7 research outputs found

    Нематеріальні природні ресурси (НПР) в аспекті натурального капіталу «нової» географії: деякі перспективи для України

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    Background. Intangible natural resources are properties of nature, whose consumption does not cause exclusion and transformation of substances and energy but provides benefits as an ecological rent in economy, society and personal satisfaction of human needs. To the greatest extent, it concerns the resort and recreation industry, which is becoming more and more significant in the economy of many countries.Summary of the literature. Attention to non-material aspects of environmental protection and nature management for the needs of economy is increasing. European techniques involve sociological questionnaire apparatus for its evaluation. This process is rather tedious, lengthy and expensive.Aim. The presentation and analysis of the existing methodology based on quantitative evaluation of the intangible natural resource potential, as well as offering a new way of such evaluation using the subjective component of the complex subject-object approach and geoinformation technologies.Results. The geosocial advisory service would contain maps of environmental comfort based on the principle of the unity of time and space. The user can evaluate the quality of service time in the places that he visited (places are organized and classified by layers), and he will get personalized recommendations about, first of all, places for tourism and recreation. This service will create a set of axiological reports on classified landscapes.Conclusions and further work. Service offered in this article can be a modern and effective way for comprehending the importance of nature as a producer of intangible benefits. In coming years, the practical implementation of the proposed service will occur.Статья содержит анализ современных методологических основ географии, посвященных количественному измерению нематериального природно-ресурсного потенциала. Авторы предлагают новый подход к оценке нематериальных природных ресурсов на основе существующего зарубежного опыта оценки культурных экосистемных услуг. Через концептуальную взаимосвязь социальных времени и пространства, обосновывается восприятие индивидуумом объективных нематериальных свойств ландшафта через оценивание ним самим субъективного качества времени их потребления. Это дает возможность количественной оценки объективных качеств ландшафта индивидуумом как оценки нематериальных природных ресурсов с помощью оценки субьективного качества времени. Эта гипотеза нашла свое выражение в идее геосоциального рекомендательного сервиса. Последний не является самоцелью, а лишь инструментом изучения культурной значимости природы.Стаття містить аналіз сучасних методологічних основ географії, присвячених кількісному вимірюванню нематеріального природно-ресурсного потенціалу. Автори пропонують новий підхід до оцінки нематеріальних природних ресурсів на основі існуючого зарубіжного досвіду оцінки культурних екосистемних послуг. Через концептуальний взаємозв'язок соціальних часу і простору, обґрунтовується сприйняття особистістю об’єктивних нематеріальних властивостей ландшафту крізь оцінювання нею самою суб’єктивної якості часу їх споживання. Це надає змогу кількісного оцінювання об'єктивних якостей ландшафту для особистості як оцінки нематеріальних природних ресурсівчерез допомогою оцінки суб'єктивноъ якості часу. Ця гіпотеза знайшла своє вираження в ідеї геосоціального рекомендаційного сервісу. Останній не є самоціллю, а лише інструментом вивчення культурної значущості природи

    Two-time Green function method in quantum electrodynamics of high-Z few-electron atoms

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    The two-time Green function method in quantum electrodynamics of high-Z few-electron atoms is described in detail. This method provides a simple procedure for deriving formulas for the energy shift of a single level and for the energies and wave functions of degenerate and quasi-degenerate states. It also allows one to derive formulas for the transition and scattering amplitudes. Application of the method to resonance scattering processes yields a systematic theory for the spectral line shape. The practical ability of the method is demonstrated by deriving formulas for the QED and interelectronic-interaction corrections to energy levels and transition and scattering amplitudes in one-, two-, and three-electron atoms. Numerical calculations of the Lamb shift, the hyperfine splitting, the bound-electron g factor, and the radiative recombination cross section in heavy ions are also reviewed.Comment: 92 pages, 39 figures, 7 table

    Advanced Burner Reactors with Breed-and-Burn Thorium Blankets for Improved Economics and Resource Utilization

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    This paper assesses the feasibility of designing seed-and-blanket (S&B) sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) cores to generate a significant fraction of the core power from radial thorium-fueled blankets that operate in the breed-and-burn (B&B) mode. The radiation damage on the cladding material in both seed and blanket does not exceed the presently acceptable constraint of 200 displacements per atom (dpa). The S&B core is designed to have an elongated seed (or driver) to maximize the fraction of neutrons that radially leak into the subcritical B&B blanket and reduce the neutron loss via axial leakage. A specific objective of this study is to maximize the fraction of core power generated by the B&B blanket that is proportional to the neutron leakage rate from the seed to the blanket. Since the blanket feed fuel is very inexpensive and requires no reprocessing and remote fuel fabrication, a larger fraction of power from the blanket will result in a lower fuel cycle cost per unit of electricity generated by the SFR core. It is found possible to design the seed of the S&B core to have a lower transuranics (TRU) conversion ratio (CR) than a conventional advanced burner reactor (ABR) core without deteriorating core safety. This is due to the unique synergism between a low CR seed and the B&B thorium blanket. The benefits of the synergism are maximized when using an annular seed surrounded by inner and outer thorium blankets. Two high-performance S&B cores are designed to benefit from the annular seed concept: (1) an ultra-long-cycle core having a CR = 0.5 seed and a cycle length of ∼7 effective full-power years (EFPYs) and (2) a high-transmutation core having a TRU CR of 0.0. The TRU transmutation rate of the latter core is comparable to that of the reference ABR with a CR of 0.5, and the thorium blanket can generate close to 60% of the core power. Because of the high blanket power fraction along with the high discharge burnup of the CR = 0 seed, the reprocessing capacity per unit of core power required by this S&B core is only approximately 1/6th that of the reference ABR core with a TRU CR of 0.5. Although the seed fuel CR is nearly zero, the burnup reactivity swing is low enough to enable a cycle length of more than 4 EFPYs. This is attributed to a combination of reactivity gain in the thorium blankets over the cycle and the relatively high heavy metal inventory. Moreover, despite the very low leakage, the S&B cores feature a less positive coolant reactivity coefficient and large enough negative Doppler coefficient even when using nonfertile fuel for the seed, because of the unique physics properties of the U and Th in the thorium blankets. With the long cycles, the S&B SFR is expected to have a higher capacity factor, and therefore a lower cost of electricity, than conventional ABRs. The discharge burnup of the thorium blanket fuel is typically 70 MWd/kg such that the thorium fuel utilization is approximately 12 times that of natural uranium in light water reactors. A sensitivity study is subsequently undertaken to quantify the trade-off between the core performances and several design variables: amount of zirconium in the inert matrix seed fuel, active core height, coolant pressure drop, and radiation damage constraint. The effect of the criterion used for quantifying acceptable radiation damage is evaluated as well. It is concluded that a viable S&B core can be designed without significant deviation from typical SFR core design practices