81 research outputs found

    Influencia del procedimiento de extracción en la actividad antioxidante de extractos de semilla de lenteja en un sistema modelo β-caroteno linoleato

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    Phenolic compounds were extracted from lentil seeds using three solvent systems: 80% (v/v) acetone, 80% (v/v) methanol, and 80% (v/v) ethanol. Each extract was subsequently separated into two fractions by chromatoghraphy on a column with Toyo Pearl HW-40 using water (fraction I) and methanol (fraction II) for elution. Antioxidative activity of extracts and their respective fractions were examined in a β-carotene-linoleate model system. All three extracts exhibited similar antioxidant activity. Considering the level of phenolic compounds in extracts it seems that phenolic compounds from the acetone extract were less active than those from either the methanolic and ethanolic ones. Because the content of phenolics was about 16-fold lower in fraction I of the methanolic and ethanolic extracts compared to fraction II, the phenolics in fraction I of the methanol and ethanol extracts from lentil seeds are much more active than these in fraction II. A stronger antioxidant activity of fraction I from the acetone extract compared to the crude acetone extract was observed during the latter incubation stage. The reason was a relatively high level of phenolic compounds in this fraction. UV spectra confirmed that the phenolic compounds from the acetone extract were different compared to methanolic and ethanolic extracts.Los compuestos fenólicos fueron extraídos de semillas de lenteja usando tres sistemas de disolventes: acetona del 80% (v/v), metanol del 80% (v/v), y etanol del 80% (v/v). Cada extracto fue separado posteriormente en dos fracciones por cromatografía en columna con Toyo Pearl HW-40 usando agua (fracción I) y metanol (fracción II) para la elución. La actividad antioxidante de los extractos y de sus fracciones respectivas fueron examinadas en un sistema modelo β-caroteno-linoleato. Los tres extractos exhibieron actividad antioxidante similar. Atendiendo al nivel de compuestos fenólicos en los extractos parece que los compuestos del extracto acetónico eran menos activos que los metanólicos y etanólicos. Debido a que el contenido de fenoles era aproximadamente 16 veces más bajo en la fracción I de los extractos metanólico y etanólico comparado con la fracción II, los fenoles en la fracción I de los extractos del metanol y del etanol de las semillas de lenteja son mucho más activos que éstos en la fracción II. Una actividad antioxidante más fuerte de la fracción I del extracto acetónico comparado con el extracto acetónico crudo fue observada durante el posterior periodo de incubación. La razón fué el relativamente alto nivel de compuestos fenólicos en esta fracción. El espectro UV confirmó que los compuestos fenólicos del extracto de acetona fueron diferentes comparados con los extractos metanólicos y etanólicos

    Antioxidant Potential and Phenolic Compounds of Some Widely Consumed Turkish White Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Varieties

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    The antioxidant potential and phenolic compounds content were investigated in ten white bean varieties widely consumed in Turkey. Total phenolic contents of seeds varied between 0.33 and 0.63 mg GAE/g. The Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity (TEAC) determined by the ABTS assay and the Ferric-Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP) of bean varieties ranged from 3.50 to 5.17 mu mol Trolox/g seed and from 7.99 to 11.20 mu mol Fe2+-/g seed, respectively. Strong correlations were found between total phenolic content and FRAP (r=0.850) and between TEAC and FRAP (r=0.734). The antioxidant activity was investigated in a beta-carotene-linoleic acid model system, as well. Differences in the inhibition of emulsion oxidation by extracts of white bean varieties were slight. The RP-HPLC fingerprint analysis of extracts showed the presence of five dominant phenolic compounds which were described as ferulic or caffeic acids derivatives. Four of them significantly contributed to reducing power and antiradical activity against ABTS(center dot+) of extracts

    Maş Fasulyesinin (Vigna radiata L.) Fenolik Bileşikleri ve Antioksidan Kapasitesi

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    Mung bean (Vigna radiata) is a summer growing legume and widely consumed in the Asian cuisine.In recent years, the functional properties of mung bean have received attention, particularly with respect toantioxidant, antitumor, anti-diabetic effects. In this research investigated the antioxidant capacity and phenoliccompound profiles of dried mung bean seeds. The total phenolic content, DPPH• scavenging activity, ferricreducingantioxidant power (FRAP), ABTS•+ scavenging activity were determined after methanol and acetoneextractions. HPLC analyse was used to identification mung bean phenolic compounds. The total phenoliccontent of mung bean seed was determined as 47.16 mg GA eq / g extract (504.65 mg / 100 g seed) and 66.05mg GA eq / g extract (526.41 mg / 100 g seed) after methanol and acetoneuse as extractans, respectively. Thedominant phenolic compounds of seeds were hydroxybenzoic acid derivatives. The radical scavenging activityof mung bean extracts against ABTS•+ was 1.093 mmol Trolox / g acetone extract. This study compared theantioxidant capacity of mung bean with literature data of antioxidant properties widely consumed different beanvarieties such as red and white beans. Obtained results suggest that mung bean can be evaluated as functionalingredient with high antioxidant activity in several foods therefore larger field productions can be achieved forthis legume.Maş fasulyesi (Vigna radiata) Asya mutfağında yaygın tüketilen yazlık bir baklagil çeşididir. Son yıllarda maş fasulyesi özellikle antioksidan, antitumor, antidiyabetik gibi fonksiyonel özellikleri açısından dikkat çekmektedir. Bu araştırmanın amacı kurutulmuş maş fasulyesi tohumlarının antioksidan kapasitesini ve fenolik bileşik profilini araştırmaktır. Bu amaçla metanol ve aseton extratlarında toplam fenolik madde, DPPH• radikal giderim aktivitesi, ferrik iyon indirgeme kapasiteleri, ABTS•+ katyon radikali giderim aktivitesi belirlenmiştir. Maş fasulyesinin fenolik bileşiklerini belirlemek amacıyla HPLC analiz yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Maş fasulyesinin toplam fenolik madde miktarı metanol ve aseton ektratlarında sırasıyla 47.16 mg GA eq / g ekstrat (504.65 mg / 100 g tane) and 66.05 mg GA eq / g ekstrat (526.41 mg / 100 g tane) olarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada, dominat fenolik bileşiklerin hidroksibenzoik asit ve türevleri olduğu bulunmuştur. Maş fasulyesinin aseton ekstresinde ABTS•+ katyon radikali giderim aktivitesi 1.093 mmol Trolox / g extract olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışmada ayrıca maş fasulyesinin antioksidan kapasitesi, literetürde kırmızı ve beyaz fasulye gibi yaygın tüketilen fasulye çeşitlerinin antioksidan kapasiteleri ile karşılaştırılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular sonucunda maş fasulyesinin yüksek antioksidan kapasitesi gibi çeşitli gıdalarda fonksiyonel ingredient olarak değerlendirilebileceği ve bu nedenle bu baklagilin daha geniş alanlarda üretilebileceği düşünülmektedir

    Variations of genotypes of Vicia species as influenced by seed phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity

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    The phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of different Vicia species, which are cultivated in different areas of Turkey, and the diversity between analysed characters were investigated. For this purpose, 9 genotypes from three Vicia species: common vetch (Vicia sativa L.), Hungarian vetch (Vicia pannonica Crantz.) and Narbon vetch (Vicia narbonensis L.), were used. The experiment was carried out to determine total phenolic content (TPC), content of individual phenolic compounds, to determine ABTS(center dot+) and DPPH center dot scavenging activity and ferric-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) in methanol and acetone extracts of seeds. The TPC of vetch extracts was in range 11.18-30.42 mg GAE g(-1) (in methanol extract) and 17.05-59.88 mg GAE g(-1) (in acetone extract). Two V. sativa genotypes Cvoe and Cvke stood out among the others with regard to high TPC and antioxidant activity. They also had the highest content of individual hydroxybenzoic acids and flavones. All extracts of V. narbonensis genotypes were characterised by absence of flavones and low TPC and antioxidant activity. GGE biplot analysis revealed the differences of Vicia genotypes based on phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity. The significant correlations among TEAC, FRAP and DPPH center dot scavenging activity and the content of hydroxybenzoic acids were found in both methanol and acetone extracts (P < 0.01). The genotypes were divided into three clusters in acetone extract and two clusters in methanol extract with similarity above 60% in each group by a hierarchical cluster analysis. These results demonstrated that the genotypic differences of Vicia species in terms of TPC and antioxidant activity can be a tool for feed technology studies for animal nutrition, animal welfare and meat quality.Council of Higher Education (YOK) in TurkeyH. Hulya Orak thanks Council of Higher Education (YOK) in Turkey for financial support for her stay in Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn

    Green Production of Anionic Surfactant Obtained from Pea Protein

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    A pea protein isolate was hydrolyzed by a double enzyme treatment method in order to obtain short peptide sequences used as raw materials to produce lipopeptides-based surfactants. Pea protein hydrolysates were prepared using the combination of Alcalase and Flavourzyme. The influence of the process variables was studied to optimize the proteolytic degradation to high degrees of hydrolysis. The average peptide chain lengths were obtained at 3–5 amino acid units after a hydrolysis of 30 min with the mixture of enzymes. Then, N-acylation in water, in presence of acid chloride (C12 and C16), carried out with a conversion rate of amine functions of 90%, allowed to obtain anionic surfactant mixtures (lipopeptides and sodium fatty acids). These two steps were performed in water, in continuous and did not generate any waste. This process was therefore in line with green chemistry principles. The surface activities (CMC, foaming and emulsifying properties) of these mixtures were also studied. These formulations obtained from natural renewable resources and the reactions done under environmental respect, could replace petrochemical based surfactants for some applications

    Functional Properties of Pea (Pisum sativum, L.) Protein Isolates Modified with Chymosin

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    In this paper, the effects of limited hydrolysis on functional properties, as well as on protein composition of laboratory-prepared pea protein isolates, were investigated. Pea protein isolates were hydrolyzed for either 15, 30 and 60 min with recombined chymosin (Maxiren). The effect of enzymatic action on solubility, emulsifying and foaming properties at different pH values (3.0; 5.0; 7.0 and 8.0) was monitored. Chymosin can be a very useful agent for improvement of functional properties of isolates. Action of this enzyme caused a low degree of hydrolysis (3.9–4.7%), but improved significantly functional properties of pea protein isolates (PPI), especially at lower pH values (3.0–5.0). At these pH values all hydrolysates had better solubility, emulsifying activity and foaming stability, while longer-treated samples (60 min) formed more stable emulsions at higher pH values (7.0, 8.0) than initial isolates. Also, regardless of pH value, all hydrolysates showed improved foaming ability. A moderate positive correlation between solubility and emulsifying activity index (EAI) (0.74) and negative correlation between solubility and foam stability (−0.60) as well as between foam stability (FS) and EAI (−0.77) were observed. Detected enhancement in functional properties was a result of partial hydrolysis of insoluble protein complexes