402 research outputs found

    Selecting a Deployment Automation Tool for CRM Software in Elisa Oy

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    Software passes through several phases during its production process which are typically designing, developing, testing and delivering. In the software development life cycle (SDLC), the ultimate aim is to deliver the software product to its intended users with the expected functionality. Deployment is a critical step which harnesses all the work done in the previous stages in the SDLC and makes the software available to the end user. Thus, failure in the final deployment stage will waste the effort expended in earlier phases. The responsibility for deployment usually belongs to operations teams and it is done manually or then partially automated, often using inefficient scripts. Manual deployment can be extremely difficult task, and it is easy to blunder with repetitive routines consisting of many steps such as setting up similar environments and installing software components in those environments. Some operations teams attempt to ease the manual work by writing scripts to automate the process, but ultimately this method can become complicated and burdensome. The deployment process delays can be avoided and redundant costs eliminated in the error prone manual deployment process by changing the work culture and automating said processes. There are several products on the market to help automate this process. Achieving fully automated provisioning is the ultimate goal to produce and update services rapidly within enterprise applications in large corporations. Full automation is accomplished when the environments are set up automatically, and software installation is automatic in those environments. The objective of this research is to introduce these automation tools to the Customer Relation Management (CRM) system at Elisa Oy and to develop a proposal for automating the deployment process as an alternative to its current manual process. CRM as a large system consists of numerous sub systems and software components. A deployment case with a selected tool will be demonstrated to show how the automation can be accomplished

    A Research on Class Teachers Related to Determining the Effects of Consumers’ Personal Values on Sustainable Consumption Behavior

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    The world’s sources about to running out have been realised as a result of that population increase and economic development to be lived in the twentieth century have caused the transformation from the notion of unlimited economic development to sustainable development notion. Sustainable development is a model that predicts existing generation satisfies their needs without that next generation’s satisfy their need. Projection of sustainable development on marketing area have been actualized by means of coming up with sustainable marketing approach. Sustainable marketing approach predict to create sustainable solutions by adding conformity with eco-system in addition to achieving organizational goals and satisfy consumers’ needs which traditional marketing’s goals. The target of sustainable development notion in regard of consumption is to be accepted sustainable consumption behavior. It requires inquiring factors affecting behavior in question because sustainable consumption pattern to be accepted and spread to the world. In the study examined that individual values affecting sustainable consumption behavior of class teacher who work at elementary schools in Kutahya, Merkez. The findings indicate the significant effect of universalism and security values type in sustainable consumption behavior. Also, it is found that frequency of sustainable consumption behavior is mid-level. The results of this research have significant implications for stakeholders of sustainable consumption and future research

    Structural Investigation of a Historical Masonry Arch Bridge under Far-Fault Earthquakes

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    In this research, it is aimed to observe a feature study around the assessment of static and dynamic productivity of a historical arch bridge (HAB) (Konjic Bridge (KB)) in view of dissimilar far fault earthquakes (FFEs). To explore the conduct of FFEs on KB, finite element model (F-E-M) of the KB is assembled and evaluated under various FFEs using ANSYS. Then, FFEs are considered as a result of their distinct, destructive velocity pulse characteristics. The maximum displacement values were found and correlated with the principal stresses and strains. At the conclusion of this investigation, it is observed that the arch of HAB has not more impact on the structural reaction of HAB. Furthermore, it is obviously detected that tensile stresses have not got the critic tensile strength (TS). Additionally, life cycle assessment (LCA) for HAB is also explored and observed that improving the longtime stress/strain values for HAB reduces the HAB life-expectancy dramatically


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    Brand equity is affected by many factors such as brand commitment, brand awareness, perceived quality and brand association. One of them brand royalty is important component of brand equity. In this research, it was investigated consumers’ brand preferences, brand royalty level and brand commitment factors on brands on coke product placed beverage sector. Asurvey carried out on 500 students at Dumlupinar University Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty. The participants of this study were selected by stratified sampling from 4725 students. In this study, descriptive and correlational methods was used. Data were collected by a questionnaire including 31 items were analyzed at the SPSS 10.0 and the findings illustrated in frequency and cross tables. It is appeared that anational brand (Cola Turka) which introduced to the market recently shows important performance against the global coke brands (Coca Cola and Pepsi Coke). According to the findings, Cola Turka’s brand royalty level higher than the others. The results show that Cola Turka consumers’ main preference to choose brand is different from the others. However, it is required to be measured brand royalty level by observing development of this brand’s which introduced to the market recenlty.Brand equity, brand royalty, consumer behaviour, coke.

    Köprü Zemin Etkileşiminin Deprem Etkisinden Dolayı Köprü Elemanlarında Oluşan Kuvvetlere Etkisi

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    Konferans Bildirisi-- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Teorik ve Uygulamalı Mekanik Türk Milli Komitesi, 2017Conference Paper -- İstanbul Technical University, Theoretical and Applied Mechanical Turkish National Committee, 2017Bu çalışmada, yakın mesafeli deprem haraketlerinin köprü ayaklarında bulunan kazıklardaki yorulma davranışı üzerindeki etkisi incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla, Amerika Birleşik Devletlerindeki Guthrie Country Köprüsü üç boyutlu olarak modelenmiş ve sonlu elemanlar yöntemi uygulanarak ANSYS programında analizleri yapılmıştır. Üç boyutlu analiz sonuçlarından, yakın mesafeli deprem haraketlerinin, zemin boyunca kazık davranışı göz önüne alınarak, kazıkta meydana gelen yerdeğiştirmeler araştırılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda, köprü-zemin etkileşiminin, integral köprü elemanlarında yakın mesafeli deprem haraketlerinden büyük oranda etkilediği saptanmıştır.In this study, the effect of soil bridge interaction on the magnitude of the internal forces in the integral bridge components due to near fault effects is studied. For this reason, 3-D Finite Element Model (FEM) of The Guthrie Country Bridge in USA is developed using the program ANSYS to numerically predict their fatigue performance in near fault regions. Using the results of the 3-D FEM, performance and displacement of steel piles in near fault regions are investigated. At the end of this study, the analyses results revealed that soil bridge interaction has significant effect on the magnitude of internal forces due to near fault regions in the components of integral bridges

    Organizasyon kültürünün incelemesi

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    Ankara : The Graduate School of Business Administration of Bilkent Univ., 1997.Thesis (Master's) -- İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University, 1997.Includes bibliographical references.In today’s dynamic business environment concepts like organizational development, restructuring, and change management has become the most popular subjects. Although it has begun to loose some of its popularity, organizational culture is the basis for all these concepts. Since organizational culture is a concept that can hardly be defined and agreed upon, this study examines the different approaches to the definition and the different approaches on how to diagnose organizational culture. The four dimensional culture model; questionnaire developed by Harrison and Strokes is explained and applied to three companies operating in different sectors in order to obtain a general understanding of their existing and preferred culture orientations. The results indicate that the questionnaire is a valid tool to begin discussions on organizational culture. This study can be taken as the first step of a larger culture change project since it analyzes the differences between the existing and preferred culture orientations.Karalar, CananM.S

    Examination of masonry arch bridge’s life-cycle assessment under far-fault earthquakes

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    U radu je prikazano statičko i dinamičko ispitivanje ponašanja povijesnog zidanog lučnog mosta izloženog djelovanju potresa dalekog rasjeda. U prvom koraku izrađen je model konstrukcije primjenom metode konačnih elemenata uz pomoć programa ANSYS i SAP2000. Navedeno je napravljeno kako bi se ustanovilo mogu li se usporediti najveći mogući pomaci, primarna naprezanja i elastične deformacije. Iz svega navedenoga, ključni je element oštećenja gornja strana plohe. Nadalje, ocjenjivanjem životnog ciklusa zidanog lučnog mosta, uočene su povećane vrijednosti naprezanja i deformacija mosta čime se njegovo očekivano trajanje drastično smanjilo.The goal of this study is to examine the historical masonry arch bridge’s static and dynamic behavior using far-field fault earthquakes. The first step is to build a finite element model with ANSYS and SAP2000. This is done to see if the greatest possible displacements, primary stresses, and elastic strains compare. From above, the belt’s upper side appears to be vital for damage. Furthermore, a historical masonry arch bridge’s life cycle assessment is also researched and observed, which results in increased stress and strain values for the bridge, causing its expected life span to be drastically reduced

    Öğrencilerin Anlamsal Web Temelli Öğrenmeye İlişkin Görüşleri Önce Öğretmen Anlatsın Sonra Web’den Öğrenelim

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    DergiPark: 335653trakyasobedÖğretim tasarımcıları, etkili öğrenmeortamları tasarlayabilmek için öğrencilerin beklentilerini ve ihtiyaçlarınıdikkate almalıdır. Yapılan öğretim tasarımı ne kadar mükemmel olursa olsungeliştirilen ortamın etkililiği, öğrencilerin beklentilerini ve ihtiyaçlarınıkarşılamadığı sürece düşük olacaktır. Anlamsal Web teknolojileri ve ontolojilerkullanılarak geliştirilen öğrenme ortamları, öğretimin bireyselleştirilmesinde,Web üzerinde bulunan doğru ve güvenilir öğretimsel içeriklere hızlı erişimyapılabilmesinde akıllı çözümler sunabilmektedir. Ancak bu tür öğrenmeortamlarına ilişkin öğrencilerin beklentileri ve ihtiyaçları yeterli düzeydebilinmemektedir. Betimsel nitelikteki bu çalışmanın amacı, Anlamsal Web TemelliÖğrenme ortamına ilişkin öğrencilerin görüşlerini ortaya çıkarmaktır. Çalışma2012-2013 eğitim-öğretim yılı güz döneminde, Muğla il merkezinde bulunan Türdü100. Yıl Ortaokulunda öğrenimine devam eden 34 sekizinci sınıf öğrencisininkatılımıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Veri toplama aracı olarak açık uçlusorulardan oluşan bir anket formu kullanılmış ve veriler içerik analizi ileanaliz edilmiştir. Öğrencilerin öğrenme ortamına ilişkin görüşlerine yönelikolarak, ortamda beğenilen özellikler, beğenilmeyen özellikler, öğrenmeortamında hissettikleri ve öğrenme ortamında değiştirmeyi istedikleri ileilgili tema ve alt temalar belirlenmiştir. Bulgular, genel olarak öğrencilerin öğrenmeortamında animasyon ve sunuları beğendiklerini, metin ve ses türündekiiçerikleri beğenmediklerini, öğrenme sürecinde kendilerini meraklı ve gerginhissettiklerini, öğrenme ortamında yapmak istedikleri değişikliklerin iseöğretmensiz olmaz şeklinde olduğunu göstermektedir. Araştırmada merkezi sınavsisteminin, öğrencilerin geliştirilen öğrenme ortamının kullanımını olumsuzetkilediği, öğrencilerin öz düzenleme becerilerine sahip olmadıkları veöğretmen merkezli yaklaşımı benimsedikleri sonucuna ulaşılmıştır

    Prevalence and clinical aspects of human bocavirus infection in children

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    AbstractHuman bocavirus (HBoV) was recently described as a new member of the Parvoviridae. In order to investigate the suggested association of HBoV with respiratory and gastric disease in infants and young children, sera of 357 paediatric patients hospitalized with infectious and non-infectious diseases were retrospectively analyzed for the presence of HBoV DNA and virus-specific antibodies using quantitative PCR and ELISA, respectively. HBoV seroprevalence was determined to range from 25% in infants younger than 1 year of age to 93% in children aged more than 3 years. Viral loads between 1 × 102 1.2 × 106 geq/mL were observed in 6.7% (20/297) of sera obtained preferentially from young children suffering from infectious diseases. HBoV genomes were furthermore detected in 5% (3/60) of sera collected from individuals with non-infectious illnesses. HBoV DNA was present most frequently in patients with respiratory disease (9.6%). Whereas only 5.2% of patients with upper respiratory tract disease were viraemic, HBoV DNA was found in 14.6% and 10.0% of patients with lower respiratory tract illness and pneumonia, respectively. Acute HBoV infections were also observed in 7.5% of patients with gastroenteritis and in one child with inflammatory bowel disease. None of 77 patients hospitalized for various other infectious diseases (e.g. rash, urinary tract infection, meningitis) displayed viraemia. In 60.9% and 47.8% of DNA–positive children, HBoV-specific IgM and IgG was observed, respectively. The present prospective study provides comprehensive data on the clinical association of acute HBoV infection with respiratory illness and on the seroprevalence of virus-specific antibodies in children