11 research outputs found


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    付記する学位プログラム名: デザイン学大学院連携プログラム京都大学0048新制・課程博士博士(情報学)甲第22803号情博第733号新制||情||125(附属図書館)京都大学大学院情報学研究科社会情報学専攻(主査)教授 黒田 知宏, 教授 矢守 克也, 特定教授 川上 浩司学位規則第4条第1項該当Doctor of InformaticsKyoto UniversityDFA

    The impact of international codes of conduct on employment conditions and gender issues in Chinese flower companies

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    The study examined how international codes of conduct address employment conditions and gender issues in the Chinese flower industry. A sample of 20 companies was purposively selected and 200 workers from these companies were interviewed. The adoption of international codes did not improve workers conditions and gender issues and codes were poorly enforced. There was evidence of discrimination based on workers’ status of employment and gender. A permanent worker mean daily wage was RMB14.1 higher than a casual worker. Although welfare benefits were provided to permanent workers, males and females beneficiaries differed significantly by 32.4 and 24.1%, respectively. This paper provided the basis for the need to gender audit, mainstream flower companies and adopts participatory auditing for flower companies’ compliance to the use of codes of conduct.Key words: Codes of conduct, Chinese flower industry, mainstream, gender, permanent worker, casual worker, employment conditions


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    A sense of freedom is something that we all can access. Students from 3 universities in Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan held a workshop to design a space that can facilitate a sense of freedom for university students in Hong Kong who were experiencing academic stress. Collaborative design of a space and activities to tackle stress was a great learning experience for the members of the Lifestyle group (one of 6 participating groups), who organized and implemented the concept in Hong Kong at the end of May, 2018

    The progress and issues in the Dutch, Chinese and Kenyan floriculture industries

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    The review covered the progressive trends in the floriculture industry of The Netherlands, China and Kenya. The Netherlands maintained the largest market share of 70 - 75% in the industry. However, in 2008 its export declined to 3.9%. The Netherlands had moved from the traditional production role to distribution and marketing. Annual floriculture growth in Kenya was 15% and had become the highest foreign currency earner in 2009 for the country with an export earnings of US464million.Chinesetotalimportandexportofflowersin2007wasUS464 million. Chinese total import and export of flowers in 2007 was US200 million and the wholesale value of production was in 2009 US$1,172 million. China and Kenya remained net exporters of flower products and depended on outside markets for the sale of their flower products. Issues such as the environment and health, development of home market, high production and delivery costs and rising consumer demands, that had become significantly important for the sustained growth of the floriculture industry were reviewed. The prospects and the future trends of the flower industry of The Netherlands, China and Kenya were discussed.Key words: Environment and health, rising consumer demand, The Netherlands, Kenya, China

    Using evidence to strengthen accountability for health financing in Sierra Leone

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    AbstractIn 2012, the government of Sierra Leone cut the national budget allocation to the health sector. Civil society organizations planned a nationwide health budget advocacy campaign, coinciding with the 2012 general elections, to hold future leaders to account on financing for women’s and children’s health. As part of the campaign, Evidence for Action produced district health budget tracking scorecards. The scorecards presented Ministry of Finance data on the allocation and disbursement of health funds in each district. The data were communicated using simple, non-technical language so that citizens could understand the key messages and take action. A total of 5600 scorecards were shared at district electoral forums attended by political candidates, community members, and health activists. Since the election, the proportion of the total government budget allocated to health increased from 7.4% in 2012 to 11.2% in 2014. However, transforming politicians’ commitments and pledges into implementation has been challenging, confirming that accountability is a long-term process