51 research outputs found


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    Tiivistelmä Imetyksellä tiedetään olevan myönteisiä vaikutuksia sekä lapselle että äidille. Imetyksen edistäminen edistää äidin, lapsen ja siten koko perheen hyvinvointia. Imetyksen vertaistuesta ja tuen vaikuttavuudesta on olemassa vähän tutkimusta. Vähän tiedetään myös äitien ja vertaistukijoiden vertaistukeen liittyvistä näkemyksistä. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää millaista tukea äidit saavat Jyväskylän imetystukiryhmästä imetykseen ja äitiyteen sekä kuvata äitien motivaatiota toimia imetystukiäitinä. Tutkimusmenetelmäksi valittiin laadullinen tutkimus ja aineiston keruu toteutettiin teemahaastatteluna, jossa haastateltiin viittä imetystukiäitiä. Aineiston analysointimenetelmänä käytettiin teemoittelua. Äidit saivat Jyväskylän imetystukiryhmästä tukea äitiyteen ja imetykseen. Ryhmässä käyminen lisäsi äitien sosiaalisuutta, antoi vertaistukea sekä vahvisti äitiyden kokemusta. Useat tekijät motivoivat äitejä toimimaan imetystukiäitinä. Äidit halusivat edistää imetystä ja toteuttaa itseään. Lisäksi ryhmän yhteisöllisyys ja vastavuoroisuus olivat motivoivia tekijöitä. Opinnäytetyön tulosten avulla kannustetaan ylläpitämään vertaistukiryhmätoimintaa ryhmissä käyviä äitejä parhaiten palvelevaksi. Olisi myös tärkeää, että neuvoloiden ja imetystukiryhmien välille luotaisiin enemmän yhteistyötä.Abstract Breastfeeding is known to have positive effects on both the child and the mother. The promotion of breast-feeding promotes the well-being of mother, child and the whole family. Breastfeeding peer support and the effectiveness of the support have been studied to a very limited extent. Little is also known about mothers’ and their peer supporters’ experiences related to peer support. The purpose of the thesis was to find out what kind of support mothers received from Jyväskylä’s breast-feeding support group for their breast-feeding and motherhood. Another purpose was to describe the mother’s motivation to act as a breast-feeding supporter. The study had a qualitative research approach and the source material was collected by using theme interviews with five mothers. The material was analysed by using themes. The mothers received support from the breast-feeding support group for their breast-feeding and motherhood. Group participation increased the mothers’ socializing, gave peer support and strengthened their experience of motherhood. Several factors motivated the mothers for acting as a breast-feeding supporter. They wanted to promote breast-feeding and have an opportunity for self-realization. In addition, the communality and reciprocity of the group were motivation factors. The results of the study encourage maintaining peer support group activities so as to serve best the mothers attending the group. It would be important to create more cooperation between maternity clinics and breast-feeding support groups

    Maaseudun uusiutuvan energian innovaatioympäristöt

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    Maaseudun yhdistetyn sähkön- ja lämmöntuotantolaitoksien (CHP) perustamiseen liittyvän innovaatioprosessin hahmottaminen luo mahdollisuuksia tukea yrittäjiä laitosten perustamiseen liittyvissä ongelmissa, kehittämistoimissa ja tulevaisuuden haasteissa. Maaseudun uusiutuvan energian laitosten perustamiseen liittyvää innovaatioprosessia on selvitetty Usva-hankkeessa tehtyjen haastattelujen avulla, joissa kohteina olivat sekä biokaasulla että puuhakkeella toimivia CHP-laitoksia. Haastattelujen perusteella innovaatioprosessi ja sen tuloksena CHP-laitoksen rakentaminen lähtee useimmiten maaseudulla liikkeelle käytännön ongelman ratkaisusta ja omakohtaisesta kiinnostuksesta asiaan. Suurimpina haasteina ovat tiedon puute tai sen hajanaisuus sekä tuen puute uusiutuvan energiantuotannon innovaatioprosessiin ja kehittämiseen. Maaseudun innovaatioverkoston toimintaa voitaisiin tehostaa välittäjätahon, kuten esimerkiksi teematukihenkilön avulla. Hän toimisi linkkinä verkoston toimijoiden välillä. Myös lainsäädännön esteitä tulisi poistaa. Muun muassa investointituen ehtojen takia laitoksessa on käytettävä pelkästään uusia osia, koska käytetyille osille ei saa investointitukea, mikä nostaa rakennuskustannuksia

    Thriving or surviving? The isotopic record of the Wrangel Island woolly mammoth population

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    The world's last population of woolly mammoths (Mammuthus primigenius) lived on Wrangel Island persisting well into the Holocene, going extinct at ca. 4000 cal BP. According to the frequency of 'radiocarbon dated mammoth remains from the island, the extinction appears fairly abrupt. This study investigates the ecology of the Wrangel Island mammoth population by means of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur isotope analyses. We report new isotope data on 77 radiocarbon dated mammoth specimens from Wrangel Island and Siberia, and evaluate them in relation to previously published isotope data for Pleistocene mammoths from Beringia and lower latitude Eurasia, and the other insular Holocene mammoth population from St. Paul Island. Contrary to prior suggestions of gradual habitat deterioration, the nitrogen isotope values of the Wrangel Island mammoths do not support a decline in forage quality/quantity, and are in fact very similar to their north Beringian forebears right to the end. However, compared to Siberian mammoths, those from Wrangel Island show a difference in their energy economy as judged by the carbon isotope values of structural carbonate, possibly representing a lower need of adaptive strategies for survival in extreme cold. Increased mid-Holocene weathering of rock formations in the central mountains is suggested by sulfur isotope values. Scenarios related to water quality problems stemming from increased weathering, and a possibility of a catastrophic starvation event as a cause of, or contributing factor in their demise are discussed. (C) 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.Peer reviewe

    Effects of softwood biochars on soil biota in medium-term field experiments in Finland

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    Biochar soil amendment could be used to sequester carbon, enhance soil fertility and potentially increase crop yields. It can have significant impacts on soil organic carbon levels and physicochemical conditions, which consequently affect soil micro- and macro-biota. It is therefore important to understand how key biological components in the soil such as microbial and earthworm communities response to biochar application in the long-term. This study was conducted in Southern Finland in a fertile Stagnosol and a nutrient deficient Umbrisol, four and five years after biochar amendment, respectively. Biochars were produced from spruce (Picea abies (L.) H.Karst.) and pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), and applied at the rates of 10 and 30 t ha-1, respectively. Earthworms and soil samples for microbial analyses were collected in September 2015. Soil microbial communities were studied by using phospholipid fatty acid profiling and 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. Casts from the sampled earthworms were collected to investigate the consumption of biochar and the potential of earthworm bioturbation to affect biochar distribution. Additionally, greenhouse gas emissions from soil were measured. Biochar and fertilizer treatments or their interaction had no statistically significant effects on the earthworm abundance, community composition or greenhouse gas emissions in either field. Earthworms had ingested biochar as earthworm casts from biochar treated-plots contained significantly more black carbon than those in the control plots, demonstrating that earthworm bioturbation is a potentially important factor in the translocation of applied biochar in the soil profile. Microbial community structure data will be presented in the final presentation.Non peer reviewe

    Implementation and initial calibration of carbon-13 soil organic matter decomposition in the Yasso model

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    Soils account for the largest share of carbon found in terrestrial ecosystems, and their status is of considerable interest for the global carbon cycle budget and atmospheric carbon concentration. The decomposition of soil organic matter depends on environmental conditions and human activities, which raises the question of how permanent are these carbon storages under changing climate. One way to get insight into carbon decomposition processes is to analyse different carbon isotope concentrations in soil organic matter. In this paper we introduce a carbon-13-isotope-specific soil organic matter decomposition add-on into the Yasso soil carbon model and assess its functionality. The new C-13-dedicated decomposition is straightforward to implement and depends linearly on the default Yasso model parameters and the relative carbon isotope (C-13/C-12) concentration. The model modifications are based on the assumption that the heavier C-13 atoms are not as reactive as C-12. The new formulations were calibrated using fractionated C, C-13 and delta(13) measurements from litterbags containing pine needles and woody material, which were left to decompose in natural environment for 4 years. The introduced model modifications considerably improve the model behaviour in a 100-year-long simulation, where modelled delta(13) is compared against fractionated peat column carbon content. The work presented here is a proof of concept and enables C-13 to be used as a natural tracer to detect changes in the underlying soil organic matter decomposition.Peer reviewe

    Happamat sulfaattimaat ja eloperäiset maat – ympäristöriskit ja niiden hallintakeinot Etelä- ja Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla : Hydro-Pohjanmaa -hankkeen loppujulkaisu 2

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    Tähän raporttiin on koottu Hydro-Pohjanmaa –hankkeessa tehdyt happamiin sulfaattimaihin ja eloperäisiin maihin liittyvät tutkimukset ja selvitykset. Hanketta on hallinnoinut Seinäjoen ammattikorkeakoulu (Elintarvike ja maatalous) ja toteuttajina ovat olleet lisäksi Oulun ammattikorkeakoulu (Tekniikan ja luonnonvara-alan yksikkö) ja MTT Ruukin toimipiste

    Trekstuaaliset tilat: Käännöstieteen ja tekstuaalitieteiden rajavyöhykkeellä

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    Translation studies and textual scholarship have much common ground. In this paper, we set to explore how three of their central concepts, translation, transmission and text, can be approached from a multidisciplinary point of view. Combining these three central terms, we call this approach trextual. This paper is based on the workshop on trextuality held at the KäTu Symposium in Tampere in 2019. In the workshop, the discussion built upon an introduction, which examined the foundations of trextuality, and four papers, which addressed genetic trans-lation criticism, retranslation, polyphony and translation of intertextuality, as well as multi-modality of audiovisual translation, respectively. The workshop revealed that the juxtaposing of two text-oriented disciplines, translation studies and textual studies, and comparing their simi-larities and differences reveals unexplored areas and weaknesses in their axiomatic fundaments. In particular, the papers presented in the workshop invited to reconsider transmission, defini-tions of text, and source text-target text pairs in different contexts. The workshop provided a starting point for further trextual studies exploring such cross-disciplinary questions.</p

    Effects of a tree row on greenhouse gas fluxes, growing conditions and soil microbial communities on an oat field in Southern Finland

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    Agricultural ecosystems are facing critical loss of biodiversity, soil nutrients, and cultural values. Intensive crop production has caused landscape homogenisation, with trees and hedges increasingly disappearing from agricultural land. Changes in farming practices are essential to increase biodiversity and improve soil biogeochemical processes, such as nutrient cycling, soil carbon uptake, and sequestration, as well as to improve the resilience and fertility of farming systems. Agroforestry is an important practice for implementing and improving natural and cultural value of landscapes, but in northern countries, agroforestry methods remain rarely utilised. Our study was conducted in Southern Finland on an agricultural field where a row of willow and alder was planted 6 years prior to our study. We concentrated on the effects of the tree row on crop growing conditions and how far from the trees possible impacts can be observed. We studied soil properties, carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), and methane (CH4) exchange, and soil microbial communities. The impact of trees on crop growing conditions, biomass production, and greenhouse gas fluxes was modest and did not extend further than few meters from the tree row in the warm and dry growing season of 2019. N2O and CH4 fluxes were negligible and the tree row did not increase greenhouse gas emissions from soil. Soil microbial diversity was clearly improved by the presence of trees due to more diverse habitats. The tree row also slightly decreased the estimated annual net emissions of carbon into the atmosphere. Due to positive indications of the effects of agroforestry on biodiversity and carbon uptake, we highly recommend further studies within various agroforestry practices in Nordic countries