listed in the Stock Exchange of 2010-2012, so H2 and H3 are not accepted


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    This study aims to investigate the use of interactional modifications proposed by Long (1982) by two English teachers and language learning opportunities obtained. The study found out the distribution and the form of interactional modification in two different levels of English proficiency, elementary and pre-intermediate. To answer the research questions, case study was adopted. The main data were six transcribed classroom interactions of six sessions with audio-video recording. From the analysis, it was found that elementary teacher modified more interactions compared to pre-intermediate teacher due to less capability of lower student to comprehend the information delivered. The form of interactional modification used was other-repetition strategy, where both of the teachers repeated student`s utterances frequently in order to clarify, confirm, or emphasize the initial utterances. Besides, the occurrences of interactional modifications were considered to be determined by several factors, such as student`s level of proficiency, material delivered, and teacher`s knowledge. As for the question of language learning opportunities, the findings revealed by modifying the interactions there were gap noticing where the teacher noticed the mistakes of student`s language used by bringing that gap into awareness. Besides, modified interactions also gave the student the chance for meaning negotiation where the understanding of information was obtained through resolving the communication breakdown in the classroom. Therefore, it is paramount for teachers to acknowledge, believe, and aware that modified interaction is important not only to provide comprehensible input but also to make student comprehend the information and are triggered to be able to participate in the conversations


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    Background : Zingiber americans is a well known advantagous herbal, containing atsiri oil that may be antibacterial. The purpose of this study was to know chromatogram profile and antibacterial activity of zingiber americans Bl for Escherichia coli in vitro. Method : This study were descriptive study and experimental study using the “post test only control group design”. In descriptive study, the sample was extract of Zingiber americans Bl and the sample of experimental study was E.coli with standard strain ATCC 25922. The method used was thin layer chromatography on which the extract were put a drop on chromatograph plate then the chromatograph plate was put in close erlemeyer with developing liquid and antibacterial activity test uses dilution method, these were divided into 5 test groups with concentrations 100% v/v, 50% v/v, 25% v/v, 12,5% v/v, 6,25% v/v and 4 control groups were positive control, negative control, sample control, and control PG5%. Result : The results of analysis using thin layer chromatography was found 6 spots. The result of antibacterial activiyty, Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) significant from the concentration 25% v/v (p=0,001) and Minimum Baktericidal Concentration (MBC) significant from the concentration 50% v/v (p=0,021). Conclusions : The results of antibacterial activity test were bacteriostatic and bacterisidal for E.coli. MIC for E.coli was 25 % v/v. MBC for E.coli was 50% v/v. Keywords : Zingiber americans Bl, Escherichia coli, antibacterial activity, MIC (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration), MBC (Minimum Bactericidal Concentration)

    Pengaruh Komposisi Media Tanam Dan Pupuk N Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Kailan (Brassica Oleraceae L.)

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    Kailan (Brassica oleraceae L.) adalah tanaman hortikultura yang termasuk ke dalam famili kubis-kubisan (Brassicaceae). Masyarakat juga menginginkan produk hortikultura yang lebih berkualitas. Akan tetapi, saat ini semakin berkurangnya lahan pertanian dan kondisi cuaca yang sudah memasuki musim hujan sehingga terjadi rendahnya kualitas produksi tanaman kailan yang ditanam merupakan masalah yang dihadapi dalam kegiatan budidaya sayuran kailan pada khususnya. Permintaan hasil tanaman kailan yang semakin meningkat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen, baik dalam segi kualitas maupun kuantitas perlu dilakukan peningkatan produksi tanaman. Upaya memenuhi kebutuhan kailan dapat dicapai melalui peningkatan produksi. Peningkatan produksi dapat dilakukan melalui media tanam dan pemberian pupuk nitrogen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari interaksi antara komposisi media tanam dan pupuk nitrogen pada pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kailan. Hipotesis dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat interaksi antara salah satu komposisi media tanam dan dosis pupuk nitrogen pada pertumbuhan dan hasil. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari sampai dengan Maret 2018. Pelaksanaan penelitian dilakukan di screenhouse Kampus 1 Sekolah Tinggi Penyuluhan Pertanian (STPP), Lawang, Jawa Timur. Alat yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah alat tulis, penggaris, gunting atau pisau, kamera, timbangan analitik, polybag ukuran 30 cm x 30 cm, sekop, tray semai, papan penanda, gelas ukur, ember, Leaf Area Meter (LAM), Soil Plant Analysis Development (SPAD). Bahan yang digunakan adalah benih kailan varietas nova, arang sekam, cocopeat. Pupuk yang digunakan adalah pupuk urea, KCl, dan SP 36. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok yang terdiri dari 2 Faktor. Faktor pertama adalah komposisi media tanam yang terdiri dari 3 taraf, yaitu M1= tanah, M2= tanah+arang sekam (1:1), M3= tanah+cocopeat (1:1). Faktor kedua adalah pupuk N yang terdiri dari 3 taraf, yaitu P1= 50 kg N/Ha (0,24 g/ polybag), P2= 100 kg N/Ha (0,49 g/ polybag), P3=150 kg N/Ha (0,74 g/ polybag). Masingmasing kombinasi perlakuan diulang 3 kali sehingga diperoleh 27 satuan kombinasi percobaan. Setiap perlakuan terdiri dari 12 polybag sehingga terdapat 324 polybag. Pengamatan pertumbuhan meliputi jumlah daun (helai), tinggi tanaman (cm), luas daun (cm2), indeks klorofil. Komponen hasil yang diamati adalah jumlah daun (helai), luas daun (cm2), panjang akar (cm), indeks klorofil, bobot segar total (g), bobot segar konsumsi (g). Analisis data hasil dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji F (5%) untuk mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan dan dilanjutkan dengan uji lanjutan DMRT (Duncan Multiple Range Test) apabila terdapat hasil yang berbeda nyata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya interaksi antara perlakuan komposisi media tanam dan pupuk N pada parameter jumlah daun umur 36 hst. Perlakuan komposisi media tanam berpengaruh nyata terhadap parameter tinggi tanaman umur 22 hst dan luas daun 15 hst.Sedangkan pemberian pupuk N berpengaruh nyata pada peningkatan tinggi tanaman pada umur pengamatan 15, 29, dan 36 hst, jumlah daun pada umur pengamatan 22 dan 29 hst, luas daun pada umur pengamatan hanya pada 22 hst, kandungan klorofil daun pada umur pengamatan 15 dan 42 hst, panjang akar pada saat panen terhadap tanaman kailan

    Fusarium equiseti as one of the main Fusarium species causing wilt and root rot of chickpeas in Morocco

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    Fungal isolates of Fusarium were collected from symptomatic chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) plants growing in fields within Souk Tlat commune in the Gharb region. Morphological and molecular characterizations were performed of the fungal isolate N3 obtained from a chickpea plant. PCR amplification and sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer using the primers ITS1 and ITS4 was applied to identify the fungal isolate N3. The maximum similarity index of the fungus was found to be 99.33% with Fusarium equiseti (accession no. MT111122). In the pathogenicity test, both chickpea seed dip inoculation and soil infestation by the spore suspension of Fusarium isolate were adopted. Four weeks after chickpea seed inoculation, few plants emerged and those that emerged were stunted. A high percentage of inoculated seeds did not emerge and showed accentuated rot symptoms. Eight weeks after sowing seeds in infested soil, the obtained chickpea seedlings displayed root necrosis, browning at the crown, and wilting. In addition, these plants showed a foliar alteration index of 0.395. The re-isolation was positive for different parts of chickpea plants for both seed and soil inoculation. Fusarium equiseti isolate decreased the length of the root and aerial parts, and number of leaves and branches of the inoculated chickpea plants either by seed inoculation or soil infestation with values of 0.91 cm and 19.73 cm, 1.29 cm and 19.44 cm, 1.11 and 18.66, and 0.0 and 2.08 respectively, whereas the corresponding values for the control plants were 27.16 and 28.33 cm, 29.05 and 31.05 cm, 24.21 and 25.66, and 3.50 and 3.11, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of F. equiseti on chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in Morocco


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    Laporan Pelaksanaan Kuliah Kerja Nyata Alternatif Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Periode 69 Tahun Ajaran 2020/2021 berisi mengenai laporan kegiatan selama melaksanakan program Kuliah Kerja Nyata di RW 01 Kampung Sitisewu, Sosromenduran, Gedongtengen, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Dalam kegiatan ini Divisi III.A.1 beranggotakan 10 anggota dari berbagai prodi. Seluruh Program Kerja yang telah direncanakan seluruhnya terlaksana