1,151 research outputs found

    The relationship between the structure and socio-culturel crime case: The case of Malatya

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    Teknolojik gelişmeler her alanda olduğu gibi dil çalışmalarındaki araştırma yöntemlerinde de bir takım değişiklikler meydana getirmektedir. Bu değişiklikler doğrultusunda, Bilgisayarlı Dilbilim gibi disiplinlerarası çalışma alanları oluşmakta ve araştırmacılara büyük kolaylıklar sunan sonuçlar elde edilmektedir. Söz gelimi, bu olanaklardan birisi olduğunu düşündüğümüz çevirimiçi derlemler, bir araştırmacının herhangi bir biçimbirimin işlevlerini tespit edebilmek için aylarca süren el ile fişleme yöntemine nazaran daha önce elektronik ortama aktarılmış ve işlenilmiş olan veri tabanı sayesinde birkaç saniye içinde aynı neticeyi verebilmektedir. Biz de bu bağlamda, dünya ve Türkiye’deki çevirimiçi derlem çalışmalarından kısaca bahsederek Türkçe çevirimiçi derlemler hakkında bilgi vereceğiz.Tecnologichal developments occur several kinds of changes in research methods of linguistic area as in all areas. Through the changes, some interdisciplinary fields like computational linguistics are emerging and some results those provides great conveniences to researchers are obtained. For instance, on the contrary of preparing an index card by hand to identify the functions of any gramatical morpheme during months, Turkish online corpus which is considered to be one of these conveniences gives the same result in a few seconds thanks to its processed database in the electronic environment. In this context, we will give an information on the world and Turkish online corpuses by shortly mentioning on the approaches in Turkey about online corpuses

    Connection with nature and landscape

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    A study on Marangoni convection by the variational iteration method

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    In this letter, we will consider the use of the variational iteration method and Pad\'e approximant for finding approximate solutions for a Marangoni convection induced flow over a free surface due to an imposed temperature gradient. The solutions are compared with the numerical (fourth-order Runge Kutta) solutions.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure


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    The aim of this research is to determine the relationship between mental endurance and leadership levels of the candidates who are studying in Erciyes University School of Physical Education and Sports Inspection. The student's universe consists of 436 students of Physical Education and Sports. As means of data collection in the survey were used Mental (psychological) endurance scale, Leadership orientation scale and Personal information form. Statistical analyzes were performed with the SPSS 20.0 package of data obtained from Personal Information Form, Mental (Psychological) endurance and Leadership orientation scale. The personal information and inventory total scores and factor scores for the candidates were determined by determining frequency (f) and percent (%) values. Multiple regression analysis was applied to determine whether Pearson Moments Multiplication Correlation analysis (r) and their scores were predictive in order to reveal the relationship between scores obtained from the scales. (Β). While there is a low level of positive relationship between self-confidence and human resources framework and negative environmental and structural environmental scores, there was no significant relationship between attention control, visualization, level of motivation, positive energy and attitude control scores, structural environment, human resources framework, political environment and symbolic environmental scores. The model presents a meaningful relationship between negative energy and leadership orientations. When the t-test results on the significance of the regression coefficient are examined, structural environment leadership orientation, mental stability and 13% of the total variance. There was no significant relationship between self-confidence, attention control, visualization, motivation level, positive energy and attitude control, and leadership orientation, and mental stability was not predictive of leadership orientations. As a result; It is thought that the individuals with high mental stability show effective leadership behaviors and the positive attitudes and behavioral behaviors demonstrated by the leadership strengthen the mental endurance of the individuals

    Designing a crossover multisensory picturebook with older adults at a care home

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    Picturebooks have often been studied in the children’s literature field with a focus on child readers, but recent studies have begun to discuss the cross-age aspect that embraces wider audiences. This study explores the design space for a crossover multisensory picturebook that would also engage older adults via positive design approach. In this multidisciplinary study, we aimed to nurture the positive sides of aging by transforming life-long experiences into narratives in the form of a picturebook that embodies memories and transfers heritage in an engaging way during shared reading. Within this scope, we conducted interviews and design evaluations with older adults in a care home, to iterate the design of the picturebook in a collaborative way. In this paper, we share reflections on the book-making process and discuss how picturebooks can support well-being. Additionally, we speculate on positive interactions that may arise from intergenerational shared reading experiences while adapting a media mainly geared towards children for older adults

    Analysis of the Trait Sportive Self-Confidence in Team Sports According to Demographic Variances

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    This research was conducted to determine the level of athletes' trait sportive confidence and to compare them in terms of demographic variances. In the research which is in the model descriptive survey, Trait Sportive Self Confidence Scale developed by Vealey (1986) was used as data collection tool. Based on typical sampling method of purposive sampling methods, this research sample is consisted of 279 athletes playing in Ptofessional Football League and female-male Volleyball League in Turkey in 2017-2018 season. In the evaluation of the research data, the assumptions of the tests were examined primarily; for unrelated measurements, t-test, one-way analysis of variance (One Way ANOVA) and Kruskal Wallis test. As a result of the research it was determinated that the trait sportive self-confidences of the athlethes were at a high level. When the findings of the study were evaluated in terms of demographic variables, it was determined that there was a significant difference according to the age or the status of the league played

    Anoxybacillus flavithermus DSM 2641T bakterisinin termofilik GCH-I enziminin klonlanması ve kinetik aktivitesinin belirlenmesi

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    Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a disease caused by phenylalanine hydroxylase enzyme deficiency in newborn infants and is the most important cause of treatable mental retardation. One of the causes of the disease comes from the defects of the PTPS in the metabolic pathway of phenylalanine metabolisms. Treatment of the disease is not feasible, and life-time tetrahydrobiopterin loading is performed in chronic patients. Today, tetrahydrobiopterin is chemically synthesized. Biological production is a different point of view due to the long duration of chemical synthesis, costs, and exposure to chemical pollutants. NH2TP is a difficult substance to obtain in studies that are difficult to synthesize and need to be used as a substrate. In this study, it was aimed to clone the gch-I gene from the thermophilic A. flavithermus bacterium and to investigate the activity of the enzyme for the enzymatic conversion of NH2TP, which is the substrate of many enzymes and is difficult to synthesize chemically. Fort his purpose, it was aimed to clone the gch-I gene from a thermophilic bacteria, Anoxybacillus flavithermus, and investigate the kinetic activity for enzymatic conversion from GTP as an alternative to the production of NH2TP. For this reason, the gch-I gene from the thermophilic A. flavithermus DSM 2641T was identified by PCR method. We cloned the gchI gene that was 603 bp and its open reading frame has 200 amino acids. The gene was cloned into pET28a(+) expression vector with 6xHis tags and transform in E. coli BL21(DE3)pLys host cells to express with 1 mM IPTG induction. After purification with Ni-NTA resin, we determined that GCH-I is 24 kDa, its optimum pH is 8.0 and temperature is 65C. Under optimal conditions, GCH-I exhibited enzymatic activity with Kmand Vmax- values of 243 ± 23.25 μM and 100.93 ± 3.5 nM/min/mg protein, respectively.: Fenilketonüri (FKU) yenidoğan bebeklerde fenilalanin hidroksilaz enzim eksikliğinin neden olduğu bir hastalıktır ve tedavi edilebilir zihinsel geriliğin en önemli nedenidir. Hastalığın nedenlerinden biri, fenilalanin metabolizmasının metabolik yolundaki PTPS'nin kusurlarından kaynaklanmaktadır. Hastalığın tedavisi mümkün değildir ve kronik hastalarda yaşam boyu tetrahidrobiyopterin yüklemesi yapılır. Bugün, tetrahidrobiyopterin kimyasal olarak sentezlenir. Biyolojik üretim, kimyasal sentezin zaman alıcı olması, maliyetler ve kimyasal kirleticilere maruz kalma nedeniyle farklı bir bakış açısıdır. NH2TP, kimyasal sentezi güç olan ve substrat olarak kullanılması gereken çalışmalarda temini zor bir maddedir. Bu çalışmada, bir çok enzimin substratı olan ve kimyasal yolla sentezlenmesi güç olan NH2TP’nin eldesinde alternatif olarak GTP’den enzimatik dönüşümü için termofilik A. flavithermus bakterisinden gch-I geninin klonlanması ve enzimin aktivitesinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, termofilik A. flavithermus DSM 2641T 'den gchI geni PCR yöntemi ile tanımlandı. 603 bp olan gchl genini klonlandı ve açık okuma çerçevesi 200 amino aside sahip olduğu tespit edildi. AfgchI geni, 6xHis etiketleri ile pET28a(+) ekspresyon vektörüne klonlandı ve 1 mM IPTG indüksiyonu ile eksprese etmek için E. coli BL21(DE3)pLys konakçı hücrelerine transforme edildi. Ni-NTA afinite kromatografisi ile saflaştırıldıktan sonra GCH-I’in 24 kDa, optimum pH’sının 8,0 ve optimum sıcaklık isteminin 65C olduğu belirlendi. Optimal koşullar altında GCH-I, Km- ve Vmax- değerleri sırasıyla 243 ± 23,25 μM ve 100,93 ± 3,5 nM/dak/mg protein olarak tespit edildi

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 79-Aydoğdu'la