141 research outputs found

    Design space exploration of RF-circuit blocks

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    ii iii Acknowledgments This thesis was written in the framework of an internship at NXP Semiconductors. It describes the results of a six months master project. I was supervised by Prof. Dr. W.H.A. Schilders of NXP Semiconductors and the Technical University Eindhoven and furthermore, by Dr. ir. J. A. Croon of NXP Semiconductors. Herewith, I want to express my deep gratitude to Prof. Schilders, who has guided me during the project and for proofreading of the thesis. Furthermore, I want to thank Dr. Croon sincerely for the helpful discussions, for the detailed corrections of the thesis and furthermore for the interesting introduction to semiconductor device modeling. Additionally, I want to thank Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. H. Gfrerer of the Johannes Kepler University Linz for reviewing this work and for his useful suggestions during the project. iv vContent

    Terminološko svetovanje: izkušnje in perspektive

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    The paper discusses web-based terminology-consulting services and analyses the selected specific questions which were submitted to the web-based terminological-consulting service, which has been operating within the Terminologišče website since 2013. Terminologišče is edited by the researchers from the Section of Terminological Dictionaries at the Institute of Slovenian Language ZRC SAZU, who are responsible for terminological issues. The service is primarily aimed at experts, as well as translators, proofreaders and others who deal with terminology. Users who submit questions receive a personal response by e-mail. In addition, the (anonymous) questions and answers are published at Terminologišče. An interesting database of terminological issues and solutions is thus constantly evolving within Terminologišče, which can also help other users with similar terminology-related problems. This paper analyses the issues that have been submitted since the start of its operation. The first large group who use the service are professionals, e.g. university professors or institute researchers, who require assistance with the introduction of a new term or the selection of the most appropriate one. The service is also used by students, who have difficulties using terms when writing bachelor, master or doctoral theses, and experts from various companies, who would like to denote a specific product in the most appropriate manner. The second large group of users are translators, especially those from European Union institutions and the public administration, such as officers from various ministries. The third major group are proofreaders, who also often face various terminological problems.The submitted questions deal with various fields, ranging from natural and social sciences to humanities, such as genetics, pharmacy, archaeology, chemistry, meteorology, psychology, the military, geography, power engineering, economics, informatics, medicine, astronomy, physics, musicology, finance, tourism, education, literary criticism, criminal law, agronomy, sports, and photography. The users face various terminological problems, often stemming from the fact that English terminology has become increasingly influential in nearly all of the aforementioned fields. Since the language systems of English and Slovene are quite different, simple adaptations are generally not adequate. In such cases, it is necessary to seek more innovative solutions. Usable terminological solutions provided in a timely fashion can prevent potential problems in the future. The questions submitted by the users are generally formulated in such a way that it is obvious that the user requires and expects a single solution, which indicates the importance of the normative aspect of terminology. Considering the positive response from the users, we can conclude that terminology consulting is an essential and useful service that complements other terminological activities.V okviru spletišča Terminologišče že od leta 2013 deluje spletna terminološka svetovalnica, ki je namenjena akutnim in aktualnim terminološkim zadregam. Namenjena je zlasti strokovnjakom, pa tudi prevajalcem, lektorjem in drugim, ki se pri svojem delu srečujejo s terminologijo. Na vprašanja odgovarjajo sodelavci Sekcije za terminološke slovarje Inštituta za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU, ki odgovore pripravljajo skupaj. Pri odgovarjanju upoštevajo glavna terminološka načela ustaljenosti, gospodarnosti in jezikovnosistemske ustreznosti. Odgovor po e-pošti pošljejo osebi, ki je vprašanje postavila, objavijo pa ga tudi na spletišču Terminologiš - če. Tako nastaja zanimiva zbirka terminoloških težav (in rešitev), ki je lahko v pomoč tudi drugim uporabnikom jezika. V članku je predstavljena ideja spletnega terminološkega svetovanja in njena konkretna izvedba na Terminologišču, natančneje je predstavljenih nekaj problemskih sklopov in tudi konkretnih primerov vprašanj in odgovorov.Научни скупови / Српска академија наука и уметности ; књ. 157. Одељење језика и књижевности ; књ. 2

    Terminologišče - a place to search for terminology

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    Terminologišče je spletišče Sekcije za terminološke slovarje Inštituta za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU, ki poleg predstavitve sekcije in njenih slovarskih projektov, kratkega opisa metodologije izdelave terminoloških slovarjev in izbora terminološke teorije vsebuje iskalnik po 10 razlagalnih terminoloških slovarjih, ki so v tiskani obliki izšli po letu 2000. Poleg tega ponuja tudi terminološko svetovanje, ki je namenjeno reševanju aktualnih terminoloških zadreg strokovnjakov. V prispevku je predstavljena zasnova in izvedba Terminologišča.Terminologišče is a website of the Terminological Section of the Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language where one can find a presentation of the Section and its dictionary projects, a short description of the methodology used for making terminological dictionaries, and a selection of terminological theory. Moreover, the website hosts a search engine where one can browse 10 explanatory terminological dictionaries that were published in printed form the year 2000 onward. It also offers terminological advice to experts on terminological issues. In this article we present the design and construction of Terminologišče

    Geografski termini in frazeologija

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    Geography is a discipline dealing with natural and social phenomena, and therefore with man’s immediate environment. It is therefore not unusual for geographical terms also to appear in idioms. This article is based on terms collected in the Geografski terminološki slovar (Dictionary of Geographical Terms, 2005). Idiomatic material was obtained using the FidaPLUS text corpus, and the Standard Slovenian Dictionary (SSKJ) was also taken into account. The idioms were sorted into two groups: those with a primarily geographical term as component, and those with a term shared by several disciplines as a component. A group of idioms containing a geographical name was also examined.Geografija je veda o naravnih in družbenih pojavih, torej o človekovem neposrednem okolju. Zato ni nenavadno, da se geografski termini pojavljajo tudi v frazemih. Izhajali smo iz terminov, ki so zbrani v Geografskem terminološkem slovarju (2005). Do frazeološkega gradiva smo prišli s pomočjo besedilnega korpusa FidaPLUS, upoštevali pa smo tudi SSKJ. Frazeme smo razvrstili v dve skupini, v prvi so tisti, katerih sestavina je primarno geografski termin, v drugi pa tisti, katerih sestavina je termin, skupen več strokam. Obravnavali smo tudi skupino frazemov, ki vsebujejo zemljepisno ime


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    The paper discusses web-based terminology-consulting services and analyses the selected specific questions which were submitted to the web-based terminological-consulting service, which has been operating within the Terminologišče website since 2013. Terminologišče is edited by the researchers from the Section of Terminological Dictionaries at the Institute of Slovenian Language ZRC SAZU, who are responsible for terminological issues. The service is primarily aimed at experts, as well as translators, proofreaders and others who deal with terminology. Users who submit questions receive a personal response by e-mail. In addition, the (anonymous) questions and answers are published at Terminologišče. An interesting database of terminological issues and solutions is thus constantly evolving within Terminologišče, which can also help other users with similar terminology-related problems. This paper analyses the issues that have been submitted since the start of its operation. The first large group who use the service are professionals, e.g. university professors or institute researchers, who require assistance with the introduction of a new term or the selection of the most appropriate one. The service is also used by students, who have difficulties using terms when writing bachelor, master or doctoral theses, and experts from various companies, who would like to denote a specific product in the most appropriate manner. The second large group of users are translators, especially those from European Union institutions and the public administration, such as officers from various ministries. The third major group are proofreaders, who also often face various terminological problems.The submitted questions deal with various fields, ranging from natural and social sciences to humanities, such as genetics, pharmacy, archaeology, chemistry, meteorology, psychology, the military, geography, power engineering, economics, informatics, medicine, astronomy, physics, musicology, finance, tourism, education, literary criticism, criminal law, agronomy, sports, and photography. The users face various terminological problems, often stemming from the fact that English terminology has become increasingly influential in nearly all of the aforementioned fields. Since the language systems of English and Slovene are quite different, simple adaptations are generally not adequate. In such cases, it is necessary to seek more innovative solutions. Usable terminological solutions provided in a timely fashion can prevent potential problems in the future. The questions submitted by the users are generally formulated in such a way that it is obvious that the user requires and expects a single solution, which indicates the importance of the normative aspect of terminology. Considering the positive response from the users, we can conclude that terminology consulting is an essential and useful service that complements other terminological activities.V okviru spletišča Terminologišče že od leta 2013 deluje spletna terminološka svetovalnica, ki je namenjena akutnim in aktualnim terminološkim zadregam. Namenjena je zlasti strokovnjakom, pa tudi prevajalcem, lektorjem in drugim, ki se pri svojem delu srečujejo s terminologijo. Na vprašanja odgovarjajo sodelavci Sekcije za terminološke slovarje Inštituta za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU, ki odgovore pripravljajo skupaj. Pri odgovarjanju upoštevajo glavna terminološka načela ustaljenosti, gospodarnosti in jezikovnosistemske ustreznosti. Odgovor po e-pošti pošljejo osebi, ki je vprašanje postavila, objavijo pa ga tudi na spletišču Terminologiš - če. Tako nastaja zanimiva zbirka terminoloških težav (in rešitev), ki je lahko v pomoč tudi drugim uporabnikom jezika. V članku je predstavljena ideja spletnega terminološkega svetovanja in njena konkretna izvedba na Terminologišču, natančneje je predstavljenih nekaj problemskih sklopov in tudi konkretnih primerov vprašanj in odgovorov.Научни скупови / Српска академија наука и уметности ; књ. 157. Одељење језика и књижевности ; књ. 2

    Terminologišče — kraj, kjer terminolog išče

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    Terminologišče is a website of the Terminological Section of the Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language where one can find a presentation of the Section and its dictionary projects, a short description of the methodology used for making terminological dictionaries, and a selection of terminological theory. Moreover, the website hosts a search engine where one can browse 10 explanatory terminological dictionaries that were published in printed form from the year 2000 onward. It also offers terminological advice to experts on terminological issues. In this article we present the design and construction of Terminologišče

    Ocena knjige Korpusna terminografija: primer odnosov z javnostmi

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    Monografija Korpusna terminografija: primer odnosov z javnostmi avtorice Nataše Logar je obogatitev slovenske literature s področja korpusnega jezikoslovja, pa tudi s področja terminologije in terminografije sploh. Prinašanatančen in jasen opis uporabe korpusne metodologije za izdelavoterminološke podatkovne zbirke na konkretnem strokovnem področju, in sicer na področju odnosov z javnostmi

    Poletna terminološka šola (Ljubljana, 4.–6. 9. 2008)

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    This article reports on the summer terminology seminar held at ZRC SAZU from 4 to 6 September. The seminar was organized by the Section for Terminological Dictionaries and the Section for Lexicology at the ZRC SAZU Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language, the Department of Translation at the University of Ljubljana’s Faculty of Arts, and the organizations EAFT (European Association for Terminology) and TermNet (International Network for Terminology). The summer terminology seminar was attended by 36 participants, who listened to 25 presentations and participated in roundtable discussions and three workshops that took place at the Faculty of Arts.V prispevku avtorica poroča o poletni terminološki šoli, ki je potekala od 4. do 6. septembra v prostorih ZRC SAZU. Šolo so organizirali Sekcija za terminološke slovarje in Leksikološka sekcija Inštituta za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU, Oddelek za prevajalstvo Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani ter organizaciji EAFT (The European Association for Terminology) in TermNet (International Network for Terminology). Poletne terminološke šole se je udeležilo 36 udeležencev, ki so poslušali 25 predavanj in se udeležili okrogle mize in treh delavnic, ki so potekale na Filozofski fakulteti

    Sodobni pristopi v slovenski terminografiji

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