219 research outputs found

    Bis(dihydrogen norfloxacinium) tri-μ2-chlorido-bis­[trichloridobismuthate(III)] chloride dihydrate

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    The title compound, {systematic name: (3-carb­oxy-1-ethyl-6-fluoro-7-piperazin-4-ium-1-yl-1H-quinolin-4-yl­idene)oxonium tri-μ2-chlorido-bis­[trichloridobismuthate(III)] chloride dihydrate], (C16H20FN3O3)2[Bi2Cl9]Cl·2H2O, is composed of [Bi2Cl9]3− anions lying on crystallographic twofold rotation axes, Cl− anions also on twofold axes, C16H20FN3O3 2+ cations, and water mol­ecules. The BiIII coordination polyhedron is a distorted octa­hedron and two such octa­hedra share a triangular face to form the complex anion. There are three short terminal Bi—Cl bonds [2.5471 (6)–2.5781(5 Å] and three longer bridging bonds [2.8599 (5)–2.9984 (6) Å] in each octa­hedron. Anions, cations and water mol­ecules are linked by hydrogen bonds to form a three-dimensional network. There are also π–π stacking inter­actions between quinoline ring systems, with an inter­planar distance of 3.27 (1) Å

    The use of trypsin-like blood activity as a marker of pulmonary fibrosis severity.

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    Purpose – to determine changes in the trypsin-like blood activity and its relationship with acute phase indices of inflammation in patients with pulmonary fibrosis (PF) as a marker of course severity and prognosis of the disease. Materials and Methods: The study included 18 patients: 15 (83%) women and 3 (17%) men, mean age 53±2.5 years. The control group included 15 practically healthy persons. All the examined patients (n=18) were divided into two groups: with mild or moderately severe PF – 8 (44.4%) patients (group I), severe PF – 10 (55.6%) of patients (group II). Duration of the disease - from 1 month. up to 4 years. Patients underwent clinic-laboratory and anthropometric studies, a mMRC questionnaire was used, blood saturation was measured, lung radiography in 2 projections, echocardiography, and if necessary a high-resolution computer tomography etc were performed. Results and discussion: More than half of the patients were overweight (44,4%) or had obesity of І-ІІІ st. (27.8%). The severity of dyspnea according to mMRC scale was 3.0 (3.0-4.0) points in patients of group II and 2.5 (2.0-3.0) points in patients of group I. There was a decrease in C-reactive protein (CRP) in group I and a tendency to increase in patients of group II. When analyzing the indicator of trypsin-like blood activity (TLA), it was found that the median TLA at the beginning of the observation was twice as high as in healthy individuals, direct correlation was established between the level of TLA and the severity of the disease course. After treatment the level of TLA decreased in group I patients. In the severe course of PF, the average TLA level remained high. The progredient course of LF is characterized by severe clinical symptoms, a significant increase in TLA, CRP, reduced O2 saturation, a lack of response to treatment and an unfavorable prognosis. The TLA index can be used as a biochemical marker of the severity of PF along with the CRPindex, O2 saturation and the degree of dyspnoea

    Применение фиксирующих кремов для улучшения адаптации к съемным протезам на верхней челюсти больных со сложно-челюстной патологией

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    На примере клинических случаев разобраны особенности изготовления съемных протезов на верхней челюсти и пути решения проблемы адаптации к ним у пациентов со сложно-челюстной патологией, в том числе с применением фиксирующих кремов. Оценены результаты проведенного ортопедического лечения

    Problems of adaptation to denture in the maxilla patients with hard-maxillo pathology

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    In the case of clinical cases analyzed characteristics of manufacturing dentures in the maxilla and ways of solving the problem of adaptation in patients with this problem. Evaluated the results of orthopedic treatment Monitored orthopedic physicians — students Fuwa for the admission of hard-jaw patients.На примере клинических случаев разобраны особенности изготовления съемных протезов на верхней челюсти и пути решения проблемы адаптации к ним у пациентов с данной проблемой. Оценены результаты проведённого ортопедического лечения. Проведен мониторинг врачей ортопедов - слушателей ФУВа о приеме сложно-челюстных пациентов

    Piperazine-1,4-diium bis­[tetra­chlorido­aurate(III)] dihydrate

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    In the title compound, (C4H12N2)[AuCl4]2·2H2O, the AuIII atom has a square-planar geometry. The piperazinium dication lies on an inversion centre and adopts a typical chair conformation. In the crystal, a combination of N—H⋯O, N—H⋯Cl and O—H⋯Cl hydrogen bonds results in the formation of a three-dimensional network

    Features of geological structure and formation of oil & gas deposits in the Vuktyl thrust fault region

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    The paper is devoted to modeling of the processes of oil and gas deposits formation of the Vuktyl thrust development area, to which the largest in the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province is associated with the same oil and gas condensate deposit. Oil and gas of deeply buried formations of the autochthon of the overthrust region remains poorly studied. Therefore, application of modern methods of basin modeling is relevant for oil and gas content estimation. In order to simulate the section, Schlumberger PetroMod software package was used. The package allows to determine the history of generation of hydrocarbons on the geological time scale, migration paths, amount and type of oil and gas accumulations in both surface and reservoir conditions. Using the 1D and 2D modeling of the Vuktylskaya-58 parametric well and the overthrust region models were obtained. The models reflect the modern geological section, its evolution during the geological time. The processes of formation of oil and gas were studied. As a result, it was shown that the parent rocks of the allochthonous section part could not participate in the formation of the main gas-condensate deposit of the Vuktyl deposit because they entered only the main oil formation zone. In deeply buried deposits of the autochthon starting from the Permian and Triassic formation of the Vuktylsky gas-condensate field and possibly the deposits in poorly studied deep formations could be caused by processes of generation of gases and gas condensates. That is proved by the discovery of a large number of gas emergences beyond the 4-5 km in a section of the only well drilled beyond the 6 km such as Vuktylskaya-58. Generation and accumulation of gas hydrocarbons occurred mainly after the appearance of thrust dislocations, when the main traps were formed both at ordinary and high depths

    О Модернизации Жилищного Законодательства И Построении Эффективных Финансовых Моделей Управления Многоквартирными Домами В Современной России

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    The article substantiates a set of proposals for amending housing legislation aimed at building effective financial models of various ways to manage apartment buildings in modern Russia. The implementation of the proposals will allow the creation of financially sustainable management organizations in the housing and utilities sector, who receive their remuneration in legal form and are interested in the results of their financial and economic activities. The study was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research in the framework of the research project No. 18-010-00090 “Study of the financial and economic aspects of the activities of management companies in the housing and utilities sector and the development of proposals to improve their financial sustainability.”El artículo respalda un conjunto de propuestas para enmendar la legislación de vivienda con el objetivo de construir modelos financieros efectivos de varias maneras de administrar edificios de apartamentos en la Rusia moderna. La implementación de las propuestas permitirá la creación de organizaciones de gestión financieramente sostenibles en el sector de vivienda y servicios públicos, que reciben su remuneración en forma legal y están interesados en los resultados de sus actividades financieras y económicas. El estudio se realizó con el apoyo financiero de la Fundación Rusa para la Investigación Básica en el marco del proyecto de investigación Nº 18-010-00090 "Estudio de los aspectos financieros y económicos de las actividades de las empresas de gestión en el sector de la vivienda y los servicios públicos. y el desarrollo de propuestas para mejorar su sostenibilidad financiera ". В статье обосновывается комплекс предложений по изменению жилищного законодательства, направленного на построение эффективных финансовых моделей различных способов управления многоквартирными домами в современной России. Реализация предложений позволит создать финансово устойчивые управляющие организации сферы ЖКХ, получающие свое вознаграждение в легальной форме и заинтересованные в результатах своей финансово-хозяйственной деятельности.   Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке Российского фонда фундаментальных исследований в рамках научного проекта № 18-010-00090 «Исследование финансово-экономических аспектов деятельности управляющих компаний в сфере ЖКХ и разработка предложений по повышению их финансовой устойчивости»