31 research outputs found

    Determination of protein value and water absorption in chickpea (Cicer Aiietinuml.) seeds during germination

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    Protein and water absorption values were investigated in Cagatay and Gokhoyuk varieties of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) seeds after germination. The crude protein content were determined as 29.14% by dry weight in Cagatay and 26.13% in Gokhoyuk varieties respectively. Following imbibition, the amount of water absorption increased up to approximately 50% to 60% in both varieties. Crude protein content increased by 10.4% and 14.2% and carbohydrate content increased by 0.45% and 0.41% respectively for Cagatay and Gokhoyuk varieties of chickpea seeds. In addition, total viability of microorganisms, yeasts and molds were also determined after germination. Inactivation of microorganisms (including yeast and molds) to acceptable safe limits were noted, after soaking in hot water at 950 C for five minutes

    Determination of the amount of litterfall according to the development stages and of the carbon stock input into the litter in the oriental beech forests in the Marmara Region

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    This study was carried out in order to reveal the amount of litterfall according to the development stages in the oriental beech forests in the Marmara Region and the carbon stocks input into forest floor in this way. The research was conducted in a total of 18 sample plots, which differ in terms of aspect, elevation, slope, slope position and stand development stages namely the b (dbh=8.0-19,9 cm), c (dbh=20.0-35.9 cm) and d stages (dbh=36.0-51.9 cm). Five litter traps (50×50 cm) were set up each sample plot and litterfall material was collected monthly for three years. The litterfall materials taken from the field were separated into their components (leaf, branch, bark, miscellaneous) in the laboratory, dried at 65 °C until they reached a constant weight and weighed. Afterwards, carbon analysis was performed on the milled samples. The amount of litterfall in one-hectare area was determined by using the conversion coefficient to hectares of the masses of the litterfall components collected from the traps. Then, these values were multiplied by the carbon concentration obtained as a result of the analysis, and the carbon stocks into forest floor through litterfall in a hectare area were calculated. The data were evaluated with variance, correlation and stepwise multiple regression analyzes. According to the results of the research, the amount of litterfall increased depending on the growth of the development stage and the total litterfall ranged between 3959 and 5698 kg/ha/year. The weighted carbon concentration of the litterfall was determined to be 50.3%. C stock, which enters the forest floor with total litterfall, varies between 1988-2857 kg/ha/year according to the development stages. Total litterfall in beech forests was estimated by stand characteristics, climatic characteristics and physiographic factors. Using the models obtained, the amount of annual litterfall can be estimated in the beech stands in the region and in similar sites. The findings of this research can be used in modeling studies, which are among the long-term goals of the Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry sector


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    Atık suların arıtılmasında alternatif arıtım yöntemleri her geçen gün artmaktadır. Yapılan çalışmalara ve pratikteki uygulamalarına bakıldığında ilginin uygulanması kolay, ekonomik ve yüksek verime sahip yöntemler üzerinde yoğunlaştığı görülmektedir. Çalışmalarımızda Başyayla yöresi pekmez toprağı olarak bilinen ve pekmez yapımında çöktürme amaçlı olarak kullanılan kalsit ağırlıklı işlem görmemiş toprak numunesi kullanılmıştır. Bu bağlamda yaptığımız çalışmada toprak numunesinin kimyasal yapısı incelenerek arıtmada kullanılabilirliği araştırılmıştır. Deneysel çalışmalarda bir deri endüstrisi atık sularından kompozit olarak alınan numunede, KOİ (Kimyasal Oksijen İhtiyacı), AKM (Askıda Katı Madde), krom (VI) ve toplam krom parametrelerinin giderimi üzerine çalışılmıştır. Atık su numunesinde 2000 mg/L dozda ve pH 6'da %80'in üzerinde verimler elde edilmiştir. Alternative wastewater treatment methods were developed in recent years. According to experimental and practical applications, scientist's interest is focus on easy applicable, economical and optimum efficiency methods. In our experiments raw soil sample known as Basyayla region grape molasses soil was used. In this content, we investigated chemical structure of soil sample and its usage in water treatment. This soil which constituted of mostly calcite was used for sedimentation for making grape molasses. Experimental studies were taken place on removal of COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), SS (Suspended Solid), chromium (VI) and total chromium from composite sample of the tannery wastewater. About 80 percent removal efficiency was obtained for wastewater sample for 2000 mg/L dosage and pH 6


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    ilk Gıda Tüzüğü 13. yüzyıl başlarında İngiltere kralı II.Henry, ekmek çeşitlerine düzenleme getirerek her birinin birim fiyatını sabitlemiştir. O dönemde buğdayın fiyatı değişken olup, fiyatı yükseldiğinde ekmeğin gramajı düşmekte idi. Bu durumda fırıncıların ekmek hamuru içine öğütülmüş bezelye ve fasulye karıştırması II. Henrytarafından 'As size of Bread' denilen uygulama ile yasaklamıştır ( Ross, 1956). Osmanlıda 1502 yıllarında Gıda ve hayvan tüzüğü yayınlanmış Bu belgede çeşitli gıda ürünlerinin fiyat, kalite, boyut ve ambalaj gibi konularda standartları belirlenmiş ve bunlara uyulmaması halinde cezai hükümler getirilmiştir (2,3)

    Investigation of spray drying of tomato paste

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    Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra

    Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties of the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire in Turkish Cancer Patients.

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    The main aim of this study was to investigate the factor structure and psychometric properties of the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire (BIPQ) in Turkish cancer patients

    The views of the academicians related to academic career levels and promotion criteria

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    Bu çalışmada, üniversitelerde görev yapan akademisyenlerin akademikkariyer basamakları ve yükseltilme ölçütlerine ilişkin görüşleri ele alınmıştır. Bu amaçla on beş akademisyenle görüşme yapılmış ve çalışma sonucunda, akademisyenlerin kariyer sürecinin kişisel ve çevresel pek çokfaktör tarafından olumlu/olumsuz şekilde etkilendiği, akademisyenlerinbilimsel çalışma yaparken pek çok kaygı içinde olduğu, nitelikli akademisyenlerin özelliklerini değerlendirmek için kullanılacak performans değerlendirme ölçütlerinin niceliksel değil niteliksel bazda olması gerektiği anlaşılmıştırIn this study, the views of the university faculty members related to academic career process and academic promotion criteria have been discussed. For this reason, fifteen academicians were interviewed. As a result ofthe study, it has been understood that the career process of the facultymembers have been affected by many factors such as personal or environmental factors positively or negatively, faculty members have many anxiety during the scientific research and academic performance evaluationcriteria which will be used to evaluate the properties of qualified academics should be qualitative base instead of quantitativel