1,190 research outputs found

    Guidelines: The do's, don'ts and don't knows of direct observation of clinical skills in medical education.

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    IntroductionDirect observation of clinical skills is a key assessment strategy in competency-based medical education. The guidelines presented in this paper synthesize the literature on direct observation of clinical skills. The goal is to provide a practical list of Do's, Don'ts and Don't Knows about direct observation for supervisors who teach learners in the clinical setting and for educational leaders who are responsible for clinical training programs.MethodsWe built consensus through an iterative approach in which each author, based on their medical education and research knowledge and expertise, independently developed a list of Do's, Don'ts, and Don't Knows about direct observation of clinical skills. Lists were compiled, discussed and revised. We then sought and compiled evidence to support each guideline and determine the strength of each guideline.ResultsA final set of 33 Do's, Don'ts and Don't Knows is presented along with a summary of evidence for each guideline. Guidelines focus on two groups: individual supervisors and the educational leaders responsible for clinical training programs. Guidelines address recommendations for how to focus direct observation, select an assessment tool, promote high quality assessments, conduct rater training, and create a learning culture conducive to direct observation.ConclusionsHigh frequency, high quality direct observation of clinical skills can be challenging. These guidelines offer important evidence-based Do's and Don'ts that can help improve the frequency and quality of direct observation. Improving direct observation requires focus not just on individual supervisors and their learners, but also on the organizations and cultures in which they work and train. Additional research to address the Don't Knows can help educators realize the full potential of direct observation in competency-based education

    Prevalence of household food poverty in South Africa: results from a large, nationally representative survey

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    Household food insecurity is a major determinant of undernutrition, yet there is little information on its prevalence in the South African population. This paper assesses household food insecurity in South Africa using a quantitative and objective measure, known as food poverty, and provides prevalence estimates by geographic area and socio-economic condition. Secondary data analysis combining two sources: Statistics South Africa's household-based 1995 Income and Expenditure Survey; and the University of Port Elizabeth's Household Subsistence Level series, a nationally-conducted, market-based survey. South Africa. A nationally representative sample of the entire country – stratified by race, province, and urban and non-urban areas – consisting of 28 704 households. A household is defined to be in food poverty when monthly food spending is less than the cost of a nutritionally adequate very low-cost diet. The prevalence of food poverty in South Africa in 1995 was 43%. Food poverty rates were highest among households headed by Africans, followed by coloureds, Indians and whites. Higher food poverty rates were found with decreasing income, increasing household size, and among households in rural areas or those headed by females. The widespread nature of household food insecurity in South Africa is documented here. Prevalence rates by geographic and socio-economic breakdown provide the means for targeting of nutritional interventions and for monitoring progress in this field. The corroboration of these findings with both internal validation measures and external sources suggests that food poverty is a useful, objective measure of household food insecurity

    Evolution of size-dependent flowering in a variable environment: construction and analysis of a stochastic integral projection model

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    Understanding why individuals delay reproduction is a classic problem in evolutionary biology. In plants, the study of reproductive delays is complicated because growth and survival can be size and age dependent, individuals of the same size can grow by different amounts and there is temporal variation in the environment. We extend the recently developed integral projection approach to include size- and age-dependent demography and temporal variation. The technique is then applied to a long-term individually structured dataset for Carlina vulgaris, a monocarpic thistle. The parameterized model has excellent descriptive properties in terms of both the population size and the distributions of sizes within each age class. In Carlina, the probability of flowering depends on both plant size and age. We use the parameterized model to predict this relationship, using the evolutionarily stable strategy approach. Considering each year separately, we show that both the direction and the magnitude of selection on the flowering strategy vary from year to year. Provided the flowering strategy is constrained, so it cannot be a step function, the model accurately predicts the average size at flowering. Elasticity analysis is used to partition the size- and age-specific contributions to the stochastic growth rate, λs. We use λs to construct fitness landscapes and show how different forms of stochasticity influence its topography. We prove the existence of a unique stochastic growth rate, λs, which is independent of the initial population vector, and show that Tuljapurkar's perturbation analysis for log(λs) can be used to calculate elasticities

    β-adrenergic-mediated dynamic augmentation of sarcolemmal CaV 1.2 clustering and co-operativity in ventricular myocytes.

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    Key pointsPrevailing dogma holds that activation of the β-adrenergic receptor/cAMP/protein kinase A signalling pathway leads to enhanced L-type CaV 1.2 channel activity, resulting in increased Ca2+ influx into ventricular myocytes and a positive inotropic response. However, the full mechanistic and molecular details underlying this phenomenon are incompletely understood. CaV 1.2 channel clusters decorate T-tubule sarcolemmas of ventricular myocytes. Within clusters, nanometer proximity between channels permits Ca2+ -dependent co-operative gating behaviour mediated by physical interactions between adjacent channel C-terminal tails. We report that stimulation of cardiomyocytes with isoproterenol, evokes dynamic, protein kinase A-dependent augmentation of CaV 1.2 channel abundance along cardiomyocyte T-tubules, resulting in the appearance of channel 'super-clusters', and enhanced channel co-operativity that amplifies Ca2+ influx. On the basis of these data, we suggest a new model in which a sub-sarcolemmal pool of pre-synthesized CaV 1.2 channels resides in cardiomyocytes and can be mobilized to the membrane in times of high haemodynamic or metabolic demand, to tune excitation-contraction coupling.AbstractVoltage-dependent L-type CaV 1.2 channels play an indispensable role in cardiac excitation-contraction coupling. Activation of the β-adrenergic receptor (βAR)/cAMP/protein kinase A (PKA) signalling pathway leads to enhanced CaV 1.2 activity, resulting in increased Ca2+ influx into ventricular myocytes and a positive inotropic response. CaV 1.2 channels exhibit a clustered distribution along the T-tubule sarcolemma of ventricular myocytes where nanometer proximity between channels permits Ca2+ -dependent co-operative gating behaviour mediated by dynamic, physical, allosteric interactions between adjacent channel C-terminal tails. This amplifies Ca2+ influx and augments myocyte Ca2+ transient and contraction amplitudes. We investigated whether βAR signalling could alter CaV 1.2 channel clustering to facilitate co-operative channel interactions and elevate Ca2+ influx in ventricular myocytes. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation experiments reveal that the βAR agonist, isoproterenol (ISO), promotes enhanced CaV 1.2-CaV 1.2 physical interactions. Super-resolution nanoscopy and dynamic channel tracking indicate that these interactions are expedited by enhanced spatial proximity between channels, resulting in the appearance of CaV 1.2 'super-clusters' along the z-lines of ISO-stimulated cardiomyocytes. The mechanism that leads to super-cluster formation involves rapid, dynamic augmentation of sarcolemmal CaV 1.2 channel abundance after ISO application. Optical and electrophysiological single channel recordings confirm that these newly inserted channels are functional and contribute to overt co-operative gating behaviour of CaV 1.2 channels in ISO stimulated myocytes. The results of the present study reveal a new facet of βAR-mediated regulation of CaV 1.2 channels in the heart and support the novel concept that a pre-synthesized pool of sub-sarcolemmal CaV 1.2 channel-containing vesicles/endosomes resides in cardiomyocytes and can be mobilized to the sarcolemma to tune excitation-contraction coupling to meet metabolic and/or haemodynamic demands

    Physically Abused Children’s Adjustment at the Transition to School: Child, Parent, and Family Factors

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    Childhood physical abuse predicts emotional/behavioral, self-regulatory, and social problems. Yet factors from multiple ecological levels contribute to children’s adjustment. The purpose of this study was to examine the degree to which the social-emotional adjustment of physically abused children in first grade would be predicted by a set of child-, parent-, and family-level predictors in kindergarten. Drawing on a short-term longitudinal study of 92 physically abused children and their primary caregivers, the current study used linear regression to examine early childhood child (i.e., gender, IQ, child perceptions of maternal acceptance), parent (i.e., parental mental health), and family relationship (i.e., sensitive parenting, hostile parenting, family conflict) factors as predictors of first grade internalizing and externalizing symptomatology, emotion dysregulation, and negative peer interactions. We used a multi-method, multi-informant approach to measuring predictors and children’s adjustment. Internalizing symptomatology was significantly predicted by child IQ, parental mental health, and family conflict. Externalizing symptomatology and emotion dysregulation were predicted by child IQ. Although a large proportion of variance in measures of adjustment was accounted for by the set of predictors, few individual variables were unique predictors of child adjustment. Variability in the predictors of adjustment for physically abused children underscores the need for individualized treatment approaches

    Overview of the COVID-19 text mining tool interactive demonstration track in BioCreative VII

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has compelled biomedical researchers to communicate data in real time to establish more effective medical treatments and public health policies. Nontraditional sources such as preprint publications, i.e. articles not yet validated by peer review, have become crucial hubs for the dissemination of scientific results. Natural language processing (NLP) systems have been recently developed to extract and organize COVID-19 data in reasoning systems. Given this scenario, the BioCreative COVID-19 text mining tool interactive demonstration track was created to assess the landscape of the available tools and to gauge user interest, thereby providing a two-way communication channel between NLP system developers and potential end users. The goal was to inform system designers about the performance and usability of their products and to suggest new additional features. Considering the exploratory nature of this track, the call for participation solicited teams to apply for the track, based on their system’s ability to perform COVID-19-related tasks and interest in receiving user feedback. We also recruited volunteer users to test systems. Seven teams registered systems for the track, and >30 individuals volunteered as test users; these volunteer users covered a broad range of specialties, including bench scientists, bioinformaticians and biocurators. The users, who had the option to participate anonymously, were provided with written and video documentation to familiarize themselves with the NLP tools and completed a survey to record their evaluation. Additional feedback was also provided by NLP system developers. The track was well received as shown by the overall positive feedback from the participating teams and the users.National Institutes of Health Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (R01OD010929 to M.T. and K.D.); Canadian Institutes of Health Research (FDN-167277 to M.T.); Canada Research Chair in Systems and Synthetic Biology (to M.T.); National Institutes of Health (2U24HG007822-08, 1R35 GM141873-01 to K.E.R. and C.N.A); Spanish Plan for the Advancement of Language Technology and Proyectos I+D+i2020-AI4PROFHEALTH (PID2020-119266RA-I00 to M.K.); MITRE (W56KGU-18-D-0004 to L.H. and T.K.). The views, opinions and/or findings contained in this report are those of the authors and should not be construed as an official government position, policy or decision.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The Rose-Colored Glasses of Geriatric Fall Patients: Inconsistencies Between Knowledge of Risk Factors for and Actual Causes of Falls

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    Background: Falls are the leading cause of fatal injury, and most common cause of non-fatal trauma, among older adults. We sought to elicit older patient\u27s perspectives on fall risks for the general population as well as contributions to any personal falls to identify opportunities to improve fall education. Methods: Ten patients with a history of falls from inpatient trauma and outpatient geriatric services were interviewed. Transcripts were analyzed independently by five individuals using triangulation and constant comparison (NVivo11, QSR International) to compare fall risks to fall causes. Results: All patients reported that either they (9/10 participants) or someone they knew (8/10) had fallen. Despite this, only two personally worried about falling. Patient perceptions of fall risks fell into seven major themes: physiologic decline (8/10); underestimating limitations (7/10); environmental hazards (7/10), lack of awareness/rushing (4/10), misuse/lack of walking aids (3/10); positional transitions (2/10), and improper footwear (1/10). In contrast, the most commonly reported causes of personal falls were lack of awareness/rushing (7/10), environmental hazards (3/10), misuse/lack of walking aids (2/10), improper footwear (2/10), physiologic decline (2/10), underestimating limitations (1/10) and positional transitions (1/10). In general tended to attribute their own falls to their surroundings and were less likely to attribute physical or psychological limitations. Conclusion: Despite participants identifying falls as a serious problem, they were unlikely to worry about falling themselves. Participants were able to identify common fall risks. However, when speaking about personal experience, they were more likely to blame environmental hazards or rushing, and minimized the role of physiologic decline and personal limitations

    Seed availability and insect herbivory limit recruitment and adult density of native tall thistle

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    Understanding spatial and temporal variation in factors influencing plant regeneration is critical to predicting plant population growth. We experimentally evaluated seed limitation, insect herbivory, and their interaction in the regeneration and density of tall thistle (Cirsium altissimum) across a topographic ecosystem productivity gradient in tallgrass prairie over two years. On ridges and in valleys, we used a factorial experiment manipulating seed availability and insect herbivory to quantify effects of: seed input on seedling density, insect herbivory on juvenile density, and cumulative impacts of both seed input and herbivory on reproductive adult density. Seed addition increased seedling densities at three of five sites in 2006 and all five sites in 2007. Insect herbivory reduced seedling survival across all sites in both years, as well as rosette survival from the previous year’s seedlings. In both years, insecticide treatment of seed addition plots led to greater adult tall thistle densities in the following year, reflecting the increase in juvenile thistle densities in the experimental year. Seedling survival was not density dependent. Our analytical projection model predicts a significant long-term increase in adult densities from seed input, with a greater increase under experimentally reduced insect herbivory. While plant community biomass and water stress varied significantly between ridges and valleys, the effects of seed addition and insect herbivory did not vary with gradient position. These results support conceptual models that predict seedling and adult densities of short-lived monocarpic perennial plants should be seed limited. Further, the experiment demonstrates that even at high juvenile plant densities, at which density dependence potentially could have overridden herbivore effects on plant survival, insect herbivory strongly affected juvenile thistle performance and adult densities of this native prairie species

    Comparing uni-modal and multi-modal therapies for improving writing in acquired dysgraphia after stroke.

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    Writing therapy studies have been predominantly uni-modal in nature; i.e., their central therapy task has typically been either writing to dictation or copying and recalling words. There has not yet been a study that has compared the effects of a uni-modal to a multi-modal writing therapy in terms of improvements to spelling accuracy. A multiple-case study with eight participants aimed to compare the effects of a uni-modal and a multi-modal therapy on the spelling accuracy of treated and untreated target words at immediate and follow-up assessment points. A cross-over design was used and within each therapy a matched set of words was targeted. These words and a matched control set were assessed before as well as immediately after each therapy and six weeks following therapy. The two approaches did not differ in their effects on spelling accuracy of treated or untreated items or degree of maintenance. All participants made significant improvements on treated and control items; however, not all improvements were maintained at follow-up. The findings suggested that multi-modal therapy did not have an advantage over uni-modal therapy for the participants in this study. Performance differences were instead driven by participant variables
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