15 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Trait Sportive Self-Confidence in Team Sports According to Demographic Variances

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    This research was conducted to determine the level of athletes' trait sportive confidence and to compare them in terms of demographic variances. In the research which is in the model descriptive survey, Trait Sportive Self Confidence Scale developed by Vealey (1986) was used as data collection tool. Based on typical sampling method of purposive sampling methods, this research sample is consisted of 279 athletes playing in Ptofessional Football League and female-male Volleyball League in Turkey in 2017-2018 season. In the evaluation of the research data, the assumptions of the tests were examined primarily; for unrelated measurements, t-test, one-way analysis of variance (One Way ANOVA) and Kruskal Wallis test. As a result of the research it was determinated that the trait sportive self-confidences of the athlethes were at a high level. When the findings of the study were evaluated in terms of demographic variables, it was determined that there was a significant difference according to the age or the status of the league played

    High-K volcanism in the Afyon region, western Turkey: from Si-oversaturated to Si-undersaturated volcanism

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    Volcanic rocks of the Afyon province (eastern part of western Anatolia) make up a multistage potassic and ultrapotassic alkaline series dated from 14 to 12 Ma. The early-stage Si-oversaturated volcanic rocks around the Afyon city and further southward are trachyandesitic volcanic activity (14.23 ± 0.09 Ma). Late-stage Si-undersaturated volcanism in the southernmost part of the Afyon volcanic province took place in three episodes inferred from their stratigraphic relationships and ages. Melilite– leucitites (11.50 ± 0.03 Ma), spotted rachyandesites, tephryphonolites and lamproites (11.91 ± 0.13 Ma) formed in the first episode; trachyandesites in the second episode and finally phonotephrites, phonolite, basaltic trachyandesites and nosean-bearing trachyandesites during the last episode. The parameter Q [normative q-(ne + lc + kls + ol)] of western Anatolia volcanism clearly decreased southward with time becoming zero in the time interval 10–15 Ma. The magmatism experienced a sudden change in the extent of Si saturation after 14 Ma, during late-stage volcanic activity of Afyon volcanic province at around 12 Ma, though there was some coexistence of Si-oversaturated and Si-undersaturated magmas during the whole life of Afyon volcanic province


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    Yapılan çalışmanın amacı, sportif alanın unsurları hakkında genel bilgiler vererek, aralarında çıkabilecek sportif ihtilafları, suç olarak nitelendirilen hukuka aykırı fiilleri ve bunlar için öngörülen müeyyideleri irdelemek, tüm bu süreç içerisinde ihtilafların çözüm yollarını ortaya koyarak değerlendirmek, örnek olaylar ve yargı kararları çerçevesinde elde edilen bilgiler ışığında öneriler geliştirmektir. Çalışmada tarama modeli uygulanmış, probleme ilişkin genel bilgiler ilgili literatürün, süreli yayınların ve konuyla ilgili Anayasa, Kanun, Kanun Hükmünde Kararname, Uluslararası Antlaşmalar, Tüzük, Statü, Yönetmelik ve Talimatlar ile diğer mevzuatın taranmasıyla sistematik bir biçimde toplanarak değerlendirilmiş, spor alanındaki hukuki ihtilaflar ile çözüm yolları Yargı Kararları ve Tahkim Kurulu Kararları ile de desteklenmiş, bu kararlara dair Tahkim Kurulları, Ceza Kurulları ve GSGM Teftiş Kurulu Başkanlığı nın yaptığı sportif yargılama, inceleme/soruşturma ve sportif cezalara ilişkin çalışmalar yıllar itibariyle istatistiki hale getirilerek grafiklerle ortaya konulmuş, örnek olaylar da göz önünde bulundurularak böylece konu hakkında kavramsal bir çerçeve oluşturulmuştur. Çalışma neticesinde elde edilen veriler bir bütün olarak değerlendirildiğinde, hukukun düzenleyici rolüne sportif alanda da mutlak ihtiyaç duyulduğunu, bu bağlamda sporun her unsuruna eşit mesafede olacak ve spor ruhuna uygun spor hukuku sisteminin geliştirilmesi gerektiğini, ülkemiz spor hukuku mevzuatının oldukça eski tarihli ve geniş bir yelpazede yeralan mevzuattan oluştuğunu, mevcut yasalarda günümüz şartlarına ve uluslararası mevzuata uygun değişiklikler yapılmakla birlikte bunların yeterli olmadığını, konu ile ilişkili hususlarda araştırmalar yapılarak, daha başka hukuki düzenlemelerin de bir an evvel gerçekleştirilmesi gerektiğini söylemek mümkündür. izmir gundem komik videolar cizgi film izle cizgi film 3d oyunlar oyunlar The goal of the work undertaken is to provide general information on the components of sports activities and to explicate the conflicts that may arise; illegal actions that can be considered as against the law and penalties or sanctions resulting from these actions as well as the evaluation of the ways to resolve these conflicts during the period in question. In addition, to develop recommendations in the light of information obtained from sample events and decisions of the courts. In this work, the combing method was employed and literature on general information and regular publications relating to the topic, the constitution, laws, decrees, international agreements, rules, statutes, regulations and directives as well as other laws and regulations were gathered systematically and evaluated, and legal conflicts in the area of sports and ways of resolution were supported with court and arbitration board decisions. The decisions, inspections and inquiries taken by arbitration boards, penal courts and the GSGM review committee were graphically presented by years based on the statistics obtained, and bearing in mind sample events, a conceptual framework was derived on the subject. When the data obtained as a result of the work carried out is evaluated in totality, it can be seen that there is a strong need of the regulatory role of laws in the sports area and in this context it must be at an equal distance to all components or elements of sports. There is also a need to develop a sports law system suitable to the spirit of the game as our legislation relating to sports goes back a considerable period and covers a wide spectrum. Although revisions to existing laws in line with today s conditions and to international legislation have been done, it can be seen that these changes are not sufficient. It is fair to say that further research on this topic must be carried out and legal arrangements realized as soon as possible

    Modifiye bilobe alın flebi ile nazal rekonstrüksiyon

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    Supratroklear arterden beslenen ve yapı olarak burun cildiyle uyum gösteren paramedian alın flepleri, nazal rekonstrüksiyon amacıyla uzun yıllardır başarıyla kullanılmaktadır. Ancak, bu flebin alın çizgilerine dik olarak orta hattan kaldırılması belirgin bir skara neden olabilmektedir. Alın çizgilerine paralel olarak laterale uzanan bir flep ise, aynı tarafta kaşın asimetrik olarak kalkmasıyla sonuçlanır. Bu yazıda “modifiye bilobe alın flebi tekniği” olarak adlandırılan bir flep tekniğini göstermeyi amaçladık. Bu teknikte flep sapı bir tarafın supratroklear arterinden beslenir ve lezyonun karşı tarafında alın çizgilerine paralel insizyonla kaldırılır. Flebin kaldırıldığı sahada kaşın asimetrik olarak kalkmasını engellemek amacıyla, karşı frontal bölgeden ilk kaldırılan flebin yarısı kalınlığında bir başka flep ilk kaldırılan flebin yerine rotasyonel olarak çevrilir. Bu tekniğin temel amacı, alın çizgilerinin kamuflaj etkisini kullanmak; temel yöntemi ise, bilobe flep tekniğidir. Alnın gerilmesi ve kaşların iki taraflı kalkması ise bu tekniğin sekonder kazançlarıdır.Paramedian forehead flaps, which are supplied by supratrochlear artery and have structural compatibility with nasal skin, have been successfully used for nasal reconstruction for many years. However, removing this flap from midline as perpendicular to natural lines of forehead may lead to marked scar. A flap extending to lateral in parallel to natural lines of forehead results in ipsilateral elevation of eyebrow. In this article, we aimed to demonstrate a flap technique called as “modified bilobed forehead flap technique”. In this technique, pedicle of the flap is supplied by supratrochlear artery at one side and the flap is removed at the contralateral side of the lesion using parallel incision to natural lines of forehead. Another flap with a half thickness of the original flap is removed from contralateral frontal region and interpolated to the site where the original flap is removed to prevent the asymmetrical elevation of eyebrow ipsilateral to flap removal. The aim of this technique is to utilize masking effect of natural lines of forehead, while the basic method is bilobed flap technique. Secondary benefits of this technique include forehead lifting and bilateral eyebrow lifting

    Masseter adalesinden köken alan intramuskuler kavernöz hemanjiyom

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    Tüm hemanjiyomların %1’ini oluşturan intramuskuler hemanjiyomalar nadir görülen benign tümörlerdir. Sıklıkla gövde ve ekstremitelerde görülebilmektedir. Masseter ve trapezius kaslarından köken alabilen bu oluşumlar baş ve boyun bölgesinde nadir izlenmektedir. Hastalar genellikle parotis ve yüz bölgesinde zamanla büyüyen ağrısız kitleden şikayet eder. Lokalizasyonundan dolayı intramuskuler hemanjiyomaların %90’ında klinik olarak yanlışlıkla parotis kitlesi tanısı konulabilir. Bu kitlelerin tanısında görüntüleme yöntemleri önemli yer tutar.Intramuscular hemangiomas are rarely seen benign tumors, constituting %1 of all hemangiomas. They mostly occur in the trunk and extremities. They are uncommon in the head and neck region and arising most frequently from masseter and trapezius muscle. The patients usually complain about progressive and painless swelling in facial-parotid region. Due to its location, 90% of all intramuscular hemangiomas are misdiagnosed and often clinically mistaken as a parotid swelling. Radiologic images play important role for diagnosis of these hemangiomas

    Evaluation of the tonsillectomy and adenotonsillectomy implemented patients with respect to indications, complications, postoperative consequences, and anticipation-outcome relations

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, tonsillektomi ve adenotonsillektomi yapılan çocuk hastaların erken ve geç dönem postoperatif sonuçları ile ailelerinin ameliyat sonrası düşüncelerini araştırmak; bulguları hedef – sonuç ilişkisinde değerlendirmektir. Hastalar ve Metod: Çalışmaya Eylül 2008 ile Ekim 2011 tarihleri arasında kliniğimizde tonsillektomi ve adenotonsillektomi yapılan 34'ü erkek(%52.3), 31'i kız(%47.7) olmak üzere 65 çocuk hasta dahil edildi. Hastaların preoperatif yaş ortalaması 7.09±2.30 (min. 4, maks. 13) idi. 11 tanesi (%16.9) kronik/hipertrofik tonsillit, geri kalan 54 tanesi (%83.1) ise adenoid vejetasyon ile birlikte kronik/hipertrofik tonsillit tanısı bulunan çocuklar arasından rastgele seçilerek oluşturuldu. Kontrol amaçlı çağırılan tüm hastaların anamnezleri ve postoperatif şikayetleri anne/babalarından alındı. Çoktan seçmeli ve/veya ucu açık 19 kalem soruyu cevaplamaları istendi. Cevapların ardından hastaların muayeneleri yapılarak son klinik bulguları not edildi. Bulgular: Postoperatif takip süresi ortalama 15.18±7.4 ay(min. 1 – maks. 36) idi. Ameliyatın bizim hastanemizde yapılması için verilen kararda en etkili faktör %55.4 ile fakülte olması iken, bu ameliyata karar verinceye kadar başvurulan KBB uzmanı sayısının ortalama 2.55±1.87 (min. 1 – maks. 10) olduğu öğrenildi. Ameliyatın etkinliği 10 üzerinden ortalama 8.55±1.39 (min. 4 – maks. 10) olarak tespit edildi. Tedavi sonrası hastaların 19'u (%29.2) aynı şikayetlerin devam ettiğini, 36'sı (%55.4) şikayetlerinin tamemen geçtiğini ve 10'u (%15.4) eskisine nazaran daha iyi olduğunu bildirdi. Cerrahi öncesi yaşıtlarına göre gelişme geriliği bulunan 39 hastanın(%60), postoperatif 24'ünde (%61.5) farkedilir bir gelişme olduğu söylendi. 4(%6.2) hasta tekrar başa dönebilseydik bu operasyonu yaptırmazdım yanıtını verdi. Çocukların, 25(%38.5)'inin okul öncesi olduğu, 1(%1.5)'inin özel eğitim öğrencisi olduğu, 19(%29.2)'unun cerrahi sonrası derslerindeki başarının ailenin farkedeceği düzeyde arttığı, 20(%30.8) çocuğun ise ders başarı düzeyinin aynı kaldığı saptandı. Hastaları erken postoperatif dönemde en fazla rahatsız eden semptomlar arasında ilk sırada ağrı(%35), ikinci sırada yutma güçlüğü(%32) ve üçüncü sırada iştahsızlık gelmekteydi(%15). Hastaların yaşları ile iyileşme süreleri arasında ve yapılan cerrahi ile iyileşme süreleri arasında anlamlı bir ilişki tespit edilemedi. Cinsiyete, yaşa ve tanıya bağlı olarak dağılım yapıldığında iyileşme süresi, komplikasyon gelişimi gibi diğer değişkenlerde de anlamlı bir fark bulunamadı. Sonuç: Sonuç olarak preoperatif değerlendirmelerde daha dikkatli olunması, sistemik hastalıklar yönünden detaylı sorgulanması, hasta ve ebeveynlerinin cerrahiden tam olarak ne beklediklerinin bilinmesi ve cerrahi kararın buna göre verilmesi gerektiği anlaşılmıştır. Seçilmiş hastalarda yapılacak adenotonsillektominin daha memnun edici sonuçlar verdiği görülmüştür.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to reveal both the early and late postoperative results of tonsillectomy and adenotonsillectomy which are performed on pediatric patients. It is also intended to disclose the feelings and thoughts of parents or guardians of the patients. Then, ultimate purpose is to evaluate the findings with regards to intent - result relation. Patients and Methods: Sixty-five pediatric patients with a ratio of 34 male (52.3%) and 31 female (47.7%) participated. All the participants have had either tonsillectomy or adenotonsillectomy operation in our clinic sometime from September, 2008 to October, 2011. The mean age of the patients was found as 7.09±2.30 (min. 4 - max. 13) preoperatively. All the patients were randomly chosen. Considering the patients' diagnosis; 11 (16.9%) of the total patients had chronic/hypertrophic tonsillitis, and remaining 54 (83.1%) patients had cronic/hypertrophic tonsillitis with adenoid vegetation. Anamnesis of all the patients who were called for follow-up were taken from the parents. The parents were asked to complete a survey which consists of 19 multiple choice or/and open ended questions. After survey, patients were examined and latest clinical findings were noted. Results: Average length of postoperative follow-up was 15.18±7.7 months (min. 1 – max. 36). Our clinic being an university research institution was the most influential factor (55.4%) for those who had chosen this clinic for the operations. Findings indicated that; before making final decision on having the operation, patients had been consulted by an avarage of 2.55±1.87 (min 1- max. 10) specialist doctors. Affectiveness of the operations was found as 8.55±1.39 (min. 4 – max. 10) out of 10 point. Nine-teen (29.2%) patients have complained about ongoing problems; 36 (55.4%) of them have not had any complaint; and remaining 10 (15.4%) patients have reported being relatively better. According to the reports, although 39 (60%) of the patients preoperatively had growth defficiency in comparasion to their peers; postoperative reports have been claimed a noticable progress for 24 (61.5%) of growth defficiency suffering patients. On the other hand, 4 (6.2%) patients have reported regret of having the surgery. Twenty-five (38.5%) of the patients were preschool children and 1 (1.5%) was receiving special education. In addition to this, school success of 19 (29.2%) children has increased in an observable level; however, the success level has remained the same for remaining 20 (30.8%) children. The most frequently reported early postoperative semptoms were pain (35%), disphagy (32%), and lack of appetite (15%). No statistically significant relation found between both age – recovery time and type of operation – recovery time. In the cases of grouping patients according to gender, age, or diagnosis; no statistically significant results were found between recovery time, development of complications, and other variables. Conclusion: As conclusion, before making a decision on whether performing an operation, followings need to be considered: More careful preoperative evaluations should be done, detailed investigation regarding patients' systemic diseases need to be done, expectations of patients should be precisely defined. It is observed that adenotonsillectomies performed on picked patients result in higher satisfaction

    Structural evolution of the Uşak–Güre supra-detachment basin during Miocene extensional denudation in western Turkey

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    The Usak-Gure basin is a NE-SW-trending extensional basin located in the northern part of the Menderes Massif, in western Anatolia. The Usak-Gure basin contains a Lower to Upper Miocene volcano-sedimentary succession that records the unroofing of the metamorphic rocks of the Menderes Metamorphic Core Complex. We propose a new structural mechanism based on geological mapping and detailed kinematic fault analysis from each of the evolutionary phases. We also propose that north-to NE-dipping low-angle detachment surfaces define the basin boundaries and have identified three stages of deformation throughout the Miocene: the Early Miocene deformation phase (D-2) is characterized by low-angle normal faulting (Simav detachment fault) in the supra-detachment Usak-Gure basin, which marks the initiation of the extensional tectonics during the latest Oligocene; the Middle Miocene deformation phase (D-3) refers to volcano-tectonic activities during accumulation of the Inay Group; the Late Miocene deformation phase (D-4) is related to late Miocene tectonic activity widely responsible for deposition of the Asartepe Formations and uplift of the metamorphic rocks in the Usak basin margin. In addition, we propose that the eastern part of the Menderes Massif was delimited by the 'Usak-Mugla transtensional transfer zone' from Middle Miocene time throughout the eastern part of the Menderes Metamorphic Core Complex

    Can herbal products be alternative root canal irrigation solutions in primary teeth? An in vitro study

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    Objectives: To evaluate antimicrobial properties and smear layer removal efficiency of various plant extracts and apple cider vinegar (AV). Methods: A total of 112 primary molars roots were randomly divided into two groups (n = 56) for antimicrobial test and infected with E faecalis and Candida albicans then divided again into 7 groups (n = 8) as physiological saline (PS), NaOCI, white tea (WT), Helichrysum arenarium (HA), AV, Citrus lemon (CL), and Anzer thyme (AT). Disinfecting abilities were measured with ImageJ. In the smear layer removal efficiency test, prepared 70 roots were divided into 7 groups (n = 10) as in the antimicrobial test also 2 subgroups were designed as with or without EDTA usage (n = 5). All samples were examined under SEM. Open dentin tubule percentage was evaluated with ImageJ. Results: HA and CL showed higher antibacterial activity against E. faecalis than PS (p = 0.038, p = 0.009) Antifungal activity of AV against C. albicans was higher than saline (p 0.05). CL, HA, and AV presented statistically similar results to NaOCl + EDTA in smear layer removal efficacy in the middle region (p > 0.05). Conclusions: CL and AV have antimicrobial efficacy against E. faecalis and C. albicans respectively and smear layer removal activity

    Panax ginseng extract ameliorates methotrexate-induced multi-organ damage via the regulation of oxidative stress

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    Oxidative damage plays an important role in organ toxicities caused by methotrexate (MTX). This study aimed to determine the antioxidant effects of Panax ginseng (PxG) extract against MTX-induced liver, lung, ileum and kidney damage. Twenty-four Sprague Dawley male rats (weight 250-300 g) were used in the study. The animals were randomly separated into three groups: a) Control, b) MTX-treated (MTX) and c) MTX+PxG-treated (MTX+PxG) groups. MTX was administered intraperitoneally at 20 mg/kg, as a single dose to MTX and MTX+PxG groups. PxG was administered orally at 100 mg/kg to the MTX+PxG group for five days. Saline was given to the control and MTX groups for 5 days. At the end of the experiment, liver, lung, ileum, and kidney samples were obtained. Malondialdehyde (MDA) and glutathione (GSH) levels, superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and tissue factor (TF) activities were determined in all tissues. In addition, histological examinations were done through light microscopy. GraphPad Prism 5v. was used for statistics, and p[removed]