3,056 research outputs found

    Peranan Public Relations Dalam Memberikan Informasi Tentang Asuransi Bumi Putera. (Studi Pada PT. Bumiputera Cabang Manado)

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    AJB Bumi Putera sudah dikenal sebagai sebuah Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang asuransi jiwa sejak tahun 1912. Dan Perusahaan ini merupakan Perusahaan asuransi tertua yang ada di Indonesia sampai saat sekarang ini.Eksistensi Bumi Putera sebagai Perusahaan asuransi yang mampu bertahan dalam menghadapi berbagai gejolak sampai saat sekarang ini tentunya tidaak lepas dari peran yang dilakukan oleh unit public relations (hubungan masyarakat) yang ada di Perusahaan ini, yangn mampu melaksanakan tugasnya dalam rangka memberikan informasi dan meyakinkan masyarakat atau publik baik publik internal maupun publik eksternal tentang pentingnya menjadi nasabah AJB Bumi Putera yang sanggup memberikan proteksi dan keuntungan atas masa depan mereka.Penelitian dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif, menyimpulkan beberapa hal. Pertama bahwa unit hubungan masyarakat dari AJB Bumi Putera ternyata memiliki peranan di dalam menyampaikan informasi kepada masyarakat luas tentang produk-produk Perusahaan mereka. Kedua, pendekatan interpersonal communication maupun melalui penggunaan media massa seperti radio dan televisi maupun surat kabar, tetap menjadi faktor yang turut berperan di dalam penyampaian informasi Perusahaan

    Randomised comparison of oral ofloxacin alone with combination of parenteral antibiotics in neutropenic febrile patients

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    Prompt treatment with empirical antibiotics in neutropenic febrile patients reduces morbidity and mortality. Most patients have been treated with parenteral combination antibiotics, but newer antibiotics with broad-spectrum bactericidal activity have made monotherapy feasible. Ofloxacin, a broad-spectrum fluoroquinolone, has the additional advantage that bactericidal concentrations can be achieved with oral administration. We have compared ofloxacin as an oral single agent with standard parenteral combination antibiotics for the management of neutropenic febrile patients in a prospective, randomised trial. Patients with severe neutropenia (absolute neutrophil count less than or equal to 0.5 x 10(9)/l), fever above 38 degrees C, and ability to take drugs by mouth were eligible for the study. After initial investigations, 60 patients were randomly assigned to oral ofloxacin 400 mg twice daily and 62 to parenteral combination antibiotic therapy (amikacin 15 mg/kg daily, plus, at various times in the trial, carbenicillin, cloxacillin, or piperacillin). Patients were examined 72 h and 7 days after the start of treatment and when neutropenia resolved. 24 (40%) ofloxacin-treated and 26 (42%) combination-treated patients had pyrexia of unknown origin (PUO). In both treatment groups, the treatment success rate was higher for such patients than for those with clinically or microbiologically documented infections (92% vs 67% [p less than 0.05] for ofloxacin; 85% vs 64% for combination). There were no significant differences in success rates of ofloxacin and combination treatment for these subgroups or overall (77% vs 73%). Patients with neutropenia for less than 1 week had better responses to both treatments than patients with longer-lasting neutropenia. There were 4 (7%) deaths in the ofloxacin group and 6 (10%) in the combination group. Both regimens were well tolerated. We conclude that oral single-agent ofloxacin is as effective as parenteral combination antibiotic therapy in neutropenic febrile patients, especially those expected to have short durations of neutropenia

    Dari Ta'aruf Hingga Menikah: Eksplorasi Pengalaman Penemuan Makna Cinta Dengan Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

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    Pengalaman menemukan makna cinta merupakan sebuah peristiwa pengalaman yang unik bagi individu. Erikson (Hall & Lindzey, 1993) menjelaskan bahwa nilai cinta muncul ketika seseorang mencapai masa dewasa awal ketika individu menjalin hubungan yang lebih dalam (keintiman) dengan lawan jenis. Proses penemuan makna cinta dalam proses ta'aruf memiliki dinamika yang khas dan unik dibandingkan dengan proses pacaran pada umumnya menuju pernikahan. Penggunaan metode Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) membantu peneliti untuk memahami dan menjelaskan lebih dalam mengenai proses penemuan makna cinta indiviu yang menjalani proses ta'aruf. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), Pendekatan IPA dipilih karena memiliki prosedur analisis data yang terperinci. Prosedur tersebut bertitik fokus pada eksplorasi pengalamanyang diperoleh subjek melalui kehidupan pribadi dan sosialnya. Dari eksplorasi pengalaman subjek terhadap kehidupan, akan memunculkan makna dalam peristiwa unik yang dirasakan oleh subjek. Peneliti menemukan bahwa dalam proses ta'aruf, cinta tumbuh dalam diri subjek setelah menikah.Pada proses sebelum ta'aruf, subjek memaknai cinta secara negatif sebagai nafsu dan lebih menjaga perasaan cinta untuk tidak tumbuh sebelum menikah. Sedangkan pada proses ta'aruf hingga menikah, individu mengalami berbagai peristiwa yang memunculkan nilai-nilai dalam situasi hingga mengantarkannya pada penemuan makna cinta. Penemuan makna cinta dari subjek diantaranya bahwa sebuah pengorbanan, Perubahan ke arah positif, saling melengkapi dan memahami, serta pemberian tanpa pamrih. Pemaknaan cinta secara positif yang ditemukan oleh subjek membantunya untuk menghayati setiap proses kehidupan yang dialami.Hal tersebut akhirnya memberikan pengaruh pada kehidupan dan memunculkan kebahagiaan dalam hidup

    Conotoxins: structure, therapeutic potential and pharmacological applications.

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    Cone snails, also known as marine gastropods, from Conus genus produce in their venom a diverse range of small pharmacologically active structured peptides called conotoxins. The cone snail venoms are widely unexplored arsenal of toxins with therapeutic and pharmacological potential, making them a treasure trove of ligands and peptidic drug leads. Conotoxins are small disulfide bonded peptides, which act as remarkable selective inhibitors and modulators of ion channels (calcium, sodium, potassium), nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, noradrenaline transporters, N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors, and neurotensin receptors. They are highly potent and specific against several neuronal targets making them valuable as research tools, drug leads and even therapeutics. In this review, we discuss their gene superfamily classification, nomenclature, post-translational modification, structural framework, pharmacology and medical applications of the active conopeptides. We aim to give an overview of their structure and therapeutic potential. Understanding these aspects of conopeptides will help in designing more specific peptidic analogues

    Optical properties of tetrapod nanostructured zinc oxide by chemical vapour deposition

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    Tetrapod nanostructured zinc oxide (ZnO) thin films have been deposited onto indium tin oxide (ITO) coated glass substrate by thermal chemical vapor deposition (TCVD) technique. This work studies the effects of annealing temperature ranging from 100–500 ºC towards its physical and optical properties. FESEM images showed that the structural properties of tetrapod nanostructured ZnO thin film were affected by the annealing temperature. The thickness of thin film is strongly support the FESEM analysis. The optical band gap energy (Eg) was evaluated at 2.78 – 3.06 eV, which the ZnO thin film was found to be influenced by the change of interatomic spacing of semiconductor. The result shows that the higher annealing temperature greatly affects the physical structure of tetrapod nanostructured ZnO thin film to become narrow and longer length.Keywords: tetrapod; TCVD; synthesizing; annealing; zinc oxid

    Pengaruh kualitas produk dan brand awareness terhadap kepuasan konsumen pada pembelian produk wasila kosmetik di majene

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    Abstrak. Pengaruh Kualitas Produk dan Brand Awareness terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Pada Pembelian Produk Kosmetik wasial di Majene. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas produk dan brand awareness terhadap kepuasan konsumen pada pembelian produk wasila kosmetik di Majene. Penelitian ini bersifat penelitian kuantitatif dengan Teknik penentuan secara aksidental sampling. Populasi dalam peneltian ini merupakan konsumen pengguna produk wasila kosmetik di Majene. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 65 responden. Berdasarkan hasil di peroleh pada analisis terbukti hipotesis pertama menyatakan bahwa kualitas produk berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen dengan nilai signifikansi 0,000, diterima. Hipotesis kedua yang menyatakan bahwa brand awareness berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen dengan nilai signifikansi 0,032, diterima. Hipotesis ketiga (Uji F) menyatakan bahwa kualitas produk dan brand awareness secara bersama-sama mempengaruhi kepuasan konsumen dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,000, diterima

    Preliminary Study on Machining Condition Monitoring System Using 3-Channel Force Sensor Analyzed by I-kaz Multilevel Method

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    Cutting tool wear is one of the major problems affecting the finished product in term of surface finish quality, dimensional precision and the cost of the defect. This paper discusses the preliminary study on machining condition monitoring system using force data captured using 3-channel force sensor. The data were analyzed by I-kaz multilevel method to monitor the flank wear progression during the machining. The flank wear of the cutting insert was measured using Moticom magnifier under two different operational conditions in turning process. A 3-channel Kistler force sensor was assembled to hold the tool holder to measure the force on the cutting tool in the tangential, radial and feed direction during the machining process. The signals were transmitted to the data acquisition equipment, and finally to the computer system. I-kaz multilevel method was used to identify and characterize the changes in the signals from the sensors under two different experimental set up. The values of I-kaz multilevel coefficients for all channels are strongly correlated with the cutting tool wear condition. This preliminary study can be further developed to efficiently monitor and predict flank wear level which can be used in the real machining industry
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