12 research outputs found

    Infant nutrition and allergy

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    The correct nutrition in the first year of a child’s life is an important factor determining the physical and intellectual capabilities of a person at a later age and has an important meaning to the risk of developing a food allergy. The aim of our study was to determine whether breastfeeding practices, including exceptional breastfeeding, and using hydrolysed milk alter the risk of developing a food allergy in infants. Material and Methods: We tracked 180 healthy infants up to the age of one year old and 94 – with manifestations of allergy. The statistical processing and visualisation of the results were done with the products Statgraphics Plus and Microsoft Excel. Results: The success of breastfeeding in the monitored mothers in terms of duration of breastfeeding was influenced by the level of education, ethnicity and current place of residence. In normal birth and caesarean delivery, healthy children are breastfed over 7 months of age, while children with manifestations of allergy – up to 1-2 months of age. Among the monitored by us children food allergy was seen more frequently in infants with low birth weight.  More commonly during the first year we observed skin-gastrointestinal form toward cow’s milk proteins. Among the observed children with allergic manifestation we found elevated levels of immunoglobin E(36,5IU/ml), eosinophiles – over 7%, anaemic syndrome – 40,5%. About 93% of children with initial manifestations of allergy were fed milk for infants, 4,3% were on mixed feeding (breast milk and supplementation with infant milk), 2,1 - on exceptional breastfeeding. Conclusion: The frequent clinical manifestation of allergic colitis and confirmation of allergy to cow's milk with immunoglobulin E and eosinophils require the introduction of an elimination diet and prolonged feeding with protein hydrolysate 6-12 months


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    Mumps is a vaccine preventable viral infection. Its typical clinical manifestations are characterized by pain and swelling of the salivary glands, fever, and fatigue. Often other organs are affected - testes in males after puberty (orchitis), ovaries in women (ooforitis), pancreas (pancreatitis), central nervous system (meningities). The use of specific immune prophylaxis led to a significant success in the fight against mumps, but there are still unresolved issues related to the immunological and epidemiological effectiveness of the vaccines. The disease continues to interest researchers today. The main issues being tackled are related to the conduct of virological, clinical and sero-epidemiological studies in different countries. Objectives of the study is to determine the frequency distribution of mumps-specific IgG antibodies in healthy populations in the region of Pleven, Bulgaria. Methods: a cross-sectional sero - epidemiological representative population - based survey in the area was made. Enzyme immunoassay method was used for an indirect proof of mumps - specific IgG serum antibodies. 410 people were examined at an average age of 25 (1 to 84). Of these, 250 (61 %) were women and 160 (39 %) - men. Results: Of all test results, the negative were 72 (19 %), the borderline were 12 (3 %), the positive were 182 (44 %), and highly positive were 144 (35 %). The vaccination status showed that 242 (69 %) of all surveyed were immunized with a vaccine against mumps. According to the immunization schedule in Bulgaria, 132 (33 %) people were immunized with monovaccine during the years - 1 intake, 80 (20 %) with trivaccine - 1 intake, and 64 (16 %) - 2 doses. Conclusion: We believe that despite the specific immunprophylaxis carried out against mumps decades on end, the necessary level of protection leading to its elimination has not yet been reached


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    The urgency and importance of taking into account the cyclical characteristics of the functioning of the economic and banking system in the process of liquidity regulation of banks is proved. The concept of cyclicity is defined, which means a smooth transition from one phase of the cycle to another based on market conditions and instruments.Three main types of cycles in the current conditions of development of the world market are revealed, such as economic, credit and financial cycles, their essence, main differences and interrelation are highlighted. It is mentioned that financial cycles are «youngest» compared with other types of them. Because financial cycles are often interpreted as indicators of financial imbalance, their relationship with the systemic risk of the banking sector has been followed. It is noted in the presence of systemic risk both in the phase of rise of the financial cycle (accumulation of risk), and at the stage of its decline (materialization of  risk). The basic rule for constructing a liquidity regulation strategy for banks depending on the phases of the financial cycle is formulated: accumulation of liquidity at the stage of rise and its optimal use in the phase of recession. In the issue of liquidity management strategy, the main focus should be relocated from pro-cyclical mechanisms to countercyclical instruments that would allow to withstand systemic crisis phenomena. Countercyclical regulation should ensure the preparation of the financial system for future shocks in order to maximize their effective overcoming.The important role of regulatory authorities in the process of constructing the correct strategy of regulation and introduction of the correct levers and instruments of monetary policy is emphasized. In addition, systemically important banking institutions require more control, because it’s bankruptcy will cause irreparable damage to the normal functioning of the whole system. The analysis of indicators of the Ukrainian banking market was conducted depending on the phase of the financial cycle.Доказаны актуальность и важность учета циклических характеристик функционирования экономической и банковской системы в процессе регулирования ликвидности банков. Определено понятие цикличности, что представляет собой плавный переход от одной фазы цикла к другой на основе рыночных условий и инструментов. Отмечено три основных вида циклов в современных условиях развития мирового рынка, таких как экономические, кредитные и финансовые. Прослежена взаимосвязь финансовых циклов с системным риском банковского сектора. Акцентировано внимание на присутствии системного риска как в фазе подъема финансового цикла (накопление риска), так и на этапе его спада (материализация риска). Сформулировано основное правило построения стратегии регулирования ликвидности банков в зависимости от фаз финансового цикла: накопление ликвидности на этапе подъема и оптимальное ее использования на фазе спада. Отмечено важную роль регуляторных органов в процессе построения верной стратегии регулирования и внедрение корректных рычагов и инструментов денежно-кредитной политики.Доведено актуальність і важливість урахування циклічних характеристик функціонування економічної та банківської системи у процесі регулювання ліквідності банків. Визначено поняття циклічності, що являє собою плавний перехід від однієї фази циклу до іншої на основі ринкових умов та інструментів.Зазначено три основні види циклів у сучасних умовах розвитку світового ринку, таких як економічні, кредитні та фінансові цикли, розкрито їхню суть, основні відмінності та взаємозв’язок. При цьому підкреслено, що фінансові цикли є «наймолодшими» у порівнянні з іншими їхніми видами. Оскільки фінансові цикли часто трактують як показники фінансового дисбалансу, прослідковано їхній взаємозв’язок із системним ризиком банківського сектору. Зауважено на присутності системного ризику як у фазі піднесення фінансового циклу (накопичення ризику), так і на етапі його спаду (матеріалізація ризику).Сформульовано основне правило побудови стратегії регулювання ліквідності банків залежно від фаз фінансового циклу: накопичення ліквідності на етапі піднесення та оптимальне її використання на фазі спаду. У питанні стратегії регулювання ліквідності основний акцент має бути перебазованим від проциклічних механізмів до контрциклічних інструментів, які б дозволили протистояти системним кризовим явищам. Контрциклічне регулювання повинно забезпечити підготовку фінансової системи до майбутніх потрясінь для їхнього максимально ефективного подолання.Наголошено на важливій ролі регуляторних органів у процесі побудови фахової стратегії регулювання та запровадження коректних важелів та інструментів грошово-кредитної політики. Окрім цього, посиленого контролю потребують системно важливі банківські установи, банкрутство яких завдасть непоправної шкоди нормальному функціонуванню системи. Проведено аналіз показників банківського ринку України з позиції протікання фаз фінансового циклу

    Effect of Extracts of Bilberries (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) on Amyloglucosidase and α-Glucosidase Activity

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    Background:Vaccinium myrtillus L. is a species belonging to the genus Vaccinium of the family Ericaceae. Bilberries have drawn attention due to the multiple benefits for the human health, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, anti-neurodegenerative, and cardioprotective effects. Recently, bilberries were shown to inhibit the activity of carbohydrate-hydrolysing enzymes that can help reduce the intensity of the metabolic syndrome and prevent type 2 diabetes

    Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Water Extractable Polysaccharides from Leaves of Plantago major L.

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    Background:Plantago major L. leaves have been used for centuries by the traditional medicine in the treatment of infectious disorders of the respiratory, urinary and digestive tracts. Researchers have reported that hot water extracts of Plantago major possess a broad-spectrum of anticancer, antioxidant and antiviral activities, as well as activities which modulate cell-mediated immunity. Their beneficial properties may be due to the significant content of polysaccharides. The polysaccharides that have been isolated from the leaves of Plantago major L. have different structures – pectic substances, galactans, arabinogalactans, glucomannans

    Immunophenotypic Profile in Acute Infectious Mononucleosis Mimicking Malignant Lymphoproliferative Disorder: A Case Report and Review of Literature

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    Infectious mononucleosis is characterized by an intensive lymphoproliferation with atypical forms which sometimes resemble with acute leukemia or malignant lymphoproliferative diseases. Flow cytometric analysis of lymphocytes shows a typical phenotype but unawareness of it may lead to misdiagnosis of malignant lymphoproliferative diseases. Herewith we present an immunophenotypic profile in a case of acute infectious mononucleosis and review of literature