167 research outputs found

    The UK association conference attendance decision-making process

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    This paper reports on research carried out into the consumer behaviour displayed by UK association conference delegates when deciding to attend a conference. Examination of the available literature suggested that there has been little investigation of the delegate's perspective on attending a conference, as most research into business events has traditionally been centred on the supply side particularly convention destination image, and association site selection. The paper found six underlying dimensions of the UK association conference delegate decision-making process - personal/professional development, networking opportunities, cost, location, time and convenience and health and wellbeing. Additionally, regression analysis showed that two of the dimensions (networking opportunities and cost) were significant predictors of intention to attend the conference again in the future

    Thermal imaging on simulated faults during frictional sliding

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    Heating during frictional sliding is a major component of the energy budget of earthquakes and represents a potential weakening mechanism. It is therefore important to investigate how heat dissipates during sliding on simulated faults. We present results from laboratory friction experiments where a halite (NaCl) slider held under constant load is dragged across a coarse substrate. Surface evolution and frictional resistance are recorded. Heat emission at the sliding surface is monitored using an infra-red camera. We demonstrate a link between plastic deformations of halite and enhanced heating characterized by transient localized heat spots. When sand 'gouge' is added to the interface, heating is more diffuse. Importantly, when strong asperities concentrate deformation, significantly more heat is produced locally. In natural faults such regions could be nucleation patches for melt production and hence potentially initiate weakening during earthquakes at much smaller sliding velocities or shear stress than previously thought

    Using normalisation process theory to understand barriers and facilitators to implementing mindfulness-based stress reduction for people with multiple sclerosis

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    Objectives: To study barriers and facilitators to implementation of mindfulness-based stress reduction for people with multiple sclerosis. Methods: Qualitative interviews were used to explore barriers and facilitators to implementation of mindfulness-based stress reduction, including 33 people with multiple sclerosis, 6 multiple sclerosis clinicians and 2 course instructors. Normalisation process theory provided the underpinning conceptual framework. Data were analysed deductively using normalisation process theory constructs (coherence, cognitive participation, collective action and reflexive monitoring). Results: Key barriers included mismatched stakeholder expectations, lack of knowledge about mindfulness-based stress reduction, high levels of comorbidity and disability and skepticism about embedding mindfulness-based stress reduction in routine multiple sclerosis care. Facilitators to implementation included introducing a pre-course orientation session; adaptations to mindfulness-based stress reduction to accommodate comorbidity and disability and participants suggested smaller, shorter classes, shortened practices, exclusion of mindful-walking and more time with peers. Post-mindfulness-based stress reduction booster sessions may be required, and objective and subjective reports of benefit would increase clinician confidence in mindfulness-based stress reduction. Discussion: Multiple sclerosis patients and clinicians know little about mindfulness-based stress reduction. Mismatched expectations are a barrier to participation, as is rigid application of mindfulness-based stress reduction in the context of disability. Course adaptations in response to patient needs would facilitate uptake and utilisation. Rendering access to mindfulness-based stress reduction rapid and flexible could facilitate implementation. Embedded outcome assessment is desirable

    Host-rock deformation during the emplacement of the Mourne Mountains granite pluton : insights from the regional fracture pattern

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    The Mourne Mountains magmatic center in Northern Ireland consists of five successively intruded granites emplaced in the upper crust. The Mourne granite pluton has classically been viewed as a type locality of a magma body emplaced by cauldron subsidence. Cauldron subsidence makes space for magma through the emplacement of ring dikes and floor subsidence. However, the Mourne granites were more recently re-interpreted as laccoliths and bysmaliths. Laccolith intrusions form by inflation and dome their host rock. Here we perform a detailed study of the deformation in the host rock to the Mourne granite pluton in order to test its emplacement mechanism. We use the host-rock fracture pattern as a passive marker and microstructures in the contact-metamorphic aureole to constrain large-scale magma emplacement-related deformation. The dip and azimuth of the fractures are very consistent on the roof of the intrusion and can be separated into four steeply inclined sets dominantly striking SE, S, NE, and E, which rules out pluton-wide doming. In contrast, fracture orientations in the northeastern wall to the granites suggest shear parallel to the contact. Additionally, contact-metamorphic segregations along the northeastern contact are brecciated. Based on the host-rock fracture pattern, the contact aureole deformation, and the north-eastward-inclined granite-granite contacts, we propose that mechanisms involving either asymmetric "trap-door" floor subsidence or laccolith and bysmalith intrusion along an inclined or curved floor accommodated the emplacement of the granites and led to deflection of the northeastern wall of the intrusion.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Digital support interventions for the self-management of low back pain: a systematic review

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    Background: Low back pain (LBP) is a common cause of disability and is ranked as the most burdensome health condition globally. Self-management, including components on increased knowledge, monitoring of symptoms, and physical activity, are consistently recommended in clinical guidelines as cost-effective strategies for LBP management and there is increasing interest in the potential role of digital health. Objective: The study aimed to synthesize and critically appraise published evidence concerning the use of interactive digital interventions to support self-management of LBP. The following specific questions were examined: (1) What are the key components of digital self-management interventions for LBP, including theoretical underpinnings? (2) What outcome measures have been used in randomized trials of digital self-management interventions in LBP and what effect, if any, did the intervention have on these? and (3) What specific characteristics or components, if any, of interventions appear to be associated with beneficial outcomes? Methods: Bibliographic databases searched from 2000 to March 2016 included Medline, Embase, CINAHL, PsycINFO, Cochrane Library, DoPHER and TRoPHI, Social Science Citation Index, and Science Citation Index. Reference and citation searching was also undertaken. Search strategy combined the following concepts: (1) back pain, (2) digital intervention, and (3) self-management. Only randomized controlled trial (RCT) protocols or completed RCTs involving adults with LBP published in peer-reviewed journals were included. Two reviewers independently screened titles and abstracts, full-text articles, extracted data, and assessed risk of bias using Cochrane risk of bias tool. An independent third reviewer adjudicated on disagreements. Data were synthesized narratively. Results: Of the total 7014 references identified, 11 were included, describing 9 studies: 6 completed RCTs and 3 protocols for future RCTs. The completed RCTs included a total of 2706 participants (range of 114-1343 participants per study) and varied considerably in the nature and delivery of the interventions, the duration/definition of LBP, the outcomes measured, and the effectiveness of the interventions. Participants were generally white, middle aged, and in 5 of 6 RCT reports, the majority were female and most reported educational level as time at college or higher. Only one study reported between-group differences in favor of the digital intervention. There was considerable variation in the extent of reporting the characteristics, components, and theories underpinning each intervention. None of the studies showed evidence of harm. Conclusions: The literature is extremely heterogeneous, making it difficult to understand what might work best, for whom, and in what circumstances. Participants were predominantly female, white, well educated, and middle aged, and thus the wider applicability of digital self-management interventions remains uncertain. No information on cost-effectiveness was reported. The evidence base for interactive digital interventions to support patient self-management of LBP remains weak

    Understanding the neurodiversity of grief:A systematic literature review of experiences of grief and loss in the context of neurodevelopmental disorders

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    This systematic review explores lived experiences of grief in the context of neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs), considering mental health impacts and how these experiences are expressed/understood. Reviewing qualitative research and grey literature centred on lived experience, 39 articles were identified through a systematic search of 8 databases and 1 page-ranked search engine. The articles were critically appraised, and results synthesised using thematic analysis and meta-synthesis. Four main themes and an overarching theme, titled Recognise the Unrecognised, emerged: Hidden Grief, Supported and Included, Understanding My Loss, and The Double Taboo of Death and Disability. The results indicate that grief often goes unrecognised in individuals with NDDs, especially following non-death losses. The implications of these findings and recommendations for future research are discussed.</p

    App-delivered self-management intervention trial selfBACK for people with low back pain: protocol for implementation and process evaluation

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    Background: Implementation and process evaluation is vital for understanding how interventions function in different settings, including if and why interventions have different effects or do not work at all. Objective: This paper presents the protocol for an implementation and process evaluation embedded in a multicenter randomized controlled trial conducted in Denmark and Norway (the selfBACK project). selfBACK is a data-driven decision support system that provides participants with weekly self-management plans for low back pain. These plans are delivered through a smartphone app and tailored to individual participants by using case-based reasoning methodology. In the trial, we compare selfBACK in addition to usual care with usual care alone. Methods: The aim of this study is to conduct a convergent mixed-methods implementation and process evaluation of the selfBACK app by following the reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation, and maintenance framework. We will evaluate the process of implementing selfBACK and investigate how participants use the intervention in daily life. The evaluation will also cover the reach of the intervention, health care provider willingness to adopt it, and participant satisfaction with the intervention. We will gather quantitative measures by questionnaires and measures of data analytics on app use and perform a qualitative exploration of the implementation using semistructured interviews theoretically informed by normalization process theory. Data collection will be conducted between March 2019 and October 2020. Results: The trial opened for recruitment in February 2019. This mixed-methods implementation and evaluation study is embedded in the randomized controlled trial and will be collecting data from March 2019 to October 2020; dissemination of trial results is planned thereafter. The results from the process evaluation are expected 2021-2022. Conclusions: This study will provide a detailed understanding of how self-management of low back pain can be improved and how a digital health intervention can be used as an add-on to usual care to support patients to self-manage their low back pain. We will provide knowledge that can be used to explore the possibilities of extending the generic components of the selfBACK system and key drivers that could be of use in other conditions and diseases where self-management is an essential prevention or treatment strategy. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03798288; https://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03798288 International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID): DERR1-10.2196/20308
