34 research outputs found

    Müşteri Değeri Müşteri Sermayesi Ve Otel Performansı İlişkisi Üzerine Kavramsal Bir Değerlendirme

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    Bu &ccedil;alışmada m&uuml;şteri değeri, m&uuml;şteri sermayesi ve otel performansı ilişkisi ilgili literat&uuml;re dayalı olarak kavramsal &ccedil;er&ccedil;evede değerlendirilmektedir. &Ouml;ncelikle her bir kavram farklı bakış a&ccedil;ılarıyla irdelenmekte, daha sonra bu kavramlar arası ilişkiler değerlendirilmektedir. &Ccedil;alışma sonucunda; t&uuml;ketici bakış a&ccedil;ısıyla m&uuml;şteri değeri ile m&uuml;şteri sermayesi kavramları arasında d&uuml;ş&uuml;k bir ilişki olduğu, ancak işletme bakış a&ccedil;ısı ile bu iki kavram arasında g&uuml;&ccedil;l&uuml; bir ilişki olduğu tespit edilmektedir. Benzer şekilde m&uuml;şteri yaşam boyu değeri, m&uuml;şteri sermayesi ve otel performansı kavramları arasında da işletme bakış a&ccedil;ısı ile g&uuml;&ccedil;l&uuml; bir ilişki kurulabileceği kanaatine varılmaktadır. Mevcut literat&uuml;re dayalı olarak yapılan bu değerlendirmelerin birincil verilere dayalı &ccedil;alışmalar ile desteklenmesi gerekliliği de vurgulanmaktadır. In this study, customer value, customer equity and hotel performance relationship is evaluated based on the current literature. Firstly, each concept is explained by focusing on their different aspects, and then interrelations among them are compared. As the results indicate, while in terms of customers the relationship between customer value and customer equity tend to be very weak, that tends to be very strong from the business point of view. Similarly, it is convinced that the interrelations among customer lifelong value, customer equity and hotel performance tend to be a strong. However, it should be taken into account that these evaluations are made based on the current literature; therefore in order to doublecheck these findings there is a need for future studies which based on primary data.</p

    Crystal and molecular structures of 1-[3-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-2-propenoyl]pyrrolidine

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    kabak, mehmet/0000-0001-6097-9394WOS: 000185433000025PubMed: 14516096The crystal structure of 1-[3-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-2-propenoyl]pyrrolidine (C15H19NO3) (I) has been determined by X-ray analysis. It crystallizes orthorhombic space group Pbca with a = 24.295(3), b = 15.086(3), c = 7.552(3)A, V = 2768(1)Angstrom(3), Z = 8, D-calc = 1.254 g/cm(3), mu = (Mo K-alpha) = 0.87 cm(-1). The title compound has analgesic activity of cycloaliphatic amine part. The molecule is deviated from planar configuration

    Liability of Emergingness of Emerging Market Banks Internationalizing to Advanced Economies

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    International management scholars are paying increasing attention to the internationalization of service firms from emerging markets, but empirical research on the challenges facing such firms remains scarce. This study examines how emerging market banks (EMBs) cope with the liability of emergingness. To this end, we conducted exploratory, qualitative interviews with Brazilian and Chinese bankers. We found that the liability may hamper the ability of EMBs to engage in institutional isomorphism in order to effectively embed themselves into host locations. The results reveal that liability of emergingness is a problem, particularly for Chinese banks whose internationalization links with the Belt Road Initiative—national strategy to support the Chinese firms go global. The findings indicate that a major problem is that senior managers in the home countries fail to understand the importance of differences between home and host country institutional systems. The low level of autonomy granted to subsidiary managers, which arises from this lack of understanding on the part of their headquarters, hinders the ability of subsidiaries to effectively engage in normative and mimetic isomorphism to embed into host location institutional systems. The study also highlights differences in how Brazilian and Chinese banks might address this challenge

    Humanity as the ground for universal human rights in Islamic law

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    A legal maxim in Islamic law states that “The right to inviolability (‘isma) is due for humanity (adamiyya)”. The right to inviolability includes inviolability ofthe right to (1) life, (2) property, (3) religion, (4) mind (expression), (5) family andprogeny, as well as (6) honor and dignity. Universalist Muslim jurists share thisview from different schools of Islamic law. In particular, all jurists from the H.anaf¯ischool subscribe to this view. From this perspective being human is sufficient tohave human rights regardless of innate, inherited and gained attributes such as sex,religion, race and nationality. This article explores the thought of Muslim juristswho took humanity as the sufficient ground for human rights and the arguments theyused to justify it by deriving from classical Islamic law books. It will also provide ahistorical survey about how this view was implemented in Islamic history from Indiato the Balkans under Islamic law. Following it will discuss the reforms in Islamic lawduring the late Ottoman period (1839–1918). It will conclude by proposing how thepresent Muslim legal and political discourse can be re-connected to this universalisthuman rights tradition to overcome the challenges for human rights in the Muslimworld today